[USA President; Ireland: Conscription Crisis of 1918.] Two printed items by O’Neill, Lord Mayor of Dublin, as Chairman of the Mansion House Conference, protesting British actions, one to the American President, the other to the American Ambassador.

Laurence O’Neill (1864-1943), Lord Mayor of Dublin, Chairman of the Mansion House Conference, 1918; Irish Independent, Dublin; J. R. N. MacPhail [James Robert Nicolson MacPhail] (1858-1933)
Publication details: 
Both items dated from the Mansion House, Dublin, the first (to the president) on 11 June 1918, and the second (to the US ambassador) on 18 June 1918. [Irish Independent, Dublin.]

Although large numbers of Irishmen had willingly signed up to fight for the British cause in the First World War, by April 1918 a shortage of troops moved the British government to propose conscription in Ireland. This was violently opposed by republicans, and O’Neill convened an Irish Anti-Conscription Committee which met at the Mansion House in Dublin. Strikes and protests followed, and although a law was passed, conscription was never implemented in Ireland. These two items are now extremely scarce.

[Major General Sir Noel Galway Holmes, Irish soldier and senior British Army officer in Second World War.] 14 typed and manuscript documents from his papers, all but one relating to his distinguished career, including reports and recommendations.

Major General Sir Noel Galway Holmes (1891-1982), KBE CB MC, Irish soldier and senior British Army officer, close colleague of Sir Winston Churchill during Second World War as Director of Movement
Publication details: 
Documents dating from between 1920 and 1953. [British Army; War Office, Whitehall.]

Fourteen items from the papers of Sir Noel Galway Holmes, all but the last relating to his three decades of service in the British Army, with reports and recommendations by superior officers from 1920 to 1939.

[Sir Winston Churchill: an unpublished assessment by a close colleague.] Two documents from the papers of Sir Noel Galway Holmes: an autograph account and assessment of his wartime relationship with Churchill; and a typescript describing his own work

[Sir Winston Churchill: assessment by close colleague] Major General Sir Noel Galway Holmes (1891-1982), KBE CB MC, Irish soldier and senior World War Two British Army officer, D.Q.M.G. ( Movements)
Sir Winston Churchil
Publication details: 
Undated, but 1950s or 1960s.
Sir Winston Churchil

Two very interesting unpublished documents, the first giving an assessment of Churchill by a colleague who worked closely with him throughout the Second World War, and the second describing the important part that individual himself played in the logistical management of the war, from before Dunkirk to after D-Day. This material is from Sir Noel Galway Holmes’s private papers, another batch of which, comprising confidential reports on him, recommendations by superior officers, and particulars of his service, is offered separately.

[Sir Herbert James Read, Governor of Mauritius, and his wife Lady Violet.] Six items including autograph speech by him for members of Second Colonial Office Conference to British Empire League, and other speech, and commonplace book by Lady Read.

Sir Herbert James Read (1863-1949), Governor of Mauritius, and his wife Lady Violet Kate Read [n?e Maclachlan] (d.1951) [Second Colonial Office Conference, 1930]
Publication details: 
Second Colonial Office Conference speech from 1930, on letterhead of Government House, Mauritius. Lady Read's commonplace book dated March 1924. Another item from 1934.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Six items. Items Two and Five in fair condition, somewhat creases; the other four items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Autograph fair copy of speech by Read on behalf of his ?fellow-members on the [Second] Colonial Office Conference? [1930] to the British Empire League and the British Empire Club. Apparently unpublished. Unsigned. 5pp, 12mo. On bifolium and single leaf, both with letterhead of Government House, Mauritius.

[Sir George Prothero, historian, as editor of the Quarterly Review.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘G. W. Prothero’) and dictated Manuscript Letter to Professor H. W. C. Davis regarding article on H. W. V. Temperley and Paris Peace Conference of 1919.

Sir George Prothero [Sir George Walter Prothero; Sir G. W. Prothero], English historian, editor of Quarterly Review [Henry William Carless Davis; Harold William Vazeille Temperley]
Publication details: 
7 November [1921] and 30 March 1922; each on letterhead of The Quarterly Review, 50A Albemarle Street, London, W.1.

In addition to the entry for Prothero in the Oxford DNB, see those of H. W. C. Davis (1874-1928) and H. W. V. Temperley (1879-1939), which reveal the interest all three had in the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. Both items in good condition, lightly aged. Each folded once. Both addressed to 'Davis'. ONE: 7 November [1921]. 4pp, 12mo. Dictated, and entirely (including signature) in the hand of an amanuensis.

[‘Snub him & send him home.’ President Woodrow Wilson is a ‘Bally Ass’ and ‘distinctly Socialistic’.] Autograph Letter Signed from Republican politician A. H. Olmsted to P. A. Currie, attacking Wilson on the eve of the Paris Peace Conference.

A. H. Olmsted [Albert Henry Olmsted] (d.1842-1929), banker and Republican party politician, half-brother of ‘father of landscape architecture’ Frederick Law Olmsted [President Woodrow Wilson]
Publication details: 
26 January 1919; on letterheads of the Hotel Del Monte, California.

Having made the first state visit to the United Kingdom by an American President, 26 to 28 December 1918, Wilson was in Europe at the opening of the Paris Peace Conference, which would result in the League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles. The present letter presents in forthright terms the Republican position on his activities in the aftermath of the First World War. 5pp, 12mo. On five leaves of letterheads of the Hotel Del Monte, California (‘Carl S. Stanley, Manager’). In postmarked envelope from the Hotel (stamps torn away), addressed to ‘Mr. P. A.

[Printed British Parliamentary paper.] Report of the British Delegates to the International Opium Conference held at the Hague, December 1911-January 1912. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. November 1912.

[1912 Report to the British Parliament of the British Delegates to the International Opium Confer.ence, the Hague, 1911-1912] [HMSO]
Publication details: 
'Miscellaneous. No. 11 (1912).' London: Printed by His Majesty's Stationery Office.

Folio, [ii] + 39 + [i]. Stitched. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight staining to fore-edge. Title-page bearing stamp and withdrawal stamp of the University of Hull.

[Printed British Parliamentary paper.] Report of the British Delegates to the International Opium Conference held at the Hague, December 1911-January 1912. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. November 1912.

[1912 Report to the British Parliament of the British Delegates to the International Opium Confer.ence, the Hague, 1911-1912] [HMSO]
Publication details: 
'Miscellaneous. No. 11 (1912).' London: Printed by His Majesty's Stationery Office.

Folio, [ii] + 39 + [i]. Stitched. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight staining to fore-edge. Title-page bearing stamp and withdrawal stamp of the University of Hull.

[Incorporated Society of Musicians and British music on eve of First World War.] Signatures of thirteen composers (including Havergal Brian, Monk Gould, Julius Harrison) and musicians at 1912 Birmingham Conference, seven with autograph bars of music.

[Incorporated Society of Musicians, Birmingham Conference, 1912] Havergal Brian, Monk Gould, Julius Harrison, Edgar L. Bainton, H. Balfour Gardiner, William Wallace, C. Warwick-Evans, Harry A. Keyser
Publication details: 
Signatures given at the Birmingham Conference of the Incorporated Society of Musicians, 1912-1913.

For a detailed report of the Incorporated Society of Musicians conference at which these autographs were given, and which took place in Birmingham over the five days between 30 December 1912 and 3 January 1913, see Musical Times, 1 February 1913, pp.113-114. Thirteen signatures of British pre-war musical figures, on ten pieces of paper, ranging from 16 x 19 cm to 7 x 13 cm, nine of them on parts leaves of various colours cut from an album. In good condition, lightly aged. In only two cases are the signatures on both sides of the paper, on the other eight the reverse is blank.

[ The Wesleyan Conference, Sheffield, 1875. ] Autograph Letter Signed from Stephen P. Harvard to 'Mr. Walker', reporting on doings at the Conference.

Stephen P. Harvard (d.1905), Wesleyan Methodist minister and author [ The Wesleyan Conference, Sheffield, 1875; Rev. Walker of Liverpool ]
Publication details: 
Carver Street, Sheffield. 12 August 1875.

Regarding the Sheffield Wesleyan Conference of 1875 see the article in the Spectator, 14 August 1875, 'The Wesleyan Ultramontanes', and the long review of the conference minutes in the London Quarterly, no.45, vol.89. The present item is 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. An interesting gossipy letter from a committee member at the conference, satirising two of the others present as 'Mr. Pepys in Conference' and 'Those who approve'. 2pp., 12mo.

[printed item; inscribed by author, Charles W. Dilke] Les Actes de la Conference de Bruxelles et la participation de la Belgique a la Conference le Saint-Petersbourg ... Extrait de la Revue de Belgique.

[ Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke ] Em. [Emile] de Laveleye
Publication details: 
Bruxelles: Librairie C. Muquardt, 1875

35pp., 8vo, red full leather gt (large gilt "D" for "Dilke"at centre front), aeg, marbled eps, front board detached, edges sl. chipped, worn and dulled. Inside front board, the bookplate of Charles Wentworth Dilke, with an additional small round printed label stating, "The Property of Sir Charles W. Dilke, 76 Sloane St. Catalogue No. [376]". Part of authorial inscription on titlepage removed by ruthless binder, leaving the words "hommage de | l'auteur", a Belgian economist, one of the co-founders of the Institut de Droit International in 1873 .Apparently a scarce pamphlet.

[ The Club Cricket Conference, London, printed annual. ] Cricket Clubs' Annual, 1934 and English Secretarial Directory. The Official Annual Handbook of The Club Cricket Conference.

E. A. C. Thomson, editor [ The Club Cricket Conference, London ]
Publication details: 
Eighteenth Edition. 1934. Published by The Club Cricket Conference, At 12 Devas Road, London, S.W.20.

[ii] + 333 pp., 12mo. In yellow card covers, printed in green and red. A note on p.58 explains that the volume contains 'a large number of Advertisements of leading Houses, who cater for all kinds of Sport.

[Printed pamphlet.] On Reading as a Means of Teaching Language to the Deaf by Alexander Graham Bell.

Alexander Graham Bell [National Conference of Superintendents and Principals of Institutions for the Deaf; Mississippi Institution, Jackson]
Publication details: 
An Address delivered before the sixth National Conference of Superintendents and Principals of Institutions for the Deaf held at the Mississippi Institution, Jackson, Miss., April 14-17, 1888. Washington: Gibson Bros., Printers and Bookbinders. 1889.

7pp., 8vo. With front cover of grey printed wraps. In good condition, on aged paper, with label and stamp of the Science & Art Department of the Educational Library, London on front cover. In tasteful modern grey paper wraps with white printed label on front. Epigram beneath title: 'I would have a deaf child read books in order to learn the language, instead of learning the language in order to read books.' Uncommon: no copy on COPAC and nine copies (all in American libraries, including three at Harvard) on OCLC WorldCat.

[Incorporated Association of Head Masters and Headmasters' Conference (Incorporated), London.] Entrance Requirements to Universities, Faculties and Requirements of Professional Bodies. [With three related items, two duplicated and one printed.]

[Incorporated Association of Head Masters and Headmasters' Conference (Incorporated), London]
Publication details: 
The Secretary, I.A.H.M. and H.M.C. [Incorporated Association of Head Masters and Headmasters' Conference (Incorporated)], 29 Gordon Square, London, W.C.1. [Printed by C. F. Hodgson & Son, Ltd., Pakenham St., London, W.C.1.] September 1950.

24pp., 12mo. In red printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged, with rusted staples, and stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. In manuscript on front cover: 'Reference copy only not for loan' and 'See edition | Revised 1957.' In manuscript at head of p.1: 'There has been a change in London University Entrance requirements. See T.E.S.

[Printed pamphlet.] 1906. Papers read at the Norwich Conference the Fifth Biennial Conference of the National Association of Teachers of the Deaf. A Supplement to "The Teacher of the Deaf."

F. G. Barnes, Hon. Secretary, and S. E. Hull, Woodvale, Bexley, Kent [National Association of Teachers of the Deaf, Norwich Conference, 1906]
Publication details: 
Printed and published for the N.A.T.D. [National Association of Teachers of the Deaf] by Hill & Ainsworth, Glebe St., Stoke.
Upon request

44pp., 8vo. In brown printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps, with ownership inscriptions and shelfmarks on the front cover. Scarce: no copies listed on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Satirical handbill obituary referring to the London Conference of 1864.] Lost, Stolen, or Strayed, The British Lion.

[London Conference of 1864; Second Schleswig War; The Schleswig-Holstein Question; Denmark; Prussia]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [London, 1864.].

Printed on one side of a piece of 17 x 12 cm paper. Aged and worn, and trimmed down. Reminiscent of another Victorian spoof obituary - that which led to the Ashes cricket series between England and Australia - the full text reads: 'LOST, STOLEN, OR STRAYED, | THE | BRITISH LION. | Whoever finds him is hereby requested to KEEP him, as he is no longer of any use. | N.B. - He was last seen with his Tail between his Legs. | Obituary. | On Monday, the 27th inst., of a severe attack of Non-intervention and Court intrigue, | THE | BRITISH LION, | His end was - Peace ! !

[Satirical handbill obituary referring to the London Conference of 1864.] Lost, Stolen, or Strayed, The British Lion.

[London Conference of 1864; Second Schleswig War; The Schleswig-Holstein Question; Denmark; Prussia]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [London, 1864.].

Printed on one side of a piece of 17 x 12 cm paper. Aged and worn, and trimmed down. Reminiscent of another Victorian spoof obituary - that which led to the Ashes cricket series between England and Australia - the full text reads: 'LOST, STOLEN, OR STRAYED, | THE | BRITISH LION. | Whoever finds him is hereby requested to KEEP him, as he is no longer of any use. | N.B. - He was last seen with his Tail between his Legs. | Obituary. | On Monday, the 27th inst., of a severe attack of Non-intervention and Court intrigue, | THE | BRITISH LION, | His end was - Peace ! !

[Maurice F. Strong of the United Nations Environment Programme.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the English environmentalist Arthur Bourne, with typed copies of five letters from Bourne to Strong.

Maurice F. Strong (b.1929), Canadian entrepreneur, Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development ['Earth Summit'], 1992 [Arthur G. Bourne; Oil For Food Programme]
Publication details: 
Strong's letters both from Geneva, on letterheads of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, 29 August 1972, and the United Nations Environment Programme, 26 July 1973. Four of Bourne's drafts from Flitwick, Bedfordshire, 1972-1975.

The seven items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Strong's two letters are each 1p., 8vo, and are both on thin paper with slight wear to the edges; the second letter is docketed on the reverse by Bourne. In his first letter Strong congratulates Bourne on 'the new journal "The Environment This Month"'. He was 'favourably impressed with the first issue' and congratulates Bourne 'on the initiative you have taken in filling in such a promising way the need which existed for a high quality international journal on environmental affairs'.

[Printed conference paper.] Earth Station Site Selection.

S. Simpkins, B.Sc. & D.I. Dalgliesh B.Sc. (Eng.), C.Eng. M.I.E.E., British Post Office [United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation, London, 1968]
Publication details: 
London: United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation, 1968 (Section B, Paper No. 1).

20pp. (11+2+3+1+2+1), foolscap 8vo, with a further four pages of figures. Stapled, with front cover printed in black, red and blue, carrying stylised design of satellite design. Cover stamped with date 4 June 1968. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Scarce: no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. From the Pat Hawker archive.

[Printed conference paper.] Earth Station Aerial Performance.

P. R. Neate, G.I.Mech.E. - The Marconi Company Limited [United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation, London, 1968]
Publication details: 
London: United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation, 1968 (Section C, Paper No. 3).

35pp., foolscap 8vo. Eleven figures and three tables in text. Stapled, with front cover printed in black, red and blue, carrying stylised design of satellite design. Cover stamped with date 4 June 1968. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Scarce: no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. From the Pat Hawker archive.

[Printed conference paper.] Baseband Assembly Equipment and Terrestrial Extensions.

J. B. Holt, C.Eng. M.I.E.E., British Post Office [United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation, London, 1968]
Publication details: 
London: United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation; May 1968 (Section E, Paper No. 5).

14pp., foolscap 8vo, with a further six pages of figures, three of them fold-out. Stapled, with front cover printed in black, red and blue, carrying stylised design of satellite design. Cover stamped with date 4 June 1968. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with corner of last leaf creased. Scarce: no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. From the Pat Hawker archive.

[Printed conference papers.] International Women's Year 1975. Papers from three seminars on women: Development, Equality, Peace. [With circular letter from Chairman June Chabaku and others to T. N. H. Punt Janson, Deputy Minister for Bantu Education]

Judith Stiehm; Stella Sigcau; Lucy Mvubelo; Jane Raphaely; Fatima Meer; Deborah Mabiletsa; Beryl Mullins; Punt Janson [International Woman's Year 1975; University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg]
Publication details: 
Held at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, August 1975. Circular letter from S.A. Centre for IWY., 607 Diakonia House, 80 Jorissen Street, Braamfontein, 2001 Johannesburg, South Africa; 10 November 1975.

110pp., foolscap 8vo. Mimeographed 'copy of all the talks delivered at the series of Seminars held at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, on the 9th, 16th and 30th August, 1975'. In original blue printed card wraps. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Fifteen contributors: Marian Nell; Senator Anna Scheepers; Stella Sigcau, M.P.; Professor Lily Gerdes; Margaret Lessing; Nabawaya Wessels; Professor Catherine Smith; Lucy Mvubelo; Margaret Naidoo; Jane Raphaely; Professor Judith Stiehm; Joan Phillips; Beryl Mullins; Fatima Meer; Deborah Mabiletsa.

[Printed magazine.] The first issue of 'The 18-30 Review', March 1949, devoted to conscription ('National Service'), with main article 'The Lost Opportunity' by Basil Henriques.

[The 18-30 Review; The 18-30 Conference, 26 Bedford Square, London; Conscription; National Service; Sir Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1890-1961)]
Publication details: 
No. 1. March 1949. The Editor, 26 Bedford Square, WC1 [London]. [Printed by Latimer, Trend & Co., Limited, Plymouth.]

8pp., 4to. Stapled and unbound. In fair condition on aged paper. On the first page the 'object of this Review' is described as 'to provide a forum for discussion in which the organisations represented on the 18-30 Conference and their individual members can express their views on subject of common interest'. On the last page the 18-30 Conference is described as 'a consultative body', inaugurated in November 1946, 'established in recognition of the need to provide a forum for discussion on the interests of young citizens in the manifold activities of national life'.

Printed paper on 'Occupation', giving the position on 'annexation' and 'settlement' of a 'civilised State' in international law, with a section on 'The West African Conference of 1884-1885', and a reference to 'the original uncivilised inhabitants'.

[Thomas Joseph Lawrence (1849-1920), Fellow and Tutor of Downing College, Cambridge, and authority on International Law; The West African Conference of 1884-1885]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Cambridge. 1890.]

A significant document, providing a clear exposition of the late-Victorian colonialist position on the two branches of occupation: annexation and settlement. Untraced. T. J. Lawrence of Downing College is the probable author, as the section on 'annexation' also features in his 'Handbook of Public International Law' (1890). 1p., 8vo. Printed in landscape on one side of a piece of unwatermarked laid paper. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased. The document begins: 'Occupation in International Law applies only to territory not previously held by a civilised State.

{Printed Programme] China in a New Era: Continuity and Change [The Third International Congress of Professors World Peace Academy

[Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA); China]
China in a New Era: Continuity and Change
Publication details: 
[The Westin Philippine Plaza Hotel, Manila, The Philippines, August 24-29, 1987.
China in a New Era: Continuity and Change

68pp., printed wraps, comb binding. The programme for the Congress, with photographs of speakers, and synopses of their subjects, and other introductory matter. The discussions (or some of them?) were apparently later published but COPAC records only two publications. This item is not listed on COPAC, but WorldCat lists a copy at Harvard. Perhaps a pivotal discussion of the emerging China.

[Printed British Parliamentary paper.] Report of the British Delegates to the International Opium Conference held at the Hague, December 1911-January 1912. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. November 1912.

[1912 Report to the British Parliament of the British Delegates to the International Opium Confer.ence, the Hague, 1911-1912] [HMSO]
Publication details: 
'Miscellaneous. No. 11 (1912).' London: Printed by His Majesty's Stationery Office.

Folio, [ii] + 39 + [i]. Stitched. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight staining to fore-edge. Title-page bearing stamp and withdrawal stamp of the University of Hull.

The Annual Address of the Conference to the Methodist Societies in Great Britain, in the Connexion established by the Late Rev. John Wesley, A.M. August, 1852.

John Scott, President; John Farrar, Secretary, Conference to the Methodist Societies in Great Britain, Sheffield, 1852.
Publication details: 
London: Published by John Mason, 14, City-Road; sold at 66, Paternoster Row. 1852. [Thoms, Printer, 12, Warwick Square.]

12mo, 12 pp. Unbound. Stitched as issued. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper. Ownership signature at head of title: 'Mr. Whittaker'. Ends: 'Signed on behalf and by order of the Conference, | John Scott, President, | John Farrar, Secretary. | Sheffield, August, 17th, 1852.' Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and none on COPAC.

Handbill headed 'Funeral Reform Conference. July 23, 1884. The Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G., Presiding.', reporting Haden's views on 'the desirablilty of greater simplicity in the conduct of funerals'.

Funeral Reform Conference, 1884 [London Necropolis Company; Seymour Haden]
Publication details: 
1884. Printer not stated.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with one dog-eared corner. Quoting Haden's views, which appear distinctly progressive. He finds the 'retention in a dwelling-house for as long as possible of a body, which ought to be committed to the earth as soon as possible', and the need for a 'strong coffin' great evils.

Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments, between the American, French, British, Italian and Japanese governments, signed by eleven of the plenipotentiaries, including three prime ministers (Macdonald, Briand and Wakatsuki).

J. Ramsay Macdonald; Aristide Briand; Reijiro Wakatsuki; Charles F. Adams III; Dwight W. Morrow; [London Naval Conference, 1930; Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments]
Publication details: 
London; 27 April 1930.

8vo, 34 pp + blank last page. Unbound and stapled. Fair, with central vertical fold, on slightly-aged paper, with light staining to the first and last pages. Signed on the first page by [three Americans] Henry L. Stimson; Charles F. Adams III; Dwight W. Morrow; [one French] Aristide Briand; [two British] J. Ramsay Macdonald; A. V. Alexander; [one Italian] Giuseppe Sirianni; [and all four Japanese representatives] Reijiro Wakatsuki; Takeshi Takarabe; Tsuneo Matsudaira and Matsuzo Nagai.

Under Southern Skies. A series of articles conveying the impressions of the writer during the course of a visit to Australia and New Zealand as a member of the Imperial Press Conference, 1925.

J. W. Dafoe [John Wesley Dafoe], Editor-in-Chief, Manitoba Free Press [Australia; New Zealand]
Publication details: 
Winnipeg, Canada: The Free Press. ['Reprinted in order as they appeared from day to day on the editorial page of the Manitoba Free Press, November, 1925'.]

8vo: [iv] + 43 pp. Stapled pamphlet. Inscribed at head of title 'With regards | J W Dafoe'. Text clear and complete. On grubby, aged paper, with wear to outer leaves. An introduction explains that of the seventeen articles, 'the first seven [...] are merely comments on certain aspects of the New Zealand scene as they appeared to a passer-by', while 'the ten articles devoted to Australia deal with the same subject from various angles. They constitute an attempt at a study of Australia's political developments in the social and economic field.' No copy in the British Library or on COPAC.

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