[Major-General Sir Noel Galway Holmes, Irish soldier in British Army.] Four signed letters to him, typed and in autograph; from Major-General Macan Saunders, Robert Fellowes, Sir William Heseltine, Sir Alan Lascelles. John Michael Avison Parker.

Robert Fellowes [Lord Fellowes], Sir William Heseltine, Sir Alan Lascelles; Major-General Macan Saunders [Major-General Sir Noel Galway Holmes, Irish soldier; Sir John Michael Avison Parker]
Publication details: 
Items dated from between 1938 and 1981. Four items on letterheads of Buckingham Palace, London. One item on the letterhead of the Head Quarters, Lahore District.

Seven items in good overall condition, lightly aged and worn. See the obituary of the recipient Major General Sir Noel Galway Holmes (1891-1982) in the Daily Telegraph, 29 December 1982. ONE: Robert Fellowes (b.1941), Baron Fellowes [Lord Fellowes], Private Secretary to Queen Elizabeth II. TLS to NGH (‘Dear Sir Noel’). 15 December 1981; on letterhead of Buckingham Palace. 1p, 12mo. Signed ‘Robert Fellowes’. He has been commanded by the Queen to thank him, ‘and all survivors from the XVIIIth The Royal Irish Regiment, for your Christmas card’.

[Cosmo Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury during the Abdication Crisis.] Typed Letter Signed ('Cosmo Cantuar:') to the Provost of Oriel [Sir David Ross], regarding his nomination of ‘Mr. Randall Cooper’ as a British Museum Assistant Cataloguer..

Cosmo Lang [William Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1st Baron Lang of Lambeth] (1864-1945), Archbishop of Canterbury during the Abdication Crisis [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971), Scottish philosopher']
Cosmo Lang,
Publication details: 
22 November 1933; on letterhead of Lambeth Palace, S.E.1. [London]
Cosmo Lang,

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to 'The Provost of Oriel' and with sprawling signature 'Yours vy trly / Cosmo Cantuar:'. Reads: 'Dear Provost, / I have received your letter of November 20th about Mr. Randall Cooper. I am sorry to say that your letter came too late for the appointment of the first batch of Assistant Cataloguers. They have now been appointed but I am informed that there may be further appointments in the Spring.

[Michael Ramsay, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Cardinal Heenan, Archbishop of Westminster.] Autograph Signatures ('+ Michael Canuar:' and '+ John Card. Heenan') on Vatican first day cover. With covering Typed Note Signed from Rev. Michael Moore.

Michael Ramsay [Arthur Michael Ramsay] (1904-1988), hundredth Archbishop of Canterbury; John Carmel Heenan [Cardinal Heenan] (1905-1975), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
The first day cover with Vatican postmark dated 8 December 1965. Moore's note: 26 February 1968, on Lambeth Palace letterhead of the Church of England Council on Foreign Relations.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged. The first day cover, celebrating the end of the second Ecumenical Council, is printed in brown, red and green, illustrated with photographic portraits of Ramsay and Pope Paul VI. It carries two Vatican stamps and a Vatican postmark. Towards the right of the cover, one over the other, are the signatures of '+ Michael Canuar:' and '+ John Card. Heenan'. Moore's Typed Letter Signed is addressed to Umberto Giorgi of Vicenza, Italy, and reads: 'The Archbishop of Canterbury was grateful for your letter.

[ Bertram Park, London society photographer. ] Negatives of photographs of King Edward VIII (in highland dress) and King George VI as Prince Albert, Duke of York.

Bertram Park (1883-1972), London society photographer [ King Edward VIII and King George VI (as Prince Albert, Duke of York ]
Publication details: 
In folder of 'Bertram Park | 43 Dover Street | Piccadilly, London W1 | Regent 5315'.' Both undated [ the image of King Edward VIII from a sitting on 26 June 1931? ].

Neither image is present in the National Portrait Gallery collection. The two items are from the papers of royal photographer Marcus Adams (1875-1959), with whom Park shared premises (as well as facilities and staff) at 43 Dover Street, Mayfair. Each is in its own envelope, and the two are loosely inserted in a stylish brown patterned cloth 32 x 24 cm folder, with Park's stamp in gilt on cover and his bookplate inside the front cover. The negatives are in good condition, in aged envelopes and folder.

[Royal investiture, Buckingham Palace, 1943.] Printed programme of an 'Investiture at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, the 11th of May, 1943, at 11 o'clock a.m.'

[King George VI; Royal investiture, Buckingham Palace, 1943.]
Publication details: 
Buckingham Palace [London]. 11 May 1943.

7pp., folio. On seven leaves of thick paper, stapled together. In fair condition, aged and worn. Annotated in grey and blue pencil. Ownership inscription at head: 'Mr. Mann'. Divided into subsections, with the main ones being the Distinguished Service Order; The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire; The Distinguished Service Cross; The Distinguished Flying Cross. Ten individuals receive the Military Cross, beginning with 'Major Thomas Scrymsoure-Steuart-Fothringham, The Black Watch'.

[Inscribed printed booklet.] Presidential Address 1976 | John Murray C.B.E. | A Poet and his Publisher. [i.e. Lord Byron and John Murray]

John Murray [John Murray VI [John Arnaud Robin Grey Murray] (1909-1993), publisher] [George Gordon Noel, Lord Byron]
Publication details: 
The English Association, 1 Priory Gardens, London, W4 1TT. 1976.

16pp., 8vo. Stapled. In blue printed wraps. Inscribed at the head of the front wrap: 'For Cecil Clarabut who is also subject to Byron's magnetism | from John Murray | and with gratitude for Kindnesses | 30.xii.76'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper.

Three First World War documents by Sir Aylmer Haldane: mimeographed Armistice 'Special Order for the Day' to VI Corps; Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Haldane') to Brig.-Gen. H. C. Potter; manuscript copy of address to 3rd Division on Spring Offensive.

General Sir Aylmer Haldane [General Sir James Aylmer Lowthorpe Haldane GCMG, KCB, DSO] (1862-1950), 6th Army Corps [Brigadier-General Herbert Cecil Potter (1875-1964), King's (Liverpool) Regiment]
Publication details: 
Autograph Letter to Potter: 'H[ea]d. Q[uarter]s. VIth. Corp. | 11th. August. 1916'. Copy of address to 3rd Division: [Head Quarters] 30 March 1918. Special Order of the Day: [Head Quarters] 14 November 1918.

The three items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE. Autograph Letter Signed from Haldane to Potter. Head Quarters, VI Corp; 11 August 1916. 1p., 4to. In a difficult hand. He apologises for having to 'depart so hurriedly'. 'I want to thank you for the very loyal way you helped me when I was in command of the 3 Division and express my thanks through you to Buchanan and Prideaux and of your staff.

Seven manuscript First World War documents from the papers of Brigadier-General Herbert Cecil Potter, King's (Liverpool) Regiment, including copies of documents by Lieut.-General Sir T. L. N. Morland, Lt.-Col. R. H. Collins, Brig.-Gen. G. V. Horden.

[Brigadier-General Herbert Cecil Potter (1875-1964), King's (Liverpool) Regiment; Gen. Sir T. L. N. Morland (1865-1925); Lt-Col. Hon. R. H. Collins (1873-1952); Brigadier-General G. V. Horden]
Publication details: 
Six of the seven dating from March and April 1918; the seventh from August 1918.

The seven items are from the papers of Brig.-Gen. H. C. Potter, who served in the 3rd Division, whose conduct during the Spring Offensive of 1918 is the main subject. Of particular interest is Item Two, concerning a visit by King George V. The collection is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, Item Five having a few closed tears to one edge. ONE. Manuscript copy (or original) dispatch headed '1/North L. Fus. 4/Royal Fus. | 13/ Kings. R./S.H.B. | The following messages have been received from 3rd Division for communication to all ranks'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Aberdeen') to 'Peter Cavanagh, Esq., At/ The Empire Theatre, Edinburgh.'

George Gordon, 2nd Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair (1879-1965) [Peter Cavanagh (1914-1981), impressionist billed as 'The voice of them all']
Publication details: 
22 February 1952; on deleted letterhead of 16 Westbourne Street, London W.2, with embossed address Braehead, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen.

4to, 1 p, 17 lines. He 'deeply appreciate[s] the spirit undlying the contents' of Cavangh's letter, which he found waiting for him on his return the day before 'after attending our beloved late King's Funeral'. 'As you say, the sword and scabbard must have belonged to my great Grandfather, the 4th Earl of Aberdeen, who was Prime Minister during theh Crimea War by the express command of Queen Victoria. He accepted the Premiership on the condition that he should be allowed to resign at the conclusion of the war.' Suggests a meeting in Aberdeen.

Warrant Signed ('Ro: Cary') in his capacity as Chamberlain to the Prince of Wales [the future King Charles I].

Robert Carey [Cary], 1st Earl of Monmouth (1560-1639) [Sir Adam Newton (d.1630)]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of laid paper, with pot watermark, 26 x 20 cm. On sound, crisp paper, heavily foxed, and with slight wear to extremities, and remains of previous mounting at corners of reverse. Two small oval stains beneath text, and small clipping from autograph dealer's catalogue laid down in bottom left-hand corner. Firm signature. Fifteen lines of text beneath two-line date in Latin.

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