[ Charles Sedgwick Minot, American anatomist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Alexander Ramsay (editor of the 'Scientific Roll'), giving details of plans for an 'International Congress' (regarding psychical research?).

Charles Sedgwick Minot (1852-1914), American anatomist at the Harvard Medical School and founding member of the American Society for Psychical Research [ Alexander Ramsay, editor, 'Scientific Roll' ]
Publication details: 
25 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, Massachusetts. 29 September 1884.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter would appear to relate to the formation of the American Society for Psychical Research. Six days before the writing of the present letter, on 23 September 1884, Minot had been a member of a committee of nine scientists who met at Boston to consider the advisability of the formation of a society for psychical research in America, William James being another member.

[ Thomas McKenny Hughes, Woodwardian Professor of Geology, Cambridge University. ] Six issues of a humorous juvenile manuscript periodical by a family member, titled 'The Hillclere Gazette', with several articles on the Sedgwick Museum.

Thomas McKenny Hughes (1832-1917), FRS, Woodwardian Professor of Geology, Cambridge University, 1873-1917
Publication details: 
Cambridge. 10 and 21 September and 25 December 1899. 2 and 12 and 20 January 1900.

Thomas McKenny Hughes was the son of Rev. Joshua Hughes and his wife Margaret, daughter and of Sir Thomas McKenny, Lord Mayor of Dublin. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1853 (B.A., 1857), and joined the Geological Survey in 1861. He was Woodwardian Professor of Geology, Cambridge University, 1873-1917, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1889. He was the prime mover behind the creation of the Sedgwick Museum in Cambridge. In November 1882 he married Mary Caroline Weston, daughter of Canon G. F. Weston.

ALS ('E. Meyrick Goulburn') from Rev. Edward Meyrick Goulburn, Dean of Norwich, to Rev. Dr Adam Sedgwick, FRS, Woodwardian Professor of Geology at Cambridge, regarding improvements to the canonry, and St Catharine's College, Cambridge.

Edward Meyrick Goulburn (1818-1897), Dean of Norwich from 1866 to his death, and Headmaster of Rugby, 1849-1857 [Adam Sedgwick (1785-1873); St Catharine's College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Deanery, Norwich. 9 January 1873.

4pp., 12mo. 51 lines of text. Bifolium. On aged paper. The context is explained by the fact that until 1927 one canonry in the cathedral establishment of Norwich was attached to the Mastership of St. Catharine's College. The letter begins: 'I have requested the Master of Catherine [sic] [Charles Kirkby Robinson] to read you two letters from Canon Nisbet, which will show you how very litle prospect there is of our getting permission from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to spend any part of the money gained by our sale of the Barracks in the improvement of our Canonry Houses.

Autograph Letter Signed from the legal theorists Theodore Sedgwick to 'Jno C. <Hind?>' of 67 Chatham Street [New York].

Theodore Sedgwick (1811-1859), American lawyer and legal theorist
Publication details: 
44 Wall Street, New York; 16 September [1856].

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads 'Dear Sir | I am under obligations to you for yr. polite note of the 15th. & for yr. pamphlet - The subject is one of great importance & I shall read it with interest.' Perhaps the New York surveyor John C. Hind, who was active in the 1820s.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. S.') from the legal theorist Theodore Sedgwick to the politician Charles Sumner, discussing John O'Connell's journal 'American Themis', with a reference to William Duer.

Theodore Sedgwick (1811-1859), lawyer and legal theorist [Charles Sumner (1811-1874), senator from Massachusetts, antislavery leader of the Radical Republicans; John O'Connell; William Duer (1805-79)]
Publication details: 
New York, 15 February 1844.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper with minor traces of mount on the reverse. Addressed to 'Chas. Sumner Esq. | Boston Mass.' At the time of writing Sumner, having returned from Europe the previous year, was practising law at Boston. Regarding 'American Themis, A Monthly Journal of Jurisprudence and Judicature', edited by John O'Connell, Sedgwick writes that he is sending 'two or three nos. of a new Legal Magazine wh.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Ray Lankester. | MA. FRS. Professor of Zoology in University Coll. London.') from Sir Edwin Ray Lankester, requesting a copy of Sedgwick's translation of Claus from the publishers [Swan Sonnenschein & Co, London].

E. Ray Lankester [Sir Edwin Ray Lankester] (1847-1929), Professor of Zoology in University College, London [Adam Sedgwick (1854-1913); Professor Carl Claus]
Publication details: 
11 Wellington Mansions, North Bank, N.W., on cancelled letterhead of the Savile Club, Piccadilly; 20 January [no year]

3pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with a thin strip of glue in gutter from previous mounting. Lankester complains that he has 'not received a copy of Mr. Sedgwick's translation of Claus' Handbook of Zoology'. He has 'a large number of students (annually over 60) at University College' to whom he would recommend the book if he had it. 'I should wish to be able to place it on the lecture table for them to see.' He claims that it is 'usual for publishers to enable teachers to do this kind of thing - by sending them copies of works likely to be recommended'.

Olive, Cypress and Palm. An Anthology of Love and Death. Compiled by Mina Curtiss.

Mina Curtiss, ed. [Ellery Sedgwick, editor of the Atlantic Monthly]
Publication details: 
New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1930.

8vo: xvii + 296 pp. In original black cloth, with design in silver stamped on front board. No dustwrapper. Faded spine and lightly-marked cloth. Inscribed by Curtiss on front free endpaper: 'To Ellery Sedgwick - | Most gratefully - | Mina Curtiss | Christmas, 1932.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Roundell Palmer') to Sedgwick, mainly on the subject of the Walton Convalescent Institution.

Roundell Palmer (1812-1895), 1st Earl of Selborne, Lord Chancellor [Daniel Sedgwick (1814-1879), hymnologist; Walton Convalescent Institution]
Publication details: 
4 August 1866; 6 Portland Place [London].

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Fair, on aged and lightly-creased paper. He would have answered Sedgwick's letter punctually, had he been able to help him. 'But I have not only no notes for the Walton Convalescent Institution of my own available, but I have been (before your application) desirous of obtaining one for a young man known to me personally, and have not (as yet) succeeded in the object.' He hopes to send him 'a letter about hymns in the course of this autumn'. [Palmer edited a selection.]

Printed circular (in the form of a facsimile of a handwritten letter) invitation to the 'Ceremony of laying the Foundation Stone [of the 'New Library and Museum' at the Guildhall]'.

William Sedgwick Saunders [Guildhall Library; Corporation of London; the City]
Publication details: 
17 October 1870; Guildhall.

4to: 1 p. Facsimile of a handwritten letter. With small embossed circular letterhead, in red and gilt, with crest enclosed by the words 'Bibliotheca civitatis Londoniarum'. Somewhat grubby bifolium, but with text clear and entire, reading 'The Committee appointed by the Corporation of London to carry out the works in connexion with their new Library and Museum having fixed Thursday, the 27th. Instant for the ceremony of laying the Foundation Stone of the buildings, it will afford them much pleasure to be favored with your company on the occasion, at Guildhall at 2. o'clock. p.m.

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