[Sir Adrian Boult, distinguished English conductor.] Autograph Signature 'Adrian C. Boult' on card.

Sir Adrian Boult [Sir Adrian Cedric Boult] (1889-1983), distinguished English conductor, at the BBC and with the London Philharmonic Orchestra
[Sir Adrian Boult
Publication details: 
No date or place.
[Sir Adrian Boult

See Michael Kennedy's assessment of Boult, in his entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In the music he admired most, Boult was often a great conductor; in the rest, an extremely conscientious one.' Good bold signature ('Adrian C. Boult') is centred on one side of an 11.5 x 9 cm piece of card. The signature and the space around it are clear, but the discoloured card has a smudge on it, and carries traces of previous mount on reverse. At foot of signed side, in pencil:Sir Adrian Boult - Conductor of the B.B.C.Orchestra London / Famous English Conductor'. See Image.

[Sir Adrian Boult, distinguished English conductor.] Two items: Typed Letter Signed to C. Holme-Barnett on Birmingham conductors; and printed list of members of the ‘Orchestra at The Coronation of Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth’.

Sir Adrian Boult [Sir Adrian Cedric Boult] (1889-1983), distinguished English conductor, at the BBC and with the London Philharmonic Orchestra
Publication details: 
LETTER: 16 September 1964, on letterhead of 13 Queen Anne Street, London, W.1. PRINTED LIST: For coronation, ‘In the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster / On Wednesday, the 12th day of May, 1937’.

See Michael Kennedy's assessment of Boult, in his entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In the music he admired most, Boult was often a great conductor; in the rest, an extremely conscientious one.' The two items are unrelated. LETTER: 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly creased. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘C. Holme-Barnett, Esq., / 54 Anchorage Road, / Sutton Coldfield, / Warwickshire.’ The salutation and valediction are in Boult’s autograph: ‘Dear Mr Holme-Barnett’ and ‘Yours sincerely / Adrian C. Boult.’ The letter concerns two Birmingham conductors.

[Sir Adrian Boult, distinguished English conductor.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Miss Minshull’, arranging a meeting at Lincoln’s Inn.

Sir Adrian Boult [Sir Adrian Cedric Boult] (1889-1983), distinguished English conductor at the BBC and with the London Philharmonic Orchestra
Publication details: 
Undated, but with Chelsea postmark of 6 July 1929.

See Michael Kennedy's assessment of Boult, in his entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In the music he admired most, Boult was often a great conductor; in the rest, an extremely conscientious one.' On card with stamp, crest and ‘POST CARD’ printed in red. In fair condition, lighly worn. Addressed to ‘Miss Minshull / 1 Claverley Grove / Finchley N.3.’ Reads on the other, crosswise: ‘Please excuse a hasty scrawl: can you come to Lincoln’s Inn at 5 on Wed? Dont answer if all right. / I am so glad you’re able to do it: it will be fine I think. / Adrian C. Boult / 11 Chelsea Embankment / S.W.3.’

[Sir Adrian Boult, conductor, and Cyril Smith, virtuoso concert pianist.] Two Items: A Typed Note Signed from Boult to ‘Mrs Brown’; and a printed programme for a Henry Wood Promenade Concert, signed by Boult and Smith.

Sir Adrian Boult [Sir Adrian Cedric Boult] (1889-1983), distinguished conductor ( BBC and London Philharmonic Orchestra); Cyril Smith [Cyril James Smith] (1909-1974), virtuoso concert pianist
Publication details: 
LETTER: 19 January 1950; on letterhead of the British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, London. PROGRAMME: for concert on 6 September 1947, in the 53rd Season of Henry Wood Promenade Concerts, by the BBC at the Royal Albert Hall, London.

See Smith’s entry in the Oxford DNB, and Michael Kennedy's assessment of Boult, in his entry in the same work: 'In the music he admired most, Boult was often a great conductor; in the rest, an extremely conscientious one.' The two items are unrelated. LETTER: 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once for postage and with corners snipped diagonally to make an octagonal shape. Salutation and valediction are in Boult’s autograph: ‘Dear Mrs Brown’ and ‘Yours very sincerely / Adrian C. Boult’. PROGRAMME: 12pp, 8vo. Stapled.

Two Autograph Cards Signed to Roger Powell, Slade House, Froxfield, Petersfield.

Sir Adrian Cedric Boult (1889-1983), English conductor
Publication details: 
One without date and place [but after 1952], the other postmarked London, 2 August 1955.

Both cards self-stamped. CARD ONE is very good and has printed on it a stamp of Queen Elizabeth II. Addressed to Powell and his wife, it does not appear to have gone through the mails. 'Most kind of you to write - we led a quick <?> in the car, & then a meeting in the afternoon. We <?>: Jill also, who we havent seen lately. | Many thanks | [signed] Adrian C. B.' CARD TWO is somewhat aged, with a stain and some wear on the address side. It reads 'I too have written to Kellogg's! | [signed] Adrian C Boult'.

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