'AE' ['Æ'], pseudonym of George William Russell, Irish nationalist poet, mystic and theosophist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('AE') to 'Wilson' [i.e. Ulster poet R. N. D. Wilson], regarding his whereabouts following a trip to the United States.

'AE' ['Æ'], pseudonym of George William Russell (1867-1935), Irish nationalist poet, mystic and theosophist [R. N. D. Wilson [Robert Noble Denison Wilson] (1899-1953), Ulster Irish poet]
Publication details: 
17 Rathgar Avenue, Dublin; 'Thursday' [no date].

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The letter reads: 'Dear Wilson. | I have just returned from U.S.A. & am going next Monday or Tuesday to Donegal for a much needed holiday. I expect to be away a month. If your friend is in Dublin when I come back I will be glad to see him But in a month I will be out of the world. | Yours ever | AE'

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed from the Welsh writer Showell Styles.

Showell Styles (1908-2005), Welsh writer and mountaineer, whose detective fiction appeared under the pseudonym 'Glyn Carr'
 Autograph Letter Signed from the Welsh writer Showell Styles.
Publication details: 
Dated August 1970; on letterhead of Trwyn Cae Iago, Borth-y-Gest, Portmadoc, Caernarvonshire.
 Autograph Letter Signed from the Welsh writer Showell Styles.

The 12mo letter has been cut into two sections, both laid down on a piece of mustard paper, with typed caption. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The body of the letter is on a piece of paper roughly 11 cm square. Six lines of text, enclosing 'autograph & quotation' (not present), and apologising for having 'no photo available'. 'Glad you enjoy my books, & thanks for your good wishes'. The smaller piece, with letterhead and Styles's dating, is roughly 8.5 x 3.5 cm.

Poems and Ballads of Young Ireland 1888. [Inscribed by the contributor Rose Kavanagh.]

Rose Kavanagh (1860-1891), John Todhunter, Katherine Tynan, W. B. Yeats, Patrick Henry, T. W. Rolleston, Charles Gregory Fagan, Ellen O'Leary, Frederick J. Gregg, George Noble Plunkett, contributors
Publication details: 
Dublin: M. H. Gill and Son, O'Connell Street. 1888.

Wade A289. 12mo: viii + 80 pp and errata slip. In original cream buckram binding, with title and harp decoration in gilt on front board. Black endpapers. Internally tight, on aged and spotted paper. Binding grubby, stained and worn, with slight damage at head and foot of spine. Some ink marking to the fourth stanza of the dedicatory poem to John O'Leary (p.1). Housed in a green solander box. Inscribed at head of title: 'Elizabeth Monteagle from Rose Kavanagh | June 21. 88'.

Offprint titled 'William Butler Yeats. Aetat. 70', containing pieces by Hackett, O Faolain, Higgins, Johnston, de Blacam and Malone, in celebration of the poet's seventieth birthday, also a photograph of Yeats and facsimile of one of his manuscripts.

Francis Hackett, Sean O Faolain, F. R. Higgins, Denis Johnston, Aodh de Blacam, Andrew E. Malone, contributors
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the Irish Times of June 13th, 1935.' [Printed and Published by The Irish TImes Limited, 31 Westmoreland street, Dublin.']

8vo, 16 pp. In original buff wraps. Text clear and complete. On aged and slightly-creased paper, with rust to the staples resulting in the detaching of the central bifolium. Wraps discoloured. Photograph of Yeats seated in his library on front wrap, and reproduction of Augustus John's portrait of the poet on p.2. On the first page is the facsimile, captioned ' "A Song," from W. B.

Dana. An Irish Magazine of Independent Thought.

Stephen Gwynn, Edward Dowden, George Moore, F. Hugh O'Donnell, John Eglinton, Hon. W. Gibson, contributors [Irish literature; Ireland]
Publication details: 
No.3. July 1904. Publishers: Hodges, Figgis & Co., Ltd. Grafton Street, Dublin; David Nutt, 57-59 Long Acre, London, W.C.

12mo, 32 pp (paginated 65-96). Stapled. In original grey printed wraps. On aged and foxed paper, in worn wraps. Closed tears to last leaf and back wrap, which carries tape from postage. Contains 'The Policy of the Irish Party' by Stephen Gwynn, 'A Sunday in July (Poem)' by 'Professor Dowden', 'Moods and Memories, IV' by George Moore, 'The Facts of the Churchbuilding Question in Ireland' by F. Hugh O'Donnell, 'On Going to Church' by John Eglinton, 'On the Possibility of a Thought Revival in Ireland' and 'Hon. W. Gibson'.

Beltaine. An Occasional Publication. The Organ of the Irish Literary Theatre. Edited by W. B. Yeats.

W. B. Yeats, editor; George Moore, Edward Martyn, W. B. Yeats, Alice Milligan, and Augusta Gregory, contributors [Irish literature]
Publication details: 
Number Two. February 1900. London: At the Sign of the Unicorn, VII Cecil Court, Saint Martin's Lane, W.C.

4to, 28 + [iv] pp. In original buff printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rust to staples causing detached covers. Nicely printed. Advertisements on the last four pages and three sides of the wraps.

The Powys Family. Being a lecture given by him to the Swansea and South Wales Bookman's Association in May, 1945, with some additions.

Littleton C. Powys [John Cowper Powys; Llewelyn Powys; Theodore Powys]
Publication details: 
This reprint [of the original lecture] issued April, 1953.' Western Gazette, Yeovil.

12mo: 27 pp. Stapled. In original brown printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper with rusted staples. Divided into five sections: 'Our Ancestry', 'Our Father', 'Our Mother', 'Montacute' and 'The Children'. A scarce item, the only copies on COPAC being at the British Library, Cardiff and St Andrews.

An Buaiceas. 1. ceithre sgéalta rug craobh an Oireachtais leó 'sa bhliadhain 1898. [Sgéalta nua-dhéanta. - IV.]

Pádraig Ó Séaghdha (pseudonym ‘Conán Maol’) (1855-1928), Irish writer
Publication details: 
I mBaile Átha Cliath: Ar n-a gcur amach do Chonnradh na Gaedhilge, 1903.

12mo: 97 pp. A good, tight copy, on aged paper, in contemporary calf binding gilt. All edges gilt, marble endpapers, dentelles. Binding rubbed and worn. Apparently complete (and certainly complete as bound), containing all four stories listed in the National Library of Ireland entry, but having 97 rather than the 167 pp in that entry. A landmark work in Irish literature, highly regarded as a pioneering attempt to modernize Gaelic narrative.

BRICRIU'S FEAST | A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS | WITH AN EPILOGUE, with typewritten letter to the author's daughter Ita O'Duffy.

Eimar O'Duffy
Publication details: 
Martin Lester, Ltd, 44 Dawson Street, Dublin; [1919?].

52 pages, 8vo. In original blue printed wraps, which are folded around endpapers, the rear of which bears publisher's advertisements. In poor condition: paper browning and spotting with age, binding loose and wraps frayed and worn, especially at spine. The front wrap has a long closed tear at head, and the indentation of a paper-clip, which attaches the typewritten letter (1 page, 8vo, discoloured and worn at extremities), headed 'Room 102, | Surrey Street. | 7.4.52', from 'Christine' to 'Ita'.

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