[ Printed item. ] Prospectus and forms of application for a share issue by the Ekman Pulp and Paper Company, Limited: '4½ First Mortgage Debentures of £100 Each'.

The Ekman Pulp and Paper Company, Limited. ('Paper Mills at Northfleet, Kent, and Ilford, Essex.') [ Carl Daniel Ekman (1845-1904), Swedish chemist and industrialist ] Sir Richard Harington ]
Publication details: 
[ The Ekman Pulp and Paper Company, Limited, London, 1896. ] Ford & Turner Printers, 77, Coleman Street, E.C.

Three items, folded into the customary packet. In very good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Prospectus. 4pp., 8vo. Includes the memorandum of association, in small print. The prospectus, dated 12 May 1896, begins: 'The Company was constituted in 1883. It possesses two Mills, one at Northfleet (freehold) with a complete plant for the manufacture of sulphite wood-pulp and four paper machines, and the other at Ilford (leasehold) with one paper machine. The out-put of these five machines is now 150 tons of paper per week.' Docketed at head of first leaf by Sir Richard Harington.

[ Independent Tasmanian Ships Limited, State of Tasmania. ] Printed 'Prospectus of an Issue at Par of 496,993 Ordinary Shares of £1 each' (in order to set up a 'Tasmanian Shipping Line'), with two copies of a 'Form of Application'.

Independent Tasmanian Ships Limited, State of Tasmania, Australia [ The Van Diemen's Land Company, London and Tasmania ]
Publication details: 
Independent Tasmanian Ships Limited [ c/o Messrs. Wise, Lord & Ferguson, 19 Stewart Street, Devonport, Tasmania. ] [ Chalcraft Press, 123 Regent Street, Sydney. ]

[28]pp., 4to. Stapled into grey printed wraps. Illustrated with photographs; centrepage spread of matching tables giving 'Weekly Potato Shipments' from Tasmania to Sydney, in 1937 and 1956. On glossy art paper. Both prospectus and inserts in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Stamp of the Van Diemen's Land Company on front cover, with ownership inscription 'C. C. Carter'.

Mimeographed typed Malayan stock market report, 'For Private Circulation Only', from Charles Bradbury & Co. (1930) Ltd, Stock & Share Brokers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.

[Charles Bradbury & Co. (1930) Ltd., Stock & Share Brokers, Kuala Lumpur, Federation of Malaya [Malaysia]]
Publication details: 
Charles Bradbury & Co. (1930) Ltd. (Members of the Malayan Stock Exchange). Stock & Share Brokers, 28 & 30 Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur, Federation of Malaya [Malaysia]. 'CIRCULAR LETTER No.7/60 | 30th September, 1960.'

10pp., foolscap 8vo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Sections on Industrials, Tin, Rubber, Company Reports; with full-page table of 'Market Price of Rubber and Nett Profit per Pound'. Begins: 'September was a strange sort of month - quiet by recent standards with hte market suspended between shade and shien as bearish and bullish-looking clouds scudded across the scene in jumbled sequence leaving investors and speculators confused and cautious.' From the private papers of C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force.

[Printed items.] Prospectus and application form for 1897 flotation of London United Laundries, Limited, with poster carrying fifteen photographs of 'Businesses to be acquired by the Company' and publicity flier headed 'A Great Laundry Amalgamation'.

The London United Laundries, Limited [Directors: The Hon. Reginald Brougham, A. C. Lyster, Murray Marshall, F. A. Baldwin, Ernest Honey]
The London United Laundries, Limited
Publication details: 
Prospectus 'Dated May 27th, 1897, London'; Roberts & Leete, Ltd., Printers, London. Other three items contemporaneous.
The London United Laundries, Limited

All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Prospectus. Folio, 7 pp. To raise share capital of £230,000. Lists the '13 modern Steam Laundries', four 'Receiving Depots', 'Dyeing and Cleaning Works' and 'recently-established Laundry Supply Stores' the company was being 'formed to acquire as going concerns, and still further develop'. Includes section on 'Advantages of the Amalgamation', auditors' and valuers' reports and memorandum of association. TWO: Application form. Folio, 1 p. Perforated, with 'Bankers' Receipt'. THREE: Publicity flier. Folio, 2 pp.

[Printed prospectus.] The General Apothecaries' Company, (Limited.) Capital, £10,000., with Power to Increase to £100,000., in shares of £10. each.

[The General Apothecaries' Company, (Limited.)]
The General Apothecaries' Company
Publication details: 
Office, Laboratories, and Central Wholesale and Retail Depot, 49, Berners Street, Oxford Street, London. 1856.
The General Apothecaries' Company

Folio, 3 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper. Giving a list of the Company's officers, including the six directors. Incorporated in 1856, and wound up by liquidators in 1861. Setting out the Company's aims and purposes, beginning 'This Company has been established to meet the urgent public demand for pure Drugs and Chemicals, and for Medicines prepared by the aid of the present advanced state of science.' Containing a long quotation from The Times regarding 'the evils arising from the prevalence of adulteration of Drugs and Chemicals employed in Medicine'.

A printed circular by 'Members of the Birmingham Committee of Shareholders', addressed 'To the Shareholders of the Standard Bank of London Limited', with a lithographed facsimile letter from the firm's liquidator Leslie, and a share prospectus.

Henry Leslie, F.S.A. [The Standard Bank of London Limited; London Stock Exchange; Victorian economics]
Publication details: 
Circular dated 'Committee Room, 116, Colmore Row, Birmingham, 27th April, 1882.' ['Printed by JOSIAH ALLEN, Birmingham.'] Lithograph dated 8 May 1882. Prospectus: 10 December 1880.

According to the prospectus (item three below), the Bank was 'Incorporated under the Companies' Acts, 1862, 1867, 1877 and 1879.' The three items were formerly pinned together. Item One (printed circular): 4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Headed 'TO SHAREHOLDERS ONLY. - PRIVATE.' Signed in type by seven 'Members of the Birmingham Committee of Shareholders'. The first paragraph reads 'The action of Mr.

[The Cooperative Printing Company] Printed Letter Signed (printed signatures) by Thomas Hughes, author of "Tom Brown's Schooldays", and others

[PRINTING HISTORY] Thomas Hughes and others.
Publication details: 
176 Fleet St, E.C. London, no date.

Four pages, fol., tear on fold marks, other defects but text clear and complete. The ten signatories also include W. Morrison (presumably the philanthropist, Walter), T[homas]. Brassey, R.M. [Castor?], Auberon Herbert ("the originator of Voluntaryism" (Wikipedia - see alos DNB), Hodgson Pratt (Peace advocate (DNB), [P.H. Hillard?], Edw. Owen Greeening, Tito Pagliardini and another (undeciphered). A socialist project concerning which I have found little information.

Temporary Certificate Exchangeable for Engraved Certificate.

[SHARE CERTIFICATE] Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America
Publication details: 

Approximately 8 inches by 11 inches. Printed in red and black. In good condition, but grubby, creased and with some staple and pin holes. Records the Rev. Arthur Robert William Law's holding of ten shares. Signed by the Treasurer and Vice-President, and countersigned by the Transfer Agent. Signed by Law on reverse. Large stamped notice in black ink by The Corporation Trust Company. Margins docketed in pencil.

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