[ Alfred D'Orsay, Count D'Orsay, French dandy. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. d'Orsay') to his attorney 'Du Pasquier' [J. M. Du Pasquier], touching on his financial embarrassment and his bust of the Duke of Wellington.

Count D'Orsay [ Alfred, Comte d'Orsay (1801-1852), French dandy and artist, notorious for his liaison with the Countess of Blessington ] [ John McMahon Du Pasquier (d.1873), London attorney ]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 23 October 1851.

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In very good condition, lightly-aged. Neatly placed with a windowpane mount onto a leaf of cream paper. Writing within a year of his demise, D'Orsay begins by defending himself to his attorney: 'My Dear Du Pasquier | You received my letter yesterday about Mousley. I could not act otherwise, and even I have no right to complain when a man is losing more than 5000 by me, to find fault that he did not send me £1300. I am astonished that you are so severe. I am sorry that you will not give your assistance in this affair. Do as you like.

[Countess of Blessington] Autograph Letter Signed M. Blessington to [F. Mansell Reynolds, novelist and editor of The Keepsake(?)]. See description below.

Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington (n?e Power; 1789?1849), Irish novelist, journalist, and literary hostess
Publication details: 
Monday Ev[enin]g [4 March 1833]. See description below.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition, in her sprawling hand, 1/4in. strip of glue from previous laying down on blank page 4. My dear Sir | Pray do not think me forgetful towards you in not answering your note received many days ago, but I am so occupied and fatigued with writing that I have not a [moment?] to myself, and after all I fear it will be impossible for me to fulfill [sic] my engagement with [publisher] Mr Bentley - | Excuse the brevity of this, I thank you for the [?], and I expect your book is universally read and as universally praised - | Always sincerely yours | M.

[István Tisva [Count István Imre Lajos Pál Tisza de Borosjeno et Szeged], twice Prime Minister of Hungary.] Autograph Note Signed in the third person, in English, acknowledging receipt of a letter.

István Tisva [Count István Imre Lajos Pál Tisza de Borosjeno et Szeged] (1861-1918), twice Prime Minister of Hungary, economist, lawyer and champion duellist, assassinated while in office
Publication details: 
‘[?] March 20 1910’.

An acquaintance of Sigmund Freud (who acknowledged his intelligence), Tisva is said to have fought more duels than any other man in Europe. 1p, 8vo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Stylized signature ‘Tizva’ at end of note. Reads: ‘The president of the Hungarian House of Commons presents his compliments to Mr. H[?] and [thankfully?] acknowledge the receipt of Mr H[?]’s letter of the 17th inst. / [?] march, 20 1910 / Tisva’. See Image.

[Baron von Bunsen [Christian Karl Josias von Bunsen], Prussian Ambassador to the Court of St James’s.] Autograph Letter Signed, in English, to the English Foreign Secretary Lord Clarendon, regarding a railway journey with Count Groeben.

Baron von Bunsen [Christian Karl Josias von Bunsen] (1791-1860), Prussian Ambassador to Court of St James’s [Lord Clarendon [George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon]
Publication details: 
‘Prussia House [i.e. Prussian embassy, London] Monday’. [Annotated: ‘Chev Bunsen / March 1854’.]

Written while Bunsen was Ambassador in London, 1841-1854. See the recipient's entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo, on the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip cut from second leaf, which is docketed ‘Chev Bunsen / March 1854 / Interieur’. The letter reads: ‘My dear Lord Clarendon / I shall not fail to be at the appointed time, to-morrow eleven o’clock, at the Railway Station, and bring Count Groeben with me (who is enchanted with your reception & concersation). / Every yours faithfully / Bunsen’.

[Prince Philippe d’Orléans, Comte de Paris, Orléanist claimant to the French throne as King Louis Philippe II or Philippe VII.] Autograph Note in English, in the third person, to the novelist George Meredith.

Prince Philippe d’Orléans, Comte de Paris (Louis Philippe Albert (1838-1894), Count of Paris], Orléanist pretender to the throne of France from 1848 as King Louis Philippe II or Philippe VII
Publication details: 
‘Claremont 31/5/63’. 31 May 1863; Claremont House, Esher, Surrey.

From the autograph album of the novelist George Meredith's daughter Marie Eveleen (Mariette; 1871-1933), later the wife of Henry Parkman Sturgis (1847-1929), American-born banker and Liberal politician. Queen Victoria lent Claremont House to the Count of Paris’s father Louis-Phillipe, after his abdication and flight from France. On one side of an 11 x 7.5 cm piece of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Written in a neat hand, it reads: ‘With the compliments of the Count de Paris and his thanks for the books send [sic] by Mr. Meredith. / Claremont 31/5/63’.

[Countess Theresa Pulszky, wife of Hungarian nationalist Count Ferenc Pulszky.] Autograph Letter Signed, in English, to Sabilla Novello, describing her ‘Dante festivals’ and artistic activities in Florence.

'Theresa Pulszky [Terézia Pulszky; née Walter] (1819-1866), Austro-Hungarian wife of the Hungarian nationalist Count Ferenc Pulszky (1814-1897) [Sabilla Novello; Clara Novello [Countess Gigliucci]
Publication details: 
‘Villa Petrovitz Sulla Cos[ta] / Florence June 3d 1865’.

The Pulskys had fled Austria-Hungary during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, and while in London the Countess had published her well-received ‘Memoirs of a Hungarian Lady’. They would only be allowed back under an imperial amnesty in the year after this letter in 1866. The recipient, Sabilla Novello, was the daughter of London music publisher Vincent Novello, and sister of Alfred and Clara Novello [the ‘Countess Gigliucci’ referred to in the letter], all three of whom have entries in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. On bifolium.

[Anthony Hamilton [Antoine Hamilton], Count Hamilton, Jacobite memoirist.] Autograph Certificate, Signed 'Anth: Hamilton' and with his seal in red wax, to get his English servant 'Antoin Joinar' [Anthony Joiner or Joyner?] into Les Invalides.

Anthony Hamilton [Antoine Hamilton] (c.1644-1719), Count Hamilton in the French nobility, Irish Jacobite courtier in France, author of the celebrated 'Memoirs of the Count de Grammont'
Publication details: 
2 February 1676.

1p, 8vo. On bifolium endorsed in two hands on reverse of second leaf, one reading: 'Papier d'antoine Joignar anglois recu Le 29e. Fever. 1676'. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with stub from mount adhering. Beneath Hamilton's signature at the foot of the document is a fair impression of his seal in red wax. The document reads: 'Nous le Sieur d'Hamilton Capn.

[Anthony Hamilton [Antoine Hamilton], Count Hamilton, Jacobite memoirist.] Autograph Signature ('Anthoine [sic] Hamilton') and Note to vellum receipt for sum spent 'pour mes appointements de cappitaine au Regimant D'Hamilton' during 1675 campaign.

Anthony Hamilton [Antoine Hamilton] (c.1644-1719), Count Hamilton in the French nobility, Irish Jacobite courtier in France, author of the celebrated 'Memoirs of the Count de Grammont'
Publication details: 
[France. 1675.]

The context is explained in Hamilton's entry in the Oxford DNB: 'Anthony Hamilton joined his brother George in France in 1667, and was given a captain's commission in the French army. In 1671 he and his younger brother Richard joined a regiment of foot which George raised in Ireland for the service of Louis XIV. They served in the Franco-Dutch War of 1672–8.' On 12 x 19 cm piece of vellum. In good condition, with spike hole and bottom corners snipped. Entire document in French.

Autograph Manuscripts of two translations by John Curling: Count Rostopchine's 'The Truth upon The Great Conflagration of Moscow 1813' and 'Observation on the Campaign in the Netherlands', with printed version of latter.

John Curling ['J*** C******'] (1784-1863), JP, of Offley Holes and Gosmore, Herts [Count Fedor Wassiljavitch Rostopchine, Governor of Moscow; Napoleon Bonaparte; Retreat from Moscow, 1812]
Publication details: 
Manuscript translation from Rostopchine dated 'Hitchin 1856', second manuscript translation undated. First pamphlet printed in Hitchin by C. Paternoster, Sun Street; 1858. Second pamphlet (by 'J*** C******') by C. & T. L. Paternoster; undated.

The two translations, in the same original red leather notebook, totalling 226pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding. The first translation in the volume is a fair copy, without corrections, of a work published in French in 1823 as 'La V?rit? sur l'Incendie de Moscou; par le Comte Rostopchine' (Paris: Ponthieu). Neither Curling's nor any other English translation appears to have been published. The second translation (the printed version of which is the first of the two pamphlets) is heavily corrected, with seven pages of additions loosely inserted.

[Count d'Orsay, French painter and dandy.] Individual etched portraits of Prince Talleyrand and Comte Montrond, on the same leaf, each with caption stating 'Sketched by D'Orsay'.

Count d'Orsay [Alfred Guillaume Gabriel Grimod d'Orsay, comte d'Orsay] (1801-1852), French painter and dandy, linked with Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington (1789-1849); Talleyrand; Montrond
Publication details: 
[London? Circa 1831?]

Two etchings in black ink, printed side by side on a 23.5 x 18 cm piece of wove paper, with a thin printed line dividing them. Possibly proofs of two plates on conjoined leaves in a book. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with a tiny nick at foot and dog-eared corners. Each of the sketches is full-length, and has a caption at foot, in a facsimile of D'Orsay's hand.

[Count d'Orsay, French painter and dandy.] Individual etched portraits of Prince Talleyrand and Comte Montrond, on the same leaf, each with caption stating 'Sketched by D'Orsay'.

Count d'Orsay [Alfred Guillaume Gabriel Grimod d'Orsay, comte d'Orsay] (1801-1852), French painter and dandy, linked with Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington (1789-1849); Talleyrand; Montrond
Publication details: 
[London? Circa 1831?]

Two etchings in black ink, printed side by side on a 23.5 x 18 cm piece of wove paper, with a thin printed line dividing them. Possibly proofs of two plates on conjoined leaves in a book. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with a tiny nick at foot and dog-eared corners. Each of the sketches is full-length, and has a caption at foot, in a facsimile of D'Orsay's hand.

[King George V of Hanover.] Secretarial Letter Signed ('George R'), in English, to the dancing partner of his youth Lady Ann Cullum, giving news of his family and court. With two letters to Lady Cullum from Count Linsingen, and royal seal in red wax.

George V [Georg V] (1819-1878), last king of Hanover, cousin of Queen Victoria; Carl Baron von Linsingen (1822-1872) [Lady Ann Cullum, widow of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
King George V's letter: 28 November [1865]; Herrenhausen. Count Linsingen's two letters: 12 November and 18 December 1865; both from Hanover.

Four items, all in good condition, lightly aged, the three letters with stubs and labels used in mounting in an album. In addition to the pleasant picture they paint of the court gathered around the blind king in the last year of his kingdom's existence (with an interesting reference to the new palace he had built his wife at Marienburg), the three letters indicate a surprisingly cordial state in nineteenth-century Anglo-German relations.

[Countess of Blessington (Marguerite Gardiner), Irish author and literary hostess.] Autograph Note in the third person to editor Samuel Carter Hall, wishing 'to consult him, about having an Enquiry executed'.

Marguerite Gardiner [née Power], Countess of Blessington (1789-1849), Irish author and literary hostess, beauty and lover of Count d'Orsay [Samuel Carter Hall [S. C. Hall] (1800-1889), editor]
Publication details: 
'Saturday Evening' [no place or date, but on paper with watermarked date 1831].

1p, 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of the second leaf, with broken seal in red wax, 'To / | S. C. Hall Esqre | 59 Sloane Street'. In fair condition, on aged paper. Folded by Blessington into a diamond-shaped packet. Reads: 'Saturday Evening. | Lady Blessingtons Compts. To Mr Hall, and requests that he will call on her, as soon as may suit his convenience, as she wishes to consult him, about having an Enquiry executed.'

[Cavour, Italian statesman and leading figure in the Risorgimento.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C Cavour'), in Italian, enclosing a letter for the Marquess of Azeglio, and inviting the recipient to contribute writing in a powerful 'organ of publicity'.

Cavour [Camillo Paolo Filippo Giulio Benso, Count of Cavour, Isolabella and Leri] (1810-1861), Italian statesman, leading figure in the Risorgimento [Massimo Taparelli, Marquess of Azeglio (1798-1866)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

1p, 12mo. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, the rest being blank. In good condition, lightly aged, with a hole on a blank part of the paper at the foot of the first leaf. Neatly written and signed 'C. Cavour'. Cavour begins by taking up an offer by the unnamed recipient, by asking him to convey a letter to his rival Massimo Taparelli, Marquess of Azeglio (1798-1866), Prime Minister of Sardinia.

[ Count Friedrich Waldburg-Truchsess, Prussian soldier and diplomat associated with Beethoven and Napoleon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Waldburg-Truchseß'), in French, congratulating 'Monsieur le Colonell Na<meyr?> and his wife on the birth of a son

Count Friedrich Waldburg-Truchsess [ Friedrich Ludwig Truchseß Graf von Waldburg ] (1776-1844), Prussian soldier and diplomat associated with Beethoven and Napoleon Bonaparte
Publication details: 
[ The Hague, Netherlands. 14 March 1832. ]

Waldburg-Truchsess appointed Beethoven Kapellmeister to the King of Westphalia when serving as the King's Chamberlain, and was one of the four Commissioners responsible for supervising Napoleon's exile in Elba. The letter is written on the eve of his return from the Hague, where he had been Prussian ambassador since 1827. 1p., 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear along one edge, and damage to second leaf caused by breaking of seal (not present).

[ Count and Comtess Magri, dwarf entertainers ] Autographs of Count Primo Magri and the Comtesse M.L. Magri (Mrs General Tom Thumb

Count Primo Magri, Italian dwarf entertainer AND "Mrs Genl Tom Thumb", later married to Magri.
Publication details: 
no date (verso unrelated autographs dated 1890-1), Bologna, Italy.

Page from an autograph album, 16.5 x 12cm, containing autographs as follows: "Compliments of | Count Primo Magri | from Bologna | Italy || Comtess [sic] M L Magri (Mrs Genl Tom Thumb)", filling the page. Overleaf signatures of C. W. Couldock, American Shakespearian Actor; Theodore Thomas, American conductor; M.W. Whitney and another ("W.. Fort"[?]).

[ Grenville Murray, journalist and diplomat. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E C Grenville : Murray'), a letter of introduction to his solicitors, who are to arrange the valuation of the property of 'the late Count Duke of Aragon'.

Grenville Murray [ Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ] (1824–1881), journalist and diplomat, illegitimate son of Richard Grenville, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos (1797-1861)
Publication details: 
B.2. Albany, Piccadilly [ London ]. 29 December 1868

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn. Reads: 'My dear Sir | Allow me to introduce to you Messrs.

[ Tolstoy in English. ] Printed advertising handbill by London publisher Walter Scott, beginning with the first collected edition of 'Count Tolstoi's Works', with the first volume 'A Russian Proprietor And other Stories. By Count Lyof N. Tolstoi'.

Walter Scott, London publisher; Nathan Haskell Dole (1852-1935), American editor and translator; Count Leo Tolsoy [ 'Count Lyof N. Tolstoi' ], Russian novelist
Publication details: 
London: Walter Scott, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row. Regarding the Tolstoy edition: 'Vol. I ready October 25th.' [ 1888 ].

The handbill is 4pp., 8vo. on a bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. The upper half of the first page carries the advertisement for 'Count Tolstoi's Works', headed 'Vol. I ready October 25th.' With coloured illustration of the book's design, captioned 'Reduced fac-simile of binding'. Regarding what is the earliest edition of Tolstoy's collected works in English (predating those of Wiener and Garnett by more than ten years), the publisher writes: 'Mr.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Love the Redeemer. With reference to Count Tolstoi's "Kreutzer Sonata," and his Views on Christianity, Love, the Family, and Civilisation. By Col. Robert G. Ingersoll. (From the "North American Review," September, 1890.)

Col. Robert G. Ingersoll [ Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910); G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. [ London: Printed and Published by G. W. Foote, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. ] 1890.

15 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, lightly aged. 'I disagree with nearly every sentence in this book, regard the story as brutal and absurd, the view of life presented as cruel, vile, and false'. The last page carries a list of 'Works by Colonel R. G. Ingersoll.' Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Durham.

[ Gerrit, Count Schimmelpenninck. ] Autograph Signature ('Count Schimmelpenninck') as frank, addressed to 'Baron Willoughby de Eresby | Lord Chamberlain of England'.

Gerrit, Count Schimmelpenninck (1794-1863), Dutch statesman [ Peter Robert Drummond-Burrell, 2nd Baron Gwydyr, 22nd Baron Willoughby de Eresby (1782-1865), Lord Great Chamberlain of England ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London, between 1846 and 1852. ]

The signature is part of a frank, and is on an 8 x 13 cm piece of grey paper cut from the front of an envelope. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'To/ | His Lordship | Baron Willoughby de Eresby | Lord Chamberlain of England | &c &c | 142 Piccadilly | Count Schimmelpenninck'. Schimmelpenninck was Dutch envoy in London between 1846 and 1852.

[ 'The Chevalier Sir Frederick Bowman, K.C.E.' ] 'Shakespeare Souvenir' pin badge, depicting Bowman as the Bard of Avon, attached to a Typed Letter Signed ('Frederick H.-U. Bowman') to Barry Duncan, regarding the actress Edith Loraine and her career.

Frederick Bowman [ Frederick H. U. Bowman; The Chevalier Sir Frederick Bowman K.C.E. ] (1893-1969), Liverpool music hall actor, eccentric and author [ William Shakespeare; Count Potocki de Montalk ]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of 'The Chevalier Sir Frederick Bowman K.C.E.', Humanimal House, Sandown Lane, Liverpool, with date stamp 1 June 1964. Pin badge undated, but contemporaneous.

Letter: 1p., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly creased and aged. With a few autograph emendations. In a characteristically eccentric letter he writes that their common friend Jimmy Linton has told Bowman that Duncan 'may be able to give me some particulars and perhaps a photo of Edith LORAINE who played Godiva in F. B. Woulfe's Company, presenting the famous historical play by Max Goldberg, (John F. Preston.) He refers to Mabelle F. Barlow, Lady Astor and his own play 'Divorce or Dishonour'. As a boy he was greatly impressed by Loraine's performance, and it 'started my interest in Coventry.

[ John Thomas Bellows, Quaker printer and lexicographer.] Autograph Draft Letter Signed ('John Bellows') to 'Honoured Count Worontzoff Dashkoff', sending condolences and devout sentiments on the death of his child.

John Bellows [ John Thomas Bellows ] (1831-1902) of Upton Knoll, Gloucester, Quaker printer and lexicographer, author of first pocket French/English dictionary [ Count Worontzoff Dashkoff ]
Publication details: 
Upton Knoll, Gloucester. 4 April 1894.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. A long letter, closely and neatly written, with a number of emendations suggesting that it is a draft. After a short reference to the Count's kindness to him and his friend Joseph Neave, he devotes the rest of the letter to 'the heavy trial thou has had to pass through', discussing the nature of loss with 'knowledge from my own experience, that the loss of a child is a grief into whose full depths no stranger can enter, and that words, even well-meant, when uttered at an unfit moment, pain instead of helping'.

[ Count Elim Pavlovich Demidov, Prince of San Donato, 'the richest man in the world'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Demidoff'), in English, to the Quaker philanthropist John Bellows of Gloucester, regarding a pamphlet.

Count Elim Pavlovich Demidov [Prince Demidoff] (1868-1943), 3rd Prince of San Donato, 'the richest man in the world' [ John Bellows (1831-1902) of Gloucester, Quaker philanthropist, writer, printer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Hotel Bristol, Paris. 21 July 1895.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Addressed to 'My dearest Bellows'. He has received the pamphlet at the Hotel Bristol, and 'earnestly' believes that 'it will make the right impression upon the powerful of the world'. His party starts the following week for Russia, '& I will take in hands [sic] our plans of delivery as soon as I get on the spot'. He ends with a pious sentiment. Bellows paid two visits to Russia, and counted Tolstoy among his friends.

[Count von Brühl and Duke of Marlborough.] Autograph Letter Signed from Marlborough and Autograph Notes by von Brühl, about the 'Difference of Level between a Blenheim Barometer in the Duke of Marlborough's dressing Room, & the Harefield Barometer'.

Hans Moritz von Brühl (1736-1809) [John Maurice, Count of Brühl], German diplomat and astronomer; George Spencer, 4th Duke of Marlborough (1739-1817), FRS, English nobleman and amateur astronomer
Publication details: 
Marlborough's letter from Blenheim [Woodstock, Oxfordshire], 9 November 1796. [von Brühl's notes from Harefield, circa 1796?]

A Fellow of the Royal Society, Marlborough's main scientific interest was astronomy, a subject on which he corresponded with von Brühl. The four items in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. They are accompanied by a typewritten (1960s?) report (3pp., folio), whose purpose is to disprove any connection between them and 'the name of Henry Cavendish and his work on the barometer'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L P D'Orléans') from Prince Philippe d'Orléans, Count of Paris, arranging a meeting with 'Mr. Benzon' (the merchant banker Robert Benson).

Prince Philippe d'Orléans (1838-1894), Comte de Paris [Louis Philippe d'Orléans], grandson of the French King Louis Philippe I and Union Army officer in the American Civil War
Publication details: 
On letterhead of York House, Twickenham, Middlesex [England]. 'Friday' [no date].

3pp., 12mo. With mourning border. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. The lower part of the second leaf has been cut away, not affecting the text. He begins by stating that he has received the recipient's 'last telegram announcing that you had postponed till to morrow your visit to London'. He has in turn telegraphed 'Mr. Benzon to propose to him to come to the Charing Cross Hotel at 11 or 12. In that case I would offer to yourself & Mr. Benson [sic] a breakfast at the Hotel'.

Engraving of the poet Walter Savage Landor by H. W. Smith after a drawing by Alfred d'Orsay, with original sample of his handwriting.

Walter Savage Landor (1775-1864), poet and author of the 'Imaginary Conversations' [Alfred d'Orsay [Count d'Orsay] (1801-1852), French dandy and artist]
Publication details: 
Neither item with date or place.

The engraving, which is not in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery, is on a piece of 19 x 14 cm paper, with tissue guard. The image measures around 8 cm square, and shows Landor's head in profile, looking to the left, with 'A. D'Orsay' beneath to the left, and 'H. W. Smith' beneath to the right. In good condition, lightly-aged, with small stain to one edge of border. Attached to a piece of paper, along with the piece of Landor's autograph, which is on a 1 x 18.5 cm strip of grey paper cut from a letter, and is in fair condition, lightly-creased.

Four ink drawings, portraits in the style of Daniel Maclise's illustrations to William Maginn's 'Gallery of Illustrious Literary Characters' in Fraser's Magazine, and possibly depicting John Nichols, Theodore Hook, Percival Bankes and William Jerdan.

[Daniel Maclise; William Maginn; John Nichols; Theodore Hook; William Jerdan; Percival Bankes; Count D'Orsay; David Moir; James Fraser]
Four ink drawings, portraits in the style of Daniel Maclise
Publication details: 
London; 1820s and 1830s?
Four ink drawings, portraits in the style of Daniel Maclise

Fraser's Magazine launched in London in February 1830, and to begin with its most popular feature was Maginn's 'Gallery of Illustrious Literary Characters', with illlustrations by Maclise (collected in book form in 1873). The four portraits, all busts, are somewhat reminiscent of those in that work, but must be earlier if the identification of John Nichol, who died in 1828, is correct. The four are on separate pieces of paper, laid down 2 X 2 (with the four sitters looking inwards towards the centre of the page) on a leaf torn from an album.

[The Writings of Leo Tolstoy. Edited by V. Tchertkoff. No. 2.] The Spirit of Christ's Teaching.

Leo Tolstoy [V. Tchertkoff (Vladimir Grigorevich Chertkov), 1854-1936]
Publication details: 
Purleigh, Essex: Free Speech Publishing House. 1899.

12mo: [iv] + 35 pp. In original green cloth printed wraps. Text clear and complete. On aged high-acidity paper, and with four staple holes throughout. Creasing to front wrap and slight loss at head of title (not affecting text). In the 'Editor's Preface' (p.iii, dated 'V. TCHERTKOFF.

Autograph Letter Signed ('La Ctesse. De Maudet'), in French, to an unnamed 'Chevalier' [English knight?].

The Countess de Maudet [La Comtesse de Maudet], wife of the Count de Maudet [Le Comte de Maudet], Governor of Corsica, who surrended Toulon to Admiral Hood in 1793 [Samuel Hood, Viscount Hood]
Publication details: 
Docketed 'Comtesse De Maudet | Apl. 11th. 1795.'

4to: 1 p. Twenty-four lines of text. On a bifolium of laid paper, and docketed on the reverse of the second leaf. Good, in faded ink on lightly-aged paper. Begins 'La france republicainne [sic] me fait perdre des renttes [sic] viageres'. She complains of the attack on her 'legitimes droits a mes biens de Corses que le roy de france garrante par un Contract', and speaks of 'droits inalterables et inprescriptible'. She asks for a 'paquet' to be passed to 'Milord Hood'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Count de la Chapelle') to 'C. Law'.

Alfred, Comte de la Chapelle (b.1830) [Alfred de la Chapelle; Count de la Chapelle; Napoleon III; Franco-Prussian War]
Publication details: 
5 July 1872; 200 Fleet Street, E.C. London.

12mo, 1 p, 5 lines. Text and signature clear and entire, but on brittle, aged and creased paper, with loss and closed tears to extremities. Reads 'by order of his majesty the Emperor I beg to forward at your adress [sic] an exemplary "les forces militaires de la france en 1870". De la Chapelle is the named as author of this volume.

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