[Tsingtao [Qingdao] during the Second Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945.] Ten long Autograph Letters Signed from Malcolm H. Young, English agent, to his sister Celia, describing conditions during Japanese occupation.

[Tsingtao [Qingdao] during the Second Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945)] Malcolm H. Young, English agent at Tsingtao [Quingdao], China, during the Japanese occupation
Publication details: 
Three from 1937 (18 January, 28 November and 10 December); seven from 1938 (13, 20 and 27 February, 6 March, 7 April, 6 May and 13 November). All addressed from ‘P.O. Box 286. Tsingtao. China / via Siberia’.

A good well-written correspondence, painting a good picture of the day-to-day life of an English expatriate in the occupied city. Letters are signed ‘Malcolm’ and (once) ‘Mac’. Young names himself in valedictions as Celia’s brother. He does not sign with his surname, which can however be deduced from the combination of postscripts signed ‘M H Y’; and Celia being named in the endorsement to one letter as ‘C. G. Young’. He is is presumably ‘Malcolm H. Young, agent’, who features in the Tsingtao / Hong Kong List for 1941.

[Alexander McKee; post-war Germany] Spearmen of the North. A Record of Public History and Private Opinion in Germany 1945-1954, typescript

Alexander McKee [Alexander Paul Charrier McKee (1918 – 1992), journalist, military historian, and diver.]
Publication details: 

60pp., 4to, crude card binding, damp-stained and worn at spine, typescript aged, damp-stained but clear. Sub-title: A Record of Public History and Private Opinion in Germany 1945-1954 | and an attempt at analysis of the German character as it appeared to a soldier of the British Army of the Rhine.

[Belgian resistance documents.] Typed document titled 'ARMEE SECRETE | C?G?48 bis | Historique de la Section 802 depuis ses debuts'. With typewritten list regarding feeding and lodging of 'refractaires' and manuscript table of agents headed 'Combat'.

[The Belgian resistance movement, Maquis; Froidmont, Tournai, Belgium; World War Two]
Publication details: 
The 'Historique' document dated 'Froidmont, le 25 septembre 1944' [Tournai, Belgium]; the other two items without place or date.

A scarce survival, providing a mass of valuable information, written during wartime, with nothing else about this section of the Belgian resistance having been discovered. All three documents in fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. ONE: 'Historique de la Section 802 depuis ses debuts.' Typed document. 3pp., 4to. Rust staining from paperclip at head of first page. Type indentation indicates that this is an original document, not a mimeograph. Giving an account of Section 802 from September 1941 to 9 September 1944.

[ Napoleonic Wars: number of Dutch newspaper published during French occupation of Holland. ] Journal du Department des Bouches de la Meuse. | Dagblad van het Departement der Monden van de Maas.

Journal du Department des Bouches de la Meuse, la Haye [ Dagblad van het Departement der Monden van de Maas, den Haag ] [ Napoleonic Wars; French occupation of Holland ]
Publication details: 
No. 40. 9 February 1813. A la Haye [ the Hague ], de l'Imprimerie de G. Vosmaer. Se vend chez B. Scheurleer le jeune, Veenestraat S. No. 152,

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. With two tax stamps. Laid out in double column, with the Dutch text on the right, and a French translation on the left. Begins with official announcements ('Administration. | Renovation.' and 'Contribution Fonciere sur les Proprietes Baties'), followed by 'Nouvelles - Politique' ('Baviere', 'Angleterre' and 'Empire-Francais') and ending with 'Varietes'.

Binder containing forty mimeographed typed documents from the Control Commission School (Air), Regent's Park, London, a top secret wartime organisation to prepare Allied officers for the occupation of Germany. With an autograph paper by a student.

Air Vice-Marshall D. M. T. MacDonald (1909-1988), Officer Commanding, Control Commission School (Air), Regent's Park [F/o A. H. Reeve]
Publication details: 
[Control Commission School (Air), Viceroy Court, Prince Albert Road, Regent's Park, London.] February and March 1945.

A significant collection of documents relating to the secret effort, at the end of the Second World War, to prepare officers of the British and allied armed forces for the coming occupation of Germany. Excessively scarce: the only other holdings appear to be in the British National Archives, and the Maurice M. Goodner papers (OAC), the latter relating to a later Parisian branch of the school.

Printed notice in English and Burmese, from Major General C. F. B. Pearce of the British Military Administration 'To All Burma Government Servants', on victory over the Japanese, announcing that 'The era of face slapping is over'.

Major General C. F. B. Pearce [Sir Charles Frederick Byrde Pearce] (1892-1964), Chief Civil Affairs Officer (Burma), British Military Administration [Japanese occupation of Burma, 1942-1945]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Burma, c. May 1945.] In bottom left-hand corner: 'SB/20'.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight discoloration and wear to extremities. In English on one side and Burmese on the other. Both sides headed by the royal crest, with a banner beneath, reading in English 'BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION'. The English version of the document is signed in type: 'Sd: C. F. B. PEARCE | Maj. General | Chief Civil Affairs Officer (Burma)'. It is headed 'TO ALL BURMA GOVERNMENT SERVANTS', and begins: 'The Allies are now about to drive the Japanese from Burma.

[British anti-German Second World War propaganda pamphlet, printing the transcript of a BBC broadcast.] The Woman from Poland.

W. J. Brown [Second World War; occupation of Poland; Polish; Nazi war attrocities; fascism; BBC]
Publication details: 
'10/41 [i.e. printed October 1941] A., P. & S., Ltd.' 'Broadcast in the Home Service of the B.B.C. on Tuesday, 23rd September, 1941.'

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased. Beneath the cover on the front page are four quotations: 'I don't know what astonishes me most about you British - your kindness and your courage, or your blindness.'; 'Not one in ten of you knows what a German victory would mean to you.'; 'Wake up.

Printed paper on 'Occupation', giving the position on 'annexation' and 'settlement' of a 'civilised State' in international law, with a section on 'The West African Conference of 1884-1885', and a reference to 'the original uncivilised inhabitants'.

[Thomas Joseph Lawrence (1849-1920), Fellow and Tutor of Downing College, Cambridge, and authority on International Law; The West African Conference of 1884-1885]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Cambridge. 1890.]

A significant document, providing a clear exposition of the late-Victorian colonialist position on the two branches of occupation: annexation and settlement. Untraced. T. J. Lawrence of Downing College is the probable author, as the section on 'annexation' also features in his 'Handbook of Public International Law' (1890). 1p., 8vo. Printed in landscape on one side of a piece of unwatermarked laid paper. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased. The document begins: 'Occupation in International Law applies only to territory not previously held by a civilised State.

Binder containing forty mimeographed typed documents from the Control Commission School (Air), Regent's Park, London, a top secret wartime organisation to prepare Allied officers for the occupation of Germany. With an autograph paper by a student.

Air Vice-Marshall D. M. T. MacDonald (1909-1988), Officer Commanding, Control Commission School (Air), Regent's Park [F/o A. H. Reeve]
Publication details: 
[Control Commission School (Air), Viceroy Court, Prince Albert Road, Regent's Park, London.] February and March 1945.

A significant collection of documents relating to the secret effort, at the end of the Second World War, to prepare officers of the British and allied armed forces for the coming occupation of Germany. Excessively scarce: the only other holdings appear to be in the British National Archives, and the Maurice M. Goodner papers (OAC), the latter relating to a later Parisian branch of the school.

[Mimeographed] Report on visit to Czechoslovakia 16th November to 9th December, 1945

Col. R.V. Shepherd, Armament Design Department
Publication details: 

Mimeographed or similar, 74pp., 4to, simple card binding, title label faded, Copy no. [10]. marked SECRET on title. DUP pencilled on title also. [Forewrd] This report is a record of information on German armament activity in Czechoslovakia. The Czech Ministry of Defence has helped in the preparation. Appendix 6 is an alphabetical record of the principal personnel mentioned in the report... Full of infomation about people (inc. Germans) involved durting the War, with a report on Skoda (appendix I, pp.14-22, and an experimental station, pp.29-32, etc.

Official Letter Signed "Ph. Loverat [?]", "[Printed] Le Maire de la Ville de Coni [in Italy], Baron de l'Empire, Membre de la Legion d'honneur TO "Monsieur Le Prefet du Dep. Comte de L'Empire".

{Birthday Celebration of Napoléon François Joseph Charles, King of Rome, b.1811]
Publication details: 
Departement de la Stu Ra/ Ville de Coni Chef-Lieu/ Division/ Section./ .../ Objet Fête du Roi de Rome", 22 May 1811.

One page, sm. folio, good condition. "Monsieur / J'ai L'honneur de vous adresser, M. Le Comte, copie conforme de l'acte de seance du conseil municipal en date 18 du courant, parle quel 3000 Francs ont été mis a ma disposition pour célebrer la fête de la naissance de S.M. Le Roy de Rome et je vous adresse dans la meme tem[p]s le programme dressé pour la dite fête. / Et daignez . . ."

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