[Thomas Phillipps, Collector; Middle Hill] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Thomas Phillipps, collector
Publication details: 
M.H. [Middle Hill], 13 N[ovember?] 1854

Three pages, 8vo, creased and slightly stained, but clear and complete. He's been sent a copy of Seymour's lectures on Convents (pub. 1852), pays for it with stamps, makes one or two points for the next edition, refers to Wiseman (who published a response in 1853) as the Cardinal of Impudentiana, and gives references to other works on nunneries (evidences against). He promotes a campaign to petition for the repeal of the Emancipation Act, and concludes with further suggestions for a new edition (typography etc).

Diary of a business trip in Southern Africa

Publication details: 

Diary advertising Julius Wile Sons & Co., Inc., 2 Park Avenue, N.Y. "Importers Since 1877", soft artificial leather covers, rubbed, name "Peter Hasslacher" in gilt on front, hinge strain, contents otherwise good, complete, one day to each page. Initially there is printed information about the agencies for imports of wines, spirits and liqueurs of Julius Wile, a Wile family tree, a history of the comp[any, biographical details of "Active Members" of the Wile and Blum families.

Small archive of 22 Typed Letters Signed ('Frank Baines') and one Autograph Letter Signed, to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, with documents including a draft speech by Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, with Baldwin's emendations.

Sir Frank Baines (1877-1933), British architect, Director of Works, Her Majesty's Office of Works [Stanley Baldwin]
Publication details: 
1927 to 1928; on letterheads of the Director of Works, H.M. Office of Works, and 34, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. [London].

The collection is in very good condition, on slightly aged and dusty paper. Several items bear the Society's stamp. An interesting and significant correspondence. The letters, in a variety of formats from 12mo to foolscap, are often long, and are written in an informal tone. Indicating Baines's deep involvement in the Society's affairs, they most significantly concern an appeal, organised by Baines on behalf of the Society, 'for the preservation of the cottage architecture of Great Britain', with the backing and involvement of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin.

Two Manuscript Diaries, covering the years 1916 and 1917.

Geoffrey Clifford Tyndale [Divorce Law; Legal History; Reading Lists; The Times of London]
Publication details: 
1 January 1916 to 3 January 1918.

Two 8vo diaries, by Charles Letts, the first 'improved' and the second 'self-opening'. Both in heavily worn covers, lacking spines, but internally clean, on aged paper, and with the text entirely legible. Both diaries end with a brief set of accounts. The diaries are filled with details of the life of a young English lawyer in London during the Great War, including references to the many legal cases in which he was involved.

Two Autograph Drafts of reviews and one Autograph Letter Signed to Philip Dossé of Hansom Books, Artillery Mansions, 75 Victoria Street, London SW1.

Tom Driberg [Thomas Edward Neil Driberg, Baron Bradwell of Bradwell-juxta-Mare] (1905-1976) [crossword puzzled]
Publication details: 
Both reviews undated [both c. 1974]. Letter of 14 March 1974; 601 Mountjoy House, Barbican, London, on cancelled House of Commons letterhead.

All three items lightly aged but good. Driberg has written 'TOM DRIBERG' at the head of the first page of both reviews. First Review (8vo, 7 pp) with slight wear at head (not affecting text) of first four leaves; last three leaves on House of Commons letterheads. With corrections. The subject is Daphne Fielding's 'The Rainbow Picnic' (1974). Second Review (8vo, 7 pp, on House of Commons letterheads) of four books about crossword puzzles, including Roger Millington's 'The Strange World of the Crossword' (1974). With corrections.

Autograph Letter Signed to unknown male correspondent; Autograph Signed endorsement of 'Dr. Dick of Dundee'; and facsimile of letter of thanks to his 'Birth-day Benefactors'.

James Montgomery (1771-1854), Scottish hymnwriter and poet
Publication details: 
The letter dated 29 May 1835, 10 New Palace Yard, Westminster; the endorsement dated 'The Mount, September 19. 1850'; the facsimile dated 'The Mount nr Sheffield, Nov. 4. 1851.'

The letter (8vo, 1 p) is foxed, but otherwise very good. Had he not been 'engaged for ten days past to dine three or four miles off with an old acquaintance', whom it is too late to disappoint, he would have been happy to avail himself of the kind invitation. Sends best wishes and prayers to the recipient's family, 'from the elder to the youngest'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H Fournel'), in French, to unnamed correspondent.

Henri Fournel [Henri-Jérôme-Marie Fournel (1799-1876), French civil engineer, geologist and disciple of Saint-Simon] (1799-1876)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

4to: 3 pp. Bifolium. Good on lightly aged and creased paper. Text clear and entire. Eighty lines of text, beginning abruptly, without salutation, 'Vous m'avez demandé ma pensée sur le prospectus que vous avez proposé.

Six documents including Signed Articles of Agreement for Johnson ('of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew') to perform Government 'service as Gardener in India'; with two testimonials and letters from Mary, Countess of Minto, and Cecil Allanson.

John Thomas Johnson, Assistant Curator of the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta, India [Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Mary, Countess of Minto]
 Royal Botanic Gardens
Publication details: 
 Royal Botanic Gardens

The collection in good condition, with all but one of the six items carrying ring-binder punch holes. Item One, Articles of Agreement: Foolscap bifolium, 3 pp. Dated 16 September 1904. Printed seventeen-point agreement in the form of a manuscript facsimile. Signed by Johnson, Sir John Edge and Sir Stewart Colvin Bayley, and witnessed by 'W. Watson | R[oyal]. G[ardens] Kew' and 'Frank R. Marten | India Office'. Items Two and Three both with mourning border on letterhead of Minto House, Hawick. Item Two, Mary Countess of Minto ('M Minto') to Johnson. 4to: 1 p. 14 September 1914.

Manuscript and Typescript sections of an apparently unpublished work on 'British music and its present state'; 2 Typed Letters Signed, 3 Autograph Cards Signed, 1 Typed Card Signed to Mary Eversley, Covent Garden Opera, with copies of two replies.

Scott Goddard (c.1895-1965), British musicologist
Publication details: 

The collection as a whole is in good condition on aged paper. ITEM ONE: 90-page typescript headed 'II | ANTECEDENT', beginnning 'It has become a commonplace of musicology, at least in this country, that the first two decades of the Twentieth Century show an immense increase of creative activity in the composition of works of music by an astonishingly rich group of their [sic] young composers.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all three 'W. Elwin') to historian Alexander William Kinglake (1809-1891).

Whitwell Elwin (1816-1900), English journalist, editor of the 'Quarterly Review'
Publication details: 
1875, 1883, 1887; all three from Booton Rectory, Norwich.

All three letters 12mo, and closely written. All three with rusted pinholes at head. A valuable correspondence, in which one of Victorian England's leading critics describes his response to the work of one of the age's foremost historians. LETTER ONE (1 page, 26 lines, good): He thanks Kinglake for sending his 'new volume' [of 'The Invasion of the Crimea']. 'I am reading it with great delight. The work to me is unique both in military & literary history.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'J. H. Stocqueler') to Philippart.

Joachim Hayward Stocqueler (1800-1885), English traveller and writer [Sir John Philippart (c.1784-1875), editor of the United Services Gazette
Publication details: 
Two letters from 6 Wellington Street, Strand, London, both undated (one 'Thursday' and the other docketed by Phillipart 'Novr 1848'; the third letter 10 August 1870, 8 Henley Street, Kentish Town.

Letter One (November 1848; folio, 1 p; on discoloured, creased and worn paper): Availing himself of Philippart's 'kind permission to contribute to the U. S. Magazine', Stocqueler is sending 'the commencement of a Historical Sketch' he has 'long meditated writing'. 'A note in this month's Dublin University Mag. has afforded the text - & the pretext'. It 'will be calculated to please the India Office', and will contain 'a good deal of personal sketch'. Addressed on reverse to Philippart at the Magazine's office at 19 Catherine Street, Strand, and docketed by Philippart.

Autograph letter signed ('L'abbe Contrafatto'), in French, to Félix Barthe (1795-1863), French Minister of Justice.

Joseph Contrafatto (b.1798) [l'abbé Contrafatto], Sicilian-born French priest; sentenced to hard labour for an 'affaire de mœurs'; imprisoned, 1827; released, 1845 [Félix Barthe; paedophilia]
Publication details: 
Brest le 15 Juin 1831' [Bagne de Brest].

4to: 2 pp. Eighteen lines of text. Very good on aged paper. Docketed. Written while a convict at the Bagne de Brest. Titled by Contrafatto in top left-hand corner 'Direction des affaires Criminelles et des grâces.' Begins with a Latin quotation on the subject of crime and innocence, to which he adds the comment 'Quel est celui qui, plus que moi, ait le droit d'invoquer ce principe tutélaire?' In a six-line paragraph attempts to flatter Barthe ('[...] l'ornement du Barreau avant d'être appelé dans le conseil du Roi.

Two Autograph Letters Signed "Augte Viquesnel" to an unnamed correspondent. In French [En Francais]

[TURKEY] Auguste Viquesnel (1803-1867), author of "Voyage dans la Turquie d'Europe"
Publication details: 
Paris, 7 June 1847 and Seaux, 14 August [1854?].

One page each, 8vo, minor stains and creasing, good condition. (1847) He describes a colleague, a "M. de La Roquette", for some years Secretary to the "Societe de geographie". whom he understands to be working on Turkey. "Je me [?] de lui indiquer un ouvrage Special sur Constantinople, son historie, ses monuments . . . " He wishes to avail himself of his correspondent's knowledge of "bibliographie" to help his colleague.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jane Halliday') to an unnamed Lord of the Admiralty.

Lady Jane Halliday [née Tollemache] (1750-1802), English society beauty painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds [Lord Hugh Seymour; the Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Grove Cottage near Cowes'. Undated, but docketed '22 Sept: 1800'.

4to, 1 p, 12 lines. Very good, on aged paper. Asking the recipient 'through this medium to recommend my son Lieut Halliday [Francis Halliday, born around 1776; fl. 1820] of the Thunderer, now at Jamaica, to the notice of Lord Hugh Seymour; Sir Hyde Parker has sent me an account of him, but to my great disappointment has not brought him Home - - - - - Francis has been six years in the East & West Indies & very attentive to his profession'. She feels sure that 'a line from yr. Lordship to Lord Hugh could not fail of being of great use to him'. Docketed on reverse 'Mem: Enquire abt.

Official Letter Signed "Ph. Loverat [?]", "[Printed] Le Maire de la Ville de Coni [in Italy], Baron de l'Empire, Membre de la Legion d'honneur TO "Monsieur Le Prefet du Dep. Comte de L'Empire".

{Birthday Celebration of Napoléon François Joseph Charles, King of Rome, b.1811]
Publication details: 
Departement de la Stu Ra/ Ville de Coni Chef-Lieu/ Division/ Section./ .../ Objet Fête du Roi de Rome", 22 May 1811.

One page, sm. folio, good condition. "Monsieur / J'ai L'honneur de vous adresser, M. Le Comte, copie conforme de l'acte de seance du conseil municipal en date 18 du courant, parle quel 3000 Francs ont été mis a ma disposition pour célebrer la fête de la naissance de S.M. Le Roy de Rome et je vous adresse dans la meme tem[p]s le programme dressé pour la dite fête. / Et daignez . . ."

Autograph Letter Signed "Ch. Lemire" to Jules Gros, "Publiciste, Paris".

Charles Lemire, Administrateur colonial, Explorateurauthority on Indo-China [Vietnam; Cambodia; Laos]
Publication details: 
Trelage pres Angers, 21 Octobre 1883. In French.

Two pages, 8vo, good condition. He has sent Gros a brochure "sur l'Instruction publique en australie." Also, on the advice of his editor, Challamel, he has sent Gros his volumes on Indo-China, Caledonia and Australia further to a promise that he would cite them in his studies on "les mouvements geographiques.". He wants to be informed when they have arrived. He is also about to publish another book on Indo-China and one on Caledonia with maps and illustrations.

Autograph Note Signed to Thomas Hood, journalist, editor and poet.

Cyrus Redding, journalist and editor (DNB)
Publication details: 
3 Hill Road, [St John's Wood], "Monday morning", undated [1846 or before?].

One page, 8vo, corners frayed, one spot, text clear and complete. "I feared the objection you mentioned in your note, but I was willing to try 'The Spanish Page' [Velasco [or memoirs of a page, 3 vols, 1846?], as has been sometimes done, piecemeal, for it will be a long time before I shall be able to complete the three volumes. / I send you a small light article purely my own.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed male correspondent.

Stéphane Flachat, Ingénieur, Engineer.
Publication details: 
No place, 12 Janvier 1830.

One page, minor damage and staining marginally affecting text, which has lost one letter, as follows: "D'après l'autorisation que mon frère [Eugène Flachat, eminent engineer] m'a transmise de votre part, je prends la liberté de vous demander un rendez-vous, pour vour entretenir du Canal maritime, et vous soumettre notamment la partie des plans de cette entreprise qui interesse plus spécialement la ville de Paris.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Emma Roberts, author, inc. "Hindustan" (1845).
Publication details: 
[19 Decr 1827 - date entered in pencil in another hand]

Two pages, 8vo, good condition. She explains why she can't fulfil his wish that she receive his guests but looks forward to a visit to "Craven Street"., only postponed. Hhe has "written to Mr Pickering [publisher?] according to your instructions and shall feel obliged by the exertion of your influence in my behalf with him." She claims to be writing in great haste.

[Thomas Tegg] Autograph Letter Signed to John Pitcairn, papermaker of Edinburgh (see SBTI).

Thomas Tegg, publisher and bookseller (see DNB)
Publication details: 
London, 21 June 1822.

Two pages, 4to,, creasing, minor damage and staining not affecting text. He sympathises with Pitcairn over a "loss" (his wife?) sympathising as "a husband and a father". The last time he was in Edinburgh he had little time at his disposal and didn't call on him. And "The moment my business is done I have no desire to stay." But he is visiting Edinburgh soon and will call, preferring that to writing. "In the meantime allow me to say that your charge for packing etc is a thing unheard of.

Autograph Letter Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed woman.

Ernest Lacan, sometime Secretaire de la Redaction du journal La Lumière, writing on behalf of Niepce, pioneer photographer.
Publication details: 
"Mardi" [no other information about place and date].

Two pages, 8vo, good condition. Text as follows (accents not on my keyboard!): M. Niepce est venue hier, un peu inquiet, me dire qu'on venait de lui apprendre que l'organisation militaire des chateaux inferieurs etait a peu pres decidee. N'ayant rien aucune nouvelle en ce qui le concerne, il craint d'avoir ete tout a fait oublie au milieu des preoccupations que les evenements recents ont fait [naitre?]. / Oserai, je vous prie, Madame, de demander a Monsieur Le Fevre, qui a deja tant fait pour lui, de vouloir bien rappeler a l'Empereur notre pauvre officier savant. / Ce sera pour M.

Autograph Note Signed "E. Scribe" to an unnamed friend and collaborator

Eugene Scribe, playwright and librettist
Publication details: 
No place or date.

One page, c.10 x 13cm, creased and dulled but text clear and complete. "Mon cher ami/ Voila tout ce wue j'ai et prenez garde d'egarer ce scenario du second acte - je n'en ai pas d'autre copie et s'il la perdait, je ne pourrai jamais me rappeler un seul mot du contiens.- / Mille [?] tendres amitiés et remerciements de votre aimable billet -"

Letter Signed "Sidmouth" to an unnamed correspondent.

Viscount Sidmouth, statesman (DNB), here "Home Secretary".
Publication details: 
Whitehall, 8 Dec. 1817.

Two pages, 4to, copperplate text by secretary, fold marks, marks of sellotape (half inch square at most) at edge, small chip bottom corner,m text cleqar and complete. Sidmouth, who has received a letter in favour of the condemned John Vartie, forger, informs his correspondent that "the Case of this unfortunate Person had the most full and deliberate consideration, at the time when the Report was made to the Prince Regent in Council.

One Typed Letter Signed, one Autograph Letter Signed, one Autograph Postcard initialled, all to Harry Paynter (one also to Paynter's wife), and a typescript annotated in Young's hand.

Francis Brett Young, novelist.
Publication details: 
107 East 70th Street, 21 Nov. 1928, Esthwaite Lodge, Hawkshead, Nr. Ambleside, 31 March 1930, and (Postcard) Mamounia Hotel, Marrakesh, [1935?].

Both letters, two pages, 8vo, stained and marked, but texts clear and complete. The Postcard is grubby (view of Marrakesh on front).

[Billet Autographe Signée] Autograph Note Signed "F Barry" with a cover note by Eugene Philippe (on its verso) and a Letter Signed "[Etienne] Dujardin-Beaumetz" (1852-1913), sous secrétaire d'Etat aux Beaux-Arts, about Barry's works.

François Barry, French artist
Publication details: 
No place for the former, but the docketing previously beneath the Note says 22 Aout 1805.

{Note/Billet} One page, c.16 x 11cm, some marking but text clear and complete, but partly illegible as follows: "Il faudrait . . . fut . . . merci un . . . je te ferais alors un bien joli tableau / FBarry/" This note has been soake away from a larger piece of paper in poor condition. at the foot of which an unknown hand explained that "Ces quelques lignes sont les dernieres que Monsieur Barry aient ecrits. Elles datent de 22 Aout 1905.

Autograph Letter Signed "W. Hone" to an unnamed male correspondent.

William Hone, Radical bookseller and publisher (DNB).
Publication details: 
5 Bolt Court, 18 June 1840.

One page, minor staining not affecting text, laid down on grey coarse paper. "Here is the Cape Shipping List [perhaps including slavers?]. It's business-like details of murders by wholesale tell the cold blooded tales of horror more effectually than eloquent language. They [leave?] & lead the mind to imagine the terrible scenes enacted with poetical power which minute detail fails to [word excised "affect"] produce. I admire this brevity - it is inoffensively offensive. / I am grateful to you, my dear Sir, for your care of my daughter - your help to the helpless.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Birmingham inventor Samuel Timings (active between 1853 and 1869).

Henry Warren (1794-1879), English painter of Biblical and oriental themes
Publication details: 
28 March 1863; on letterhead of 24 Upper Phillimore Place, Kensingon, W.

12mo, 4 pp. Good, on aged paper with a little light staining at head. A significant letter, in which Warren gives information of those of Warren's 'poor works' which have been engraved: 'they have been chiefly for book illustration and are spread through many publishers'. Begins by describing how 'Murray's Childe Harold has many vignettes, very well engraved from my drawings'. Ends by saying that 'There is also a print in the mixed style of considerable size engraved by Humphreys but not yet published. It is from my picture of a story teller reciting in a coffee house of Damascus'.

Autograph Letter Signed to John Childs of Bungay, Suffolk, printer, non-conformist, agitator, staunch nonconformist (DNB).

J. Atkinson, [radical poet].
Publication details: 
London, 11 Jan. 1823.

One page, folio, closely written, chipped with some loss of text, creases and small closed tears. Obviously close (he calls him "Jockie"), Atkinson touches on various radical matters and people in a relaxed, allusive and witty fashion. He initially discusses a poem he is putting togther which "Henry & David" wish to get printed under Childs auspices ("any idea or expression not harmonising with your taste & judgment tell me & I will amend it"). He will get the printer David Maurice (a friend; also see BBTI) to set it up.

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