[Giuseppe Antonio Taruffi, Italian author, diplomat and chess player.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Taruffi'), in English, to 'a matchless Nobleman', regarding individuals including 'Canon Ghigiotti', 'Valiani, & Corallis', and 'the strangest varlet'..

Giuseppe Antonio Taruffi (1715-1786), Italian author, diplomat and chess player
Publication details: 
Vienna. 18 April 1768.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Written in a clear and attractive hand. The recipient is not named. Begins: 'My dear & ever-honoured Friend! | Some business of great importance kept me nine days absent from this Capital. At my return I found your most obliging Letter of the 7th. instant, & was exceedingly delighted with your Kindness. You are indeed a matchless Nobleman.' He asks if the recipient is acquainted with Prince Charles of [Cunandia?], adding: 'I swear you knew the strangest varlet that ever was. It is pity.

[ Edwyn Anthony, proprietor of the 'Hereford Times', author, inventor and chess player. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Richard Harington, asking for his legal opinion on behalf of the Weights and Measures Committee of Herefordshire County Council.

Edwyn Anthony (1843-1932), proprietor of the 'Hereford Times', author, inventor, mathematician and chess player [ Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Whitbourne Court, Worcestershire ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Westood, Hereford. [ Received 25 June 1902. ]

7pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums. In good condition. A long and detailed letter, asking, '[i]n accordance with a resolution of the Wts. & Measures Committee', for Harington's opinion on a point of law, in relation to the charging of fees by inspectors, with reference to 'the provisions of the Acts of 1878 and 1889' and the 'decision in Rex v. Roberts'. Towards the conclusion Anthony states: 'The Wts.

Coloured poster for 'Chess, Sutton Coldfield', advertising many products and services, headed 'SEE! Many prices REDUCED!!' and 'Fischer plays Spassky for the world Championship, probably June to July (venue not yet decided).'

[Baruch H. Wood, Proprietor and Editor, Chess (Sutton Coldfield) Ltd, founded 1935, printers, publishers, manufacturers, importers, exporters [Bobby Fischer versus Boris Spassky, Reykjavik, 1972]
Publication details: 
'CHESS, Sutton Coldfield, England is always sufficient address'. [1972.]

The poster printed on one side of a 50 x 36.5 cm piece of paper, in black, red and purple, with four photographs (chessmen, clocks, demonstration board, and miniature set). Folded three times. In good condition, on aged paper, with pinholes to the edges and 'ALL ENQUIRIES TO MR MCCARTHY LAB ONE.' in red ink at foot.

Anonymous French nineteenth-century handbill poem, containing precepts on the game of chess, entitled 'Le Jeu d'Échecs.'

'Le Jeu d'Échecs' [anonymous French nineteenth-century handbill poem on the game of chess]
Handbill poem, containing precepts on the game of chess
Publication details: 
Date of publication and name of printer not stated [1840s Paris?].
Handbill poem, containing precepts on the game of chess

4 pp, 16mo. Paginated [1] to 4. On a bifolium of wove paper. Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper, with thin strip of previous mount adhering to inner margin of first page.

Archive of thirty-four Autograph Letters Signed and fifty-two Typed Letters Signed, to Baker, with two Autograph Letters Signed from Campion's wife, and drafts of three of Baker letters (two autograph and one typed), exhibition catalogue, etc.

Sidney Ronald Campion (1891-1978), O.B.E., F.R.S.A., English sculptor, painter and author [Edward Cecil Baker (1902-), M.B.E., Post Office Librarian [Archivist?]]
Publication details: 
1953 to 1978. 22 Erridge Road, Merton Park, Wimbledon (until 1971); 13 Argyle Court, Argyle Road, Southport (from 1972).

The archive is in very good condition, with very slight creasing and aging, and with all items entirely legible. Most items quarto, and most of two pages or more (one running to seven pages). One letter has the head and first paragraph cut away. All but the first two items, which date from 1953 and are signed 'Sidney R Campion', are signed 'Sidney'. The bulk of the correspondence dates from the 1970s. An important archive consisting almost exclusively of long, interesting and discursive letters addressed to a close and trusted friend.

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