[Patrick Pearse [Pádraic Pearse], Irish national hero, shot by the British after the Easter Rising of 1916.] Review slip by his Dublin publishers Maunsel & Co., for his posthumous ‘The Story of a Success’.

Patrick Pearse [Patrick Henry Pearse; Pádraig Pearse; Pádraic Pearse; Pádraig Anraí Mac Piarais] (1879–1916), Irish national hero, poet, nationalist shot by the British after the Easter Rising of 1916
Publication details: 
Dated 15 November 1917 (for book to be published 19 November 1917). Maunsel & Co., Limited, 50 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. A scarce piece of Pearse ephemera: no other copy traced. 1p, 12mo. On a piece of discoloured laid paper, worn, with crease to one corner. The full title of the book, which was edited by Desmond Ryan, was ‘The story of a success, being a record of St. Enda's College, September 1908 to Easter 1916’.

[Arthur Griffith sets out the Sinn Féin agenda, 1905.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The “Sinn Fein” Policy’. [Speech by him at the First Annual Convention of the National Council, 28 November 1905, proposing ‘the policy of the National Council’.]

Arthur Griffith (1871-1922), Irish nationalist who founded Sinn Féin, President of Dáil Éireann
Sinn Fein
Publication details: 
[Intoduction by ‘A. G.’, dated ‘March, 1906.’] Dublin: James Duffy & Co., Ltd., Wellington Quay. M. H. Gill & Son, Upper O’Connell Street.
Sinn Fein

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. A scarce and historic document: copy in the NLI, and three on JISC (LSE, Oxford and BL, the latter also possessing a copy of the ‘Fortieth Thousand’). On the cover ‘Sinn Fein’ is written without the accent on the ‘e’; while the heading to p.5 has it with the accent. Cover carries a crude outline map of Ireland, crossed by two thick lines, with caption ‘The Cross of Gold’. A frail survival, on discoloured and worn newspaper stock, with chipping to edges and dogeared corners.

[‘The greatest popular leader the world has ever seen’: Daniel O’Connell, Irish nationalist politician.] Autograph Signature and valediction to a letter.

Daniel O’Connell (1775-1847), ‘The Liberator’, Irish nationalist politician, leader of Ireland’s Roman Catholics, described by Gladstone as ‘the greatest popular leader the world has ever seen’
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his entry in the Dictionary of Irish Biography. On 7 x 4 cm piece of paper. In good condition, with slight discoloration. In O’Connell’s distinctive fine-nibbed hand reads: ‘Ever yours, / most sincerely / Daniel O’Connell’. The ‘C’ of ‘O’Connell’ extends downwards, and this flourish is very slightly cropped beneath the usual a loop.

[William Smith O'Brien, Irish nationalist, a leader of the Young Ireland movement, deported to Van Diemen's Land by the British.] Autograph Signature and valediction on part of a letter.

William Smith O'Brien [Liam Mac Gabhann Ó Briain] (1803-64), Irish nationalist Member of British Parliament, a leader of Young Ireland movement, convicted of sedition and deported to Van Diemen's Land
William S OBrien
Publication details: 
No place or date.
William S OBrien

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Slip of paper, roughly 8 x 4.5 cm, cut from a letter. In fair condition, on lightly aged and discoloured paper, with several vertical postage folds. On one side good clear signature and valediction: ‘I remain, dear Sir / Faithfully Yours / William S OBrien’. On the other side, tantalizingly: ‘[...] part of England what [...] | [...] not her all to obtai[n] [...] | [...] sense of justice - [...]’

[Sean O'Casey] Autograph Letter Signed 'Sean O'Casey' to Miss Sheila Lynd, daughter of Robert Lynd, essayist, his letter of condolence

Sean O'Casey, playwright
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Tingrith, Station Road, Totnes, Devon, 9 Dec. 1949.

Two pages, oblong 12mo, pencil markings, grubby in parts, text clear and complete.Down with a touch of Influenza, busy with letters & work, I'd no time to answer you. I hadn't time to think of any article. I've written Peace messages to Moscow, New Yor, Paris, Plymouth & Melbourne; so, you see, I've not been standing idle in the market place. | I was very, very sorry to hear of your father's (Bob) death. All in all, he was a grand generous lad. Too fond of Ulster, maybe, but none the worse of that same. | My sympathy to you, dear lass.

[Michael McCartan, Irish nationalist MP in the British Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Burgess', looking forward to the freedom of Ireland, and attacking 'Toryism' in Norwich.

Michael McCartan (1851-1902), Irish nationalist, MP with the Irish Parliamentary Party in the British Parliament, anti-Parnellite
Publication details: 
23 August 1889. 5 Hopefield Terrace, Belfast [Ulster].

3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Forty-eight lines of text. Addressed to 'Miss Burgess[,] Norwich' and with smudged signature 'Michael McCartan'.

[?One in name, one in fame / Are the Sea-divided Gaels.?: Alexander Martin Sullivan, Irish nationalist politician and author.] Autograph Signature with poetic quotation.

Alexander Martin Sullivan (1829-1884), Irish nationalist politician and author, member of the British parliament, younger brother of Timothy Daniel Sullivan
Publication details: 
?St Patricks Day / 1884?.

See his entry, and that of his elder brother, in the Oxford DNB. From the collection of Irish nationalist autographs of Miss Burgess of Norwich. On 16.5 x 7.5 cm piece of paper, cut down from a larger document. In fair condition, lightly aged and spotted. Folded three times. Written in a large bold hand: ? ?One in name, one in fame / Are the Sea-divided Gaels.? / A. M. Sullivan / St Patricks Day / 1884?. See Image.

[Alfred Webb [Alfred John Webb], Anglo-Irish Quaker nationalist, Irish Parliamentary Party MP in the British Parliament.] Autograph Letter signed to 'Miss Burgess' [of Norwich], listing and discussing Irish autographs he has procured.

Alfred Webb [Alfred John Webb] (1834-1908), Anglo-Irish Quaker nationalist, anti-imperialist and anti-racist, Irish Parliamentary Party MP in the British parliament and Dublin printer
Publication details: 
18 January 1890. Lisnabin, Dartry-park, Rathmines, Dublin [Ireland].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is from a collection of Irish nationalist autographs assembled by Miss Burgess of Norwich. 1p, 8vo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded for postage. Addressed 'To Miss Burgess' and signed 'Alfred Webb'. Date and location in another hand, the rest in Webb's autograph. Begins: 'Dear Madam, / Those autos. you have of our MP's are some of which I have most. Unfortunately others you want I have only of a private character, & I do not like cutting off the signatures.' He is sending those of J. E.

[John Dillon, Irish nationalist politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to the daughter of the novelist George Meredith, announcing his plans for a trip to Australia.

John Dillon (1851-1927), Irish nationalist politician, Member of the British Parliament and leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party, originally a follower of Charles Stewart Parnell [George Meredith]
Publication details: 
15 February [1889]. On letterhead of 2 North Great George’s Street, Dublin.

Dillon's entry in the Oxford DNB states that on 6 March 1889 he ‘sailed for Australia to solicit contributions; he also toured New Zealand, and returned to Ireland via the United States in late April 1890. His mission raised about £33,000’. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed to ‘My dear Miss Meredith’ and signed ‘Yours very Sincerely / John Dillon’. In fair condition, lightly aged, with very light transfer of ink from another letter (from blotting pad?) onto third leaf, including signature. Folded for postage.

[Antonio Gallenga, Italian author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Gallenga (Mariotti)') [to James Payn, Cornhill Magazine editor], discussing recipient's association with 'Chambers in Edinburgh'; declaring that he has 'got on well in the world'.

Antonio Carlo Napoleone Gallenga [pseud. 'Luigi Mariotti'] (1810-1895), Italian author, patriot, follower of Cavour, Italian deputy, Times correspondent [James Payn (1830-1898); Cornhill Magazine]
Publication details: 
27 July 1871; 17 James Street, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W., with embossed letterhead of the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall [London].

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The recipient is not named, but the item derives from the papers of James Payn, the editor of the Cornhill Magazine, London. Gallenga begins: 'My dear Sir. | The last time I saw you - it may be 20 years ago - you were leaving London to write for Chambers in Edinburgh.

[Father Tom Maguire, Dean of Kilmore, Irish Roman Catholic priest, celebrated orator.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Maguire') to Richard Montgomery of Coolehill, regarding his gift of a five-year-old pup, 'coursing in Goulan', and 'a great Auction'.

Father Tom Maguire [Thomas Maguire] (1792-1847), Dean of Kilmore, Irish Roman Catholic priest, orator, polemicist, controversialist and nationalist [Richard Montgomery of Coolehill]
Publication details: 
19 April 1844. No place, but with one of the postmarks from Ballinamore [Co. Leitrim, Ireland].

Maguire was, his entry in the Oxford DNB states, 'one of the most popular orators of his age, and from 1829 until 1843 he addressed huge crowds and packed congregations in churches and at venues throughout England and Ireland'.

[ Charlotte Frances Shaw, wife of Bernard ] A series of three postcards sent separately to Gilbert Murray, classicist, with a text in instalments (I, II, III) eventually signed "C.F. Shaw"

Charlotte Frances Shaw, nee Payne-Townsend, wife of Bernard Shaw, suffragist, Irish political activist
Publication details: 
Mont-Dore, [pm 1[9]13]

Three postcards, good condition with postal marks. Text: "I must thank you with all my heart of the splendid review in The New Statesman including the delightful little allusion to my Selected Passages [ Selected passages from the works of Bernard Shaw ; Chosen by Charlotte F. Shaw. ... Published: London : Constable, 1912]. It was more than satisfactory that you should specially have picked out the dissection of [Ibsen's] 'When we dead awaken - as that is my [underlined] particular hobb7y! It is a good play - but you have to get it in focus. It was 8 years before I could get GBS to do that!

[Daniel O'Connell, 'The Liberator', Irish nationalist leader, fighter for Catholic emancipation.] Autograph Signature ('Daniel O Connell') on frank, addressed to Messrs Cox and Co, Army Agents. With correction initalled by him.

Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847), Irish nationalist leader, known as 'The Liberator', fighter for Catholic emancipation
Publication details: 
Dublin [Ireland]. December 18 1834.

On one side of 7 x 11.5 cm piece of watermarked laid paper, cut from the letter's envelope, in his bol hand. In fair condition, though somewhat ruckled and aged. Entirely in O'Donnell's hand, and laid out in the customary fashion, with the signature 'Daniel O Connell' between two lines at bottom left. Addressed: 'Dublin December Sixteen [corrected by O'Connell 'eighteen | D O C'] | 1834 | Messs Cox & Co | Army Agents | Craigs Court | London'.

[William Smith O'Brien [Liam Mac Gabhann Ó Briain], Irish nationalist.] Autograph Signature ('W S Obrien') cut from document.

William Smith O'Brien [Liam Mac Gabhann Ó Briain] (1803-1864), Irish nationalist MP, leader of the Young Ireland movement, deported to Van Diemen's Land after 1848 Young Irelander Rebellion
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 4 x 5.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, laid down on square of paper cut from leaf removed from album. An uncommon signature and an unusual one, consisting of a single line in a series of up and down strokes, diminishing in height, tapering off to the right before returning for the underlining.

[Florence O'Driscoll, Irish nationalist politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Willie', a moving letter of condolence on the death of his father.

Florence O'Driscoll (1858-1939), Irish nationalist politiician and member of the British parliament
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 18 Gower Street, W.C. [London] 10 December 1888.

By profession a mining engineer, O'Driscoll was the Irish National Federation (Anti-Parnellite) MP for the South Monaghan constituency between 1892 and 1895. 2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight patch of discoloration at the head of the second page. Despite the author's statement to the contrary, an eloquent and moving letter of condolence. Addressing his letter to 'My dear Willie', O'Driscoll sends his sympathies on the death of the recipient's father. 'I feel old man that I have a poor way of expressing myself.

[Katie Malecka, Polish musician and nationalist, imprisoned by the Russians.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Katie Malecka'), in English, to 'Mrs Green', regarding a lecture in Bristol and her desire to 'leave off being "the prisoner of Warsaw"'.

Katie Malecka, Polish musician, journalist, and nationalist imprisoned in Warsaw by the Russians
Publication details: 
44 Marylands Road, Maida Hill, W. [London] 25 March [circa 1913].

Malecka was born in England, the daughter of a Polish father and English mother. In 1912 she was imprisoned in Warsaw by the Russians, 'on a charge of conspiring against the Russian Government'. The matter was raised in the British parliament, and reported widely, for example in the Spectator and Russian Review. On her release she published 'Saved from Siberia: The True Story of my Treatment at the Hands of the Russian Police' (London, 1913). 2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. She would 'indeed very much like to pay [her] another weekend visit' on her return to England.

[ Henry Grattan, Irish nationalist politician. ] Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed recipient.

Henry Grattan (c.1746-1820), Irish nationalist politician
Publication details: 
No place. 1 April [ 1815 ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, laid down on part of a leaf from an album. Headed in a contemporary hand 'Read', with the date '1815'. The note reads: 'Dear Sir | I beg to return you my warm thanks for your very kind & obliging letter which has made me very happy & conferd [sic] on me a great favor | I Have Dear Sir | the honour to | be with great | thanks your | faithful humble srvt | Henry Grattan'.

[ Robert Lynd, Irish Nationalist journalist. ] Copy of Typed Letter 'To the Editor of the "Irish Times.", regarding the state of 'the campaign against partition' following 'the Northern Ireland election'

Robert Lynd [ Robert Wilson Lynd ] (1879-1949), journalist, essayist and Irish Nationalist
Publication details: 
5 Keats Grove, Hampstead, N.W.3. [ London ] Undated [ 1945 or 1949 ].

6pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper with worn edges. It is not known whether the letter was sent or published. The Lynds settled at their celebrated London address of 5 Keats Grove (where James Joyce had his wedding reception) in 1924, but the letter was clearly written after the Second World War: 'Now that the Northern Ireland election is over, it may be worth considering whether the campaign against partition, if continued on its present lines, is likely to be effective in achieving its end.

[Printed] Catalogue of Pictures By Constance Gore-Booth, Casimir Dunin-Markiewicz and George W. Russell.

[Constance Gore-Booth, Casimir Dunin-Markiewicz and George W. Russell [AE]]
Publication details: 
Dublin, no year given.

Catalogue of Pictures By Constance Gore-Booth, Casimir Dunin-Markiewicz and George W. Russell. Leinster Lecture Hall from Tuesday, 28th August to Saturday, 8th September, from Ten to Six o’Clock (Printed at the Tower Press, 38 Cornmarket, Dublin, [no year]. Pamphlet, 8pp, 12mo, stapled (rusty), dusted, some foxing, fair condition. Date unknown, but after 1904. No other copy traced. This item is listed in my catalogue, "Printed and Other Material From the Papers of Robert and Sylvia Lynd", all of Irish interest. Hard copy available.

Autograph Letter Signed to his brother.

John Stuart Blackie (1809-1895), Scottish man of letters
Publication details: 
Oban; 8 August [no year].

12mo, 4 pp, in a bifolium, with postscript on reverse of a Commercial Bank of Scotland 'Paid-in Slip'. Text clear and complete on aged and worn paper. Difficult hand. A fluent and energetic letter. Regarding the queries concerning 'Strasburg, and other words', 'the German Authorities which I fancy you consulted [...] are in my Edinburgh house'. He suggests writing to the London booksellers Williams & Norgate. He is glad to learn that 'Lockhart is turned a golfer.

Autograph Note Signed ('Owen Rhoscomyl') [to the autograph hunter Rev. E. J. F. Davies].

Arthur Owen Vaughan (1863-1919, born Robert Scourfield Mills, and writing under the names 'Owen Rhoscomyl' and 'Owen Vaughan'), Welsh author and adventurer
Publication details: 
6 May 1909; on letterhead of the Welsh National Pageant, Pageant House, Cardiff.

Quarto, one page. Good, on lightly aged paper spotted by paperclip, with some creasing to extremities. 'If you will let your list down to this level, here you are'. The letterhead carries the names of the Pageant's officers with a Welsh dragon in red in the top left-hand corner. From the collection of Rev. E. J. F. Davies.

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