[Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon.] 37 items, including 21 ALsS from librarian W. S. Brassington to one of the Theatre’s governors, Dr E. M. Boddy, regarding his gift of portraits to Shakespeare Memorial, and resulting disagreement.

Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon [William Salt Brassington (1859-1939), archaeologist; Evan Marlett Boddy (c.1847-1934), FRCS; Stewart Dick; Edgar Flower; Archibald Flower]
Publication details: 
20 of Brassington’s 21 letters from between 1899 and 1902, and on letterheads of Shakespeare Memorial, Stratford-upon-Avon; the other is from 1910. Among the other items are ones dated from between 1899 and 1928.

The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre was founded through the efforts of local brewer Charles Edward Flower (1830-1892), after whose death its management was taken over by his brother Edgar Flower (1833-1903), also Chairman of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. On Edgar’s death these duties fell to his son Archibald Flower (1865-1950), several times mayor of Stratford-upon-Avon. The present correspondence concerns a gift to Shakespeare Memorial Association by the appropriately-named anatomist Evan Marlett Boddy.

[Slavery in Wilcox County, Alabama; LIst ] Manuscript 'Account of Sales of the Estate of Wm. Fisher dec[ease]d.' by Green A. Fisher

Slavery in Wilcox County, Alabama; Estate of William Fisher (died 1835); Green A. Fisher
Publication details: 
The State of Alabama, Wilcox County. 21 December 1835.

4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Headed with the date of the sale 'December 4th 1835'. At end: 'The State of Alabama | Wilcox County | Came into open Court Green A. Fisher one of the Executors of the last will & testament of William Fisher decd. who being duly sworn deposeth & saith that the forgoing is a correct account of the sales of said decedents Estate so far as the same have come to his hands | Sworn to & Subscribed in Open Court this 21st Decr. 1835'. Received, with illegible signature, on same date.

[ Sir James N. Dick, Royal Navy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J N Dick') to 'Hart' [ Ernest Hart, editor of the British Medical Journal ], regarding the post of 'Admiralty Surgeon & Agent at Hull'.

Sir James Nicholas Dick (1831-1920), Royal Navy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets, and Honorary Surgeon to King Edward VII [ Ernest Abraham Hart (1835-1898), editor, British Medical Journal ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Medical Department of the Admiralty, Avenue House, Northumberland Avenue, W.C. [ London ] 18 October [ no year ].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, with minor traces of stub adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Headed 'Private'. In reply to his letter he informs him that 'the post of Admiralty Surgeon & Agent at Hull has already been filled up by the appointment of Dr Roe who was formerly in the Navy'. He ends by informing him that he sent his nephew 'a permit to fish some little time ago'.

[ Frederic Villiers, war artist and correspondent. ] Autograph Signature with date.

Frederic Villiers (1851-1922), British war artist and correspondent, said to be the model for the Kipling's character Dick Heldar in The Light that Failed [ The Graphic newspaper, London ]
Publication details: 
6 March 1913. No place.

On 8 x 10.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, with minor traces of mount. A good firm signature reading: 'Frederic Villiers | 6 - 3 - 13'.

[ Thomas William Webb, astronomer. ] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('T. W. Webb.') to Rev. Dr Thomas Dick, on William West's Clifton Observatory, the rings of saturn, and other scientific matters.

Thomas William Webb (1806-1885), English astronomer and clergyman [ Rev. Dr Thomas Dick (1774-1857), Scottish science writer; William West (1801-1861), artist and builder of the Clifton Observatory ]
Publication details: 
Tretire [ Herefordshire ]. 5 March 1840.

For more information on Webb see his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, with light signs of age. Around ninety lines of closely and neatly written text. Addressed (with postmark and red wax seal of smith at forge) on reverse of second leaf to 'Thomas Dick, Esq. L.L.D., | Broughty Ferry | near Dundee, | Scotland.' A highly interesting and informative letter.

[Printed item relating to the Wilfredian League of Gugnuncs children's club, an offshoot of the Pip, Squeak and Wilfred comic strip in the Daily Mirror and Sunday Pictorial.] Third Gugnunc Sing-Song. Souvenir Programme 1929.

'Uncle Dick' [Bertram Lamb (1889-1938), author of the Pip, Squeak & Wilfred comic in the Daily Mirror, and patron of the Wilfredian League of Gugnuncs [Austin Bowen Payne (1876-1956), illustrator]
Publication details: 
Event at the Royal Albert Hall, London. 11 May 1929. 'Organised by "The Daily Mirror." Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4.'

8pp., 12mo. Stapled. Printed in blue on shiny art paper, in cream card wraps, also printed in blue, and tied with blue and white ribbon. On aged and worn paper. With illustrations in text, including a half-page image of the 'Pip, Squeak & Wilfred Jig-Saw Puzzle'. The first page carries a message to 'My Dear Boys and Girls' from 'Uncle Bill', including: 'To-day's Gugnunc Party - our third - is particularly interesting as it is also a birthday party.

Autograph Signature of John Hunter, LLD, Professor of Humanity at the University of St Andrews, with accompanying note by Rev. Thomas Dick.

John Hunter (1745-1837), Professor of Humanity, University of St Andrews, Fife, and classical scholar [Rev. Thomas Dick (1774-1857), writer on science]
Publication details: 
[February 1834]; St Andrews, Fife.

On one side of piece of paper approximately 18 x 8.5 cm. Neatly placed in a windowpane mount of laid paper, 25 x 20 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Written in a clear, firm hand: 'John Hunter LL.D. | Profr. of Humanity | St. Andrews. | Fife.' Beneath this, along the foot of the page, in a small hand (identified in note on mount as 'The writing of Dr Dick, author of "The Christian Philosopher &c'): 'Dr Hunter is about 90 years of age, and still retains his bodily & mental vigour | This Autograph was written in Feby. 1834. T. D.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Dick Lauder') to William Mitchell of Parsons Green.

Sir Thomas Dick Lauder of Fountainhall (1784-1848), Deputy Lieutenant of Moray and Haddington, Scottish writer and academic
Publication details: 
7 January 1840; The Grange House.

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. 61 lines of text; clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Having recovered from 'the surprise which I received from the communication made to me today by our mutual friend Sir James Gibson Craig', his 'first idea was to go directly to Parsons Green to give full vent to my gratitude' for Mitchell's generosity. The rest of the letter gives fulsome expression Lauder's his feelings at 'the generous - the magnificent gifts' (unspecified) which Mitchell is 'dispensing - with so little parade'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unknown male correspondent; Autograph Signed endorsement of 'Dr. Dick of Dundee'; and facsimile of letter of thanks to his 'Birth-day Benefactors'.

James Montgomery (1771-1854), Scottish hymnwriter and poet
Publication details: 
The letter dated 29 May 1835, 10 New Palace Yard, Westminster; the endorsement dated 'The Mount, September 19. 1850'; the facsimile dated 'The Mount nr Sheffield, Nov. 4. 1851.'

The letter (8vo, 1 p) is foxed, but otherwise very good. Had he not been 'engaged for ten days past to dine three or four miles off with an old acquaintance', whom it is too late to disappoint, he would have been happy to avail himself of the kind invitation. Sends best wishes and prayers to the recipient's family, 'from the elder to the youngest'.

Engraving ('Benjamin Green sculpt.') in red and black, with explanatory letterpress, titled 'A View Of The Library Founded In 1429 By RICHARD WHITTINGTON.'

Benjamin Green ('Pott') [Thoams Pennant; Richard ('Dick') Whittington; London topography; Christ's Hospital; libraries]
Publication details: 
London Pubd. Jany. 1 1793 by N Smith Gt. Mays Buildings St. Martins Lane.'

Printed on one side of a piece of thick wove paper, 21 x 17.5 cm. At the head of the page is the engraving, enclosed in an oval 12.5 cm high and 15 cm wide. A clear impression of a scarce print, on grubby, spotted paper. Within the border is engraved in red 'Part of Christs Hospital taken from the Stewards Office 1765.' According to the six lines of copperplate text at the foot of the page 'It was 129 feet long and 31 feet in breadth, [...] It was furnished with Books at the expence of £556 . 10s of which £400 were given by the founder, and the remainder by Dr.

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