[Russell John Reynolds, radiologist and inventor.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London, the first concerning the Röntgen Society and the second agreeing to become a Fellow of the Society.

Russell John Reynolds (1880-1964), radiologist, inventor with his friend Sir William Crookes of a type of cineradiography (x-ray) machine [G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London]
Publication details: 
ONE: 14 January 1926; on letterhead of the Röntgen Society, London. TWO: 9 July 1947; on his letterhead (‘Dr. Russell Reynolds’), 30 Welbeck Street, W1 [London].

Despite the fact that Reynolds and Crookes’s X-ray apparatus is now in the Science Museum at South Kensington, Reynolds has no entry in the Oxford DNB, although Crookes’s entry can be consulted. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Both folded several times. Both 1p, 4to, and both signed ‘Russell J. Reynolds’. ONE: Addressed to G. K. Menzies of the Royal Society of Arts. With recipient's red pencil tick.

[ Privately printed memorial keepsake. ] Frederic William Goudy | Art Director to the Lanston Monotype Machine Company, 1920-1939, Typographic Counsel, 1939-1947. [ With advertisement for Bay Path Cover paper, in 'The authentic Goudy face'. ]

[ Frederic William Goudy; Lanston Monotype Machine Company, Philadelphia; Bruce Rogers ]
Publication details: 
Privately printed. Philadelphia, 1947.

16pp., 4to. Stapled into light brown wraps, with 'GOUDY' nicely printed in dark brown decorative letters on front cover. In fair condition lightly aged and creased. Inscribed in a small calligraphic hand at foot of front cover to 'DE fr. WGT [W G Thomson?] xi.48'. A well-printed item, with two pages carrying photographs of Goudy, a six-page 'Appreciation', two pages of 'Goudy Monotype Faces', and the final page carrying an 'appreciation' of Goudy by Bruce Rogers, ending 'He worked to the last, and he died at the zenith of his powers.

[WITH MS MAP] First WW aerial reconnaissance photo. of the area around Passchendaele during the 3rd Battle of Ypres, and intelligence map of the same area, with manuscript plan of the Honnecourt Wood and Lempire-Ronssoy area in pencil on reverse.

[Aerial photograph and manuscript map of the Passchendaele area during the 3rd Battle of Ypres, First World War; No. 105 Machine Gun Company; British Army]
Publication details: 
Passchendaele, Belgium. 'Reproduced & Printed by No 5 Advanced Section AP & SS'. Stamped on the reverse: 'NO. 105 MACHINE GUN COMPANY', with the date '1/9/17' [i.e. 1 September 1917.

Printed on a piece of card, roughly 50 x 22 cm., with the photographic side shiny and the reverse carrying the manuscript plan matt. In fair condition, folded four times and lightly aged, worn and chipped. The whole of the one side comprises a single photographic print, with 'Reproduced & Printed by No 5 Advanced Section AP & SS' at the foot. The upper part of this print reproduces an aerial photograph, roughly 15 x 22 cm, with six positions indicated: 'Kansas Cross', 'Gravenstafel', 'Passchendaele', 'Otto FM. D. 15a', 'Delva FM.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Colladon' | professeur à l Ecole Centrale') to 'Monsieur le Directeur Général des Douanes, Paris'.

Jean-Daniel Colladon (1802-1893), Swiss physicist and engineer, Professor of Mechanics at the École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris [Eugène Flachat (1802-1873)] [steam engines; railway]
Publication details: 
27 January 1835; 'à Lyon chez Messieurs Pine Des Granges', on letterhead of the École.

4to bifolium: 2 pp, with address on otherwise-blank second leaf. Very good on lightly aged paper. Slight wear to extremities. A significant document, casting light on the relative states of engineering in early nineteenth-century France and England, and the role of the scientist in France at that time.

Reports regarding Sir William Thomson's Compass and Sounding Machine

Sir William Thomson
Publication details: 
Glasgow (1876)

(Lord Kelvin) 19 leaves (printed one side only), 4to, not bound. A rare promotional brochure and price list for navigational instruments including the dry-card compass, the first modern compass. Thomson had invented the compass the previous year. The reports are accompanied by statistics and are from Captains of vessels experimenting with the new invention (White Star, P & O, etc.)

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