[Independent Company of Invalids [Royal Navy]] Manuscript entitled Return of Levy money & subsistence for Captain Thomas Hardymans Independent Company Subsisted from the dates of attestations till disposed of. Signed T.J. Hardyman | Captain[...]

Independent Company of Invalids [British Army]
Publication details: 
[1790 ish]

Two pages, fol., bifolium (partly separated), aged, closed tears, text apparently complete. The text comprises columns headed as follows: Names; Subsisted From/To; [Days?]; Amount; Remarks. Example: [Serjeants] John Johnston; 15 Oct.1790/21 Jan.1791. Forty Five soldiers were invalids delivered to the Town Mayor of Portsmouth.

[USA President; Ireland: Conscription Crisis of 1918.] Two printed items by O’Neill, Lord Mayor of Dublin, as Chairman of the Mansion House Conference, protesting British actions, one to the American President, the other to the American Ambassador.

Laurence O’Neill (1864-1943), Lord Mayor of Dublin, Chairman of the Mansion House Conference, 1918; Irish Independent, Dublin; J. R. N. MacPhail [James Robert Nicolson MacPhail] (1858-1933)
Publication details: 
Both items dated from the Mansion House, Dublin, the first (to the president) on 11 June 1918, and the second (to the US ambassador) on 18 June 1918. [Irish Independent, Dublin.]

Although large numbers of Irishmen had willingly signed up to fight for the British cause in the First World War, by April 1918 a shortage of troops moved the British government to propose conscription in Ireland. This was violently opposed by republicans, and O’Neill convened an Irish Anti-Conscription Committee which met at the Mansion House in Dublin. Strikes and protests followed, and although a law was passed, conscription was never implemented in Ireland. These two items are now extremely scarce.

Printed pamphlet: ‘Some Suggestions concerning the Future Welfare of Ireland / An Address delivered before the Literary and Scientific Society of the Queen’s University. Belfast, on February 23rd. 1911. By the Right Hon. Lord MacDonnell of Swinford,

[Proportional Representation in Ireland, 1911; Electoral Reform] The Right Hon. Lord MacDonnell [Antony Patrick MacDonnell] (1844-1925); Independent Newspapers, Ltd., Dublin
Publication details: 
1911. Dublin: Independent Newspapers, Ltd., 110 and 111 Mid. Abbey St.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: copy in NLI, and three on JISC (LSE, Oxford and Cambridge), but not in BL. 30pp, 12mo. Stapled in wraps of shiny paper, with title and publication details on front cover (which is part of pagination). Text clear and complete, but in poor condition, aged and worn, with heavy creasing around spine. MacDonnell advocates ‘the adoption of proportional representation and the transferable vote’, which ‘would involve a radical, but simple representation of the electoral map of Ireland’.

[Katharine Bruce Glasier [née Katharine St John Conway], socialist and suffragist, wife of Scottish politician John Bruce Glasier.] Signed Autograph Inscription (as ‘Katherine o’ the Bruce’) on postcard with photographic of ‘The Waterfall, Earby’.

Katharine Bruce Glasier [née Katharine St John Conway] (1867-1950), socialist and suffragist, wife of Scottish politician John Bruce Glasier (1859-1920) [Clough & Wells, Skipton photographers]
Katharine Bruce Glasier
Publication details: 
Undated [post 1922]. 'Real Photo Post Card | Printed in Great Britain', by 'Clough & Well's / Nile Series / Skipton'.
Katharine Bruce Glasier

See her entry, and that of her husband, in the Oxford DNB. Black and white print postcard, on shiny paper stock. In good condition, lightly aged. Showing image of waterfall in thick foliage, with caption at foot ‘The Waterfall, Earby.’ Photographers’ details at bottom right.

[Isobel Cripps [Lady Cripps], overseas aid organizer.] Two duplicated Second World War handbills, in the form of facsimiles of Autograph Letters Signed, regarding the British United Aid to China Fund.

Isobel Cripps [Lady Cripps; née Swithinbank] (1891-1979), overseas aid organizer, wife of Labour politician Sir Stafford Cripps [British United Aid to China Fund]
Publication details: 
Neither printed handbill dated, but both dating from the Second World War. Both on London letterheads: one for 13 Regent Street, SW1; the other for 57 New Bond Street, W1.

Two scarce pieces of wartime ephemera. See her entry, and that of her husband, in the Oxford DNB. The former explains how, during the Second World War, Lady Cripps was president of the British United Aid to China Fund, and that in 1946 ‘she undertook an extensive and arduous tour of China’, being entertained by both Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong. The journey was ‘one of 30,000 miles which included travel by air, sea, road, rail, and truck. Most of the great cities of China were visited and to see co-operative work in rural areas the Gansu Desert was crossed by lorry.

[Ethel Snowden, Fabian socialist and suffragist.] Seven Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed, to Rev. A. H. Sayers, regarding a talk by her to the League of Nations Union, Monmouth; with one after her husband’s death.

Ethel Snowden, Viscountess Snowden [née Ethel Annakin] (1881-1951), Fabian socialist, suffragist, temperance and peace campaigner, wife of first Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Snowden
Publication details: 
The ALS and six of the TLsS from 1934, one TLS from 1937 and another undated (but from November 1934), All eight items from Eden Lodge, Tilford, with four on letterheads.

She her entry, and that of her husband, in the Oxford DNB. Throughout her life she inspired a range of responses. The ‘Labour Leader’ described her as a ‘second Annie Besant’, while Manny Shinwell dismissed her as ‘the would-be Sarah Bernhardt of the party’; to Lord Reith, during her time as a BBC governor, she was ‘the Scarlet Woman’. The present eight items are in good condition, lightly aged, and all folded for postage. A total of eleven typed pages (4to, 12mo and 16mo) and one page in 4to autograph. All signed ‘Ethel Snowden’.

[Michael Davitt, Irish republican politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Michael Davitt.') to W. M. Knox, regarding his 'direction' of the forthcoming newspaper 'Labour World'.

Michael Davitt (1846-1906), Irish republican and agrarian campaigner, founder of the Irish National Land League, Member of the British Parliament [Irish Republican Brotherhood; Home Rule; Fenians]
Publication details: 
On letterhead (with full-page illustration) of the Arundel Hotel, Victoria Embankment, Strand, W.C., London; 23 March 1890.

The present letter relates to the founding by Davitt – who inspired Mahatma Gandhi – of the newspaper 'Labour World', in which he was an early promoter of the British Labour Party. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. The reverse of the second leaf carries a full-page engraving of the 'Arundel Hotel, | Victoria Embankment, Strand, W.C.' He begins by informing Knox that 'Mr Stead' has handed him his 'favour to him of the 12th. inst.' He continues: 'The paper alluded to in the Review of Reviews is not to be started in Ireland.

[ Washington Gledden, religious editor of the New York Independent and opponent of racial segregation. ] Autograph Signature.

Washington Gladden (1836-1918), American Congregational pastor and religious editor of New York Independent, prominent in the Social Gospel and Progressive Movements, opponent of racial segregation
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 29 January 1914.

On one side of a 12mo piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, folded once horizontally with traces of glue from mount on blank reverse. Firm signature, underlined. Reads: 'Washington Gledden | Jan 29, 1914'.

[ Independent Tasmanian Ships Limited, State of Tasmania. ] Printed 'Prospectus of an Issue at Par of 496,993 Ordinary Shares of £1 each' (in order to set up a 'Tasmanian Shipping Line'), with two copies of a 'Form of Application'.

Independent Tasmanian Ships Limited, State of Tasmania, Australia [ The Van Diemen's Land Company, London and Tasmania ]
Publication details: 
Independent Tasmanian Ships Limited [ c/o Messrs. Wise, Lord & Ferguson, 19 Stewart Street, Devonport, Tasmania. ] [ Chalcraft Press, 123 Regent Street, Sydney. ]

[28]pp., 4to. Stapled into grey printed wraps. Illustrated with photographs; centrepage spread of matching tables giving 'Weekly Potato Shipments' from Tasmania to Sydney, in 1937 and 1956. On glossy art paper. Both prospectus and inserts in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Stamp of the Van Diemen's Land Company on front cover, with ownership inscription 'C. C. Carter'.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Municipalisation of the Drink Traffic. An Address delivered to the Aberdeen Independent Labour Party. By A. T. Gordon Beveridge, M.A., M.B., C.M., Chairman, Aberdeen Independent Labour Party, and member of the Aberdeen Town Council.

A. T. Gordon Beveridge [ Alexander Thomas Gordon Beveridge, M.D. ] Aberdeen Independent Labour Party ]
Publication details: 
Second Edition. Aberdeen: Printed and Published by G. & W. Fraser, "Belmont" Works. Manchester: Labour Press Society Ld., Tib Street. 1894.

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. A few marginal marks in blue pencil. Stamp of Aberdeen bookseller A. Martin at foot of title-page. Covering the last page is an 'Appendix | Scheme of Municipalisation as approved by the Special Committee of the Aberdeen Town Council.' Scarce: no copy of the first edition traced, and the only two copies of the second at Aberdeen University and the LSE.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Dorothy] Owston-Booth.

Ishbel Macdonald (1903-1982), hostess at Downing Street of her father the British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald
Publication details: 
30 September 1936; on letterhead of Upper Frognal Lodge, Hampstead, NW3.

4to, 1 p. On cream paper with letterhead printed in green. Fair, on lightly spotted and creased paper. She cannot make an appointment for an interview 'for various reasons [...] The chief reason being that I do not give interviews'. Owston-Booth was a contributor to the Windsor Magazine.

Archive of thirty-four Autograph Letters Signed and fifty-two Typed Letters Signed, to Baker, with two Autograph Letters Signed from Campion's wife, and drafts of three of Baker letters (two autograph and one typed), exhibition catalogue, etc.

Sidney Ronald Campion (1891-1978), O.B.E., F.R.S.A., English sculptor, painter and author [Edward Cecil Baker (1902-), M.B.E., Post Office Librarian [Archivist?]]
Publication details: 
1953 to 1978. 22 Erridge Road, Merton Park, Wimbledon (until 1971); 13 Argyle Court, Argyle Road, Southport (from 1972).

The archive is in very good condition, with very slight creasing and aging, and with all items entirely legible. Most items quarto, and most of two pages or more (one running to seven pages). One letter has the head and first paragraph cut away. All but the first two items, which date from 1953 and are signed 'Sidney R Campion', are signed 'Sidney'. The bulk of the correspondence dates from the 1970s. An important archive consisting almost exclusively of long, interesting and discursive letters addressed to a close and trusted friend.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. T. Gell') to 'Dear Walter'.

George T. Gell [I.O.G.T.; IOGT International; Independent Order of Good Templars; International Order of Good Templars; temperance movement; abstinence; prohibition; Sydney, Australia]
Publication details: 
25 February 1889; 15 Little's Lane, Nicholson Street, Balmain, E. Sydney, Australia [on I.O.G.T. letterhead].

8vo: 4 pp. Bifolium. 66 lines. Text clear and complete, on aged, spotted and worn paper. Letterhead with printed mottos in decorative borders: 'Total Abstinence is the only certain Preventive of, or Remedy for Intemperance.' and 'INDIVIDUAL ABSTINENCE. | STATE PROHIBITION.' In conclusion Gell apologises for 'what you no doubt will stigmatize as an absurd letter', and to the modern reader this item is certainly unintentionally-amusing. Since his correspondent 'went up', 'one of my Tasmanian friends along with Mrs.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Burns') to an unnamed male correspondent [the M.P. J. W. Logan?].

John Elliot Burns [John Burns] (1858-1943), Independent Labour Party Member of Parliament for Battersea
Publication details: 
28 August 1893; on parliamentary letterhead.

8vo: 1 p. 14 lines of text. On aged and spotted paper, laid down on a piece of card, and with the head of the letter (not affecting the text but causing the loss of the top half of the letterhead) worn away. Originally a 2-page 12mo bifolium, but with the text from the second page laid down below the first.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. N. B.') to 'My Dear N. M.'

H. N. Brailsford [Henry Noel Brailsford] (1873-1958), English radical journalist and author [Independent Labour Party; Sir Muirhead Bone; Archibald Hamilton Charteris]
Publication details: 
Friday'; date and place not stated [circa 1919?].

12mo, 4 pp. Good. A long, interesting gossipy letter. He is a 'poor weak devil' whose 'confounded laziness' has prevented him from writing. He has 'been to Thomlinson', and all copies of 'No. 14' are sold out, 'so there's a feather in your cap, my man'. Mention of 'Charteris', 'Ball & Boyd Scott'. 'I'm damned if I know where my lecture notes are - I've just hunted all over my room. I think they must be in Newcastle, or is it not possible that I lent them to you?' Discusses his 'articles in the Record'.

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