[John Baseley Tooke of Thompson, Norfolk.] Manuscript ‘Inventory and Valuation [by Samuel Elcock] of [...] the property [...] at his late Residence Southampton Row Bloomsbury Square London and at his late Chambers Mitre Court Buildings Temple.'

John Baseley Tooke (1779-1841), solicitor of the Inner Temple, Lord of the Manor of Thompson, Norfolk [Samuel Elcock, London appraiser]
Publication details: 
'taken December 3rd. 1841’

Biographical information relating to the deceased is to be found in Rev. George Crabbe, ‘Some Materials for a History of the Parish of Thompson in the County of Norfolk’ (Norwich, 1892): ‘John Baseley Tooke of Thompson, Esq., only son [of John Greene Basely [sic], sometime Mayor of Norwich’], an acting magistrate for Norf., assumed the additional surname of Tooke by royal lic. in Oct. 1802, pursuant to the will of Wm. Tooke, Esq., his great-uncle; b. 15th Mar. 1779; d. unmar. 12th Nov. 1841; bur.

[Benjamin Bartrum, auctioneer.] Autograph household 'Inventory & Valuation' of 'the property of Thomas Harward Gardiner Esq' ('Common Brewer'), signed 'Benjn. Bartrum | Bath', containing furniture, plate, books, wearing apparel, jewels, wines.

Benjamin Bartrum [Benjamin Thomas Bartrum] (1783-1846), Bath auctioneer [Thomas Harward Gardiner (d. 1841), 'Common Brewer' of Bath; Thomas Gainsborough; Margaret Burr Gainsborough]
Publication details: 
Bath: 'taken and made' on 26 and 27 March 1841.

11pp, folio. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice into the conventional packet. Ten-page inventory, followed by full page valuation, neatly written out on six leaves, which are stitched together, with the reverse of the last leaf carrying the title written lengthwise in conventional style for the outside of the packet: 'Inventory & Valuation of the several effects of the late Thos. Harward Gardiner Esq deceased at No. 14 Brock Street Bath | Amount £574. 8. 6', along with the word 'Copy' in red. Also on this page, in pencil in an early twentieth century hand: '?

[Slavery in Wilcox County, Alabama; LIst ] Manuscript 'Account of Sales of the Estate of Wm. Fisher dec[ease]d.' by Green A. Fisher

Slavery in Wilcox County, Alabama; Estate of William Fisher (died 1835); Green A. Fisher
Publication details: 
The State of Alabama, Wilcox County. 21 December 1835.

4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Headed with the date of the sale 'December 4th 1835'. At end: 'The State of Alabama | Wilcox County | Came into open Court Green A. Fisher one of the Executors of the last will & testament of William Fisher decd. who being duly sworn deposeth & saith that the forgoing is a correct account of the sales of said decedents Estate so far as the same have come to his hands | Sworn to & Subscribed in Open Court this 21st Decr. 1835'. Received, with illegible signature, on same date.

[Sir Thomas Lawrence, President of the Royal Academy.] Four manuscript documents from his sister's descendants the Aston family: a pedigree, tracing Lawrence's mother back to William the Conqueror, and three inventories of engravings and books.

Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830), President of the Royal Academy and distinguished portrait painter
Publication details: 
Without place or date. (English, nineteenth century.)

ONE: Manuscript pedigree. On one side of a 49 x 38 cm piece of thick laid paper, with no watermark. Folded three times. Discoloured and with light damp staining. The greater part of the pedigree is written in ink in a loose hand, and traces the descent of Sir Thomas Lawrence's mother Lucy (née Read) to William the Conqueror.

[Lochiel House, Greenlaw; Inventory of House Contents; Manuscript] Inventory (Auction) of Furniture, PLate, Linen, &c &c

Auctioneer unknown [Lochiel House, Greenlaw]
Publication details: 
30 October 1883

Notebook, 32pp used (plus others partially with notes), 8vo, waxed cloth, worn. It comprises list of items in the following rooms: Drawing Room (c.45 items from Piano to Telescope); Dining Room (38 items from Bed Stead to Clothes Brushes); Red (or Med?) Bedroom; Bed Room; Dressing Room; Staircase & Hall; Kitchen (over 100 items); Books.

[ Charles de Coetlogon, divine. ] Manuscript 'Inventory of Mr De Coetlogon's Books'.

Charles de Coetlogon [ Charles Edward de Coetlogon ] (1747-1820), Church of England clergyman, preacher and theologian, vicar of Godstone, Surrey
Publication details: 
Undated [ post 1800 ].

3pp., 4to. On bifolium of watermarked laid paper. With additional slip of paper listing around twenty titles loosely inserted. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The first page is headed: 'Inventory of Mr De Coetlogon's Books.' Beneath the main heading is a list of 25 titles, with the subheading '1st. Shelf Drawing Room Right hand Corner of fire Place.' The second page continues with two more columns of similar books. The third page, also in two columns, is headed 'Shelf of Books. - left hand of fire-place'.

Manuscript headed 'A Valuation of Houses and Gardens &c in Corbridge as follows', giving names of proprietors, tenants, 'What the Building consists of' and valuations.

[ Corbridge, Northumberland: manuscript valuation of houses and gardens, circa 1800 ]
Publication details: 
[Corbridge, Northumberland. Circa 1800.]

10pp., 4to. On five leaves pinned together. In good condition, on aged laid paper with Britannia watermark. Folded into the customary packet, and docketted 'Valuation of Corbrid. Houses & Gardens &c.' Arranged in ten columns: No. of Claim; Proprietors Names; Situation & Tennants Names; What the Building consists [Premises consist] of; Particular Content of Land [Gardens &c]; Total Content of Land; Particular rent of Houses & Land; Yearly rent of Houses & Land; Houses & Land proportioned; Total Claim.

[Printed British Home Office report.] Libraries for Reformatory and Industrial Schools. With Foreword by H.M. Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools. [Mainly comprising a 'List of Suggested Books.']

[Charles E. B. Russell, Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools; Reformatories Department, Home Office, Whitehall; library lists; inventories; bibliographies]
Publication details: 
[Reformatories Department, Home Office, Whitehall.] London: Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office by Darling and Son, Limited, Bacon Street, E. 1916.

25pp., 8vo. Stitched pamphlet. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Stamp on cover of the Board of Education Library, London. Russell's letter, addressed from the 'Reformatories Department, Home Office, Whitehall, May 1st, 1916' covers pp.2-7. Pp.8-24 carry the 'List of Suggested Books', with prices, beginning with 'Across Texas' by E. S. Ellis, and ending with 'The Young Franc Tireurs' by G. A. Henty. The last page carries a list of 'Publishers' Names and Addresses'. Uncommon: a total of seven copies on OCLC WorldCat and COPAC, but none at the British Library.

[Typed signed 'Certified Copy'.] A Catalogue & Valuation of the Art Treasures & Books at Buckminster Park in the County of Lincolnshire. The Property of the Trustees [of William Tollemache, 9th Earl of Dysart] made for the purposes of Insurance.

[Charles des Graz, Director, Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W1; Buckminster Park, Lincolnshire, seat of William Tollemache, 9th Earl of Dysart (1859-1935)]
Publication details: 
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W1. 'Ch. des Graz, Director. | December, 1930.'] Certified Copy by Hasties, 65 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2, signed and dated 27 October 1937.

32pp., foolscap 8vo. The leaves attached with green ribbon, and the whole folded into the customary packet, with typed title with Hasties' details on reverse of last leaf. The document begins with a three-page 'Index | Inventory of Buckminster Park, Grantham'; this is followed by 'An Inventory and Valuation of the principal Furniture and Works of Art at Buckminster Park, Grantham | the property of the Trustees, made for the purposes of Insurance'. The total valuation is £17,692.

[Inventory of farming utensils.] Manuscript 'Inventory of Articles at Dollar Mains given up by James Scott after the death of Capt. J. Williamson'

Captain James Williamson (d.1796) of Dollar Mains, Clackmannanshire, Scotland, and the 25th Regiment of Foot [inventory of farming utensils]
Publication details: 
[Dollar Mains, Clackmannanshire, Scotland.] 9 December 1796.

1p., foolscap 8vo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Docketted with title and date on reverse. The list is headed: 'Decr. 9th 1796 Inventory of farming utensels [sic] at Dollar mains belonging to Mr Williamson'. Listing, in two columns, 46 items from '2 Carls | 1 Pair of Cart wheels' to 'about 1000 Stones of hay' and 'about 8 Balls of oats unthreshed'. At foot of page: 'NB A number of the above articles purchased since Capn.Williamson came to Dollar'.

Manuscript inventory of 'Select Books' of drawings by the army officer and artist Lieut-Col. Robert Batty, with part of printed auction catalogue, containing his collection of paintings, priced.

Lieut-Col. Robert Batty (1789-1848), English army officer and artist, son-in-law of John Barrow, Secretary of the Admiralty.
Publication details: 
Manuscript inventory: dated June 1919. Printed auction catalogue: Christie, Manson and Woods, London, 1887.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Item One: Pencil inventory of 'RB | Select Books' - i.e. volumes of drawings by Richard Batty, dated June 1919. 3pp., 8vo, with separate inventory on last page headed 'Book of Engravings | In Drawing Room'. Bifolium. The first item in the list of 'Select Books' reads 'no Cover 1817 April Lyons Genoa Florence Rome (May) to 24 June'. Last entry on p.3: '1832 IV, thick 26 Decr Dawlish & 23 Jany | Coaxden [sic] Hall May 23 | Chard Torquay (July) Plymouth Falmouth | Lands End St Michaels M[oun]t 15 July 1833'.

Manuscript priced inventory, in French, of furniture, plate, linen and fine wines (with vintage), made on a marriage between the Picard and Faurel families, titled 'Mariés le 24 September 1839. Régistre de notre mobilier.' With genealogical notes.

[Nineteenth-century priced inventory, in French, of furniture, plate, linen and fine wines, made on a marriage between the Picard and Faurel families]
Publication details: 
The inventory is dated 24 September 1839. The genealogical notes date from the 1860s.

The inventory (14pp.) is at the front of a 4to notebook, with ten pages of genelogical and other notes at the back. In good condition, on aged-paper, in worn original vellum quarter-binding, with blue patterned paper boards, and ties. Label on front board: 'Mobilier Picard A Faurel'. The inventory is dated 1839 on a title-page, but includes entries from the 1840s. It is divided into the following four sections, under calligraphic headings: 'Argenterie' (2pp.), 'Meubles Meublant' (5pp.), 'Linge' (4pp.) and 'Vins Fins' (3pp.).

Manuscript Inventory, docketed 'Account of Linen in 1732 of Bn. & Eliz Adams.' [of Northumberland, England.]

Benjamin and Elizabeth Adams of Northumberland [Eighteenth-century inventory; Georgian fashion; Hanoverian clothes]
Publication details: 
[Northumberland, England.] 25 September 1732.

1p., 12mo. On laid paper with 'Pro Patria' watermark. In good condition, lightly-aged and dusty. Headed 'September 25th 1732' and docketed on reverse 'Account of Linen in 1732 of Bn. & Eliz. Adams.' Thirteen items, beginning with 'There is eleven pair of Linneng [sic] sheets' and ending with 'There is 1/2 a dozen of Dypers naptkin for night Caps'. The Northumberland origins of the Adamses is not referred to in the document, but is clear from one which accompanied it. The document derives from the papers of Benjamin Adams's descendant, the Alnwick solicitor Thomas Adams.

Manuscript 'Inventory of The Household Furniture and Effects at Stodham Park Liss Hants belonging to Capt B J. Marden December 16th 1920. Made for the Purpose of Fire Insurance.' [by G. Knight & Son, Auctioneers, Midhurst, Sussex]

G. Knight & Son, auctioneers, Midhurst, Sussex [Captain Basil Jock Newton Marden (1893-1928) of Stodham Park, Liss, Hampshire]
Inventory of The Household Furniture and Effects at Stodham Park Liss Hants
Publication details: 
16 December 1920.
Inventory of The Household Furniture and Effects at Stodham Park Liss Hants

236 pp, 8vo. In sturdily-bound landscape account book by Drake, Driver & Leaver of London, with black leather half-binding, green cloth boards, and marbled endpapers. Stamped in gilt on front board: 'INVENTORY. | G. KNIGHT & SON. | AUCTIONEER & VALUERS | HOUSE & ESTATE AGENTS | MIDHURST.' Good, on aged paper, in lightly-worn binding. Lined lengthwise across each two pages (like an oversized reporter's or policeman's notebook), each opening carrying a stamped number, and with the text on openings 1 to 119 of the 251 in the account book.

Extensive manuscript list (cartographer's probate inventory?), in a late eighteenth-century hand, docketed 'Contents of Maps, Charts, &c in the largest Box, from No. 65 to No. 166', including references to maps by John Hamilton Moore.

[John Hamilton Moore (c.1738-1807), Scottish cartographer and author; British map-making; Georgian maps; cartography]
Extensive manuscript list (cartographer's probate inventory?)
Publication details: 
English; circa 1790.
Extensive manuscript list (cartographer's probate inventory?)

8vo, 6 pp. Two bifoliums sewn together. On laid paper with Britannia watermark. Text clear and complete. Neatly written out at approximately 38 lines to the page. On aged paper, with slight damage to the first bifolium, the leaves of which are detaching at the spine. Some of the items have been lightly scored through in pencil, but are still legible. The inclusion of such items as '149 Blank Silk Paper for copying Maps' would appear to indicate that the document is an inventory (for probate?) of a cartographer's stock. Last two entries read '165 Blank Sheets of Paper for copying Maps.

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