[The Osmonds, 1970s pop sensation.] Autograph Signatures of Donny Osmond and his brothers Jay and Alan, with that of the disgraced glam teen idol Gary Glitter.

The Osmonds, 1970s pop sensation [Donny Osmond (b.1957); Jay Osmond (b.1955); Alan Osmond (b.1949)] Gary Glitter [Paul Francis Gadd (b.1944)], disgraced glam rock teen idol
The Osmonds,
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Mid 1970s.]
The Osmonds,

In good condition, lightly aged. The Osmond’s signatures are written with brown felt-tip pen on an 8.5 x 13.5 piece of pink paper with rounded edges, evidently removed from an autograph album. With portrait orientation. Alan Osmond writes: ‘Best Wishes - / The Osmonds / Alan Osmond’ and beneath this, one on top of the othe, are the signatures of ‘Donny Osmond’ and ‘Jay Osmond’. The names are written out in another hand at bottom right. On the reverse, with landscape orientation, the large signature of ‘Gary Glitter’. See Image.

['The Rockville Rocket': Gene Pitney, American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s.] Signed Autograph Inscription.

Gene Pitney [Gene Francis Alan Pitney] (1940-2006), 'The Rockville Rocket', American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his obituary in the Guardian, 5 April 2006. On irregularly-shaped trapezoid of ruled paper, roughly 8 cm wide at top, with one vertical side also 8cm, and the other 4cm, giving it a guillotine shape. Lightly aged and ruckled. Blank on the reverse. Reads: ?Best / always / Gene Pitney?.

[Sir Cliff Richard, popular British singer and film actor.] Autograph Signature to black and white print of publicity photograph of him in swimming trunks, seated on a beach between two girls in bikinis.

Sir Cliff Richard (born 1940 as Harry Rodger Webb), popular British singer and film actor, the top-selling artist in the English singles chart, behind the Beatles and Elvis Presley
Cliff Richard
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Early 1960s.]
Cliff Richard

Lightly-written signature (?Cliff Richard?) in blue ink at bottom left of 21 x 16 cm photographic print on glossy paper of black and white publicity photograph of a tanned Richard sitting in swimming trunks with his hands on his knees, looking at the viewer between two rather plain brunettes in bikinis. The print is somewhat creased and worn, with minor discoloration to white border at the top edge. See Image.

['The Rockville Rocket': Gene Pitney, American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s.] Signed Autograph Inscription.

Gene Pitney [Gene Francis Alan Pitney] (1940-2006), 'The Rockville Rocket', American singer-songwriter, international pop star big in the 60s
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Upon request

See his obituary in the Guardian, 5 April 2006. On irregularly-shaped trapezoid of ruled paper, roughly 8 cm wide at top, with one vertical side also 8cm, and the other 4cm, giving it a guillotine shape. Lightly aged and ruckled. Blank on the reverse. Reads: ‘Best / always / Gene Pitney’.

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