[Ceylon Tea Plantation: Cymru Estate, Dimbula [Sri Lanka].] Manuscript containing detailed statistical tables (by British overseer) of every aspect of tea cultivation on the estate.

Ceylon Tea Plantation: Cymru Estate, Dimbula [Sri Lanka]
Publication details: 
1964 to 1972. Cymru Plantation, Dimbula, Ceylon [Sri Lanka].

The Cymru Estate in Dimbula was established in 1870. The invaluable ‘History of Ceylon Tea’ website only has data regarding the estate up to the year 1929. The present item provides a mass of statistical information for the years 1964 to 1972. It is entirely in manuscript, in several hands, and comprises 73pp, 16mo, written with portrait orientation in a 12.5 x 8 cm ruled notebook (with 69pp in blue and red ink at the front, and the other four pages in pencil at the back). In rough black cloth, with brown patterned endpapers, and cloth pencil-holder.

[West Indian Slave Trade; rum; sugar.] Eighteen manuscript documents (most from Lewis Simond & Co, New York Merchants) regarding slave trader and Jamaican plantation owner William Atherton and his Green Park Estate in Trelawny Parish.

West Indian Slave Trade: William Atherton (Wikipedia) (1742-1803), slave trader & owner of Jamaican sugar plantations, including the Green Park Estate in Trelawny Parish [Lewis Simond, NY merchants]
Publication details: 
One item from 1777, from Bounty Hall Estate, Jamaica; three items from London, 1800 and 1801; fourteen items from New York [Lewis Simond & Co.], 1803 and 1804.

All 18 items are in very good condition, with slight signs of age and wear. Items One and Eighteen are letters (Eighteen being a ‘triplicate’), the other sixteen items are accounts, with items Five to Eighteen relating to the firm of the New York merchant Lewis Simond. Items Seven, Nine and Twelve are copies (i.e. written out afresh but containing the same text) of Items Six, Eight and Eleven. ONE: Henry Hough (overseer of the Bounty Hall estate, Jamaica) to ‘William Fairclough / Green Park’: Autograph Letter Signed.

[Patrick Tonyn, Governor of East Florida during American War of Independence.] Autograph Letter Signed from W. H. Sands of Edinburgh, W.S., to wife of Admiral Charles William Paterson, regarding Marchmont Estate and town of Greenlaw. ,

Patrick Tonyn (1725-1804), British Governor of East Florida during the American War of Independence; Admiral Charles William Paterson (1756-1841); Marchmont Estate] Warren Hastings Sands (1791-1874)
Publication details: 
15 March 1830; 6 Royal Circus, Edinburgh.

See the entries on Tonyn and Paterson in the Oxford DNB, the latter stating of the recipient of this letter: ‘On 28 December 1799 he married, at St Pancras chapel, London, Jane Ellen Yeats (1771/2–1846), daughter of David Yeats, formerly registrar of East Florida, and sister of his first cousin, the physician Grant David Yeats.’ Paterson’s mother was a Tonyn, and he was also related to the Marchmont family, the Earl having been his early patron. The present item is 3pp, 4to, and a bifolium.

[Edward Ellice of Invergarry, Liberal politician and Scottish highland landowner; Delane] Autograph Letter Signed to J. T. Delane, editor of The Times, discussing his position on the Scotch Education Bill, and providing parliamentary gossip about it.

Edward Ellice (1810-1880) of Invergarry, Liberal politician and extensive Scottish highland landowner [John Thadeus Delane (1817-1879), editor of The Times]
Publication details: 
10 August 1869. Invergarry [Scotland].

The two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB show that they were well matched: Ellice was known for his ‘extravagant lifestyle’, building at Invergarry ‘a house which was renowned for its comfort’; and Delane ‘was welcomed as a delightful companion.' 6pp, 12mo. Headed ‘Private’, addressed to ‘My dear Delane’, and signed ‘E. Ellice’. On bifolium and single leaf, both with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, with negligible remnants of windowpane mount adhering at edges of blank reverse. Folded for postage. He was ‘delighted’ to see Delane’s ‘onslaught on the Scotch Education Bill.

[ Victorian Norfolk: auction catalogue. ] Particulars and Plan of the Highly Valuable Freehold Estate of the late Mr. Hugh Aylmer, comprising the Abbey & Manor Farms, in the Parish of West Dereham […]. [ With coloured fold-out 'Plan of Estates'. ]

Salter, Simpson & Sons in conjunction with Messrs. Bidwell [ Hugh Aylmer, Norfolk landowner and cattle breeder ]
Publication details: 
First Edition. 'At the Town Hall, Downham Market, on Friday, August 3rd, 1894.' Printed by the Bury Post Company (Limited), Bury St. Edmund's.

15pp., folio. Stapled. In light-green printed wraps. With black and white photographic frontispiece illustration of 'West Dereham Abbey'; and coloured 50 x 76 cm. fold-out 'Plan of Estates at West Dereham, Norfolk, for Sale by Auction by Salter, Simpson & Sons in comnjunction with Messrs. Bidwell 1894', by 'Alger & Son, Litho. Diss'. Aged, worn and creased, with rusted staples, and map with closed tear and fraying to its outer edge. Containing descriptions of the twenty-five lots into which the estate is divided for the purposes of the sale ('The Estate, containing 1170a. 2r.

[ Arundel Estate of the Duke of Norfolk. ] Printed 'List of Toasts' at a dinner for the Arundel Estate, amended in manuscript with names of proposers and responders.

[ Arundel Estate, Sussex; Henry Fitzalan-Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk (1847-1917), Roman Catholic nobleman, Unionist politician and philanthropist
Publication details: 
[ Arundel, Sussex? Between 1861 and 1868. ]

1p., 4to. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Watermark reads: 'T & F H | 1861'. (The document must date from between this year and the end of the Duke's minority in 1868; and Arundel is not named on it, its connection with this place is confirmed by the presence of land agent Captain E. H. Mostyn..) Neatly printed in two columns within a border. Thirteen toasts, from 'The Queen' to 'The Law Agents and the Stewards of Manors'. The toast to the Queen followed by 'God Save the Queen', each of the other twelve toasts followed by a 'Glee'.

[Katharine Villiers, Countess of Clarendon.] Four letters to the London merchant bankers Thomson Hankey & Co., all relating to the Mesopotamia Estate sugar plantation in Jamaica, two signed by both the Earl and the Countess.

Katharine Villiers, Countess of Clarendon [née Grimston and previously Foster-Barham] (1810-1874), wife of George Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-1870) [Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., bankers]
Publication details: 
Two letters from the Vice Regal Lodge, Dublin in 1851, one of them signed by the Earl and the Countess. The other two letters from London, 1845 and 1849.

The Countess of Clarendon had inherited the Mesopotamia Estate from her previous husband John Foster Barham (1799-1838), who had died a certified lunatic year before her marriage to the Earl. The Estate had been in the hands of the Barham family for more than a century. The four items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All four with notes by the recipients. ONE: Letter signed by George J. Nicholson of the London soliticitors Vizard & Leman, in secretarial hand, to Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co. Lincolns Inn Fields; 7 July 1845 ('Mesopotamia Estate'). 1p., 4to.

[Sugar plantations in Jamaica.] Two Manuscript Banker's Letters relating to the Duckenfield Hall, Meylersfield and Friendship Estates, made out for the London firm of Hankeys, and signed by partners Cyril Gurney, H. A. Trotter and L. M. Harvey.

[Cyril Gurney (1868-1926); H. A. Trotter; L. M. Harvey; Duckenfield Hall Estate; Meylersfield Estate; Friendship Estate; Jamaica; Jamaican sugar plantations]
Publication details: 
Duckenfield Hall Estate letter: On [Hankey's] letterhead of 7 Mincing Lane, London, EC; 29 December 1915. Meylersfield and Friendship Estates letter: no place; dated 26 June 1917.

The two items are in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Accompanying the two items is the envelope in which they were contained, docketted: 'Letters. | Duckinfield [sic] Hall Estate | { | Meylersfield Estate & Friendship Estate Trust'. Both items are signed 'Cyril Gurney | H. A. Trotter | L. M. Harvey'. ONE (Duckenfield Hall Estate letter): 1p., 4to.

[The Cornwall Estate, Jamaica.] Manuscript bill of loading of 'Supplies required for Cornwall Est[at]e. for the year 1838' to London bankers Messrs Hankeys, with letter from William Ridyard and estate manager Robert Locke, and copy letter from Locke.

Lady Katherine Barham [Lady Katharine Foster-Barham (née Grimston)] (1810-1874) [Messrs. Hankeys, Plummer & Wilson, London bankers]
Publication details: 
Both letters from Westmoreland, Jamaica. Ridyard and Locke's letter dated 28 July 1837; Locke's 'Duplicate' letter dated 10 July 1837.

The three items form a letter of 4pp., foolscap 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf: 'Bill loading | Messrs. Hankeys Plummer & Wilson | Mincing Lane | London | Lady Kathe Barham'. Docketed '97 Robert Locke | 10 | 28 July 1837 | Received 20 September [1837]'. The bill of loading covers the whole of the first page, with two columns of closely written items, ranging from '2300 yds Osnabury 8lbs do thread' to quinine, opium and '1 Box Hydrometer proof Bubbles from 15 to 30'.

Manuscript 'Inventory of Plate and other articles bequeathed by the Fifth Codicil to the Will of The Right Honourable John Manners Earl of Hardwicke, to go and be held and enjoyed with the Title and Honours of Hardwicke.' Signed by the trustees.

Messrs Green & Abbott, 33 Davies Street, Berkeley Square, London; Richard Woollcombe, solicitor, 36 Theobald's Road, London [John Manners Yorke (1840-1909), 7th Earl of Hardwicke]
Publication details: 
In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, London. 1920.

14pp., small 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in ruled notebook, in worn black morocco binding, with marbled endpapers, and the following stamped in gilt on the front cover: 'The Right Honble John Manners | Earl of Hardwicke deceased | Inventory of Heirlooms'.

Printed form, filled out and signed by G. C. Harrison, receiver of rents for the 'Whitechapel Estate, the Property of William Heather Meadows, Esq.', informing 'Mr Valentine' when he will be collecting rents in the 'Magpie' public house, Bishopsgate.

Gibbs Crawford Harrison, Receiver of rents, Whitechapel Estate of William Heather Medows [born Norie] (d.1896), son of John Wilson Norie (1772-1843), hydrographer [Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd]
Publication details: 
222 Marylebone Road, London, NW. 5 February 1872.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. The document reads as follows, with the autograph additions by Harrison in square brackets: 'WHITECHAPEL ESTATE, | THE PROPERTY OF | WILLIAM HEATHER MEDOWS, ESQ. | SIR, | I beg to acquaint you that I shall attend at the "Magpie," 12, New Street, Bishopsgate Street, to receive Rents on [Thursday] next, the [8th.] Instant, from Ten till One o'clock, when I have to request you will pay the Rent due by you at [Christmas] last amounting to £ [-. s17./7] | I am, SIR | Your obedient Servant, [G. C. Harrison] | Receiver.

Printed leaflet advertising 'SEATS TO VIEW . . . | THE CORONATION PROCESSION' of King George V in 1911, with a pricing scale for the floors and roof of 41 King William Street, 'FINEST VIEWS ON THE ROUTE.'

Buzzacott & Co., London estate agents [1911 Coronation Procession of King George V]
Publication details: 
[Buzzacott & Co., 40, Praed Street, Paddington, London, W. 1911.]

2pp., 12mo; with the reverse folding out to make 1p., landscape 8vo, with the words 'CORONATION, 1911.' printed in red. The text begins on the first page beneath the firms letterhead: 'HOUSES LET OR SOLD. | RENTS COLLECTED IN ANY DISTRICT. | WEEKLY PROPERTIES MANAGED. | REPAIRS ECONOMICALLY EXECUTED. | DISTRAINTS LEVIED. | [...]'. The text of the announcement is headed, in red: 'SEATS TO VIEW . . . | THE CORONATION PROCESSION.' The first page reads: 'We have pleasure in submitting prices of Seats which we have To Let at | 41, KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C., | to view the Procession on June 23rd.

Manuscript 'Inventory of The Household Furniture and Effects at Stodham Park Liss Hants belonging to Capt B J. Marden December 16th 1920. Made for the Purpose of Fire Insurance.' [by G. Knight & Son, Auctioneers, Midhurst, Sussex]

G. Knight & Son, auctioneers, Midhurst, Sussex [Captain Basil Jock Newton Marden (1893-1928) of Stodham Park, Liss, Hampshire]
Inventory of The Household Furniture and Effects at Stodham Park Liss Hants
Publication details: 
16 December 1920.
Inventory of The Household Furniture and Effects at Stodham Park Liss Hants

236 pp, 8vo. In sturdily-bound landscape account book by Drake, Driver & Leaver of London, with black leather half-binding, green cloth boards, and marbled endpapers. Stamped in gilt on front board: 'INVENTORY. | G. KNIGHT & SON. | AUCTIONEER & VALUERS | HOUSE & ESTATE AGENTS | MIDHURST.' Good, on aged paper, in lightly-worn binding. Lined lengthwise across each two pages (like an oversized reporter's or policeman's notebook), each opening carrying a stamped number, and with the text on openings 1 to 119 of the 251 in the account book.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jonan. Boucher') from George Washington's friend Rev. Jonathan Boucher, to T. Norton of Baston, bearing Boucher's red wax seal.

Jonathan Boucher (1738-1804), friend of George Washington, loyalist in the American War of Independence, clergyman and author [T. Norton (c.1728-1806) of Baston, Chief Constable, Ness, Lincs]
Autograph Letter Signed 'Jonan. Boucher', Washington's friend.
Publication details: 
29 March 1802; Epsom.
Autograph Letter Signed 'Jonan. Boucher', Washington's friend.

4to, 3 pp. In a bifolium. 52 lines of neatly-written text. Clear and complete. Very good on lightly-aged and creased paper. Part of the second leaf has been cut away on the breaking open of the letter, and is now under the seal, with no loss of text. The seal is cracked, with a light imprint of Boucher's monogram beneath a jester's head. The letter concerns the enclosure of the Langtoft Estate and 'Mr. Bankes', who 'never had any Legal Right to interfere in the Business'.

Autograph Letter signed to Barret.

Charles Palmer [William Barret (Berret, Burrit); the Townley Estate; the Heir at Law Society]
Charles Palmer [the Townley Estate; the Heir at Law Society, Letter
Publication details: 
'Andes March 15 1852'.
Charles Palmer [the Townley Estate; the Heir at Law Society, Letter

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. Sixty-one lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Docketed 'William Burrit [sic] & Hawes | Charles Palmer | Mar 15 & May 52 Recd'. Reminding Barret (or Burrit) of a letter written by Palmer from America two or three years previously, which he answered on behalf of the Heir at Law Society.

Speech delivered by Mr. G. A. L. Wilson, M.L.A., in the Legislative Assembly on Closer Settlement: Purchase of Bald Blair Estate. [From "Parliamentary Debates," 20th July, 1938.]

G. A. L. Wilson [Bald Blair Estate, New South Wales, Australia]
Publication details: 
Sydney: David Harold Paisley, Government Printer - 1938.

8vo: 6 pp. Stapled pamphlet. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper. For Wilson 'the most important aspect of the question' is 'the conversion of unsound country to sound country [...] It is a recent discovery, and, while ten or fifteen years ago one would have wiped the proposal before the House right off the slate, on the ground that the land is unsuitable for closer settlement, one to-day welcomes it.' Red-ink 1 cm accession stamp of the Webster Collection on reverse of blank final leaf, numbered 4188. No copy in the British Library, on COPAC, or on WorldCat.

Detailed Signed Autograph Manuscript Account, entitled 'Valuation of Smithies Bridge Estate belonging to Major A. H. Baldwin'.

William S. Airey, Land Agent, Whalley [Smithies Bridge Estate belonging to Major A. H. Baldwin, Ribble Valley, Lancashire; Whalley; Grindleton; Clitheroe]
Publication details: 
15 April 1904; Whalley [Lancashire]. [Waterlow & Sons, Limited, Wholesale & Export Stationers, Great Winchester Street, London Wall, and Parliament Street, London.]

8vo: 12 pp. Very good, in original blue cloth account book of twelve leaves, with title on label on front board. Label of Waterlow & Sons inside front cover. The entries spread across six sets of two facing pages, all ruled with red printed lines and in boxes and with the following seven categories printed at the head: 'No. on Plan'; 'DESCRIPTION.'; 'State of Cul[ivatio]n.'; 'Value per Acre'; 'Statute | A. R. P. [i.e. acreage]'; 'Value. | £ s.

For sale by order of the trustees of the will. Hampstead Heath. The well-known Freehold Estate of the late Sir Spencer Wells, Bart., a perfect Country Seat within five miles of Charing Cross. [...] known as Golder's Hill.

Sir Thomas Spencer Wells [Hampstead Heath; Golder's Hill House; London topography]
Publication details: 
For Sale by Auction by Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Farmer and Bridgewater | At the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London. On Tuesday, the 28th day of June, 1898.

Two unbound bifoliums stapled together. Eight pages, on four leaves each roughly seventeen inches by eleven wide. A corrected proof, stamped at head of first page 'PROOF NO.' A frail survival of a significant document in London topographical history. Aged and worn, with several closed tears. A few manuscript emendations, notes and additions in different hands. For example, concerning a right of way, 'Messrs. Debenham can ascertain this from Mr. Pinder Simpson 20 Old Burlington St. W. the Collector'.

Printed Receipt, with Manuscript Insertions, Signed by the 2nd Marquess, for rent on two Mayfair properties.

Richard Grosvenor (1795-1869), 2nd Marquess of Westminster [Grosvenor Estate Office; Mayfair; Richard Jones]
Publication details: 
Grosvenor Estate Office, 9 Davies Street, Grosvenor Square; 30 March 1849.

One page. Roughly nine inches by four. Aged and creased, with one small closed tear and one spike hole (neither affecting text, which is clear and complete). An attractive document, embossed with a government one shilling stamp, and bearing the Westminster coat of arms, supported by two dogs, engraved by Warrington, 27 Strand, in top left-hand corner. Reads (MS additions in square brackets): '[Imp: Hopkinson] | Grosvenor Estate Office, | 9, Davies Street, Grosvenor Square | Received the [March 30th] 184[9] of [Richard Jones Esqr.

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