[ William Ewart, Radical politician and penal reformer, and Hansard. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Ewart') to 'Mr: Hansard', regarding the proof of his 'speech on Capital Punishment. With Autograph Note in response on reverse.

William Ewart (1798-1869) of Mossley Hill, Liverpool, Radical politician and penal reformer [ Hansard, Printer to the House of Commons ]
Publication details: 
Otterington House, Northallerton. 24 July 1850.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He asks to be sent 'the proof of my speech on Capital Punishment for correction'. In a postscript he writes: 'Possibly one copy may have been sent already to my house in London. In that case, can you send another here, as I cannot easily make the Servant in London understand about the Paper.' On the reverse an initialled autograph note is written in red ink: 'Mr Ewart has sent us another letter since; will you have the kindness to send this in advance immediate | '.

[ William Cunningham, Archdeacon of Ely, Scottish economist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Wm. Cunningham') to an unnamed party, explaining why he must decline his invitation to co-operate, despite the 'flattering invitation' of the Delegates

William Cunningham (1849-1919), Archdeacon of Ely, Scottish economist [ Harvard University ]
Publication details: 
Both from Trinity College, Cambridge. 9 and 12 October 1899.

The two letters were written on Cunningham's return from America, where he had been lecturing in economic history at Harvard. Both are in good condition, lightly aged. Both are addressed from Trinity College, Cambridge. ONE: 9 October 1899. 2pp., small 4to. He has 'just returned to England after a long absence'. He appreciates 'the honour you have done me in asking me to cooperate in such a work', but regrets 'that it is impossible for me to undertake anything of the kind at present'. TWO: 12 October 1899. 4pp., small 4to.

[ Sir Claude Phillips, art critic and first Keeper of the Wallace Collection. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. P.') to 'Dearest Dick' [ i.e. the art critic R. A. Streatfeild ], regarding the obituaries of 'H. H.' and Elgar's 'wonderful' new 'things'.

Sir Claude Phillips (1846-1924), art historian and critic for the Daily Telegraph and Manchester Guardian, first keeper of the Wallace Collection, 1900-1911 [ Richard Alexander Streatfeild ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 40 Ashburn Place, S.W. [ London ] 4 May 1916.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged, worn and creased paper. Written in a hurried, difficult hand. He begins by saying he was 'just thinking' of him, 'and wondering!' He then invites him to dine the following Sunday in the 'usual way'. He continues: 'No, I didn't write about H. H. . There was a <?> ordinary notices in the D[aily]. T[elegraph]., but by whom written I can't say. I didn't really know enough about him.' He is 'going with Mr. Crawshay to the Elgar performance: it appears the new things are wonderful.

[ Sydney George Holland, 2nd Viscount Knutsford, hospital reformer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Knutsford') to 'Miss Holland'

Sydney George Holland, 2nd Viscount Knutsford (1855-1931), hospital administrator and reformer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Kneesworth Hall, Royston, Hertfordshire. 20 November 1914.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He asks her to help him once again 'with the Women's Wards in the London Hospital'. He hopes that the enclosure (not present) will interest her: 'I am sending it instead of the familiar booklet "To Women".' He concludes, presumably in reference to the war, 'Whatever is being done, the relief of suffering women must not be left undone.'

[ Thomas Pakenham, 5th Earl of Longford. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Longford') to the music critic R. A. Streatfeild regarding the suitability as a groom or chauffeur of his 'fellow countryman' Leonard, for whom he has a 'sneaking liking'.

Thomas Pakenham, 5th Earl of Longford [ Lord Silchester to 1887 ] (1864-1915), Irish politician and soldier [ R. A. Streatfeild [ Richard Alexander Streatfeild ] (1866-1919), music critic ]
Publication details: 
On letterheads of 44 Byranston Square, W. [ London ] 11 and 12 May 1911.

The two letters in good condition, on lightly aged paper. ONE: 2pp., 12mo. He begins by stating that he 'knew Leonard pretty well in the 2nd Life G[uar]ds., he was a good fellow, but rough and wild - he came from Mullingar, my local capital, a good man with a horn but too heavy for a groom'. He could not give Leonard 'a better character than the regiment has done', and if 'his knee is too bad for him to soldier it probably would prevent him being a groom anywhere [...] he occasionally came before me for punishment - and as a fellow countryman I took an interest in him'.

[ Walter Handel Thorley, organist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to the music critic R. A. Streatfeild, regarding his candidacy for the Conductorship of the London Philharmonic Society.

Walter Handel Thorley (1859-1923), Blackburn composer and organist [ R. A. Streatfeild [ Richard Alexander Streatfeild ] (1866-1919), music critic ]
Publication details: 
On embossed letterhead of 25 Durham Terrace, Westbourne Gardens, W. [ London ] 14 July 1899.

1p., 12mo. On grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dear Sir | As I am unknown to you further than by Concert on Ap. 28th. may I be permitted to say that I am a Candidate for the Conductorship of the London Phil[harmoni]c. Society and to hope it may prove an acceptable item of news.'

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