[The man who saved William of Orange from capture: Brigadier General Henry Lumley.] Autograph Signature (‘H Lumley’) to Exchequer receipt for £25. With signature of witness John Letton.

Brigadier General Henry Lumley (c.1658-1722), army officer and Member of Parliament, brother of Richard Lumley, first earl of Scarborough; John Letton
Publication details: 
12 January 1716. [His Majesty's Exchequer, London.]

See his entries in the Oxford DNB and History of Parliament, the former of which notes his ‘high reputation for courage’ and his presence ‘at Neerwinden and Landen in 1693, covering the retreat on 19 July, and saving William III from capture by the enemy’. 1p, 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with chipping to edges and pitting along a horizontal central line, but with both signatures clear and unblemished. The customary printed document, completed in manuscript. Records in a secretarial hand, the receipt of £25 by ‘Hen: Lumley Esqr. attor to the Rt.

[Henry Westmacott, sculptor, brother of Sir Richard Westmacott.] Signature to Autograph Receipt for payment for ‘Monument to the Memory of Col[one]l. Campbell - including cases - Inscriptions - &c’.

Henry Westmacott (1784-1861), sculptor who worked on Nelson’s tomb in St Paul’s Cathedral, brother of Sir Richard Westmacott (1775-1856), and member of British sculpting dynasty
Publication details: 
Dated 18 February 1814. No place.

On one side of slip of laid paper, with watermark date ‘1811’. Dimensions: 18.5 x 7.5 cm. In good condition, folded three times. Good firm signature. Reads: ‘Received Feby: 18th: 1814. of Mrs. Campbell One Hundred & fifty Pounds for a Monument to the Memory of Coll. Campbell - including cases - Inscriptions - &c | £150 | Henry Westmacott.’ For Westmacott's work on Nelson's tomb, see the Archaeological Journal, 1894, vol. 51 (2nd series no. 1), p.161..

[John Manners, 3rd Duke of Rutland, patron of the arts.] Autograph Note Signed ('Rutland') to exchequer order.

John Manners, 3rd Duke of Rutland (1696-1779), patron of the arts and Whig politician
Publication details: 
[His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London.] July 1742.

Printed and in manuscript on both sides of a ragged 19 x 19.5 cm piece of paper, extracted from an Exchequer document (the first page is headed in manuscript 'Bk | (608)'. Aged and ragged. The recto, printed and completed in manuscript explains that the document relates to the 'Repayment of Loan on the Duties on Salt, granted for the Service of the year 1741, and further continued for Seven Years from the 25th Day of March 1746'.

[ Stationery for the Georgian House of Lords: William Cowper, Clerk of the Parliaments ] Manuscript Receipt, Signed twice by 'Wm Cowper', of stationery 'Delivered for His Majestys Service to The Honble. Wm. Cowper Esqre. Clerk to The House of Peers'.

William Cowper, Clerk of the Parliaments [ i.e Chief Clerk of the House of Lords ], 1716-1740, uncle of the poet William Cowper (1731-1800) and son of the judge Spencer Cowper (1670-1728)
Publication details: 
[ Houses of Parliament, Westminster. ] Entries dated from June to August 1737.

2pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. On a single leaf of laid paper (with crown 'G R' watermark), signed at the foot of each page 'Wm Cowper'. Entries dating from 30 June to 2 August 1737. Around fifty items of stationery, placed together in twelve groups, the twelve totals amounting to £46 4s 0d. Items include paper, '5 hundred pens', ink, pencils, cloth bags, 'Tortoise penknives', 'Indian Sand', binding tape and wax.

[ Sir John Cope of Hanwell. ] Part of Exchequer receipt for £600,000, signed by 'J Cope'.

Sir John Cope of Hanwell, 5th Baronet (1634-1721), MP for Banbury
Publication details: 
Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. 11 March 1717.

Part of printed Exchequer receipt, on one side of a trimmed-down 10 x 17.5 cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, with wear to one corner. Made out to Cope, 'in Repayment of Loan on the late Vote of Credit passed the 5th Day of March, 1716, for 600000 l. to be repaid out of the first Aid to be granted this Session of Parliament', for 'Services of the Publick by Sea and Land'. Signed on reverse: '11th March 1717 | Reced in full | J Cope', with 'Witness | J Miller'.

[ Oxford Photographer; contemporary C.L. Dodgson ] Bill/Receipt [printed heading] Signed "E Bracher"

Edward Bracher, Photographer
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Oxford University Portrait Rooms, 26 High Street [MS "Biscoe Esqre Ch Ch"] To Edward Bracher, | Photographer [...], [MS 1858-59]."

Bill/Receipt, 16.5 x 13.5cm, fold marks, good condition. Bill for purchases between 2 June 1858 and Novr 15 1859, for prices given) Negative, 8 Portraits. Album, "1 of Gordon" [General?] Interest. Bracher has added (with some relief) "Paid March 6/62 | E Bracher". Notes: A. Bracher was a "pioneering photgrapher" working in Oxford at much the same time as "Lewis Carroll" and Henry Taunt (who worked for Bracher when 14); B. This receipt has been extracted from a substantial bundle of invoices and receipts with Oxford addresses, with related letters. The Christ Church student, Victor H.

[ Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin. ] Autograph Signature ('Godolphin') on Exchequer receipt, as 'Attorney to the Mayor & Comonality of the Borough of Helston assignes of Charles Godolphin Esqr'.

Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin (1678-1766)
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer. 7 July 1732.

Printed Exchequer receipt made out in manuscript to 'Francis Earl of Godolphin - Attorney to the Mayor & Comonality of the Borough of Helston assignee of Charles Godolphin Esqr'. On one side of a trimmed-down leaf, 14 x 14.5 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[ John Hervey, 1st Earl of Bristol, and Sir Henry Furnese, merchant and politician. ] Autograph Signatures ('Hervey' and 'Henry Furnese') on reverse of part of Exchequer receipt.

John Hervey, 1st Earl of Bristol (1665-1751); Sir Henry Furnese, 1st Baronet (1658-1712) of Waldershare, Kent, merchant and politician; George Wanley.
Publication details: 
Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. 15 June 1710.

Part of printed Exchequer receipt, on one side of 18 x 17.5 cm piece of paper, titled 'Sir Henry Furnese Bar. in Repayment of Loan on the Twelfth 4s. Aid, Anno 1709.' In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. On the reverse, in a clerk's hand: 'I doe hereby Assigne and transfer all my Right Title and Interest of the within order and talley thereto belonging to the Right Honble. John Lord Hervey or his Assigns'. Signed 'Henry Furnese', and beneath this, in the hand of Lord Hervey (he was created Earl of Bristol in 1714): 'June 15 1710 | Recd the Contents | Hervey'.

[ Anne Godolphin, Lady Godolphin. ] Autograph Signature ('A: Godolphin') on Exchequer receipt, with signature of witness 'W Noble'.

Lady Anne Godolphin [ born Anne Marie FitzWilliam ] (1722-1802), Lady Godolphin, wife of Francis Godolphin (1706-1785), 2nd Baron Godolphin [ Lord Godolphin ]
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. January 1791.

1p., 8vo. Printed Exchequer receipt for £25, headed 'Annuities 3700l. per Week', made out to 'Lady Godolphin | Assignee'. In fair condition, on aged paper worn and creased at extremities.

[ Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere. ] Autograph Signature ('Vere.') on part of Exchequer receipt.

Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere (1699-1781), known as Lord Vere Beauclerk until 1750, British peer and politician
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. 27 July 1764.

Part of printed receipt made out to Vere, on one side of a trimmed-down 18 x 12.5 cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Recording the receipt of £42 10s 0d, on behalf of 'Lady Vere & Hble Aubrey Beauclerk'.

[ John Poulett, 2nd Earl Poulett. ] Autograph Signature ('Poulett') on reverse of an Exchequer receipt.

John, Earl Poulett [ John Poulett, 2nd Earl Poulett ] (1708-1764)
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 9 May 1761.

On 23.5 x 12cm. piece of paper. On aged and worn paper, with loss in from one edge towards head, but with good bold signature and surrounding writing unaffected. On the reverse of the document Poulett has written: '9. May 1761 | Recvd | Poulett'. Beside this is part of the signature of the witness, 'ary Creed'. On the front of the document is the usual printed text, completed in manuscript, directing the repayment of a loan of £1000, with interest at 4%.

[ George, Lord Carpenter. ] Autograph Signature ('Carpenter.') to an Exchequer receipt, witnessed by 'J Boucher'.

George, Lord Carpenter [ Lieutenant-General George Carpenter, 1st Baron Carpenter ] (1657-1731), Governor of Minorca and Commander-in-chief of Army in Scotland who took surrender of 1715 Jacobites
Publication details: 
Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. 11 April 1752.

1p., 8vo. On brittle, aged paper, with chipping to edges and loss to one corner and closed tear (not affecting signature. The usual printed text, with manuscript additions. Begins (with manuscript text in square brackets): '[11th] Day of [Aprill] 175[2] | Received by me [George Lord Carpenter] | Of the Honourable Thomas Townshend, Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [Seven Pounds] | in full of all former Directions and for [6 -] Months Annuity, due at [lady day] last past, of [14] Pounds per Annum'.

[ Daniel Finch, 8th Earl of Winchelsea and 3rd Earl of Nottingham. ] Autograph Signature ('Winchelsea & Nottingham') to manuscript Treasury receipt, made out in the hand of the witness John Shepherd.

Daniel Finch (1689-1769), 8th Earl of Winchilsea and 3rd Earl of Nottingham [ Lord Finch until 1730 ], British parliamentarian; John Shepherd, Deputy-Messenger to the Treasury
Publication details: 
[ London. ] 9 August 1732.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper. The body of the letter, made out by the witness, reads: 'Received this 9th: day of Augt. 1732 of The Right Honble: Lord Onslow the Sum of Five hundred and fifty five pounds being in full of the annex'd order I say Recd: by me', with reiteration in the margin. Signed 'Winchelsea & Nottingham' and 'Witness | John Shepherd'.

[ The Duchess of Marlborough, the Earl of Godolphin, and Lord Sundon. ] Autograph Signatures ('S: Marlbrough | Godolphin | Sundon') on part of an Exchequer receipt.

Sarah Churchill (1660-1744), Duchess of Marlborough, wife of the great Duke of Marlborough; Francis Godolphin (1678-1766), 2nd Earl of Godolphin; William Clayton (1671-1752), 1st Baron Sundon
Publication details: 
[ Court of Exchequer, London. 17 May 1740. ]

On an irregular piece of paper, 18cm. high and 23cm. wide at the extremities. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Torn from a larger leaf, with one side carrying manuscript additions completing printed text ('In Repayment of Loan on the Eighteenth, 2s. Aid, Anno 1739.'). In manuscript: 'The most Noble Sarah Dutchess Dowager of Marlborough, the Right Honble Francis Earl of Godolphin, the Right Honble William Lord Sundon Executors of the late most Noble John Duke of Marlborough'. The signatures are on the reverse, with more manuscript text.

[ Sir John Werden, 2nd Baronet. ] Printed Exchequer receipt, completed in manuscript, signed by 'John Werden.' and witnessed by 'R: Thornycroft'.

Sir John Werden (1683-1758), 2nd Baronet, son of Sir John Werden [ Worden ] (1640-1715), judge, politician and diplomat [ R. Thornycroft;
Publication details: 
[ The Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 5 September 1739.

Customary printed Exchequer receipt, completed in manuscript, headed (manuscript text in square brackets): Record' [the 20th August 1739] | The [th5] Day of [Septr] 173[9] | Received by me Sr John Werden Assignee of Sir. John Werden]'. Calculations in right-hand margin and clerical sign and docketing on reverse. Recording the receipt of £9 13s 4d, from Thomas Townshend. The printed text states that the money was raised 'upon an Act of Parliament, (Entituled, An Act for granting to Their Majestes certain Rates and Duties of Excise upon Beer, Ale, &c.

[ Thomas Carte, historian. ] Autograph Signature ('Tho: Carte') on an Autograph Receipt for the loan of four named manuscripts.

Thomas Carte (1686-1754), historian whose collection of English manuscripts now forms part of the Bodleian Library [ The Carte Papers ]
Publication details: 
17 January 1744 / 1745. Place not stated.

On one side of 11 x 15 cm slip of paper. On aged paper, heavily worn at head and at one edge, with some loss of text. The damage has been skilfully repaired. Reads: 'Jan. 17. 1744/5 eived then of <...>ackin Nilliam <...>ynn Bannet the following MS viz. Dares Phrygius & Tyssillons History of the Britions in Welsh, Chronica Britonum in Welsh, & the chartulary of the Abbey de Bello in Latin | which I promise to restore on demand. Witness my hand | Tho: Carte'.

Early Victorian manuscript medical( domestic?) receipt book, made out in medical Latin, with English notes, and including entries on syphilis, rheumatism, children's medicine, 'Ginger Beer Powders' and 'Cement for Electrical Machines'.

Medicine for Children; [Early Victorian manuscript medical receipt/prescription book perhaps, from abbreviations, use of Latin, etc. an apothecary's receipt book].]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [England, circa 1848.]

117pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper; in contemporary worn vellum binding, with metal clasp, with marbled endpapers. Two sequences of receipts, starting at different ends of the volume, one (rather more businesslike) later than the other. In addition to the total of 117pp. of receipts, each of the two sequences has its own thumb index.

[Sir Robert Howard, restoration playwright.] Autograph Treasury receipt, signed 'Ro: Howard'.

Sir Robert Howard (1626-1698), English playwright and politician and Secretary to the Treasury
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of slip of 6 x 18 cm paper. In fair condition, aged, and with traces of mount adhering to reverse. Apparently concerning an enormous sum of money, the receipt reads: 'Registered upon the Register appointed to be kept by the Act within mentioned & payable there upon of

Autograph Signature ('C Godolphin.') of Charles Godolphin, Member of Parliament for Helston, and brother of Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, on printed Exchequer Receipt, made out by him in autograph.

Charles Godolphin (c.1651-1720), Member of Parliament for Helston and one of the Commissioners of the Customs, buried in Westminster Abbey, brother of Sidney, Earl of Godolphin
Publication details: 
[Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer, London.] 22 January 1707.

1p., small 4to. On aged and lightly damp-stained paper, with wear and closed tear to extremities. Three counter-signatures in bottom left-hand corner faded with damp. The document begins (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'Record [15 Janry 1707] | Numb.

Memorandum, signed twice by Rudyard Kipling, of a deposit made by him at the London City and Midland Bank Limited's Newgate branch, with corresponding receipt signed for the branch manager by J. H. Coulson.

Rudyard Kipling [Joseph Rudyard Kipling] (1865-1936), English writer and poet; J. H. Coulson, Manager, London City and Midland Bank Limited, Newgate Street, London
Publication details: 
The London City and Midland Bank Limited, Newgate Branch [London]. Both documents dated 7 December 1910.

The two documents were originally attached along a perforated line, and both bear the serial number 115476. Having been detached, they have been reattached by a strip of light brown paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Both are forms, printed in red and black, and both are filled in by Coulson, regarding a deposit by Kipling of '£500 (Five hundred pounds) Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Co. First Mortgage Sterling Bonds' and '$2500 (Two thousand five hundred dollars) Northern New Brunswick & Seaboard Rly Co. 4% Gold Bonds'.

Manuscript transcript of 'the entry of the Hunting Journal of 1816. [18]17', addressed to Triphook, giving costs for printing '20 Copies of Belvoir Hunt'.

[Robert Triphook, London bookseller (d.1868); Belvoir Hunt; hunting; printing]
Publication details: 
Undated [1818?].

Landscape 8vo, 1 p. On aged and discoloured paper, with four spike holes. Neatly written out, in a contemporary hand. Addressed on reverse to 'Mr. R. Triphook'. Pencil annotations on both sides. Headed 'The following is the entry of the Hunting Journal of 1816. 17 -'. First item (of six): 'Setting Press & Printing 20 Copies of Belvoir Hunt 1816.17 13 Sheets & 1/2 Demy, Pica & long Primmer with Tables fine ink. @ 83/. Pr Sheet } 56. 0. 6'. At foot of page: '1817-18 - furnished by R.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G : A Galignani'), in Italian, to Twining. With signed receipt by Galignani, in Italian, for '18 Lezioni'.

Giovanni Antonio Galignani (1757-1821), Paris bookseller and publisher of English works [Richard Twining (1772-1857), tea merchant]
Publication details: 
Letter: 'Venerdi mattina' (docketed with date 8 November 1796). Receipt dated 21 January 1797.

Letter: 12mo, 1 p. On bifolium. Text clear and complete. On aged and ruckled paper. Slight damage to second leaf caused by breaking open of wafer. Addressed to 'Illustrissimo Signore'. Having 'un affare di qualche importanza alle nove', he would like to give Twining his lesson (presumably in Italian) the following morning at 8 o'clock. He hopes that coming half an hour early does not cause any inconvence. Receipt: on one side of a slip of paper, 7 x 19.5 cm. Headed 'Memorandum del Signor Twining'. For '18 Lezioni la prima delle quali fa data li 15 Novembee', and signed 'Galignani'.

Stamped Autograph Receipt Signed ('R C Dallas') for an advance from his publishers Cadell & Davies.

Robert Charles Dallas (1754-1824), English writer [Cadell & Davies, London booksellers]
Publication details: 

On a piece of paper 7.5 x 18 cm. Neatly mounted (windowpane mount) on leaf of paper 27 x 23 cm. Neatly written out by Dallas, and reading 'Received Decr. 23d. 1800 the sum of Ten Pounds on account from Messrs Cadell and Davies. | [signed] R C Dallas. - | £10.-.-' On the right a blind-stamped government two pence stamp, 'FOR RECEIPTS'. Dallas published several works with Cadell & Davies, and the receipt may possibly relate to his 'Annals of the French Revolution' (1800), or his 'Natural History of Volcanoes' (1801).

Receipt, signed 'B Nichols, 25 Parliament Street', for a guinea subscription to Forby's 'Vocabulary'. Countersigned by Fletcher.

John Bowyer Nichols and Son, Printers and Booksellers; John Kitson; Simon Wilkin, Norwich bookseller; Josiah Fletcher, Norwich bookbinder [The Gentleman's Magazine]
Publication details: 
11 December 1829. On printed company letterhead.

On one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 10.5 x 17.5 cm. Good. Printed in top left-hand corner: 'To J. B. Nichols and Son. Printers and Booksellers. 25, Parliament Street, Westminster. ***Office, 10, King Street, Westminster.' Asks that the 'Subscription to Forby's Vocabulary 1 1 0' be paid to him or to 'Mr Wilkin, Bookseller, herewith'. Countsigned crosswise 'Received for S. Wilkin | [signed] Josiah Fletcher | Jan 25/30'. Docketed on reverse. BBTI has Wilkin as a bookseller in Norwich from before 1821 to 1830; and Fletcher as a binder and printer there from around 1820 to 1835.

Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript Additions, and Autograph Signature, for 'the Sum of Ten Pounds being 24 Months Interest of 100£'.

Mary Russell, Countess of Orford
Countess of Orford
Publication details: 
24 July 1701; [London].
Countess of Orford

One page, quarto. Aged, and trimmed along one margin, with minimal loss of text. Interest on moneys 'Lent unto Their Majesties upon the Credit of an Act of Parliament, (Intituled, An Act for Granting to His Majesty An Aid of 4 Shillings in the Pound for One Year'. Witnessed, with Autograph Signature, by George Cheret. Signed 'M Orford'.

Engraved Trade Card in form of receipt.

James Crokatt, Fleet Street bookseller
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1740]

Dimensions roughly one and a half inches by two inches. One page, blank verso. Tipped in on piece of yellow paper. Within ruled border. An attractive item, with an illustration of key at head. Beneath this, in copperplate, 'Bought of I: Crokatt | at the Golden Key near | ye. Inner-Temple-Gate | Fleet-Street.' Crokatt, an associate of Dodsley, with whom Samuel Johnson worked, traded from the 1720s to the 1750s.

Signed Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript insertions.

Jane, Countess Dowager of Bridgewater [nee Lady Jane Paulet], widow of John Egerton, 3rd Earl of Bridgewater (1646–1701)
Publication details: 

One page. Paper dimensions roughly fourteen inches by nine and a half inches. Good, with cream paper backing. 'Received then by me [Jane Countess Dowager of Bridgewater ass[ign] of Charles Bertie Esqr] [...] Of [James Vernon Esqr] One of the Four Tellers of the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, the Sum of [Threescore pounds] being for [Twenty ffour] Months Interest of [ffive Hundred Pounds] [...]'. Signed 'J Bridgewater'. Witnessed by 'J Peirce'.

Printed Exchequer Receipt for fifty pounds, 'for Six Months Annuity, due 5 July last past, of One Hundred Pounds' on the life of 'Margarett Mary Reeves'.

Henry Digby (d.1793), 1st Earl Digby, 7th Baron Digby
Publication details: 
12 July 1762; [London].

One page, folio. Aged and with fraying to extremities and some repair to blank verso. Text clear and complete, except for a couple of letters shaved in right-hand margin. With signatures of witnesses William Digby and Daniel Cummine. Signed 'Digby'.

Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript Additions, and Autograph Signature, for 'the Sum of twelve pounds ten Shillings [...] 3 Months Annuity, due at Midsumer last past, of 50 Pounds per Annum'.

Lewis Watson (1655-1724), 1st Earl of Rockingham
Publication details: 
2 July 1717; [London].

One page, quarto. Aged, trimmed at head and with fraying at foot. 'Received by me the Right Honble. Lewis Lord Rockingham Assignee of Thomas Wentworth'. Witnessed by and with the signatures of George Cradock and Edward Vincent. Signed 'Rockingham'.

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