[Street Ballads: ‘T. BROOKS, Song Publisher’ of Bath.] Handbill with three street ballads (the first two with crude woodcut vignettes): ‘Could you lend my Mother a Saucepan. / Silver Threads among the Gold / Death of Nelson.’

Street Ballads: ‘T. BROOKS, Song Publisher’ of Bath, nineteenth-century seller of handbills [Eben Eugene Rexford and Herbert Peas Danks]
Street Ballads
Publication details: 
No date [1870s or 1880s]. ‘T. BROOKS, Song Publisher, 4, Kingsmead Square, Bath.’
Street Ballads

The second of these ballads, 'Silver Threads Among the Gold', by the American Eben Eugene Rextord (1848-1916), was immensely popular on its release in 1873 with music by Hart Peas Danks (1834-1903). The earliest reference to the first ballad, 'Could you lend my mother a saucepan?' is in an 1885 number of 'All the Year Round'. The song is an absolute hoot, but its text is not to be found anywhere on the internet.

[L'Abbé Michaud, Roman Catholic theologian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Michaud') [to Hunt?], in French, regarding the recipient's articles in the 'Day of Rest' and 'Contemporary Review', and Michaud's dealings with Alexander Strahan.

L'Abbé Michaud [Eugène Michaud] (1839-1917), Roman Catholic theologian, after the Vatican Council a member of the breakaway Old Catholic movement [Alexander Strahan, publisher, Contemporary Review]
Publication details: 
Paris-Auteuil, Villa Montmorency. 4 November 1873.

p, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The recipient is not named. Addressed to 'Révérend et cher Monsieur'. Sixteen neatly-written lines of text. He thanks him 'mille fois' for the number of the 'Day of Rest'. He has read the recipient's article, as well as that of 'Madame Hunt', but he is sorry 'de n'être pas assez versé dans la connaissance de la langue anglaise, pour pouvoir apprécier vos écrits comme ils le méritent'. He hopes to make progress, and is at present reading the recipient's piece in the Contemporary Review, 'qui m'intéresse beaucoup'.

[Herbert van Thal and J. C. Trewin discuss the possibility of a book on the murderer Eugene Aram.] Typed Letter Signed from van Thal, with copy of Typed Letter from Trewin, on theatrical matters, with two-age treatment of Trewin's proposed book.

J. C. Trewin [John Courtenay Trewin] (1908-1990), author and journalist; Herbert van Thal [Bertie Maurice van Thal] (1904-1983), author, publisher, agent and anthologist; Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London
Publication details: 
Both letters from London, March 1978. Van Thal's letter on letterhead of the publishers Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

ONE: Typed Letter Signed from 'Bertie' (i.e. Herbert van Thal) to 'John' (i.e. J. C. Trewin). 15 March 1978. On letterhead of the London publishers Weidenfeld & Nicolson. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter reads: 'My dear John, Alas, they do not think that they would be able to sell this Eugene Aram idea here, without the backing of a television programme or a film to back it up. But Orbis recently asked me if I had any ideas, and I have sent it on to them. Will let you know what they have to say.

[ Eugène Bersier, pastor and founder of the Evangelical Church of l'Etoile, Paris. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eug Bersier.'), in French [ to the wife of Robert Holland of Stanmore Hall? ], about a trip to England to raise money for his new church.

Eugène Bersier (1831-1889), Swiss-born French Protestant pastor, founder of tthe Evangelical Church of l'Etoile, Paris
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 216 Boulevard Péreire, Paris.

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. The recipient is addressed as 'Chère Madame' and is not otherwise identified, although the conclusion connects her with 'Monsieur Hollard', i.e. he maried Marie Hollard. He writes that he will be in London in six days, and that he will only have 'douze ou quinze jours à passer en Angleterre', and that he wishes to spend his time 'de la manière le plus profitable au succès de mon oeuvre. Il s'agit de collecter pour ma nouvelle église'.

[ Alfred de Vigny, French romantic poet. ] Autograph Signature, with note to fellow-author Eugène Guinot.

Alfred de Vigny [ Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny ] (1797-1863), French romantic poet [ Eugène Guinot (1812-1861), French author ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of an 8 x 13 cm piece of paper. In good condition, with light signs of age, and central horizontal fold. Firm, bold signature, 8 cm long, with underlining flourish. Beneath the signature, in a small hand, is the message: 'M Guinot | M: Vigny vous adresse son nom pour vous remercier il ne connait pas votre adresse'. Addressed on reverse, 'à M. Eug. Guinot'.

[ Delacroix ] Autograph Note Signed "Eg Delacroix" [en francais]. No specific addressee.

Eugene Delacroix, French artist
Publication details: 
[No place]1 January 1847

One page, 8vo, bifolium, three lines of text with added signature and date good condition, in a difficult hand (a scrawl). He is asking that the employees of a certain premises welcome a M. Plouet. Text as follows, as near as I can): "Je prie MM les employées de la [ biblque??] de L[?]y de laisser entrer <. Plouet et la [?]." Image available.

[ Eugène Ionesco, 'Theatre of the Absurd' playwright. ] Typescripts of two translations of his plays by Donald Watson: the 'original text' of 'The Bald Prima Donna. A Pseudo-Play in one act', and 'The Motor Show'.

Eugène Ionesco (1909-1994), Franco-Romanian 'Theatre of the Absurd' playwright; Donald Watson, translator
Publication details: 
Neither translation dated, but both 'Copyright by DONALD WATSON, | 13 Oakley St., Chelsea, London.'

Watson's translation of 'La Cantatrice Chauve' (1950) was first published in London by Calder in 1958, and his version of 'Le Salon de l'Automobile' (1951) by the same publisher in the fifth volume of Ionesco's plays in 1963. The two scripts typed in uniform style, on rectos of leaves, and stapled together. ONE: 'The Bald Prima Donna'. 19pp., 8vo. In good condition, on aged paper, with somewhat-appropriate child's markings in black ink on blank parts of first page.

[Two 'Répertoire Lecombe' French First World War lyrics, printed on one handbill.] 'Verdun on ne passe pas! Marche populaire.' and 'Ce sont les Yeux'.

[Jules Cazol; Eugène Joullot; René Mercier; Lecombe; the Battle of Verdun, 1916]
Publication details: 
'Imp. F. LAMBERT, Marché-au-Charbon, 12, Brux' [Brussels, Belgium; circa 1917.

2pp., 4to. On a single leaf, both sides of which are headed 'Répertoire Lecombe'. Printer's slug at foot of 'Verdun on ne passe pas!' Both lyrics printed in two columns (no score to either). In good condition, on aged and worn high-acidity paper. 'Ce sont les Yeux' begins: 'Chacun dans la vie cherche son idéal.' The 'Dernier Refrain' reads: 'Et bien des yeux de mère, | Sont tournés vers la frontière | Où là-bas leurs chers petits enfants | Pour sauver la France donnent leur sang.

Autographs of Ian Bannen, Patrick Magee, Prunella Scales and 13 others cast members of the 1958 London production of Eugene O'Neill's 'The Iceman Cometh', with Arts Theatre Club and Winter Garden Theatre programmes, tickets, cuttings and a letter.

[1958 London production of Eugene O'Neill's 'The Iceman Cometh', featuring Ian Bannen; Patrick Magee; Michael Balfour; Prunella Scales; The Arts Theatre Club and Winter Garden Theatre, Drury Lane]
Publication details: 
The Arts Theatre Club, 6 and 7 Great Newport Street, WC2, and Winter Garden Theatre, Drury Lane, London. 1958.

17 items, the collection in good condition, on aged paper. Item One: Autographs of sixteen individuals associated with the production, all signing to 'Sonia'. 2pp., 12mo. On bifolium removed from ruled notebook. The signatories are: Michael Bryant, Robert Hunter, Margaret Whiting, Hilda Braid, Vivian Matalon, Tony Church ('Sonia, our proletarian beauty | from hungry Hugo'), Jack MacGowran, Robert Adams, Prunella Scales ('Maggie'), Michael Balfour ('May you triumph over virtue'), Patrick Magee, Tony Robertson, Joby Blanshard, Anthony Jacobs, Lee Montagu and Ian Bannen.

'Change of Address' card of the composer and conductor Sir Eugene Goossens, addressed to the violinist Max Rostal.

Sir Eugene Goossens [Sir Eugene Aynsley Goossens] (1893-1962), English composer and conductor [Max Rostal (1905-1991), violinist and music teacher]
Publication details: 
Postmarked from Maida Hill on 16 September 1957.

Printed on one side of a 9 x 10.5 cm card. In good condition, lightly-aged and with a couple of corners slightly worn. The notice reads: 'Change of Address | Please note that | Sir Eugene Goossens | is now residing at | 76 Hamilton Terrace, London, N.W.8. | Telephone: CUNningham 9383'. Docketed in pencil at head (by Rostal?) 'Received 17th Sept.' Addressed on reverse, with stamp and postmark, to 'Max Rostal Esq., Highflower, 45, Brondesbury Park, London, NW6.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American critic and biographer Eugene Parsons to C. J. Caswell,

Eugene Parsons (1855-1933), American author and critic, biographer of George Washington and editor of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Publication details: 
3612 Stanton Avenue, Chicago. 21 November 189<2>.

4pp., 12mo. Worn and stained on four leaves with wear to extremities resulting in slight loss of text, and with at least one leaf lacking. Parsons begins by informing Caswell that he is sending him a copy of the Examiner containing his article on 'Tennyson's Literary Career': 'It was sent to the Editor only a few days after the poet's death when I knew nothing about the title or contents of the new book of poems.' He discusses his plans to insert the article when he republishes his pamphlet (Parsons' 'Tennyson's Life and Poetry' appeared in 1892, with a revised edition the following year).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Péclet'), in French, to 'Monsieur Danjou'.

Jean Claude Eugène Péclet (1793-1857), French physicist after whom the 'Péclet number' is named
Publication details: 
Postmarked September 1837.

12mo, 1 p. Ten lines of text. Good, on aged paper with slight wear to extremities. In a bifolium, with address and four circular postmarks (two in black and two in blue ink) on verso of second leaf. He is 'a la fin de l'impression d'un ouvrage qui doit être pret pour la rentrée et qui depuis longtemps absorbe tous mes instants'. It is impossible for him to write the requested articles. He is 'tellement fatigué' that he awaits with impatience the end of the printing, so that he can take 'un peu de repos'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ernest Havet'), in French [to someone living in Sainte-Beuve's old house].

Eugène Auguste Ernest Havet (1813-1889), French scholar.
Publication details: 
21 February 1872; Vitry.

16mo: 1 p. 14 lines of text. Close hand. He is touched that Sainte-Beuve has found time, in the midst of his labours, to write a letter expressing his 'adhésion'. 'Je suis heureux de penser, en vous écrivant rue Montparnasse [Sainte-Beuve lived at no. 11], que la philosophie et l'esprit d'indépendence ont toujours un ami dans la maison de Sainte-Beuve'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Cortambert'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Directeur de l’Athenæum français, Rue Mazarine, 9 | Paris'.

Pierre-François Eugène Cortambert (1805-1881), French geographer, Conservator of the Geographic Section of the Bibliothèque Nationale
Publication details: 
21 August 1853; Paris postmark.

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium, addressed, with circular postmark in black ink, on otherwise-blank second leaf of bifolium. Correcting 'une petite erreur' which he committed in 'le Comte rendu de la dernière Séance de la Société de Géographie', and which he wishes changed in the report which will be appearing in 'l’Athenæum français'.

Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'E. Contambert'), in French: three to Ange de Saint-Priest and one to 'Monsieur le Caissier' of 'L'Encyclopédie'.

Pierre-François Eugène Cortambert (1805-1881), geographer, Conservator of the Geographic Section of the Bibliothèque Nationale [Ange de Saint-Priest, editor of 'L'Encyclopédie du Dix-Neuvième Siècle']
Publication details: 
1852, 1874 and two undated.

All items in good condition, on lightly aged paper, with text clear and entire. Letter Two with a little light spotting to the recto of the first leaf. Written in a crabbed hand. Concerning contributions by Cortambert to 'L'Encyclopédie'. Letter One (12mo, 3 pp): To 'Monsieur et honorable directeur', 9 July 1852. Letter Two (12mo, 3 pp): To 'Monsieur et honorable directeur', 7 June 1874. Letter Three (12mo, 1 p): To 'Mr de St Priest', undated. Letter Four (8vo, 1 p): To 'Monsieur le Caissier de Encyclopédie du 19e Siècle', Paris, Rue de Saintonge, 64.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Colladon' | professeur à l Ecole Centrale') to 'Monsieur le Directeur Général des Douanes, Paris'.

Jean-Daniel Colladon (1802-1893), Swiss physicist and engineer, Professor of Mechanics at the École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris [Eugène Flachat (1802-1873)] [steam engines; railway]
Publication details: 
27 January 1835; 'à Lyon chez Messieurs Pine Des Granges', on letterhead of the École.

4to bifolium: 2 pp, with address on otherwise-blank second leaf. Very good on lightly aged paper. Slight wear to extremities. A significant document, casting light on the relative states of engineering in early nineteenth-century France and England, and the role of the scientist in France at that time.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to the Paris bookseller Paul Daffis.

Eugène Flachat (1802-1873), French civil engineer who worked on the first French passenger railway (Paris-Le Pecq, 1837), on the Paris-Rouen line and the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, 1851 [steam engines]
Publication details: 

12mo: 1 p. Fifteen lines of text. Good, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Minor foxing. Difficult hand. Begins 'Je voudrais avoir cette année la collection des Documents parlementaire qui seront distribué au corps legislatif. | Autrefois j'étais abonné pour une petite somme [...]'.

Secretarial note in French, signed by Flachat.

Eugène Flachat (1802-1873), French civil engineer who worked on the first French passenger railway (Paris-Le Pecq, 1837), on the Paris-Rouen line and the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, 1851 [steam engines]
Publication details: 
23 February 1856; Paris.

12mo: 1 p. Good, on lightly creased paper. Reads 'Je remets à Mr Pulin, porteur de la présente, la lettre de Mr Savoye pour l'aider à retirer les exemplaires des médailles et les diplômes donnés à MM les Membres du Jury.' Presumably relating to the awarding of prizes at an industrial exhibition.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Bautain') to unnamed male correspondent.

Abbé Louis Bautain [Louis Eugène Marie Bautain] (1796-1867), Professor of Philosophy at Strasbourg and of Theology at the Sorbonne, founder of the Order of the Sisters of St Louis
Publication details: 
9 April 1864, 'rue Pigalle 2', on letterhead of the Archevêché de Paris.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper. In French. Difficult hand. Regarding 'la société musicale et littéraire de Meaux', of which he approves. 'Malheureusement plusieurs obstacles s'opposent à ma bonne volonté.' As a gesture of good will, he asks the Society to accept 'quelques ouvrages'.

Autograph Letter to 'Monsieur Delacroix'.

Michel Alcan (1811-1877), 'ingénieur-professeur au Conservatoire des arts et métiers' [Ernest Stamm; Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863)?]
Publication details: 
13 February 1860; Paris.

4to, 1 p, 8 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. Small indentation from paperclip in margin. Reads 'Monsieur Alcan prie Monsieur Delacroix de remettre au porteur le Testament (tissé) de Louis XVI, dont il a besoin pour le cours de ce soir au conservatoire des Arts et metier. | le preparateur du cours | Ernest Stamm | Paris le 13 fevrier 1860'. Loosely inserted in blue paper wraps with slip of an entry for the letter from a French autograph catalogue, misattributing it to Stamm.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Sédillot, professeur d'histoire, Secrètaire du Collège de France') in French to 'Monsieur Le Maire' [of the XIe arrondissement of Paris].

Louis Pierre Eugène Amélie Sédillot (1808-1875), French orientalist
Publication details: 
12 January 1849; on letterhead of the Collège de France.

4to, 1 p. Good, on aged paper worn at extremities. Text clear and entire. Gives details of his placement in 1837 in the 'cadre de reforme de la Garde Nationale', and of the registration of the decision by the Mayor. 'Cette décision [...] m'est réclamée par le nouveau Sergent major de la compagnie, M. Alger, et je viens vous prier de m'en faire délivrer une copie dûment légalisée.'

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