[ North African Campaign, 1940-1943. ] Duplicated four-page document giving 'Some Golden rules for the desert', 'Tips for the desert' and 'Hints on desert driving for "B" vehicles'. With signature of Lt M. P. M. Ollard, Leicestershire Yeomanry.

North African Campaign, British Army, 1940-1943 [ Lt M. P. M. Ollard of 154 (Leicestershire Yeomanry) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery; Field Marshal Montgomery of Alamein ]
Publication details: 
[ North African Campaign, British Army, 1940-1943. ]

4pp., 4to. On four leaves. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with minor rust marks from paperclip. Ownership signature at top right of first page: 'Lt M P M Ollard'. The pages are numbered in type 5 [corrected in manuscript to '1'], 2, 3 and 4. The first page is headed 'Some golden rules for the desert', with subheadings 'Desert March Discipline', 'Protection', 'Navigation', 'Messing, Rations etc.', 'Maintenance' and 'General'. The next section is headed 'Tips for the desert', with subheadings 'Clothing', 'Stores and Equipment', 'M.

[Royal investiture, Buckingham Palace, 1943.] Printed programme of an 'Investiture at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, the 11th of May, 1943, at 11 o'clock a.m.'

[King George VI; Royal investiture, Buckingham Palace, 1943.]
Publication details: 
Buckingham Palace [London]. 11 May 1943.

7pp., folio. On seven leaves of thick paper, stapled together. In fair condition, aged and worn. Annotated in grey and blue pencil. Ownership inscription at head: 'Mr. Mann'. Divided into subsections, with the main ones being the Distinguished Service Order; The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire; The Distinguished Service Cross; The Distinguished Flying Cross. Ten individuals receive the Military Cross, beginning with 'Major Thomas Scrymsoure-Steuart-Fothringham, The Black Watch'.

Photograph Wakefields of Ealing of the staff of Hammersmith Hospital, London, in 1943, with printed key identifying the sitters.

[Hammersmith Hospital, London, 1943; Wakefields, photographers, Ealing; British Postgraduate Medical School]
Publication details: 
Photo by Wakefields, Ealing, London, W5. [Hammersmith Hospital, London. 1943.]

Black and white print, 12 x 29cm., mounted on piece of card, 19.5 x 35cm, with paper guard. The photograph itself is in good condition, with a couple of unobtrusive indentations, with mount and guard a little creased and worn. Printed on the mount above the photograph: 'HAMMERSMITH HOSPITAL - 1945'. The staff are shown in four rows (three standing and one sitting) on grass in front of the hospital building.

[Pamphlet.] The Fate of Europe. An Article broadcast from Moscow by Ilya Ehrenburg the famous Soviet writer.

Ilya Ehrenburg [The Communist Party of Great Britain]
Ilya Ehrenburg [The Communist Party of Great Britain]
Publication details: 
Published by the Communist Party of Great Britain, 16 King Street, London, W.C.2, and printed by the Farleigh Press Ltd. (T.U. all depts.), Beechwood Works, Watford. [31 April 1943.]
Ilya Ehrenburg [The Communist Party of Great Britain]

12mo, 8 pp. Slight damage from rust of paperclip, otherwise good, on aged paper. Priced at '0d'. Photograph of Ehrenburg on p.3. The slug carries the code 'CP/C/31/4/43.', the last three elements indicating the date of publication. Scarce: COPAC only lists a microfilm reproduction at the British Library.

[Pamphlet.] "'The Stench of Nazism . ." [Including 'The Appalling Story Of Rzhev' and John Gibbons's 'Scenes Of Horror Never To Be Forgotten'.]

[The Communist Party of Great Britain; John Gibbons; Sergeant Air-Gunner J. A. Clough]
The Stench of Nazism . .
Publication details: 
Published by the Communist Party of Great Britain, 16 King St., London, W.C.2, and printed by the Farleigh Press Ltd. (T.U.), Beechwood Works, Watford. [29 April 1943]
The Stench of Nazism . .

12mo, 8 pp. Staining and slight damage to first leaf from rust from staples, otherwise good on aged paper. (Two words of text are lacking, but easily supplied in the following: 'to die the struggle' and ve this message to my friends'). Slug carries code 'CP/C/29/4/43.', the last three elements indicating the date of publication. The front page carries a photograph of Clough, a twenty year-old 'reported missing from an operational flight', and reproduces a letter left by him for his parents.

Poster advertising the 1943 Cambridge Union Society debate: 'The Public School has an essential part to play in the post-war Educational System.' [proposed by Peter Thorneycroft, M.P., and opposed by C. E. M. Joad]

[Cambridge Union Society; Peter Thorneycroft; C. E. M. Joad; British public schools]
Poster advertising the 1943 Cambridge Union Society debate
Publication details: 
Dated 'Union Society, Cambridge. 5th May, 1943. F. W. Curzon, Chief Clerk.' [printed by 'Foister & Jagg, St. Andrew's Hill, Cambridge.']
Poster advertising the 1943 Cambridge Union Society debate

Printed, in a variety of sans serif point sizes, in red ink on one side of a piece of light-blue paper 26.5 x 21 cm. In fair condition on lightly aged and creased paper; folded twice and a little dog-eared. Evidently previously pinned up: there is slight loss at head and tail where torn away (at the foot this has caused loss to the word 'ANDREW'S' in the printer's slug).

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