[Sir Richard Runciman Terry, musicologist and choirmaster at Westminster Cathedral.] Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. W. J. Phillips, with ‘Copy of Testimonial’ in favour of Phillips' application as organist and choirmaster at Salisbury Cathedral.

Sir Richard Runciman Terry (1864-1938), organist, choir master and musicologist, Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral [Dr William James Phillips (1873-1963)]
Publication details: 
ALS from Terry to Phillips, 'at Cronkley / Horley Bridge / Aug 31. 1916'. Testimonial: 'Westminster Cathedral / August 31. 1916'.

See Terry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of writing Dr. W. J. Phillips was the organist at St Barnabas, Pimlico; he was unsuccessful in the present application, but was subsequently organist of the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court. See his entry in Humphreys and Evans, ‘Dictionary of Composers for the Church in Great Britain and Ireland’ (1997). These two items are uniform on a total of three leaves of light paper. Both discoloured and worn, and folded three times. ONE: ALS from Terry to Phillips. 1p, 4to. He is ‘most pleased to have opportunity of supporting’ Phillips’s application.

[Sir Frederick Ouseley, Professor of Music, Oxford University.] Autograph Letter Signed concerning requirements for an Oxford degree in music, appended to printed notice by him: ‘University of Oxford. Directions for Candidates for Degrees in Music.'

Sir Frederick Ouseley [Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley] (1825-1889), Anglican composer, church musician and musicologist, Professor of Music at Oxford University
Publication details: 
Notice dated 'OXFORD, / March, 1878.' Autograph Letter undated, but from around the same time.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ALS, whose recipient is not identified, is appended on the last page of the printed notice, which is 4pp, foolscap 8vo, on a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The notice is headed 'University of Oxford. / Directions for Candidates for Degrees in Music.' and signed in type at the end 'Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley, / Professor of Music. / Oxford, / March, 1878.' Divided into sections concerning a bachelor's and doctor's degree. The ALS, on the last page, reads: 'Dear Sir / You will see by this paper that your Dublin B.A.

[Martin Shaw, composer associated with ‘English pastoralism’, conductor and organist at St Martin-in-the-Fields.] Autograph Card Signed, with autograph musical notation of the beginning of his ‘Romance’.

Martin Shaw [Martin Edward Fallas Shaw] (1875-1958), composer associated with ‘English pastoralism’, conductor and organist at St Martin-in-the-Fields
Publication details: 
Dated by Shaw to May 1921. No place.

An attractive item by a leading exponent of ‘English pastoralism’. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Bass and treble notation of opening bars, headed ‘Romance / Andante ma non molto’. On one side of 9 x 11 cm card with rounded edges. Firm signature at bottom right: ‘Martin Shaw / May 1921’. In good condition, lightly aged. See Image.

[Sir Malcolm Sargent, composer and conductor.] Large sprawling stylized Autograph Signature in blue pencil on front of printed programme for a Royal Albert Hall performance of Berlioz’s ‘Grande Messe des Morts’.

Sir Malcolm Sargent [Sir Harold Malcolm Watts Sargent] (1895-1967), composer, organist and conductor of choral works, especially at the Henry Wood Promenade Concerts (‘The Proms’)
Publication details: 
Programme for performance at the Royal Albert Hall, London, 8 April 1954. ‘Published by The British Broadcasting Corporation, 35 Marylebone High Street, London, W.1.’

Stapled pamphlet. 20pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Sargent’s unusual bold stylized signature, in blue pencil, almost occupies a 5 cm square. All but the top centimeter which touches the printed date at points, is written on blank space on the cover. See image.

[Sir Thomas Armstrong, Principal of the Royal College of Music.] Typed Letter Signed, praising Professor of Cello Ambrose Gauntlett, whilst renewing his contract for the last time.

Sir Thomas Armstrong [Sir Thomas Henry Wait Armstrong] (1898-1994), organist, Principal of the Royal Academy of Music, 1955-1968 [Ambrose Gauntlett (1889-1978), Professor of Cello at the RAM]
Publication details: 
6 December 1963. On letterhead of the Royal Academy of Music, London.

See Armstrong’s entry in the Oxford DNB. For Gauntlett, who was Professor of Cello at the RAM from 1947 to 1965, see the excellent article on the ‘Semibrevity’ blog: ‘Ambrose Gauntlett, forgotten gamba player and continuo cellist’, beginning: ‘Although Ambrose Gauntlett (1889-1978) spent most of his career as a full-time orchestral principal, he was the most sought-after continuo cellist and gamba player in the UK for many years.

Manuscript volume titled 'The Life and Adventures of Walter Venning Southgate, by his Father [the London auctioneer Henry Southgate].' Containing original manuscript letters, drawings, engravings and other material.

Henry Southgate (1818-1888), London auctioneer with premises in the Strand, and anthologist; his son Walter Venning Southgate (b. 1844, fl. 1884)
Publication details: 
Manuscript title date 'London. MDCCCXLIV [1844]', but containing material from between 1844 and 1883.

Folio, 110 pp, comprising [i] + 68 + [ii] + 39 pp. Handsome volume in slipcase, tight and internally in very good condition, on lightly-aged thick Whatman paper. Well bound in black leather morocco, all edges gilt. Binding blind-tooled and with 'Early Days' and 'W. V. S.' in gilt on spine and motto on front board: 'Nourish the sentiments thy principles approve and put thy trust and confidence in God.' Binding worn and rebacked, in worn black cloth slipcase.

[ Theresa Harriet Beney, pianist, composer and organist of Christ Church, Folkestone. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Theresa Beney') to an unnamed female recipient, making arrangements for her to accompany the singer Richard Green in a recital.

Theresa Beney [ Theresa Harriet Beney ] (b.c.1860, fl.1936), Organist of Christ Church, Folkestone, pianist and composer [ Richard Green, English baritone singer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 4H, Blenheim Mansions, Marylebone Road, N.W. [ London ] 20 April 1900.

On both sides of a grey 8.5 x 11 cm. card. She writes that she forgot to tell her in her reply to her note 'that Mr. Rich. Green is an old friend of mine & sings my songs admirably. If I am accompanying he wd. probably like to know - before making his selection of songs for May 5.' She wishes to know whether she is to 'book the date at your earliest convenience'. She is leaving town for a week, 'but letters will be forwarded'. Beney disappears from view in 1936.

[ Trottiscliffe Church, near Maidstone, Kent. ] Manuscript list by the organist ('J. M. W.') of 'The Tunes used in the Church every Sunday in the year, with the number of the Hymn placed under'.

[ Trottiscliffe Church, near Maidstone, Kent (Rev. Charles William Shepherd (1838-1920) of Trinity College, Cambridge, rector)]
Publication details: 
Trottiscliffe Church, near Maidstone, Kent. From 1872 to 1911. [ In a 'Pettitt's Octavo Diary for 1873', London. ]

124pp., 8vo., with numerous other lists and other matter loosely inserted on pieces of paper. In shaken binding and on aged paper, but with the contents clear and legible. Accompanying the entry for January 1885 is the following note: 'These written in red ink were played on the Harmonium while the organ was being repaired.' The entries are arranged with the 'No. of Barrel in Organ', the date, and the name (omitted in later entries) and number of the hymn played.

[Sir Joseph Barnby, composer and conductor.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Barnby') to his 'Dear friend' [Madame Albani]

Sir Joseph Barnby (1838-1896), conductor and composer [Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930) [Marie-Louise-Emma-Cécile Lajeunesse]; Sir Walter Parratt (1841-1924), organist and composer]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Eton College, Windsor. 12 December 1887.

3pp., 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on aged paper. Her letter to him is 'the essence of sweetness': it has 'touched me deeply and will not soon be forgotten'. He supposes that she is unaware that 'Parratt and I travelled down to Windsor in the same train with you - indeed in the same carriage'.

[Ernest Walker, musicologist and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed, written while assistant organist at Balliol College, Oxford, advising 'Miss White' [Maude Valérie White?] on her musical compositions.

Ernest Walker (1870-1949), English musicologist and composer, born in India, Assistant Organist at Balliol College, Oxford, 1891-1901 [to 'Miss White' [Maude Valérie White (1855-1937), composer]
Publication details: 
15 Ship Street, Oxford. 18 November 1898.

4pp., 12mo. 65 lines of text. Bifolium. In fair condition: on aged paper with one dogeared corner. He begins by apologising for not returning her manuscript sooner: 'what with my Doctorate exam: and other things, I have been specially busy'. Having been 'completely through the MSS' he lists those he likes best: 'the Rhapsodies (especially No. 1 - also No. 5 and No. 3 - especially the opening subject of No. 5).

Autograph Signatures of the Welsh tenor Gwynn Parry Jones ('Parry Jones') and Anglo-Australian organist Sir George Thomas Thalben-Ball ('G. G. Thalben-Ball'), the last of whom has depicted the recipient Dr H. C. L. Stocks as a bar of music.

Gwynn Parry Jones (1891-1963), Welsh tenor; Sir George Thomas Thalben-Ball (1896-1987), Anglo-Australian organist [Harold Carpenter Lumb Stocks (1884-1956), organist of St Asaph Cathedral]
Publication details: 
Neither item with place. Thalben-Ball's signature dated 22 May 1941.

On one side of a 16 x 20 cm piece of light-green paper, removed from an album. In good condition, lightly-aged. Thalben-Ball's signature is the upper of the two, and reads 'To | [bar of music in 3/4 time] | G. G. Thalben-Ball | 22. v. 41'. Parry's signatuer is towards the centre of the page, and simply reads 'Parry Jones.' From album which also contained the signatures of many performers at the Denbigh Eisteddford in 1939.

Signed Autograph Manuscript musical score of 'Interlude from "Bluebeard" '.

Dr Douglas Hopkins (1902-1992), organist of Canterbury Cathedral
Publication details: 
Dated 'September 2nd. 1926'.

On both sides of a piece of paper, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, taken from an album. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Thirty-two grand staff bars, in black ink, with title and signature in blue. Signature, following the score, reads 'Douglas Hopkins | September 2nd. 1926'.

Signatures of 'Russell Thorndike' and 'Harry Alfred Harding', and manuscript score of music by 'E. H. Thorne', transcribed by 'A. E. Thorne'.

Dr Edward Henry Thorne (c.1835-1917), organist at St Anne's, Soho; Alfred E. Thorne, organist, Christ Church, Newgate Street; Arthur Russell Thorndike (1885-1972); Harry Alfred Harding (1855-1930)
Publication details: 
The score and two signatures all dated 1929.

On a leaf of pink paper, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an album. Good, on lightly aged paper. The score, on the recto, consists of eight grand staff bars, titled 'St. Andrew | A + M 403. | Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult | E. H. Thorne'. The score is folowed by the signature 'A. E. Thorne | 30th. Aug 1929.' The autographs, on the reverse, read 'Yours Very Sincerely | Russell Thorndike. | (Death in Everyman.) | Grey Friars Mar. 1929.' and 'Harry Alfred Harding | June 1. 1929.' Thorne was a leading figure in the late-Victorian Bach revival. Thorndike was the detective novelist.

Autograph Manuscript musical score, 'From "The Waters of Babylon" (Psalm 137) | (May 1935.)', with autograph signature ('E. Phyllis Roberts'). With autograph poem, 'To the Gentle Owner of this Album', signed by 'Moir Carnegie'.

E. Phyllis Roberts, organist, winner of the Henry W. Richards Prize for the organ at the Royal Academy of Music; Dr Moir Carnegie of the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
Dated 'June 15th, 1935.'

On one side of a piece of pink paper, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Eight bars of music and libretto, with staves for 'Soprani', 'Alti', 'Tenori' and 'Bassi'. Covering most of the page, and followed by 'From "The Waters of Babylon" (Psalm 137) | (May 1935.) | E. Phyllis Roberts. | June 15th, 1935.' Twenty-nine line poem 'To the Gentle Owner of this Album' on the reverse, signed 'Moir Carnegie | 21-6-10'. (in whose name a "prestigious" prize was given).

Autograph Signature of Phillips ('Montague F. Phillips'), with manuscript of score of musical phrase; autograph signature of Butterworth ('Clara Butterworth').

Montague Phillips [Montague Fawcett Phillips] (1885-1969), English composer and organist; his wife Clara Butterworth (1888-1996), soprano
Publication details: 
Phillips's signature dated 1927.

On the recto of a piece of pink paper, roughly 17.5 x 23.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Phillips's autograph is in the top left-hand corner, reading 'Montague F. Phillips | March 1927.' Above it are four bars of musical notation, marked 'allegro' and titled 'The Fishermen of England. The Rebel Maid" - both by Phillips).' Beneath this, and divided from it by a diagonal line, is Phillips's wife's autograph: 'Yours sincerely | Clara Butterworth'. The couple met while both students at the Royal Academy of Music.

Autograph Manuscript musical score, 'From Mass in C minor. | for five voices', signed by 'Ronald M. Burnker'.

R. M. Brunker [Ronald M. Brunker], choirmaster and organist, St Bartholomew's, Battersea
Publication details: 
Dated 'June 28th. 1927'.

On one side of a leaf of green paper, roughly 17.5 x 23.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Thirteen bars, with staves for soprano, alto, tenor and bass. Covering the greater part of the page, and followed by 'From Mass in C minor. | for five voices. | [signed] Ronald. M. Brunker. | June 28th. 1927'.

Autograph Manuscript score of 'Quartett (unaccompanied)', 'from "The Lord is King" ', with two signatures (both 'Stanley Marchant').

Sir Stanley Marchant (1883-1949), organist and Principal of the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
Score and first signature 10 January 1909; second signature 20 September 1936.

On one side of a pink leaf, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Staves ruled out in red, with notes and text in black. Seventeen bars, with staves for soprano, alto, tenor and bass.Titled 'Quartet (unaccompanied)' at head, with 'from "The Lord is King" | Stanley Marchant. | Jan: 10: 1909.' at foot. Beside this, in a larger, looser hand, in green ink, is a later signature: 'Stanley Marchant | Sept: 20: 1936'.

Autograph Signature ('Edgar T. Cook').

Edgar Thomas Cook (1880-1953), organist of Southwark Cathedral
Publication details: 

On piece (15 x 16 cm) of laid-paper cut from a page of a diary. Creased and worn at head. Signature under heading 'March 18'. Lightly docketed in pencil.

Autograph Signature ('Hugh P. Allen').

Sir Hugh Allen [Sir Hugh Percy Allen (1869-1946)], English organist and director of the Bach Choir
Publication details: 

On a light-green leaf (11 x 14 cm) removed from an autograph album. Lightly aged and creased. Reads 'Hugh P. Allen | Nov 8. 1928'. Lightly docketed in pencil. Two other autographs on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'R. Steggall' [perhaps the organist Reginald Steggall].

James Orton, English Victorian poet
Publication details: 
12 May 1875; 86 Usher Road, Old Ford, London.

12mo, 4 pp. Good, with spotting to second leaf of bifolium. Steggall and Orton's 'mutual friend (our very dear friend)' Mrs. Kent has written to tell Orton that Steggall 'will be happy to see my son on Saturday evening at 6'. Orton is grateful to Steggall for thinking 'of my anxiety to retain him with me after our long & to me at least terrible separation'. He is very grateful to Steggall, who is joined to Orton by a 'link of friendship which passes through to my two dear friends Mrs. Kent and Mrs. Atherstone'.

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