[Sir Emery Walker, distinguished engraver and typographer; Coutts Bank.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Wright', regarding 'proofs of the plan from Coutts' bank'.

Sir Emery Walker (1851-1933), engraver and typographer
Publication details: 
7 December 1927; on letterhead of Emery Walker Limited, 16 Clifford’s Inn, Fleet Street, London, EC4.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition. The letterhead describes the firm (‘formerly Walker and Cockerell’) as being ‘Process and General Engravers, Draughtsmen, Map Constructors Copper-plate Printers Collotypers and Photographers of Works of Art’. Signed ‘Emery Walker’. He is sending Wright ‘proofs of the plan from Coutts’ Bank’, and is sending a duplicate to ‘Mr. Fayle’, asking him ‘to let me have the lettering, that is, if he wishes on seeing the plan to vary it’. He is having ‘proofs of the title page from Messrs.

[William Walker Stephens, Edinburgh merchant and inventor.] Autograph Letter Signed to Frederic Harrison, presenting a copy of his book ‘Higher Life for Working People’, intended to counter ‘revolutionary “Socialism”’ and ‘Social mal-adjustments’.

William Walker Stephens of Leith and Einburgh, Scottish merchant, mechanic and inventor
Publication details: 
22 May 1899; on letterhead of Rosehall Lodge, Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh.

See Harrison's entry in the Oxford DNB. Previous to the appearance in 1899 of ‘Higher Life for Working People’ Stephens had published a life of Turgot in 1895. Both appeared with the long-established London publishers Longmans. He was sole trustee of the soap manufacturers William Taylor & Co when it failed in 1883. He was also an inventor: in 1853 the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts noticed his patent relating to ‘retorts in gas-ovens’. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Twenty-five lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[Scottish singers of the nineteenth century.] Printed Circular regarding proposed ‘Monument to the Scottish vocalists Templeton, Wilson, & Kennedy’, by David Pryde, James Crichton and John Walker, officers of the Edinburgh Burns’ Club.

Edinburgh Burns’ Club: David Pryde, President; James Crichton, Hon. Sec.; John Walker, Acting Sec. [the Scottish singers David Kennedy (1825-86), John Templeton (1802-86), John Wilson (1800-49)]
Publication details: 
1887, Edinburgh Burns' Club.

The plaque referred is ‘attached to the rock face fronting Regent Road immediately to the east of the steps leading from the end of Waterloo Place to Calton Hill’, and was unveiled in 1894. The entry with Canmore ID 302221 gives some detail, but has no mention of the present appeal. 1p, 4to. On recto of first leaf of bifolium of laid paper. Discoloured and worn, but with text intact and clear. The authors are named as: ‘DAVID PRYDE, M.A., LL.D., / President of the Edinburgh Burns’ Club. / JAMES CRICHTON, Hon. Secy. / JOHN WALKER, Acting.

[Georgian Northumberland: legal documents.] Two printed lists of justices of the peace, in extracts from the Commission of the Peace for Northurmberland, one of them amended in manuscript; and two lists of grand juries, magistrates and counsel.

Georgian Northumberland: Justices of the Peace, 1820 and 1830; Grand Juries, 1834 and 1836 [R. Walker, Printer, Newcastle.]
Publication details: 
The two printed items by R. Walker, Printer, Newcastle, 1820 and 1830. The manuscript lists from 1834 and 1836.

ONE: Printed document in the person of King George IV, containing a list of several hundred men appointed as justices of the peace, with extensive manuscript emendations and deletions in red and black ink. (A few names are added, but mostly the names of the dead are struck out.) Dated 16 November [1820] and signed in type ‘BATHURST.’ The first page is headed ‘Extracted from the Commission of the Peace for Northumberland.’ Aged and worn, with closed tear along fold-line of second leaf, the bottom corner of which is torn away, resulting in loss from around sixteen lines of text.

[Marshall Hall Higginbottom, Nottingham surgeon, nephew of eminent neurophysiologist Marshall Hall.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Rev. Samuel Walker], recommending the ear-surgeon Joseph Toynbee.

Marshall Hall Higginbottom (1822-1895), Nottingham surgeon, nephew of Marshall Hall, eminent physician and neurophysiologist, vivisectionist and abolitionist [Rev. Samuel Walker; Joseph Toynbee]
Publication details: 
7 April 1856. Nottingham.

A nice item, casting light on the practice of the provincial medical profession in Victorian England. See Higginbottom’s obituary in the British Medical Journal, 16 March 1895. There are a number of references to Higginbottom in the memoir of 1861 memoir of Marshall Hall (1790-1857) by his widow. For information about Hall, who died the following year, see his entry in the Oxford DNB, together with that of the otologist Joseph Toynbee (1815-1866). The item is from the papers of Rev. Samuel Walker, successively of Nottingham and Liverpool.

[Printed work of sensational popular fiction.] The Mysterious Avenger; or, The Trials of Love. [Followed by a reprinting of De Quincey's translation of 'Der Freischütz', under the title 'William, the Fatal Marksman; or, The Seven Charmed Bullets'.]

[Thomas De Quincey; William Walker, printer, Otley, Yorkshire]
Publication details: 
London: Published by the Booksellers. William Walker, Otley. 1847. [Slug: 'WILLIAM WALKER, PRINTER, OTLEY.']

256pp., 12mo. With frontispiece engraving and vignette on title. In original brown cloth binding, with blind-stamped decorative pattern on the boards, and title and design on the spine. Ownership inscription of 'Arthur Baxter | Runcorn | 1861' on piece of paper laid down on front pastedown. A tight copy, on stained paper (particularly the last few leaves) and aged paper, in worn binding with gilt almost dulled. An interesting production, reminiscent of previous Minerva Press publications, and looking ahead to the yellow-back.

[ Macclesfield District Wesleyan Methodists. ] Autograph Letter by John Meek, signed by him and Samuel Wood as 'Circuit Stewards', asking Rev. Samuel Walker of Nottingham to work on the circuit after the next conference. With autograph copy of reply.

John Meek and Samuel Wood, Wesleyan Methodists of Macclesfield, Cheshire[ Rev. Samuel Walker of Nottingham ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Macclesfield [ Cheshire ], December 1851. Reply [ from Nottingham ], 20 December 1851.

4to bifolium, with the letter of Meek and Wood on the recto of the first leaf, and the autograph copy of Walker's reply on the recto of the second. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'The Rev Saml Walker | Wesleyan Clergyman | Nottingham'.

[ Eliza Weaver Bradburn, children's author and daughter of Rev. Samuel Bradburn, 'the Methodist Demosthenes'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliza W. Bradburn') [ to Rev. S. Walker ] regarding the sale of her 'little books', and her 'Missionary capes'.

Eliza Weaver Bradburn, children's author and biographer of her father Rev. Samuel Bradburn (1751-1816), 'the Methodist Demosthenes' [ Rev. Samuel Walker of Nottingham ]
Publication details: 
'At G. Laishley's Esq. | 71 Finchley New Road | St. John's Wood | London'. 5 December 1856.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter indicates that Bradburn was deriving some sort of income from the sale of her books, and was making 'Missionary capes', possibly for charity. She writes that she is concerned that 'the two notes written to Mrs. Walker and the one to yourself, were not received', and asks whether ''the Missionary Books' and magazines were sent to him as ordered, 'I trust Mr. Thomas Walker had the dozen for which he kindly prepaid me.' She has 'an affectionate respect for Mr. and Mrs.

[ The Wesleyan Conference, Sheffield, 1875. ] Autograph Letter Signed from Stephen P. Harvard to 'Mr. Walker', reporting on doings at the Conference.

Stephen P. Harvard (d.1905), Wesleyan Methodist minister and author [ The Wesleyan Conference, Sheffield, 1875; Rev. Walker of Liverpool ]
Publication details: 
Carver Street, Sheffield. 12 August 1875.

Regarding the Sheffield Wesleyan Conference of 1875 see the article in the Spectator, 14 August 1875, 'The Wesleyan Ultramontanes', and the long review of the conference minutes in the London Quarterly, no.45, vol.89. The present item is 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. An interesting gossipy letter from a committee member at the conference, satirising two of the others present as 'Mr. Pepys in Conference' and 'Those who approve'. 2pp., 12mo.

[ William Roscoe of Liverpool. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Roscoe') to a picture and print seller, regarding payment for prints and an exchange of two paintings for a small Cranach.

William Roscoe (1753-1831) of Liverpool, historian, art collector and abolitionist
Publication details: 
'Saty. Morning' [ no date or place ].

2pp., 4to. On aged and worn paper. An interesting letter, casting light on Roscoe's collecting activities. He begins by settling the account for 'the lists of the last Prints', before remarking: 'I observe there are only 3 circles by Domenichino - the set consists of 4, all of which you have, besides the odd print by Bartolozzi, but you have probably packed them up & cannot get at the print wanting. I have sent you the 3 prints back & deducted 16/6d.

[ Oxford University, Victorian ephemera.] Examination certificate 'in Literis Humanioribus et in Rudimentis Religionis', for Robert Hutchison of Exeter College, signed by examiners George Rawlinson, Frederick G. Walker, G. E. Thorley and G. W. Capes.

George Rawlinson (1812-1902), Camden Professor of Ancient History at the University of Oxford; Frederick G. Walker; G. E. Thorley; G. W. Capes [ Robert Hutchison of Exeter College ]
Publication details: 
[ University of Oxford. ] 'Die Xmo Mensis December. Anni MDCCCLXVIII.' [ 10 December 1868. ]

On one side of a 10.5 x 16.5 cm slip of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads (with manuscript text in square brackets): '[Hutchison Robertus e Coll. Exon.] | Die [Xmo] Mensis [Decembr.] Anni [MDCCCLXVIII.] | prout Statuta requirunt Examinatus in Literis Humanioribus et in Rudimentis Religionis satisfecit nobis Examinatoribus. | Ita testatur { [Georgius Rawlinson | Fred. G. Walker | G. E. Thorley | G W Capes] } Examinatores Publici in Literis Humanioribus.' Thorley's1874-5 Lit. Hum. mark-book appears to be the earliest extant.

[ E. Rimbault Dibdin, art critic and curator. ] Five Typed Letters Signed (all 'Edwd Rimbault Dibdin') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding the Liverpool artists Richard Wright, Peter Perez Burdett and William Tate.

E. Rimbault Dibdin [ Edward Rimbault Vere Dibdin ] (1853-1941), art critic, curator of the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
The five on letterheads of the Walker Art Gallery, City of Liverpool, and dating between 27 November 1915 and 23 February 1916.

The letters total 5pp., 4to; and 1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With stamps of the Royal Society of Arts. On the reverse of one letter are pencil notes, presumably by Wood.

[ Sir George Thomas Smart, English composer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('George Smart') to 'Mr. Taylor' regarding a mistake in 'Cards' and the 'state of poor Walker'.

[ George Smart ] Sir George Thomas Smart (1776-1867), English composer and musician, organist at the Chapel Royal
Publication details: 
91 Great Portland Street [ London ]. 27 June 1826.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. He asks him 'to forward these Cards immediately (I have sent one to Mr. Doane) as many have call'd asking if they are to be engaged'. He expresses his regret for 'the mistake in the Name card', but it is too late to alter it. The 'sole cause' of the error was his 'constantly thinking of the state of poor Walker'.

[Royalty Cinema, Windermere.] Typed and manuscript 'Bill of Quantities for Excavating, Drainage, Walling, Slating etc', in building 'New Public Hall - Kinema etc - in Lake Road - Windermere for the Directors'. By architects Walker, Carter, & Walker.

Walker, Carter, & Walker, Architects, Windermere [Royalty Cinema, Lake Road, Bowness-on-Windermere, Cumbria]
Publication details: 
Walker, Carter, & Walker, Architects, Windermere. December 1925.

[1] + 10pp., crown 8vo. Held together with a metal stud, and placed in a brown card folder, with typed title on front cover. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Professionally presented, with the text typed out in columns and the sums and running totals written out in manuscript. An estimate, with costings for a large number of itemised elements, ranging from 'temporary lavatory accommodation for the workmen for all trades' to 'the removal of trees or shrubs as required, and grub up the roots - The timber will belong to the Contractor - and he must here allow for same'.

[Windermere Police Station.] Typed and manuscript 'Bills of Quantities for Scheme' and 'Bill of Quantities for a New Police Station at Windermere for the Westmoreland Standing Joint Committee' by Walker, Carter & Walker.

Walker, Carter & Walker, Architects, Windermere [Windermere Police Station; W. L. Dolman, architect]
Publication details: 
ONE: W. L. Dolman, F.R.I.B.A., Windermere. May 1925. TWO: Walker, Carter, & Walker, Architects, Windermere. June 1926.

Each document with a substantial number of typed itemised entries, with each item costed in manuscript, and manuscript totals. ONE: Headed 'WINDEREMERE POLICE STATION. | Bills of Quantities for Scheme | Submitted by W. L. Dolman F.R.I.B.A. Winderemere. | May 1925. | Excavator, Drainlayer, Waller & Slater.' 5pp., crown 8vo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with rust-spotting from staple. Entries range from '24" wall next Lake Road of Langdale Rag Stone with selected stones for facing in mortar & including footings' to 'In stone walls girth of Main Quoins included.

Manuscript Letter from William Walker & Co. in Sydney, Australia, to William Kerr of Richmond, Virginia, regarding the state of the Australian tobacco trade and 'unfavorable' prices fetched by consignments of his tobacco.

[William Walker & Co.; William Kerr of Richmond, Virginia; Messrs Gilmour & Kerr, Glasgow]
Publication details: 
Marked 'Per Caledonia', with ship's name altered to 'William Hyde'.

1p., 4to. The second leaf only of a bifoliate letter. Addressed on reverse to 'William Kerr Esqr. | (of Richmond - Virginia) | Care of Messrs Gilmour & Kerr | Glasgow | NB'. An accompanying typed note identifies the postal features as follows: 'Postage: - 3d. pre-paid. Colonial outward Ship Letter rate. | 8d. to collect. Private Ship Letter rate. | Handstruck Marks: - PAID SHIP LETTER SYDNEY AP+21 1847 in red. (SL 3, var. 1 - early use.) | NN 29AU29 1847 in red.

[Victorian garment manufacture.] Manuscript volume ('E. J. Walker | Notes Private | A. P. M.') covering all aspects of the Victorian garment industry, with costings, tables of sizings and prices, records of wages, patterns

E. J. Walker, Victorian garment manufacturer [clothing; fashion industry]
Publication details: 
English, late nineteenth century. (Tentatively dated in pencil to 1892.)

Circa 220pp., 8vo, with the main text on rectos, and additions and subheadings (often in red ink), together with some simple pencil patterns, on versos. In ruled exercise book. In good condition, on aged paper, in worn original glazed black cloth binding. The volume has been compiled for his own use by a Victorian factory manager, and contains material relating to clothing for men, women and children. The seventeen entries on the first 41pp.

[Ernest Walker, musicologist and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed, written while assistant organist at Balliol College, Oxford, advising 'Miss White' [Maude Valérie White?] on her musical compositions.

Ernest Walker (1870-1949), English musicologist and composer, born in India, Assistant Organist at Balliol College, Oxford, 1891-1901 [to 'Miss White' [Maude Valérie White (1855-1937), composer]
Publication details: 
15 Ship Street, Oxford. 18 November 1898.

4pp., 12mo. 65 lines of text. Bifolium. In fair condition: on aged paper with one dogeared corner. He begins by apologising for not returning her manuscript sooner: 'what with my Doctorate exam: and other things, I have been specially busy'. Having been 'completely through the MSS' he lists those he likes best: 'the Rhapsodies (especially No. 1 - also No. 5 and No. 3 - especially the opening subject of No. 5).

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Douce') from the antiquary Francis Douce to 'S. Turner Esq', regarding a matter of business, involving the sending of deeds 'to Walker'.

Francis Douce (1757-1834), English antiquary, Keeper of Manuscripts in the British Museum, 1799-1811 [Bodleian Library Oxford]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper with spike hole, and parts of the second leaf (addressed by Douce to 'S. Turner Esq') torn away. The letter begins: 'My dear Sir | I hope that you will have the goodness to write to Walker, unless otherwised arranged with Derby, on the subject of dispensing with his attendance, so as to prevent the business from going on till after Xmas as his letter indicated in case Thursday were not

Autograph Letter Signed ('N: Vansittart') from Chancellor of the Exchequer Nicholas Vansittart to Whig MP William Smith, discussing James Walker's 'Letters on the West Indies', and voicing approval for the spread of Walker's 'mild system' of slavery.

Nicholas Vansittart, 1st Baron Bexley (1766-1851), Tory Chancellor of the Exchequer [William Smith (1730-1819), Whig abolitionist; James Walker, Commissioner for Crown Estates in Berbice, Guyana]
Publication details: 
Downing Street [London]; 16 February 1818.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. An important letter, in which the serving Chancellor of the Exchequer puts his position concerning slavery (a subject of extreme importance to the British Treasury), siding with a prominent apologist for the practice, James Walker, one of the commissioners managing the Crown Estates at Berbice.

Printed copy of letter from the Poet Laureate Robert Bridges, headed 'To the Donors of the Clavichord', in facsimile of his handwriting, with collotype print of photographic portrait of Bridges, seated at the instrument, by Lady Ottoline Morrell.

Robert Bridges [Robert Seymour Bridges] (1844-1930), British Poet Laureate from 1913 to 1930 [Lady Ottoline Morrell; Emery Walker; Arnold Dolmetsch]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 'Chilswell Dec 1924.' The photograph engraved by Emery Walker.

Nicely printed on laid paper, on sheet folded to make a bifolium, with the facsimile of the letter on the reverse of the first leaf, and the photograph of Bridges facing it on the recto of the second. As he is unable 'to write personal thanks to each of the many friends who contributed to honour my 80th birthday by their lovely gift', he asks them to accept the photograph 'as a memento'. 'Apart fr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S Smiles') from Samuel Smiles, author of 'Self-Help', to John T. Bacon of Blackburn , concerning a photograph of him by S. A. Walker of Regent Street, and his book 'Physical Education'.

Samuel Smiles (1812-1904), Scottish writer and reformer, author of 'Self-Help' (1859) [John T. Bacon of Blackburn, Lancashire, autograph hunter; S. A. Walker of Regent's Street, London, photographer]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 8 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington W. 18 July 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In original stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed by Smiles. The 'last photographic likeness' of Smiles 'was taken by Mr S. A. Walker, 230 Regent Street W'. Smiles has 'no doubt' that Walker will let Bacon 'have a copy' (i.e. Bacon will not be getting a free copy from Smiles). Smiles's book 'Physical Education' was 'published by me no less than 44 years ago. It had a small sale, and is now quite out of print. Though pretty good at the time, there are now far better works on the subject.'

Three Autograph Letters Signed (two 'Leonard Walker' and the other 'L. W.') to C. R. Grundy, concerning a stained-glass window.

Leonard Walker (1877-1964), Principal of the St John's Wood School of Art, and member of the Art Workers Guild [Cecil Reginald Grundy (1870-1944), editor of the Connoisseur]
Leonard Walker, Stained Glass, Letters
Publication details: 
16, 17 and 31 December 1935; all three items on letterhead of Walker's studio in King Henry's Road, London.
Leonard Walker, Stained Glass, Letters

All three items 8vo. The first of two pages, and the other two of one page each. Texts clear and complete. Fair on aged, creased and slightly-discoloured paper. Discussing his disagreement with the architect of a building over the width of two proposed uprights. Walker considers that these 'would handicap the fullest expression'. The first letter carries a simple pencil diagram of the window. He feels 'we shall all have forgotten this point' when the window is seen 'in all its glory'.

Autograph Letter Signed by Wood to unnamed recipient, recalling the Manchester treason trial of Thomas Walker and five others, 1794.

Ottiwell Wood, radical Manchester fustian manufacturer [Thomas Walker (1749-1817), Manchester radical; Treason Trial of 1794; Luddites; Luddism]
Publication details: 
8 January 1844; Edge hill.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Wood begins by recalling 'the savage bigotry and infuriate hostility of the Manchestr. Tories at the time you mention towards the liberals'. He does not think an attempt was made to put the Oath of Allegiance to those on the recipient's list. 'The lives of 6-8 men of high Character and standing in the Town were placed in jeopardy by the perjury of two Villains and they were tried at Lancaster for either Treason or Sedition. I think for the former.

Four original sepia studio photographs of Gladstone, and one of his wife. With photographic reproduction of an optical illusion caricature.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), British Liberal Prime Minister; his wife Catherine Gladstone [nee Glynn] (1812-1900) [Thomas Fall; Samuel Alexander Walker]
Publication details: 
None dated [but one from 1881]. The photograph of Mrs Gladstone by the London Stereoscopic Company; photographs of Gladstone by T. Fall, 9 & 10 Baker Street, London, and Samuel A. Walker, 230 Regent Street, London. [The other two unattributed.]

ITEM ONE: Photograph of Gladstone, 14 x 10 cm, by Thomas Fall (1833-1900). In very good condition, laid down on the photographer's worn printed card, 16.5 x 11 cm. Showing Gladstone seated outdoors, with his grandson on his knee. NPG x22229 (the entry for which describes it as a 'carbon cabinet card', taken on 14 September 1881). ITEM TWO: Photograph of Gladstone, 14.5 x 10 cm, by Samuel Alexander Walker (1841-1922). Laid down on the photographer's printed card ('Portraits "At Home" A new Application of Photography introduced by Samuel A. Walker'), 16.5 x 11 cm.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Eric A. Walker') to Bower.

Eric A. Walker [Eric Anderson Walker] (1886-1976), first holder of the King George V Chair in History at the University of Cape Town, South Africa [Sir Graham John Bower]
Publication details: 
30 June 1927; on University of Cape Town letterhead.

4to, 2 pp. Thirty-nine lines of text. Clear and complete. Neatly and closely written. Begins by discussing two books recommended by Bower: Otto Hammann's 'World Policy of Germany' and a work by Sir Francis Younghusband. Hammann's book 'confirms what Sir Sidney Lee writes about the Kaiser's telegram'; he is pleased that Younghusband's, which he has not yet read, contradicts the story that 'Lord Ripon was prepared for such drastic measures'. He has been 'correcting the proofs of the 600-page history of South Africa which I undertook to write for Longmans Green five or six years ago'.

The Deportation of the Norfolk Islanders to the Derwent in 1808. I. The Settlement of Norfolk Island. II. The Deportation to the Derwent.

Jack Backhouse Walker [Norfolk Island deportation, 1808; Derwent; Tasmania; Van Diemen's Land]
Publication details: 
Tasmania: William Grahame, Jun., Government Printer, Hobart. 1895.

12mo: 26 pp. In original printed wraps. Stapled pamphlet. Unopened. The only copies on COPAC at the British Library and Oxford. For more information about Walker (1841-1899) see his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography.

Chapbook entitled 'The History of the Earl of Derwentwater Containing His Life, Trial, Sentence, & Execution, Also A Copy of Pathetic Verses ['Lines on the Fate of Lord Derwentwater'].'

William Reay Walker, Newcastle printer [James Ratcliffe, Earl of Derwentwater; Charles Lolley; chapbooks]
Publication details: 
No date [c.1862]. 'Newcastle-on-Tyne: Wm. R. Walker, Printer, Arcade.'

12mo (roughly 16.5 x 9.5 cm): 24 pp. Good, on aged paper, with slightly dogeared corners. No stitching or stapling binding the leaves together. An attractive production, more sophisticated than is usual with a chapbook. Crisply printed in small type. Title enclosed within a decorative border and containing vignette of the royal coat of arms. Headed, in a small neat contemporary hand, 'Purchased at Whitby. | 30 Aug 1862'. The poem 'Lines on the Fate of Lord Derwentwater' (pp.18-19, 24 lines in six stanzas) begins 'How mournful feeble Nature's tone, | When Dilston Hall appears;'.

Etching of the church of St Mary-le-Strand, London, and surrounding streets. Signed in pencil 'Hanslip Fletcher.'

Hanslip Fletcher (1874-1955), English engraver [Emery Walker]
Publication details: 
Dated 1912. 'Copyright A. D. Power. Emery Walker Ph.sc.'

Printed in brown on a piece of watermarked laid paper, 29 x 36 cm. Dimensions of image 18 x 22 cm. On lightly-creased paper, with a few short closed tears to margins at extremities. A bustling scene, from the top storey of a building, showing the traffic of coaches, carriages and carts around the church, which is seen from the front with St Paul's Cathedral in the background. In addition to the pencil signature, the print has the dated facsimile signature 'Hanslip Fletcher 1912'.

Three Typed Letters Signed (all 'J T. Walker'), and one Autograph Note, to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts. Together with 19 newspaper cuttings relating to unions and strikes in Australia.

James Thomas Walker (1841-1923), Australian banker, born in Scotland [unions and strikes in Australia; William Morris Hughes (1862-1952), Prime Minister of Australia; Wharf Labourers Union]
Publication details: 
Two letters of 16 March 1916 and one of 24 March 1916; all three on letterhead of Yaralla Chambers, 109 Pitt Street, Sydney; autograph note of 21 March 1916, from Sydney, New South Wales.

The letters and note are good, on lightly aged paper; the third letter with closed tear at foot of both leaves, affecting Walker's signature. Two of the three letters are docketed and bear the Society's stamp. The cuttings good on aged high-acidity paper. Letter One (4to, 1 p): He cannot afford the Society's subscription, due to 'the immensely increased taxation by the Federal Government, and by the State Governments in N.S. Wales and Queensland (not to mention donations to various War Funds)'.

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