[Richard Wright Procter, Manchester poet.] Long Autograph Letter Signed (‘R. W. Procter.’) to C. W. Sutton, discussing the huntsman Tom Moody and Sir Edward Lugden, and describing how he once ‘watched hounds’ and ‘quaffed brown beer with huntsmen’.

Richard Wright Procter (1816-1881), nineteenth-century Manchester author, poet, barber, circulating library proprietor [C. W. Sutton; Tom Moody, huntsman; Sir Edward Lugden, Conservative politician]
Publication details: 
26 September 1870; 133 Long Millgate [Manchester].

See Procter’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition on lightly-aged paper. 85 lines of closely- and neatly-written text. He begins by thanking Sutton for ‘the welcome portrait of Sir Edward Lugden’. He gives an example of Lugden’s ‘happy election repartee’(a joke about ‘Lather’ and ‘the present price of “Soap”’), for which, if no other reason, he ‘deserves a niche in my tonsorial gallery’.

[Suttons Seeds, Reading.] Typed Letter Signed from Martin H. J. Sutton of the Royal Seed Establishment to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding his experiments with 'radio-active fertilizers'.

[Suttons Seeds] Martin Hubert Foquet Sutton (1875-1930) of the Royal Seed Establishment, Reading, grandson of Martin Hope Sutton (1815-1901), seed merchant
Publication details: 
18 September 1915. On letterhead, with Royal Warrant, of The Royal Seed Establishment, Reading, England.

See the entry for Martin Hope Sutton in the Oxford DNB, and that for his grandson Martin Hubert Fouquet Sutton in Who Was Who. 2pp, 4to. I good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times. With RSA date stamp. Signed 'Martin H F Sutton'. In reply to a letter from Menzies, Sutton expresses regret that 'it will be impossible for you to attend the Demonstration here on the 24th inst.' Sutton will be 'publishing certain particulars for the benefit of those present' and will be glad to send Menzies a copy.

[Thomas Sutton, physician and medical writer.] Three Autograph Letters, one signed and two third person, to A. J. G. Marcet, with Autograph Copy of letter from Marcet, on a misunderstanding over a paper to the Medical and Chirurgical Society.

Thomas Sutton (c.1767-1835), physician who first described delirium tremens [Alexander John Gaspard Marcet (1770-1822), Genevan-born physician to Guy's Hospital, London, and chemist]
Publication details: 
ONE:Greenwich; 11 September 1812. TWO: 17 September 1812. THREE: 26 September 1812. FOUR: Ruessell Square [London]; 25 September 1812.

See the entries for Sutton and Marcet in the Oxford DNB. A strained exchange as a result of a misunderstanding over the presentation by Marcet to the Medical and Chirurgical Society of a paper by Sutton. (The following year Sutton would publish his 'Tracts on Delirium Tremens, on Peritonitis, and on Some other Internal Inflammatory Affections, and on the Gout'.) The shift between persons in Sutton's three letters is indicative of a cooling of tone, and in the final item Marcet comes close to accusing Sutton of lying.

[Thomas Sutton, physician who first described delirium tremens.] Autograph Letter in the third person to Peter Mark Roget, regarding Alexander J. G. Marcet and 'a paper deliver'd to the Medical & Chirurgical Society'.

Thomas Sutton (c.1767-1835), physician who first described delirium tremens [Peter Mark Roget (1779-1869); Alexander John Gaspard Marcet (1770-1822)]
Publication details: 
No place; 12 September 1812.

2pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper adhering to the reverse of the second leaf, which is addressed, with postmarks, 'To | Doctor Roget M.D. | Bernard Street | London -'. See the entries on Sutton, Roget and Marcet in the Oxford DNB. The letter concerns a misunderstanding between Sutton and Marcet. (Two of Sutton's letters to Marcet with a copy of a reply by Marcet are offered together separately elsewhere.) The present letter is 2pp, 4to. Bifolium.

[ Sir John Bland-Sutton, surgeon, President of the Royal Society of Medicine and of the Royal College of Surgeons. ] Two Autograph Letter Signed (both 'J Bland-Sutton'), one to 'Miss Smith', the other to 'Mr Milburn', regarding an interesting tumour.

Sir John Bland-Sutton [born John Sutton] (1855–1936), surgeon, President of the Royal Society of Medicine and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of 47 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. [ London ]. Letter to 'Miss Smith', 26 February 1905; letter to 'Mr Milburn', 10 March 1905..

Both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: To 'Miss Smith'. 2pp., 12mo. He 'would like the tumour very much, and a photo if you have it of the baby with the tumour in situ'. If the tumour proves of interest he would request 'Dr Milburn's permission to send it to the Royal College of Surgeons'. TWO: To 'Mr Milburn'. 2pp., 12mo. He is returning his specimens. 'I am at a loss to say much about this specimen as it requires a careful and very detailed examination to decide its nature.' After Milburn has shown the specimen to his 'society' he asks him to send it 'to Mr Shallock of the R.

[ John Wesley and Methodism. ] Three items from the papers of Rev. Richard Bartelot: Autograph Letters Signed from J. S. Simon of Wesley Historical Society and J. Crosland of Sutton Bridge; printed programme of Liverpool bi-centenary celebrations.

[ John Wesley and Methodism ] Rev. John Smith Simon (1843-1933), President of the Wesley Historical Society; J. Crosland of Sutton Bridge, Wisbech [ Rev. Richard Bartelot (1868-1947), local historian
Publication details: 
Crosland's letter on letterhead of Sutton Bridge, Wisbech, 16 June 1903. Simon's letter on Wesley Historical Society letterhead, 22 April 1914. Programme from Liverpool Wesleyan Methodist Council, for celebration on 17 June 1903.

The three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: ALS [to Bartelot] from 'J. Crosland'. (There are postcards printed by 'J. Crosland and Son, Post Office, Sutton Bridge Wisbech.') 3pp., 12mo.

Coloured poster for 'Chess, Sutton Coldfield', advertising many products and services, headed 'SEE! Many prices REDUCED!!' and 'Fischer plays Spassky for the world Championship, probably June to July (venue not yet decided).'

[Baruch H. Wood, Proprietor and Editor, Chess (Sutton Coldfield) Ltd, founded 1935, printers, publishers, manufacturers, importers, exporters [Bobby Fischer versus Boris Spassky, Reykjavik, 1972]
Publication details: 
'CHESS, Sutton Coldfield, England is always sufficient address'. [1972.]

The poster printed on one side of a 50 x 36.5 cm piece of paper, in black, red and purple, with four photographs (chessmen, clocks, demonstration board, and miniature set). Folded three times. In good condition, on aged paper, with pinholes to the edges and 'ALL ENQUIRIES TO MR MCCARTHY LAB ONE.' in red ink at foot.

Original sepia lithograph engraving, titled 'Newland Street, Witham', and showing the offices of the printing office and bookshop of the print's publisher R. S. Cheek.

Richard Sutton Cheek, printer and bookseller, Witham, Essex
Original sepia lithograph engraving, titled 'Newland Street, Witham'
Publication details: 
[1850s.] 'Published by R. S. Cheek.' [Witham, Essex.]
Original sepia lithograph engraving, titled 'Newland Street, Witham'

On piece of paper roughly 29.5 x 44 cm. The image itself is 30 cm wide, with an arched top 18 cm high at sides and 22 cm at the highest point. The image is clear and complete, on dusty spotted paper with fraying and loss to top edge especially. A charming image, showing Victorian middle-class townsfolk comporting in the town centre, with a wide main street with two carriages, and shop names including 'ELLIS' and 'WILSHER BUILDER'. Towards the centre is 'CHEEKS PRINTING OFFICE', 'BOOKSELLER STATIONER'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('M Asquith' and 'Margot Asquith'), both to the Editor of the London Daily Graphic Harold Edward Lawton.

Margot Asquith [Emma Alice Margaret Asquith] (1864-1945), Countess of Oxford and Asquith
Publication details: 
3 and 8 December 1920; the first on letterhead of 44 Bedford Square, London W.C.1, and the second on letterhead of The Wharf, Sutton Courtney, Berkshire.

Both items written in pencil and good, on lightly aged paper, with their stamped and postmarked envelopes addressed by Asquith. Both envelopes with traces of brown paper mount adhering to reverse, and both docketed by the Graphic's editor 'To me Harold Lawton'. Letter One (12mo, 4 pp, headed 'Private'): Amusingly outraged letter regarding a visit by 'two gentlemen' of whom Asquith 'had no sort of knowledge'. Graphic journalists, they assured Asquith 'that nothing wd. be written about me without my seeing it first [last five words underlined in red]'.

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