Report from the Select Committee on Official Publications, &c. together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. [with] Index and Digest of Evidence to the Report from the Select Committee on Official Publications, &c
[Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Official Publications, 1906.]
Publication details:
Both 'Report' and 'Index': 'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 23 July 1906.' and both 'London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Wyman and Sons, Limited, 109, Fetter Lane, E.C.'
SKU: 10341
Report: 8vo, xxxii + 141 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Index: 8vo, 28 + [i] pp, unbound, continuing pagination to 169. Both items fair, on aged paper, with the 'Report' in chipped wraps. Both items carrying unobtrusive stamp of the University of Hull, the 'Report' also with the reception stamp of Alexander Pollard, 26 June 1907. Uncommon: the only copy of the 'Report' on COPAC at Southampton, and the only copy of the 'Index' at Birmingham.