[The Sherborne Mercury, or Weekly Advertiser, Dorset's first newspaper, a printed periodical predating The Times.] Number for ?Tuesday, April 29, 1740.?

The Sherborne Mercury, or Weekly Advertiser, proprietor William Bettinson (d.1746), Dorset's first newspaper
Publication details: 
?Tuesday, April 29, 1740.? (Vol. IV, No. 167.) ?Printed at SHERBORNE, by WILLIAM BETTINSON, from LONDON.? [Dorset.]

An important provincial publication, predating The Times by half a century. See the Oxford DNB entry of the later proprietor Robert Goadby, and the article by Roger Guttridge, ?Dorset?s first newspaper?, in ?Dorset Life?, August 2019. 4pp, folio. On two leaves, which originally formed a bifolium, but have now become detached from one another. Aged and worn, with chipping to extremities and along central horizontal and vertical folds, resulting in occasional loss of text.

[John Joy Bell, Scottish journalist and chronicler of Glaswegian working-class life.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr Keary’ [Peter Keary, editor of Pearson’s Weekly], explaining why the piece he is submitting for the ‘1000th Number’ is sub-par.

John Joy Bell (1871-1934), Scottish journalist and author, noted for his accurate depiction of Glaswegian working-class life [Peter Keary (1865-1915), editor of Pearson’s Weekly]
Publication details: 
22 June 1909; on letterhead of Clyde Cottage, Craigendoran, Helensburgh.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Mr Keary, / Enclosed is for 1000th Number of Pearson’s Weekly. It is not what I wanted to do for you, but illness and other interruptions have spoiled my work for the last two months. So please reject if necessary. / Faithfully yours / J. J. Bell’.

[‘King of Redonda’: John Gawsworth, English poet.] Galley proof of his poem ‘Rest’ (‘Beneath the oaks the soldiers lie’) with one minor emendation.

John Gawsworth [pseudonym of Terence Ian Fitton Armstrong (1912-1970)], English poet, author and ‘King of Redonda’ [New English Weekly, founded in 1932 by A. R. Orage]
Publication details: 
No date [1940s]. Stamped ‘FOR & ON BEHALF OF / THE NEW ENGLISH WEEKLY. / 15 REGENT’S PARK TERRACE / GULiver 3875’.

On one side of a 12mo a piece of grey-green paper; creased, worn and torn at the bottom. A fifteen-line poem in five three-line stanzas, titled ‘REST’. At end: ‘JOHN GAWSWORTH’. Proof directions in pencil to convert a full-stop at the end of the fourth stanza to a comma. While the poet's attempt at direct simplicity verges on triteness, one should recall that he served manfully in the RAF: ‘Beneath the oaks the soldiers lie / Staring at the open sky / Drowsily, lazily. / Like England is this plot of green / But in the mountains all unseen / The guns’ complaint affects the scene.

[ Walt Disney, animator. ] Full-page colour cartoon strips from the English edition of 'Mickey Mouse Weekly', including 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Cinderella'.

[ Walt Disney, animator ] [ Alice in Wonderland ]
Publication details: 
Printed for the proprietors Willbank Publications, Ltd, by Odhams Press, Ltd, London. From the issues of 29 July 1950 and 21 July, 1951.

Six leaves extracted from the two issues, carrying six pages of coloured cartoon strips, with black and white text and illustrations on their reverses. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[Printed magazine.] 'Sherlock Holmes Centenary' issue of John o'London's Weekly, with contributions by S. C. Roberts, Bernard Darwin, Frank Swinnerton, Anthony Howlett and Michael Pointer, and Winifred Paget.

S. C. Roberts; Bernard Darwin; Frank Swinnerton; Anthony Howlett; Michael Pointer, Winifred Paget [John o'London's Weekly; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Sidney Paget; Sherlock Holmes Centenary]
Publication details: 
London: George Newnes Limited, Tower House, Southampton Street, Strand, WC2. 19 February 1954.

24pp., 8vo, paginated 161-184. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Roberts contributes 'The Cult of Sherlock'; Frank Swinnerton, 'Holmes - World Figure'; Darwin, 'The Great Holmes Joke'; Howlett and Pointer, 'Holmes on Stage and Screen'; Paget, 'He made Holmes real' ('In this article Winifred Paget writes of her father, Sidney Paget, whose drawings, says Frank Swinnerton on another page, made Holmes "the most universally familiar imaginary figure in two hemispheres'.

[Bert Thomas, cartoonist.] Print of Thomas's celebrated ' "Arf a mo' Kaiser!' First World War cartoon of an English Tommy lighting his pipe, on the front of a brown-paper envelope addressed by Thomas to Suffolk artist William Henry Booth.

Bert Thomas (1883-1966), Welsh cartoonist associated with 'Punch' [William Henry Booth (1861-1928), Suffolk artist]
Bert Thomas
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [1918.] Green halfpenny George V postage stamp, with postmark of 'S.W.' beneath the two uprights of a triangle (no base).
Bert Thomas

The envelope is 27.5 x 12.5 cm, and the cartoon is printed lengthwise (around 15cm long including caption) on the front in brown ink, with facsimile signature. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn, with the flap of the apparently-empty envelope gummed back into place. The stamp is attached in its customary place, with the address in Thomas's autograph beneath it: 'Wm. Booth Esq | The Rosery | Cambridge Rd. | Felixstowe'. Thomas's original cartoon had been drawn in ten minutes for the Weekly Dispatch 'Smokes for Tommy' campaign.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Allen Brockington') from Cecil Sharp's collaborator the Rev. Alfred Allen Brockington to a Roman Catholic priest at St Andrew's, inclosing a holograph of a 'carol for Easter'.

Rev. Alfred Allen Brockington (1872-1938) of West Kirby, Cheshire, poet and collaborator with Cecil Sharp in the collection of folk-songs
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Haven, West Kirby, Cheshire. 'St Paul [29 June] 1938'.

4pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Father'. He begins by thanking him for his letter: 'I can picture the long-nailed Neb. sitting down to answer your request for an autograph. Strange, that you should have been hearing of Vaughan Williams just at that time!' He reports that he has been 'doing many poems for The British Weekly. The Editor saw something of mine & asked me to send whatever I liked. And his nonconformist readers do not seem to jib.

Autograph Letter Signed ('N. Hale jr.') from the newspaper editor Nathan Hale junior to the Springfield attorney Henry Vose.

Nathan Hale junior (1784-1863), American journalist and editor, associated with the Weekly Messenger, the Boston Daily Advertiser, the North American Review and the Christian Examiner [Henry Vose]
Publication details: 
23 Court Street, Boston; 7 September 1841.

1p., 4to, on recto of first leaf of bifolium, with verso of the second addressed by Hale to 'Henry Vose jr. Esq | Counsellor at Law | Springfield | Mass', and carrying Hale's red wax seal, broken into two parts, and a red postmark. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Hale writes that he is enclosing 'the sum with which you were so kind as to accommodate me last week - I don't know how I should have "got along" without it'. 'I have no news for you to-day, as our steamer has not yet arrived, and I dare not venture uponn the vast perturbed sea of our politics'.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'R. A. Bennet', editor of 'Truth', to 'Osbert' [Burdett], regarding the Irish journalist and politician T. P. O'Connor.

R. A. Bennett, editor of 'Truth' [Thomas Power O'Connor (1848-1929), Irish journalist and proprietor of 'T. P.'s Weekly', founder and first editor of the Sun newspaper; Sir Osbert Sitwell]
Autograph Letter Signed from 'R. A. Bennet', editor of 'Truth',
Publication details: 
11 December 1925; on letterhead of 'Truth' Buildings, Carteret Street, Queen Anne's Gate, London.
Autograph Letter Signed from 'R. A. Bennet', editor of 'Truth',

12mo, 1 p. Nine lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Docketed in pencil on reverse 'R. A. Bennett re T. P. O'Connor'. He is enclosing 'the promised note to "T. P". I see that he is ailing and going to the Riviera at an early date, so you had better try and catch him at once.' Bennett had to get the recipient's address from his publishers, as O'Connor left without passing it on.

The Democrat. A Weekly Journal for Men and Women. [first issue]

William Saunders (1823-1895), newspaper publisher and editor and British Liberal politician [William George; Hackney]
Publication details: 
No. 1. Saturday, November 15, 1884. [Printed and Published for the Proprietors by J. C. DURANT, Clement's House, Clements Inn Passage, London, W.C.

Broadsheet, 8 pp. A single sheet, folded twice and unopened. No stapling. Text clear and complete, on aged and spotted paper (not high-acidity newsprint), with wear and chipping to extremities. Articles include 'The American Elections' by Henry George; ''The Crofter Revolt', and 'The "Pall Mall Gazette" Panic'. Also 'Metropolitan Constituencies No. I. - Hackney'. Scarce: no copy at the British Library (Colindale) and the only run on COPAC at the University of London.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Holbrook Jackson') to 'Mr. Bennett'.

George Holbrook Jackson (1874-1948), author, wroter on books, etc
Publication details: 
10 August 1912; on letterhead of the Crossways, Langley Park, Mill Hill, N.W.

8vo: 1 p. Good on lightly-aged paper. Small closed tear at head, and traces of glue and grey paper from previous mounting on reverse. He is sorry to say that he will be 'away at the seaside' when Bennett is in London. If he is 'in town again shortly' Jackson will be glad to meet him. 'I am to be found most days at 29 Henrietta St, Covent Garden [the offices of 'T.P.'s Weekly', on which Jackson held an editorial position] - but it is safer to make an appointment.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Lewis Melville') to Messrs George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Lewis Melville' [Lewis S. Benjamin (1874-1932)], English author and actor
Publication details: 
5 August 1903; 1 Doughty Street, Mecklenburgh Square, W.C., on cancelled letterhead of the Weekly Dispatch.

12mo, 1 p. 7 lines of closely-written text. Clear and complete. On aged and slightly-grubby paper. He has received their letter regarding his 'Life of Thackeray', and appreciates 'the reason for your delay in deciding whether or no to issue a cheap edition. Undoubtedly the inclusion of my book in a series would benefit us both, & I hope Mr Lee may be able to make me an offer.'

Typed Note Signed ('Phillips Oppenheim') to Lawrence Mack, editor of Everybody's Weekly.

E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) [Lawrence Mack; Everybody's Weekly]
Publication details: 
26 April 1928; on letterhead of Villa Deveron, Cagnes, Alpes-Maritmes, France.

8vo: 1 p. Good, on lightly-creased paper, with a faint 4cm pink stain in the right-hand margin. Reads 'Many thanks for the copy of your interesting paper, and the kindly reference to my novel.'

Printed publicity material relating to the insertion of an advertisement in 'The Manchester Weekly Times'.

The Manchester Weekly Times [Victorian newspapers; nineteenth-century provincial periodicals]
Publication details: 
Undated [late Victorian]. Place [Manchester] not stated.

The main text is printed on one side of a piece of paper roughly 28 x 13.5 cm, headed 'Upwards of Thirty Thousand Copies Of the "Manchester Weekly Times," with Eight-page Literary Supplement, are Issued Every Saturday.' The main block of text, in a variety of types and point sizes, consists of 27 lines ending 'The Proprietors respectfully solicit instructionsn to insert your Advertisement.' Describes the newspaper's merits and boasts that it is 'one of the Largest and most complete Weekly Papers published'.

Prospectus for the New Series of "Once a Week"

[Printed Pamphlet; Prospectus of Literary Periodical]]
Publication details: 
Bradbury & Evans, London, [1866].

Pamphlet, [12]pp., 8vo, formerly sewn but thread missing, hence leaves loose, good condition. It advertises new works (for example, "A New Novel, by the Author of 'Guy Livingstone'") but is notable for its lists of contributing Authors and Artists, and "Classified Index of all the Principal Articles in Prose".

Typed Note Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Herbert Cecil Ferraby [ADVERTISING; POSTER ART]
Publication details: 
18 November 1927; on letterhead of the Advertiser's Weekly ('THE ORGAN OF BRITISH ADVERTISING').

Naval author and journalist (died 1942). One page, quarto. Discoloured with age and with a few closed tears but in good condition overall. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. 'I should be obliged if you could let me have copies of any promotion matter which you have put out in recent years for the purpose of attracting artists to enter competitions for poster designs.' Signed 'H. C. Ferraby' ('EDITOR').

autograph note signed to <M S Shren Esq?>

Douglas Jerrold
Publication details: 
1p, 16mo, 26 May [no date], Putney

Victorian writer and humorist. Difficult handwriting. 'My dear Sir/ | Will Monday be equally convenient to you? If no I shall be happy to see you either here or in town, as shall best suit your leisure.' Docketed with large underlined '2' in blue pencil, creased and discoloured. Blank second leaf damaged by removal from album, and with glue stains and remains of blue paper.

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