[ The 'Alpine Singers', Switzerland, 1840. ] Autograph 'Signatures of the Alpine Singers': Henri Augustin, 'Ferdinand Augustin aus Tirol', Wilhelm Schmidt.

The 'Alpine Singers', Switzerland, 1840: Henri Hellwig, 'Ferdinand Augustin aus Tirol'q, Wilhelm Schmidt
Publication details: 
Torquay [ Devon, England ], 17 January 1840.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The whole page is filled in an attractive way, with the three signatures in different styles of handwriting: 'Henry Hellwig.' (in Gothic style, surrounded by flourishes), 'Ferdinand Augustin aus Tirol.' (in a modern cursive hand), 'Wilhelm Schmidt, <?>' (in a German style, the last four words not deciphered). At the foot of the page: 'Signatures of the Alpine Singers | Torquay Jany 17th 1840.'

No. 271. Essai sur le Plaisir, considéré relativement a la Médecine; Thèse présentée et soutenu a la Faculté de Médecine de Paris, le 28 novembre 1820, pour obtenir le grade de Docteur en medecine.

Augustin Haguette, de Saint-Denis, Départment de la Seine [Didot le jeune, Paris printer]
Publication details: 
A Paris, De l'Imprimerie de Didot le Jeune, Imprimeur de la Faculté de Médecine, rue des Maçons-Sorbonne, no. 13. 1820.

4to: viii + 47 pp. Disbound. On foxed paper with occasional light staining. On the title-page Haguette is described as 'Bachelier-ès-lettres; ex-Officier de santé des armées; ancien Elève de l'Ecole pratique et des hôpitaux civils de Paris.' 'No. 9.' in manuscript at head of the title-page. Dedicated, somewhat unusually for a thesis, 'Au meilleur des pères. A la mère la plus tendre. Leur fils reconnaissant. A Monsieur Fouquier, [...] Hommage de respect et de reconnaissance. Aug. Haguette, son élève.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ernest Havet'), in French [to someone living in Sainte-Beuve's old house].

Eugène Auguste Ernest Havet (1813-1889), French scholar.
Publication details: 
21 February 1872; Vitry.

16mo: 1 p. 14 lines of text. Close hand. He is touched that Sainte-Beuve has found time, in the midst of his labours, to write a letter expressing his 'adhésion'. 'Je suis heureux de penser, en vous écrivant rue Montparnasse [Sainte-Beuve lived at no. 11], que la philosophie et l'esprit d'indépendence ont toujours un ami dans la maison de Sainte-Beuve'.

Catalogue & Supplement 5,800 named and dated silhouette portraits by August Edouard 1789-1861. Silhouettist to the Royal Family of France and to H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester' and 'Catalogue of 3,800 [...] American silhouette portraits' by Edouart.

Mrs F. Nevill Jackson [Augustin Amant Constant Fidèle Edouart; SILHOUETTE PORTRAITS]
Publication details: 
ITEM ONE (5,800 portraits): 'HARDING & CURTIS, LTD., BATH.' [1914]; ITEM TWO (3,800 American portraits): 'WAKEHAM, TYP., KENSINGTON.' [circa 1925].

ITEM ONE: 56 pages, octavo. In original orange printed wraps. Poor, on cheap paper discoloured with age, and with damage and loss to wraps. PRESENTATION COPY to 'Mr. Joseph Ceci'. ITEM TWO: 32 pages, octavo. In original green printed wraps. Poor, on even cheaper paper fraying at extremities, but without loss to text. Both items with Mrs Jackson's address on front wrap amended in her hand. Both items poorly repaired with tape. Two items,

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