[Sir Robert Howard, playwright and politician.] Two Autograph Signatures (both ‘Ro: Howard’) among extensive manuscript endorsements of Exchequer document regarding ‘Sr Thomas Player in repaymt. of Loane.’

Sir Robert Howard (1626-1698) of the Receipt Office, royalist politician, playwright, poet and friend of John Dryden [Sir Thomas Player (d.1686) of Hackney]
Sir Robert Howard
Publication details: 
[Exchequer Office, Whitehall.] 20 May 1679.
Sir Robert Howard

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB and History of Parliament. Howard was Auditor of Receipt from 1673 to his death. The document is damaged, with the lower part torn away, leaving an area 23cm high and the same wide, but with part of one lower corner torn away. The paper is aged, and there are chipping and closed tears to edges. Howard’s two signatures (both ‘Ro: Howard’) are both undamaged, and the item is of some interest. On the front is the printed form, completed in manuscript, with ‘Sr. Thomas Player in repaymt. of Loane./’ in manuscript in right-hand margin.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland.] Manuscript Letter, signed by James Hope of Rickman & Hope, solicitors, to the Bank of Scotland, regarding 'dues collected for the passage of Vessels through the Caledonian Canal'. With detailed accounts of receipts.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland, designed by Thomas Telford and completed in 1822; James Hope of Rickman & Hope, Edinburgh; George Sanby of the Bank of Scotland]
Publication details: 
31 Moray Place, Edinburgh. 27 December 1825.

4pp., foolscap 8vo, on two bifoliums. On aged and worn paper, with slight bloom at head and a little loss to spine from disbinding.

[MS. notebook of domestic science 'receipts' including medical compiled by 3 generations of a family: 'Miscellaneous Receipts by Edward Carte and Edward Leigh Carte And Edward Alexander Leigh Carte'. With volume of 'French Phrases E Cart [sic] 1828'.

Edward Carte; Captain Edward Leigh Carte (1838-1911), RN; Sub.-Lieut. Edward Alexander Leigh Carte (1871-1916), RN
Publication details: 
Notebook of Edward Cart's French phrases, 1828; Notebook of 'Receipts' undated [1830s to 1890s].

Both items in early nineteenth-century notebooks, each with the original marbled covers. Both in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn bindings. The volume of 'Miscellaneous Receipts' is 12mo, 129 pp. Paginated by the compilers, with a ten-page 'Index' at the rear. The first page is signed by 'Edward Carte', 'Edward Leigh Carte', 'And Edward Alexander Leigh Carte'. Almost entirely in the hands of Edward Carte and Edward Leigh Carte, with only one page, following the index, in E. A. Leigh Carte's hand.

Signed Receipt ('Jo: Webb') for '2lbs. Bengal Cheroots', bought by 'Mr Smith'.

Joseph Webb, importer of cigars, of 49 Friday Street, Cheapside, London [tobacconist]
Signed Receipt ('Jo: Webb') for '2lbs. Bengal Cheroots',
Publication details: 
2 June 1852; 49 Friday Street, Cheapside, London.
Signed Receipt ('Jo: Webb') for '2lbs. Bengal Cheroots',

On one side of a piece of landscape 8vo grey wove paper. Clear and complete. Discoloured and worn, with spike hole at centre. Printed part of receipt reads 'London, ..........18..... | 49, Friday Strt. Cheapside. | M............ | Bought of Joseph Webb, | Importer of Cigars.' The bill is for '2lbs. Bengal Cheroots - 9/- | 18/-', with the receipt reading '1852 | Aug 4th. paid [signed] Jo: Webb'. Docketed on reverse 'Webb | 18/'. Webb does not appear to have traded from the site for very long, and little is to be discovered about him.

Collection of correspondence from Elizabeth Arden Ltd to agents Franklyn and Doris Rogers, Messrs Titcumbs, Chatham, including an Autograph Letter Signed ('Elizabeth Arden') from Arden, and 40 Typed Letters Signed from director T. Gordon Yates.

Elizabeth Arden [Florence Nightingale Graham (1878-1966)]
Publication details: 
Between 1942 and 1956; most items on the letterhead of the Elizabeth Arden Ltd British headquarters at 25 Old Bond Street, London.

The collection of fifty-three Typed Letters Signed and six mimeographed circulars, in various formats, is in good condition on lightly-aged paper, with all texts clear and complete, and with a couple of items with closed tears. Providing an interesting sidelight into workings of the English branch of one of the twentieth-century's leading multinational corporations. Arden's letter (8vo, 1 p), dated 8 April 1955, is addressed to the Rogers' daughter 'Miss J. Rogers'.

Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript Additions, and Autograph Signature, for 'the Sum of Ten Pounds being 24 Months Interest of 100£'.

Mary Russell, Countess of Orford
Countess of Orford
Publication details: 
24 July 1701; [London].
Countess of Orford

One page, quarto. Aged, and trimmed along one margin, with minimal loss of text. Interest on moneys 'Lent unto Their Majesties upon the Credit of an Act of Parliament, (Intituled, An Act for Granting to His Majesty An Aid of 4 Shillings in the Pound for One Year'. Witnessed, with Autograph Signature, by George Cheret. Signed 'M Orford'.

Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript insertions, and Autograph Signature, for three months' annuity.

Lady Ann Sylvius [nee Howard] [Anne Sylvius] [wife of the English diplomat Sir Gabriell Silvius] [Gabriel de Silvius]
Publication details: 

One page. Dimensions of paper roughly eight inches by six and three-quarters. Trimmed but with no loss to text. Very good on aged paper. 'Received by me [Lady Anne Silvius] Of the Honourable Richard Hampden Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [Fifty pounds] in full of all former Directions, and for Three Months Annuity, due at [Xmas] last past, of [200] Pounds per Annum'. Signed 'Ann: Sylvius', and with the signature [slightly trimmed] of 'Eliz Jones'.

Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript Additions, and Autograph Signature, for 'the Sum of twelve pounds ten Shillings [...] 3 Months Annuity, due at Midsumer last past, of 50 Pounds per Annum'.

Lewis Watson (1655-1724), 1st Earl of Rockingham
Publication details: 
2 July 1717; [London].

One page, quarto. Aged, trimmed at head and with fraying at foot. 'Received by me the Right Honble. Lewis Lord Rockingham Assignee of Thomas Wentworth'. Witnessed by and with the signatures of George Cradock and Edward Vincent. Signed 'Rockingham'.

Printed Exchequer Receipt for fifty pounds, 'for Six Months Annuity, due 5 July last past, of One Hundred Pounds' on the life of 'Margarett Mary Reeves'.

Henry Digby (d.1793), 1st Earl Digby, 7th Baron Digby
Publication details: 
12 July 1762; [London].

One page, folio. Aged and with fraying to extremities and some repair to blank verso. Text clear and complete, except for a couple of letters shaved in right-hand margin. With signatures of witnesses William Digby and Daniel Cummine. Signed 'Digby'.

Manuscript bill presented to him by Edward Green, and bearing Green's signature.

Sir Kenrick Clayton
Publication details: 
Dated 7 April 1746; no place.

Clayton (c.1713-1769) was MP for Bletchingley. 1 page, dimensions roughly 6 inches by 7 inches. In poor condition: creased, discoloured and with several closed tears. 12 items - mainly bushells of malt and hops - amounting to £31 12s 3d. Beneath this the receipt in another hand, signed in the same hand as the bill 'Edward Green'. Docketed on reverse: 'Edwd. Greens Bill for Malt'. Typewritten on reverse 'GREEN, Edward, 1747.' and 'CLAYTON MSS.'

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