[Edinburgh Festival, 1953.] Festival Letterhead with autographs of Sir Malcolm Sargent, Sir Michael Hordern, Alda Noni and two others.

Sir Malcolm Sargent (1895-1967), conductor; Sir Michael Hordern (1911-1994), actor and the original voice of Paddington Bear; Alda Noni (1916-2011), soprano; Edinburgh International Festival, 1953
Publication details: 
1953. On letterhead of The Edinburgh International Festival of Music and Dance.

2pp, 12mo. The five signatures in pencil on a single Festival letterhead. In good condition, slightly discoloured, with two unobtrusive dabs of glue from mount at head of reverse. The three signatures on the recto are headed by Noni’s large bold one: ‘Alda Noni / Edinburgh 1953’. Beneath this is that of ‘[Raul Herrman?] / (beardless) / Aug. 28, ’53’. At the foot is an indecipherable Easter European signature, with small pencil illustration: ‘[Woftniltuntz?]’. On the reverse: ‘Malcolm Sargent’ above ‘Michael Hordern’. Image on request.

[Dame Ruth Railton, musical director and conductor.] Autograph Card Signed to Philip Dosse of Hansom Books, regarding matters including his mother’s cancer treatment and a book by her husband Cecil Harmsworth King.

Dame Ruth Railton (1915-2001), conductor, founder of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, wife of press baron Cecil Harmsworth King [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
Irish postmark of 2 April 1975; on letterhead of The Pavilion, Greenfield Park, Dublin.

See her entry, and her husband’s, in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including ‘Books and Bookmen’ and ‘Plays and Players’. Postcard of 14 x 9 cm, with letterhead and no illustration. Monogram signature ‘RK’. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight smudging to a couple of words in one corner. Addressed to ‘Mr Philip Dossé. [sic] / Hansom Books. / Artillery Mansions. / 75, Victoria Street. / LONDON.

[Vic Oliver [Victor Oliver von Samek], Austrian-born British musician and comedian who married Winston Churchill’s daughter.] Publicity photograph with facsimile signature.

Vic Oliver [Victor Oliver von Samek] (1898-1964), Austrian-born British musician and comedian who married Winston Churchill’s daughter Sarah
Publication details: 
No year or date (1930s).

7 x 9 cm photographic print. 6 x 7 cm black and white head-and-shoulders portrait of Oliver looking intently leftwards, in a double-breasted suit and tie. Facsimile of signature ‘Vic Oliver’ at foot. In good condition, lightly aged. Scan on application.

[Sir Thomas Beecham and his second wife Betty [née Margaret Humby]. Autograph Signature ‘Thomas Beecham’ and ‘Betty Beecham’, on printed menu of Festival Luncheon for the Scottish Music Merchants’ Association.

Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), conductor, and his second wife Betty [née Margaret Humby] (1908-1958) [Scottish Music Merchants’ Association Festival Luncheon, 1950]
Sir Thomas Beecham
Publication details: 
30 August 1950. Royal British Hotel, Edinburgh.
Sir Thomas Beecham

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Menu printed in blue on one side of 4to leaf, folded into 16 x 15 cm bifolium-style card. Front cover with patches of discoloration, and back cover bearing evidence of previous mounting (layer of dried out glue), otherwise in good condition. Front cover reads: ‘Scottish Music Merchants’ Association / Festival Luncheon / Royal British Hotel, Edinburgh / Wednesday, 30th August 1950 / Chairman: / R. W. Cresswell’. In space between ‘1950’ and ‘Chaiman:’ is large clear signature ‘Betty Beecham.’ At foot of page is large signature ‘Thomas Beecham’.

[Julius Harrison, conductor and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Boosey’ [of the music publishers Boosey & Hawkes], giving his opinion of a batch of music manuscripts sent to him.

Julius Harrison [Julius Allan Greenway Harrison] (1885-1963), conductor and composer, Professor of Composition and Director of Opera, Royal Academy of Music [Boosey & Hawkes, London music publishers]
Publication details: 
11 December 1934; on letterhead of 5D Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with pinholes to one corner. Signed ‘Julius Harrison’. Begins ‘Dear Boosey, / From the recent batch sent, I return the enclosed which I fancy may all be useful in the English market. / I am struck with the “Flowers in the Valley” as a possible Alto lead number. Please see my remarks thereon.’ He explains that he is ‘trying to find an Alto lead piece for Cleethorpes Festival next July’, and could include the ‘Flowers’ if it were ‘published in C as soon as possible’.

[Julius Harrison, conductor and composer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Francis' regarding examinations he is supervising at Worcester.

Julius Harrison [Julius Allan Greenway Harrison] (1885-1963), conductor and composer, Professor of Composition and Director of Opera, Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
ONE: 27 May 1935; 5D Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings, on his cancelled letterhead as Musical Director to the Corporation, County Borough of Hastings. TWO: 23 April 1941; Glencairn, Pickersleigh Road, Malvern, on cancelled Hastings letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged. The first on thinner paper and lightly creased. Both folded for postage. Each addressed to 'My dear Francis' and signed 'Julius Harrision' ONE (27 May 1935): 2pp, 4to. He is supervising examinations at Worcester, and discusses arrangements. 'My people left Stourport for Worcester many years ago, but I rather fancy that Worcester will be too far from Birmingham to stay there. I shall, I think, stay in Birmingham itself.' He will be 'away down the Mediterranean until the 14th.

[Clarence Raybould, English conductor, pianist and composer.] Typed Letter Signed to the music bookseller Leonard Hyman, discussing his own reitrement in the light of Hyman's.

Clarence Raybould [Robert Clarence Raybould] (1886-1972), English conductor, pianist and composer [Leonard Hyman, music bookseller]
Publication details: 
14 January 1961. On his letterhead, R1p, 4to. On lightly aged and somewhat creased paper. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Leonard Hyman, Esq.’ and signed ‘Clarence Ranworth, 2 The Glen, Farnborough, Kent. [with 'Orpington' typed to the right]

1p, 4to. On lightly aged and somewhat creased paper. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Leonard Hyman, Esq.’ and signed ‘Clarence Raybould’. He has received his Catalogue No. 87 and is sorry to learn of his ‘impending retirement from your business’. ‘The world is always the poor when someone of your integrity decides he has had enough of the intrigues of present-day life!’ He wishes him ‘a happy period of quieter days’: ‘I myself cease to bulk of my work in June of this present year, when I terminate a long association with the Senior Orchestra of the Royal Academy of Music.

[Walter Bache, English pianist and conductor who championed Liszt and the New German School.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Mrs. Lewis’, gracefully declining a invitation.

Walter Bache (1842-1888), English pianist and conductor who championed Liszt and the New German School
Publication details: 
11 June [no year]. With letterhead of 17 Eastbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged, but with unobtrusive part of paper mount still adhering to one corner. Good bold signature ‘Walter Bache’. Reads: ‘Dear Mrs. Lewis / It is most kind of you to keep me still in your remembrance! I am teaching every day & all day - alas! & Friday is just my afternoon at the Academy. So I cannot possibly accept your most welcome invitation, for which please accept my best thanks.’

[Sir Adrian Boult, distinguished English conductor.] Autograph Signature 'Adrian C. Boult' on card.

Sir Adrian Boult [Sir Adrian Cedric Boult] (1889-1983), distinguished English conductor, at the BBC and with the London Philharmonic Orchestra
[Sir Adrian Boult
Publication details: 
No date or place.
[Sir Adrian Boult

See Michael Kennedy's assessment of Boult, in his entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In the music he admired most, Boult was often a great conductor; in the rest, an extremely conscientious one.' Good bold signature ('Adrian C. Boult') is centred on one side of an 11.5 x 9 cm piece of card. The signature and the space around it are clear, but the discoloured card has a smudge on it, and carries traces of previous mount on reverse. At foot of signed side, in pencil:Sir Adrian Boult - Conductor of the B.B.C.Orchestra London / Famous English Conductor'. See Image.

[Sir Thomas Beecham, celebrated English conductor associated with the London Philharmonic and the Royal Philharmonic orchestras.] Autograph Signature.

Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), celebrated English conductor associated with the London Philharmonic, the Royal Philharmonic, Liverpool Philharmonic and Hallé orchestras
Thomas Beecham
Publication details: 
No date or place.
Thomas Beecham

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Beecham’s signature (‘Thomas Beecham’) on an otherwise-blank 12.5 x 5.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of mount adhering to the reverse. The signature, which has no flourish, is tighter than usual, and rising slightly. See Image.

[Sir George Henschel, baritone and conductor.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Dickens’, agreeing to sing ‘one number’ at her ‘Hospital Matinée’.

Sir George Henschel [Isidor Georg Henschel] (1850-1934), German baritone, conductor, pianist and composer, who settled in England, a close friend of Johannes Brahms
Publication details: 
6 May 1901; on letterhead of 46 Bedford Gardens, Campden Hill, Kensington, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper, with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, folded for postage. With good large firm signature. The main body of the letter reads: ‘Dear Mrs Dickens / I shall be very glad to sing one number, my “Young Dietrich” at your Hospital Matinée on June 14th. With love from house to house / Sincerely / Yours / Geo. Henschel’.

[Sir George Henschel, baritone and conductor.] Two items: Autograph Letter Signed, thanking the London Correspondent of the Birmingham Daily Post for a complimentary review; and printed circular, signed and addressed to the musicologist Marion Scott.

Sir George Henschel [Isidor Georg Henschel] (1850-1934), German baritone, conductor, pianist and composer, who settled in England, a close friend of Johannes Brahms [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953),
Publication details: 
LETTER: 30 April 1913; on embossed letterhead of The Athenaeum, Pall Mall, S.W. [London] PRINTED CIRCULAR from 6 Sutherland House, Marloes Road, W.8 [London] Dated by Henschel 27 February 1930.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The items are unrelated. Both are in good condition, lightly aged, and each folded once for postage. LETTER: 2pp, 12mo. On grey paper. Addressed to ‘The London Correspondent of the Birmingham Daily Post’ and signed ‘George Henschel’.

[Sir Adrian Boult, distinguished English conductor.] Two items: Typed Letter Signed to C. Holme-Barnett on Birmingham conductors; and printed list of members of the ‘Orchestra at The Coronation of Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth’.

Sir Adrian Boult [Sir Adrian Cedric Boult] (1889-1983), distinguished English conductor, at the BBC and with the London Philharmonic Orchestra
Publication details: 
LETTER: 16 September 1964, on letterhead of 13 Queen Anne Street, London, W.1. PRINTED LIST: For coronation, ‘In the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster / On Wednesday, the 12th day of May, 1937’.

See Michael Kennedy's assessment of Boult, in his entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In the music he admired most, Boult was often a great conductor; in the rest, an extremely conscientious one.' The two items are unrelated. LETTER: 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly creased. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘C. Holme-Barnett, Esq., / 54 Anchorage Road, / Sutton Coldfield, / Warwickshire.’ The salutation and valediction are in Boult’s autograph: ‘Dear Mr Holme-Barnett’ and ‘Yours sincerely / Adrian C. Boult.’ The letter concerns two Birmingham conductors.

[Sir Adrian Boult, distinguished English conductor.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Miss Minshull’, arranging a meeting at Lincoln’s Inn.

Sir Adrian Boult [Sir Adrian Cedric Boult] (1889-1983), distinguished English conductor at the BBC and with the London Philharmonic Orchestra
Publication details: 
Undated, but with Chelsea postmark of 6 July 1929.

See Michael Kennedy's assessment of Boult, in his entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In the music he admired most, Boult was often a great conductor; in the rest, an extremely conscientious one.' On card with stamp, crest and ‘POST CARD’ printed in red. In fair condition, lighly worn. Addressed to ‘Miss Minshull / 1 Claverley Grove / Finchley N.3.’ Reads on the other, crosswise: ‘Please excuse a hasty scrawl: can you come to Lincoln’s Inn at 5 on Wed? Dont answer if all right. / I am so glad you’re able to do it: it will be fine I think. / Adrian C. Boult / 11 Chelsea Embankment / S.W.3.’

[Sir Adrian Boult, conductor, and Cyril Smith, virtuoso concert pianist.] Two Items: A Typed Note Signed from Boult to ‘Mrs Brown’; and a printed programme for a Henry Wood Promenade Concert, signed by Boult and Smith.

Sir Adrian Boult [Sir Adrian Cedric Boult] (1889-1983), distinguished conductor ( BBC and London Philharmonic Orchestra); Cyril Smith [Cyril James Smith] (1909-1974), virtuoso concert pianist
Publication details: 
LETTER: 19 January 1950; on letterhead of the British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, London. PROGRAMME: for concert on 6 September 1947, in the 53rd Season of Henry Wood Promenade Concerts, by the BBC at the Royal Albert Hall, London.

See Smith’s entry in the Oxford DNB, and Michael Kennedy's assessment of Boult, in his entry in the same work: 'In the music he admired most, Boult was often a great conductor; in the rest, an extremely conscientious one.' The two items are unrelated. LETTER: 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once for postage and with corners snipped diagonally to make an octagonal shape. Salutation and valediction are in Boult’s autograph: ‘Dear Mrs Brown’ and ‘Yours very sincerely / Adrian C. Boult’. PROGRAMME: 12pp, 8vo. Stapled.

[Sir Malcolm Sargent, composer and conductor.] Large sprawling stylized Autograph Signature in blue pencil on front of printed programme for a Royal Albert Hall performance of Berlioz’s ‘Grande Messe des Morts’.

Sir Malcolm Sargent [Sir Harold Malcolm Watts Sargent] (1895-1967), composer, organist and conductor of choral works, especially at the Henry Wood Promenade Concerts (‘The Proms’)
Publication details: 
Programme for performance at the Royal Albert Hall, London, 8 April 1954. ‘Published by The British Broadcasting Corporation, 35 Marylebone High Street, London, W.1.’

Stapled pamphlet. 20pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Sargent’s unusual bold stylized signature, in blue pencil, almost occupies a 5 cm square. All but the top centimeter which touches the printed date at points, is written on blank space on the cover. See image.

[Peter Gellhorn, conductor, composer and pianist.] Autograph Note Signed to ‘Mr. Dean’, regarding a photograph of himself.

Peter Gellhorn [born born Hans Fritz Gellhorn] (1912-2004), German conductor, composer and pianist who settled in London, connected with Glyndebourne, Covent Garden, BBC, Royal College of Music
Publication details: 
3 February 1975; 33 Leinster Avenue, London SW14.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Reads: ‘Dear Mr. Dean, / According to your request, I enclose a signed photo of myself for your collection. / With best wishes, / Yours sincerely, / Peter Gellhorn.’

[Antal Dorati, Hungarian conductor.] Typed Letter Signed ('Antal Dorati') to Israeli author Aubrey Hodes, on presenting Beethoven's Missa Solemnis for the first time in Israel.

Antal Dorati [Antal Doráti] (1906-1988), Hungarian conductor and composer who settled in the United States [Aubrey Hodes, Israeli author]
Publication details: 
On his Roman letterhead: Via dei Foraggi 74, Roma. 1 March 1965.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. In reply to a letter by Hodes he writes that he is 'happy to hear that Beethoven's Missa Solemnis has made such a deep impact on you which it should make on every listener'. He feels 'very much privileged indeed for having been granted the possibility to present this work for the first time in Israel', and hopes 'to have occasion to perform that great piece there again as well as others which will be important and good to hear'.

[ Yehudi Menuhin, celebrated violinist. ] Autograph Signature on photographic portrait.

Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999), American-born British violinist and conductor
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 6 November 1939.

On 15 x 11 cm photographic portrait of Menuhin, neatly cut from an English newspaper. In good condition, lightly aged, with label from mount adhering to reverse. Menuhin has appended his signature and the date ('Yehudi | Menuhin | Nov. 6, 1939') in blue ink at the head of a pleasing portrait of his head, looking over at the viewer with the tip ov his violin at his chin.

[ Rafael Kubelik, Czech-born conductor and composer. ] Autograph Signature.

Rafael Kubelik [ Rafael Jeroným Kubelík ] (1914-1996), Czech-born conductor and composer.
Publication details: 
Dated 25 October 1937.

Good firm large signature in blue ink on 13.5 x 18.5 cm leaf of cream paper torn from an album. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads 'Rafael Kubelik | 25.X.37.' No other writing on either side of the leaf.

[ Wilhelm Ganz, German-born London conductor. ] Autograph signature.

Wilhelm Ganz (1833-1914), German-born conductor, pianist, organist, violinist, and composer
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 5.5 x 11 cm. slip of paper taken from letter. In fair condition, lightly aged. Closely-cropped, with the lower part of the final flourish of the 'z' in Ganz's name shaved off. Ganz established himself as accompanist to singers including Jenny Lind and Adelina Patti. He became sole conductor of rthe concerts of Henry Wylde's New Philharmonic Society orchestra in 1879, renaming them the following year 'Mr. Ganz's Orchestral Concerts'. He conducted the London premieres of Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique and Liszt's Dante symphony.

[ Herman Finck, composer and conductor. ] Autograph Letter Signed, as musical director of the Palace Theatre, 'To The Gentlemen of the Orchestra', informing them of the abolitiion of 'the system of sending deputies'.

Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer and conductor [ The Palace Theatre, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Palace Theatre Limited, Shaftesbury Avenue, London. 15 January 1912.

1p., 4to. On aged and worn paper. Reads:'To The Gentlemen of the Orchestra | Commencing with February 17 '12 the system of sending deputies will be entirely abolished in this orchestra. To those members who are not desirous of continuing their engagement under this new rule, I would ask that they gave their names to Mr Honrig before friday evening next, in order that they may receive notice of the termination of their engagement four weeks from that date - 19th inst: | Herman Finck | Musical director'. Finck's 'In the Shadows' was one of the last tunes played as the Titanic went down.

[ Joseph Lewis, senior conductor of the BBC. ] Autograph Letter Signed, a warm letter of condolence to the widow of composer Herman Finck.

Joseph Lewis (1878-1954), senior conductor of the BBC and composer [ Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead ('Conductor. | Adjudicator.'), 1 Central Parade, Horley, Surrey. 22 April 1939.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Although '[w]ords at these times seem rather empty things', he feels he must write to express his sympathy on her loss: 'To know dear Herman as I knew him, was to love him - & I am ,mindful of many happy times we had together & many kindnesses he has shown me'. He asks her to be consoled by the fact that Finck 'leaves behind him a fine reputation & a grand record of service'. According to a contemporary account: 'Joseph Lewis, senior conductor of the BBC, was born in Brierly Hill Staffs, in 1878.

[ Patrick Barrow, composer and conductor. ] Autograph Letter Signed, a letter of condolence to the widow of fellow-composer Herman Finck, praising Finck as a man and a musician.

Patrick Barrow, composer and conductor [ Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer and conductor ]
Publication details: 
24 Tangier Road, Richmond, Surrey. 22 April 1939.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. He only met Finck on a few occasions, but offers his condolences 'as a Composer of Light Music, and as a former Director of Music at a West End Theatre (Daly's)'. In his view, Finck 'surely had no superior in the art of giving pleasure to others, not only by his personality, but also by his pen.

[ Herman Finck, composer. ] Nine black and white photographs of Herman Finck, from his papers, ranging from a carte-de-visite of him as a child in Amsterdam (by Hisgen Brothers), to images of him in theatrical settings (one by Langfier Ltd).

Herman Finck [ Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch conductor [ Hisgen Brothers, Amsterdam photographers; Langfier Ltd, London photographers ]
Publication details: 
[ Amsterdam (Hisgen Brothers, 128 P. C. Hoofstraat) and London (Langfier Ltd; Central News; Weekly Illustrated) and Nottingham (Nottingham Journal). ] From circa 1878 to the 1930s.

Although Finck was an extremely popular and well-connected figure in British musical and theatre circles, the National Portrait Gallery holds no image of him. The nine black and white photographs range in size from 18.5 x 24.5 cm down to the carte-de-visite, which is 10.5 x 6.5 cm. The collection is in fair overall condition, with some creasing and wear, and the corner of the largest photograph repaired on the reverse with archival tape.

[ Ben Davies, Welsh tenor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ben Davies.'), expressing condolences to the widow of the composer Herman Finck.

Ben Davies (1858-1943), Welsh tenor with the Carl Rosa Opera Company [ Herman Finck [ Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch composer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 33 Compayne Gardens, West Hampstead, NW [ London ]. 23 April 1939.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketed at head 'Answered'. Reads: 'Dear Mrs Finck - | We were very grieved to hear of the passing of your dear husband & our old friend - will you please accept our deepest sympathy in your great sorrow - & our prayers that you & your daughters may be greatly comforted - | Very sincerely Yrs. | Ben Davies'. From the Finck papers.

[ Herman Finck, composer and conductor. ] Copy of Typed Letter to Henry Chance Newton ('My dear Harry'), theatre critic of the Referee newspaper, containing 'biographical facts' to prove that he is 'not a Jew', and his 'Hebrew musical collaborators'.

Herman Finck [ Herman [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), British composer and conductor of Dutch extraction [ Henry Chance Newton (1854-1931), theatre critic of the Referee newspaper ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne. 8 October 1925.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged. Unsigned copy of typed letter., with one autograph emendation. Addressed to 'My dear Harry'. He begins by explaining that he is in Eastbourne recuperating from the flu. 'As I did not rise until Monday last I missed the Sunday papers including alas, the Referee. [ amended in autograph from 'the Rat' ] | A cutting, however (from the Ref) reached me here today containing an article of yours, wherein you place me among your Hebrew musical collaborators.

[ Adrian Boult ] Autograph Signature, "Adrian C Boult", on detached album leaf

Sir Adrian Cedric Boult, CH (1889–1983), conductor.
Publication details: 
No date or place

Signature on detached album leaf, 18 x 13cm, good condition

[ Sir Thomas Beecham and Ethel Frank. ] Autograph Signatures on leaf from album.

Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), English conductor; Ethel Frank, American soprano
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London, 1921? ]

The two signatures are on one side of a 14 x 18cm leaf of cream paper removed from an album. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with laid down. Good clear examples. Beecham's signature 'Thomas Beecham' is above that of 'Ethel Frank'. Probably given on Franks first visit to Britain in 1921. Small magazine cutting of photograph of three musicians laid down on reverse.

[Constant Lambert, English composer.] Autograph signature on card.

Constant Lambert (1905-1951), English composer and conductor
Publication details: 
No date or place.

Lambert's attractive signature ('Constant Lambert') on piece of 7.5 x 11 cm thin card. Lightly aged and creased, and with evidence of previous mounting on reverse.

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