[Patrick Pearse [Pádraic Pearse], Irish national hero, shot by the British after the Easter Rising of 1916.] Review slip by his Dublin publishers Maunsel & Co., for his posthumous ‘The Story of a Success’.

Patrick Pearse [Patrick Henry Pearse; Pádraig Pearse; Pádraic Pearse; Pádraig Anraí Mac Piarais] (1879–1916), Irish national hero, poet, nationalist shot by the British after the Easter Rising of 1916
Publication details: 
Dated 15 November 1917 (for book to be published 19 November 1917). Maunsel & Co., Limited, 50 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. A scarce piece of Pearse ephemera: no other copy traced. 1p, 12mo. On a piece of discoloured laid paper, worn, with crease to one corner. The full title of the book, which was edited by Desmond Ryan, was ‘The story of a success, being a record of St. Enda's College, September 1908 to Easter 1916’.

[General Sir J.G. Maxwell, Commander-in-Chief in Ireland during the 1916 Easter Rising.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Peverley Dodd', with regard to the etiquette for an engagement in Malta by the Duke of Connaught.

General Sir John Grenfell Maxwell (1859-1929) British Army officer, Commander-in-Chief in Ireland during 1916 Easter Rising and its aftermath [Rev. Henry Peverley Dodd (1875-1938), army chaplain]
Publication details: 
‘The Palace / Malta / March 24.’ [1908] On letterhead of the High Commissioner, Mediterranean.

The context of the letter is explained in Maxwell’s entry in the Oxford DNB: ‘In the autumn of 1902 Maxwell was chosen by the duke of Connaught, then acting commander-in-chief in Ireland, as his chief staff officer at Dublin. There he remained until May 1904, when Connaught became inspector-general of the forces, and Maxwell followed him to London.

[Richard O'Gorman, outlaw or Irish Nationalist; Rising in July 1848] [COPIES] Letter from Mick Blake, of the Barque Barbara, to the Captain of Police, about O'Gorman'smovements. WITH COPY (verso) Letter from Nath[anie]l Spiner to Earl of Bantry

Mick Blake, Captain of the Barque Barbara, and another [Richard O'Gorman Jr, outlaw or Irish Nationalist]
Publication details: 
[Blake] Barque Barbara, Valentia Harbour 23 August 1848; [Spiner] Castletown, 23 August 1848

Contemporary copies (all in same hand);original letters untraced. Good condition but rough edge on left indicates removed perhaps from a collection.

[Richard O'Gorman, outlaw or Irish Nationalist; Rising in July 1848] [COPIES] Letter from MIck Blake, of the Barque Barbara, to the Captain of Police, about O'Gorman'smovements. WITH COPY (verso) Letter from Nath[anie]l Spiner to Earl of Bantry

Mick Blake, Captain of the Barque Barbara, and another [Richard O'Gorman Jr, outlaw or Irish Nationalist]
Publication details: 
[Blake] Barque Barbara, Valentia Harbour 23 August 1848; [Spiner] Castletown, 23 August 1848

Contemporary copies (all in same hand);original letters untraced. Good condition but rough edge on left indicates removed perhaps from a collection.

[Robert Lynd, Irish journalist and essayist at whose house James Joyce held his wedding reception.] Typescript, with Autograph Emendations in pencil, of the commencement of Chapter 7, ‘Kinsale’, of his 1912 book ‘Rambles in Ireland’.

Robert Lynd [Robert Wilson Lynd] (1879-1949), Irish journalist and essayist, husband of the poet Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), at whose house James Joyce held his wedding reception
Publication details: 
Circa 1912.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. ‘Rambles in Ireland’ was published in 1912, with illustrations by Jack B. Yeats. On one side each of four 4to leaves of aged and worn paper. The first leaf carries a covering page on which is the typed word ‘KINSALE’; above this Lynd has written in pencil: ‘26 / Rambles in Ireland / (By Robert Lynd) / Chapter VII’. The three pages which follow carry the text: title and 21 lines on the first, and twenty-five lines apiece on the second and third.

[Seán MacEntee, Fianna Fáil politician and Tánaiste.] Typed Letter Signed ('Seán MacEntee') to T. J. Hickey, editor of 'The Statist', commending an article on Hilaire Belloc by Collin Brooks. With Autograph Note Signed from Hickey to Brooks.

Seán MacEntee [Seán Mac an tSaoi] (1889-1984), Irish Fianna Fáil politician, Tánaiste [Thomas J. Hickey; Collin Brooks (1893-1959), Fleet Street journalist; Hilaire Belloc; Easter Rising, 1916]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Oifig an Aire Airgeadais, (Office of the Minister for Finance) Baile Átha Cliath. (Dublin). 27 July 1953.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with punch holes at margin. MacEntee begins his letter to Hickey: 'In the tribute which “The Statist” pays to the late Hilaire Belloc a reference is made to his essay on usury. I read this some time ago but cannot recall the title of the volume in which it appeared. I should be grateful, indeed, if you would be kind enough to make good the lacuna by supplying the missing title.' He congratulates Hickey 'on the article itself'.

[ Sean T. O'Kelly, Republican ] Autograph (brief) Curriculum Vitae Signed "With best wishes from | Sean T. O'Kelly"

Sean T. O'Kelly, sometime President of the Republic of Ireland (1882-1956)
Publication details: 
No date, printed address in Irish.

One page, 4to, edges sl chipped. mainly good condition, complete. He follows his best wishes (see above) with information about the (formal) political positions he has occupied from President (giving dates of inauguration and retirement ); place of birth (Wellington St, Dublin); when elected to the Dublin Council and Parliament; when Minister for Local Government; and for Finance; when Deputy Prime Minister; current residence at Roundwood Park. Overleaf his name and title (President) in another hand.

[ George, Lord Carpenter. ] Autograph Signature ('Carpenter.') to an Exchequer receipt, witnessed by 'J Boucher'.

George, Lord Carpenter [ Lieutenant-General George Carpenter, 1st Baron Carpenter ] (1657-1731), Governor of Minorca and Commander-in-chief of Army in Scotland who took surrender of 1715 Jacobites
Publication details: 
Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. 11 April 1752.

1p., 8vo. On brittle, aged paper, with chipping to edges and loss to one corner and closed tear (not affecting signature. The usual printed text, with manuscript additions. Begins (with manuscript text in square brackets): '[11th] Day of [Aprill] 175[2] | Received by me [George Lord Carpenter] | Of the Honourable Thomas Townshend, Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [Seven Pounds] | in full of all former Directions and for [6 -] Months Annuity, due at [lady day] last past, of [14] Pounds per Annum'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John F. Dillon') from Sir John Fox Dillon of Lismullen to 'My dear Mary', criticising the 'queer state' of Irish politics, First World War 'shirkers', and describing what he claims as the first tractor in Ireland.

Sir John Fox Dillon (1843-1925) of Lismullen, Navan, County Meath, Baron of the Holy Roman Empire
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lismullen, Navan, County Meath [Ireland; Eire]. 20 December 1917.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 61 lines, closely written in a crabbed, difficult hand. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by thanking her for a book, before commenting: 'Things are in such a queer state in this country that it is hard to know what will happen. This Government is enough to drive one mad. They are afraid to do a thing until the Convention has come to some sort of compromise (which no party will accept). The Sin [sic] Feins will do their best to upset any recommendation the Convention may come to. You must remember there are the Ulster men (Royalists) Royalists [sic] from all parts.

Autograph Letter Signed from Augustine Birrell to the journalist and publicist Sydney Walton, mocking him in entertaining terms for suggesting that he would be well-received as a lecturer to 300 boys.

Augustine Birrell (1850-1933), Liberal politician and essayist [Sydney Walton (1882-1964), journalist and publicist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 70 Elm Park Road, Chelsea, SW. 2 September 1917.

2pp., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. A very funny letter, written in the style that became known as 'birrelling'. He begins: 'Dear Sir. | I admire the enthusiasm which from the depths of an Office bearing the historically-ominous title of "Ministry of Food", & lodged in a once ducal mansion, can dictate (in type) so spirited a letter as your's [sic] of the 27th. ult. I wish I could believe in your vision of Three hundred Boys shouting Come - to an (almost) Septuagenarian Lecturer. It is of course all nonsense.

[Handbill] The Flag on the G.P.O. Easter 1917. By J. J. Walsh.

J[ames]. J[oseph]. Walsh.
Publication details: 

The Flag on the G.P.O. Easter 1917. By J. J. Walsh. (Date and place not stated [c.1917]). Handbill poem, one page, 12mo, creased laid paper, mainly good condition. It is headed 'THE Flag on the G.P.O. | Easter 1917. | By J. J. Walsh', and with 'J. J. Walsh.' again at foot. The first of three stanzas reads: Why gather the crowd in O'Connell Street? | Why throng all the people there? | What eminent personage do they greet? | With the shouts that fill the air? | Who comes this morning or what's to be seen | That they hurry and push them so?

[Handbill] The Flag on the G.P.O. Easter 1917. By J. J. Walsh.

J[ames]. J[oseph]. Walsh.
Publication details: 

The Flag on the G.P.O. Easter 1917. By J. J. Walsh. (Date and place not stated [c.1917]). Handbill poem, one page, 12mo, creased laid paper, mainly good condition. It is headed 'THE Flag on the G.P.O. | Easter 1917. | By J. J. Walsh', and with 'J. J. Walsh.' again at foot. The first of three stanzas reads: Why gather the crowd in O'Connell Street? | Why throng all the people there? | What eminent personage do they greet? | With the shouts that fill the air? | Who comes this morning or what's to be seen | That they hurry and push them so?

[Handbill] The Flag on the G.P.O. Easter 1917. By J. J. Walsh.

J[ames]. J[oseph]. Walsh.
Publication details: 

The Flag on the G.P.O. Easter 1917. By J. J. Walsh. (Date and place not stated [c.1917]). Handbill poem, one page, 12mo, creased laid paper, mainly good condition. It is headed 'THE Flag on the G.P.O. | Easter 1917. | By J. J. Walsh', and with 'J. J. Walsh.' again at foot. The first of three stanzas reads: Why gather the crowd in O'Connell Street? | Why throng all the people there? | What eminent personage do they greet? | With the shouts that fill the air? | Who comes this morning or what's to be seen | That they hurry and push them so?

[Printed handbill.] A County Court Judge on the Lawlessness of the Forces of the Crown in Ireland. County Court Judge Bodkin, K.C., at the conclusion of the Ennis (County Clare) Quarter Sessions on February 5, 1921, made a grave statement [...]

[M. McDonnell Bodkin, County Court Judge for County Clare; Sir Hamar Greenwood, Chief Secretary for Ireland; the Peace With Ireland Council; the Black and Tans]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Manchester Guardian of February 7, 1921.' Published by the Peace with Ireland Council, 30 Queen Anne's Chambers, London, S.W.1. Printed by the Caledonian Press Ltd. (T. U.), 74 Swinton Street, London, W.C.1.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Fair, on aged high-acidity paper. Drophead title, with the second part reading in its entirety: 'County Court Judge Bodkin, K.C., at the conclusion of the Ennis (County Clare) Quarter Sessions on February 5, 1921, made a grave statement as to the violence committed by the forces of the Crown in Ireland, in the following words: -'. The article reprints a report by Bodkin to the Rt Hon.

An Buaiceas. 1. ceithre sgéalta rug craobh an Oireachtais leó 'sa bhliadhain 1898. [Sgéalta nua-dhéanta. - IV.]

Pádraig Ó Séaghdha (pseudonym ‘Conán Maol’) (1855-1928), Irish writer
Publication details: 
I mBaile Átha Cliath: Ar n-a gcur amach do Chonnradh na Gaedhilge, 1903.

12mo: 97 pp. A good, tight copy, on aged paper, in contemporary calf binding gilt. All edges gilt, marble endpapers, dentelles. Binding rubbed and worn. Apparently complete (and certainly complete as bound), containing all four stories listed in the National Library of Ireland entry, but having 97 rather than the 167 pp in that entry. A landmark work in Irish literature, highly regarded as a pioneering attempt to modernize Gaelic narrative.


Padraic H. Pearse [Padraic mac Piarais; Pha´draig mhic Phiarais]
Publication details: 
[Dublin] 1919.

Original green cloth, 268pp, 8vo, corners bumped, covers marked, endpapers yellowed, contents good. First collected works [?]. Scarce: three copies listed by COPAC which also lists an edition (of the same book?) which it dates [1917 ("Dublin: Phoenix").

The Irish Library. 1908-9. Vol. 2. The Fenian Movement: The Story of the Manchester Martyrs.

F. L. Crilly [Justin McCarthy; Ireland; Irish; Eire; Fenian Movement]
Publication details: 
London: John Ouseley Ltd., 15 & 16 Farringdon St., E.C.

8vo, 94 + ii pp. Stapled and in original green and white printed wraps. Advertisements on wraps, prelims and final leaf. Frontispiece portrait of Justin McCarthy (with transcription of a letter by him to Ouseley facing it) and double-sided plate (between pp. 32 and 33) carrying seven illustrations. A scarce item (no copy at British Library): chipped and worn on aged high-acidity paper. Described by the author as a 'narrative of probably the most powerful and far-reaching conspiracy the world has ever known'.

A Plain Tale.

[Eimar Ultan O'Duffy (1893-1935), Irish satirical writer]
Publication details: 
Undated; place and printer not stated.

One page, in two 62-line columns. Octavo leaf with blank reverse. Good, on lightly aged paper with slight nicking and creasing to edges. Satirical account of 'simple soul' Michael James's dealings with his hypocritical neighbour Susan Elizabeth, who hands him a white feather when he refuses to enlist in the British Army during the Great War. On 'the Day' of the Easter Rising James fights and is wounded and 'thrown into the interment camp at Frongoch'. Susan Elizabeth then becomes 'a great Sinn Feiner.

BRICRIU'S FEAST | A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS | WITH AN EPILOGUE, with typewritten letter to the author's daughter Ita O'Duffy.

Eimar O'Duffy
Publication details: 
Martin Lester, Ltd, 44 Dawson Street, Dublin; [1919?].

52 pages, 8vo. In original blue printed wraps, which are folded around endpapers, the rear of which bears publisher's advertisements. In poor condition: paper browning and spotting with age, binding loose and wraps frayed and worn, especially at spine. The front wrap has a long closed tear at head, and the indentation of a paper-clip, which attaches the typewritten letter (1 page, 8vo, discoloured and worn at extremities), headed 'Room 102, | Surrey Street. | 7.4.52', from 'Christine' to 'Ita'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Rising.

John Preston Neale
Publication details: 
Bennett Street Blackfriars | Sept. 19th. 1828.'

Architectural draughtsman (1780-1847). Three pages, quarto. Good, but heavily folded and with some loss to second leaf of bifoliate from breaking of red wax seal, the remains of which still adhere. Addressed, with postmarks, on verso of second leaf of bifoliate 'Robt. Rising Esq | Horsey. | To the Care of Robert Cory Junr Esq | Yarmouth'. Rising, of Horsey Hall, was a Norfolk landowner, and Cory (1776-1840) an antiquary. A long and interesting letter. He regrets that he has been unable to spend 'a few happy hours with you and of doing justice to the Chief Magistrate of that Gt.

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