Extensive manuscript list (cartographer's probate inventory?), in a late eighteenth-century hand, docketed 'Contents of Maps, Charts, &c in the largest Box, from No. 65 to No. 166', including references to maps by John Hamilton Moore.
8vo, 6 pp. Two bifoliums sewn together. On laid paper with Britannia watermark. Text clear and complete. Neatly written out at approximately 38 lines to the page. On aged paper, with slight damage to the first bifolium, the leaves of which are detaching at the spine. Some of the items have been lightly scored through in pencil, but are still legible. The inclusion of such items as '149 Blank Silk Paper for copying Maps' would appear to indicate that the document is an inventory (for probate?) of a cartographer's stock. Last two entries read '165 Blank Sheets of Paper for copying Maps. A Bond relating to the Honble. Thomas Howe. Prints to copy from. Several Plans of the River and Sound of Dawfoskee in South Carolina, survey'd by Captn. Gascoigne. | 166 Draught of Falklands Islands. Map of the Province of New York. La Cours de la Meuse. The Circle of the Inferior Rhine. Plans of Port Royal in South Carolina. Les Duchés de Lorraine & De Bar. Plans of the River & Sound of Dawfoskee in South Carolina.' The first two entries list items by John Hamilton Moore, a Scottish cartographer who, according to his obituary in the Gentleman's Magazine, was 'late teacher of Navigation on Tower-Hill, author of Moore's Navigation, Seaman's Daily Assistant, the Monitor, &c.'