[William Frederick Wyndham, diplomat.] Autograph Memorandum Signed (W Wyndham | His Majestys Envoy Extra at the Court of Tuscany'), with seal, to Italian document signed by Lorenzo Fabbrucci, Cammillo Cateni and Giovanni Gualberto Uccelli.

William Frederick Wyndham (1763-1828), British envoy to the Court of Tuscany, son of 2nd and father of 4th Earl of Egremont; Cammillo di Paolo Cateni; Giovanni Gualberto Uccelli; Lorenzo Fabbrucci
Publication details: 
From Florence. Wyndham's memorandum signed 13 January 1800; the Italian text 2 January 1800.

2pp, 8vo. On first leaf of bifolium. Text complete and clearly legible, on aged and worn paper. The first page is begins with text in the hand of Cammillo Cateni, headed 'Adì 2 Gennaio 1800', written on behalf of Cateni and Giovanni Gualterro Uccelli, 'Medici filii di questa Citta di Firenze', attesting the signature of 'la Siga. Angiola Lucchi'.

[Edward Harley, 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Oxford') [to his steward], regarding the sending of his coach from England to Naples ('now open for the English'), and 'the Sadler [sic] in North Audley Street'.

Edward Harley, 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (1773-1848), nobleman and connoisseur.
Publication details: 
'Cagliari [Sardinia] March 7th. 1814.'

The Earl's wife was a mistress of Lord Byron. Her infidelities let to her children being jokingly referred to as 'The Harleian Miscellany'. 1p, 4to. Heavily aged and worn, with spike hole at centre. Folded several times. 'Sir | As Naples is now open for the English I beg you will send the Carriage to Naples for me by the first Ship that Sails from England for that Country. We are going there immediately. & shall [the]refore want it. I hope therefore you will lose no time in sending it. I will thank you to call on Wh.

[Lady Pamela Mountbatten, daughter of Earl Mountbatten of Burma.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Pamela Mountbatten'), as Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen on her royal tour, to 'Mr. McCrindall',

Lady Pamela Mountbatten [later Lady Pamela Carmen Louise Hicks] (born 1929), younger daughter of the 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma by his wife, Edwina Mountbatten, Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Elizabeth
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Admiralty House, Valletta, Malta. 27 August 1953.

2pp, 4to. She begins by apologising for the tardy response to his letter, explaining: 'During these past months we have been very busy and I have found it almost impossible to find time for writing private letters beyond those to my immediate family.' She apologises for the fact that she was 'just going out when I met you in London last November. I did not then realise that you had come especially to see me.' The letter ends: 'Your tour of Canada and The States must have been extremely interesting.'

[Thomas Arnold, influential headmaster of Rugby School.] Commencementt of an Autograph Letter, written while touring the South of France, describing scenes. Presented to an autograph collector by Arnold's widow Mary.

Thomas Arnold (1795-1842), headmaster of Rugby School and pioneering educationalist; father of the poet Matthew Arnold [his wife, nee Mary Penrose]
Publication details: 
'Lyons, July 18th. [no year]'

On both sides of a 17.5 x 20.5 cm piece of wove paper cut from the first leaf of a letter, with 14 lines of text on the recto, and 20 lines of text on the verso. In fair condition, lightly aged, with two small labels used as mounts still adhering. Annotated at the head of the first page, in a small light hand, dating the letter by reference to Arnold's 'Memoirs', and explaining that the letter is written 'To Mrs. Arnold who gave me this | [?] from Her dear hand | Autumn 1860'. For the context of the letter see the Memoirs, 'Appendix C. | VIII. Tour in the South of France'.

[ Australia; John Ticehurst, harpsichordist, war hero. ] Typescript of article 'Harpsichordist to Australia', giving an account of his 1951/2 tour to Australia. With photograph label regarding an Adelaide Town Hall recital, and concert programme.

John Ticehurst (1895-1975), harpsichordist and recipient of the Military Cross
Publication details: 
Ticehurst's account without date or place, but referring to a tour of Australia, April 1951 to February 1952.

Michael Howard's obituary of Ticehurst in The Times, 30 October 1975, describes him as 'a persuasive pioneer among those who sought to reestablish the harpsichord as a serious musical instrument'. ONE: Carbon typescript, 7pp., 4to. Headed 'Harpsichord to Australia | by John Ticehurst.' With a few minor manuscript marks. In autograph next to the title: 'April 1951/Feb 1952'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight rust staining from paperclip.

[ Mervyn Peake bookplate ] A Journal of Two Successive Tours upon the Continent in the Years , 1816, 1817, & 1818.

James Wilson.
Publication details: 
Cadell & Davies, London, 1820

Three volumes, 8vo, xii.476 plus four page Index and folding map (discreetly repaired); 564 plus 7-page Index; 696 plus eight page index, rebound in workmanlike but pleasant green cloth, sp. gt with Royal Institution insignia, by the Royal Institution Library from which they were purchased by Dr Nehemiah Asherson, Harley Street ENT specialist. Asherson's bookplate, designed by his friend, Mervyn Peake, is present in the first volume (same bookplate removed from the other two volumes with some faint signs remaining).

[ Mountaineering ] Victorian album, containing 82 photographs, including several large-scale images of mountaineering in Switzerland, and of the 1900 Oberammergau Passion Play.

[Victorian mountaineering in Switzerland; Oberammergau; Tonneson Sisters of Chicago]
Publication details: 
[American?] Circa 1900.

Album, in maroon cloth and fake leather half-binding, containing 24 leaves of thick paper (dimensions 36 x 26.5 cm). Small stamp on front paste-down: 'D.A.I. LONDON | No. 20[2]' (last digit added in manuscript). The binding is heavily-worn, with spine lacking, and the pages are somewhat discoloured with age, but the 82 photographs are in good condition, with four creased before insertion into the album, and one with slight discoloration. One photograph has been removed. Can be dated from picture of the 'Kreuzigung.

[ Early-Victorian tour of Scotland. ] Manuscript itinerary of a 'Tour through the western part of the midland Counties of Scotland - good or tolerable carriage roads all the way distance to be travelled in all 480 miles or say 500 -'.

[ Scottish tour in early-Victorian period; travel in Scotland in the 1830s ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ On paper watermarked 'R MUNN & Co | 1838'. ]

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, and wrapped in a leaf carrying the name 'Miss Sandham' (possible recipient?). Neatly and closely written out over the whole four pages. Beneath the heading: 'May be easily made out in three weeks'.

[ Antonin Magne, cyclist ] Autograph signature, "Ant Magne", on piece of paper tipped on to detached album leaf.

Antonin Magne, cyclist, Tour de France winner in 1931 and 1934.
Publication details: 

Signature on piece of paper, 9.5 x 6.5cm, tipped onto to a detached album leaf, 17 x 11cm,good condition. Album leaf incorrectly headed "Winner of the Tour de France - 1932 [for 1931]".

[ West Indies cricket team in England, 1963. ] Autograph Signatures of Sir Garfield Sobers, Sir Wesley Hall, Lance Gibbs, Rohan Kanhai, and 8 others in the touring side. With three printed souvenirs (programme, brochure and 'record of test matches').

[ West Indies cricket team, tour of England, 1963; Sir Garfield Sobers; Sir Wesley Hall; Lance Gibbs; Rohan Kanhai; Derryck Murray ]
Publication details: 
West Indian cricket team in England, 1963.

A nice collection of souvenirs of a very exciting and interesting tour. The West Indies did very well indeed, beating England in the test series 3-1. ONE: The signatures on four pieces of paper, laid down on green 8vo paper backing, with card carrying maroon and black logo of 'West Indies | 1963 | England'. All in good condition, lightly-aged. First, signature of 'G Sobers' written across 22.5 x 11.5 cm magazine photograph of Sobers at the crease. Second, signature of 'W Hall' across 8 x 5 cm magazine photograph of face of 'WESLEY HALL (Barbados), age 25.', with swollen left eye.

Engravings of New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania, etc., from De Sainson, and two maps, in Vol.3 [Tomo III] of the Spanish edition of Dumont D'Urville's 'Voyage Pittoresque' ('Viaje Pintoresco al Rededor del Mundo').

M. Dumont D'Urville, Capitan de Navio [Louis Auguste de Sainson (1801-1887), official artist on board Dumont D'Urville's L'Astrolabe, during its three months' tour of New Zealand in 1827]
Publication details: 
Barcelona. Imprenta y Libreria de Juan Oliveres, Calle de Escudellers, Núm. 53. 1841.

The 77 plates (uncoloured steel engravings) are in 4to format, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in the third volume of the work ([4] + 318 + [1]pp., 4to), which is in a worn contemporary brown leather half-binding with marbled paper covers. Most of the plates carry two half-page illustrations. 28 of the plates (between pp.66 and 167; and carrying 52 illustrations, 48 of them half-page and 4 full-page) concern New Zealand, Australia and Tasmania, with the majority relating to New Zealand. These show views, fauna, inhabitants, atrefacts, and incidents on D'Urville's voyage.

Engravings of Hawaii, Tahiti, Tonga, New Guinea, Fiji, Pitcairn Islands, etc., from De Sainson, and map of Tonga, in Vol.2 [Tomo II] of the Spanish edition of Dumont D'Urville's 'Voyage Pittoresque' ('Viaje Pintoresco al Rededor del Mundo').

M. Dumont D'Urville, Capitan de Navio [Louis Auguste de Sainson (1801-1887), official artist on board Dumont D'Urville's L'Astrolabe, during its three months' tour of New Zealand in 1827]
Publication details: 
Barcelona. Imprenta y Libreria de Juan Oliveres, Calle de Escudellers, Núm. 53. 1841.

The 90 plates (uncoloured steel engravings) are in 4to format, in good condition, with some having creasing to corners (not affecting the illustrations themselves), on lightly-aged paper, in the second volume of the work ([6] + 382pp., 4to), which is in a worn contemporary brown leather half-binding with marbled paper covers. These show views, fauna, inhabitants, atrefacts, and incidents on D'Urville's voyage. Also present is a fold-out map (Gravé par Ambroise Tardieu') titled 'Carte des Iles Tonga pour servir au Voyage pittoresque autour du Monde par M. D'Urville.

Autograph journal of a 'Trip to Singapore' from Johannesburg, by an unnamed female doctor (presumably the wife of the South African political activist Basil Stein).

[Journal of a trip to Singapore from Johannesburg, South Africa, 1967-1968; Basil Stein (1928-2012), South African political activist]
Publication details: 
From Johannesburg, South Africa, to Singapore. 21 October 1967 to 31 January 1968.

57pp., 4to. In ruled notebook, with marbled boards and brown cloth spine. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A light, observant account of a holiday, with details of her pastimes, the individuals she encounters, social engagements. First page headed 'Trip to Singapore Oct. 1967'. The first entry begins: '21st Oct. Left Jburg by train at 6.30 PM Ben [her husband] saw me off - gave me a box of Lindt chocs! but still could not refrain from pointing out how expensive they were.

Autograph Letter Signed 'Wm Fermor' to unnamed male correspondent.

William Fermor (c.1738-1806) of Tusmore, Oxfordshire
Publication details: 
3 February 1803; Tusmore.

4to, 2 pp, 14 lines of text. On aged and creased paper, with traces of cream paper mount adhering at foot of reverse. Showing the grammatical indifference of the English eighteenth-century upper classes. '[...] nothing but indisposition shall prevent my attendance at the meeting you was to good as to inform me that is to take place on Monday next of all the Catholicks of great Britain'. He is 'ill with a violent Cold sore Throat and fever' and doubts whether he will be 'well enough to undertake the journey to Town so soon'.

Autograph Note Signed ('J. Ashby-Sterry') to unnamed male correspondent.

Joseph Ashby-Sterry (1836-1917), English novelist, poet, journalist and painter
Publication details: 
Saint Martin's Chambers, Trafalgar Square [London] (on cancelled Garrick Club letterhead); 18 November 1889.

One page, 16mo. Good. Six lines. He may be 'giving some lectures in London shortly'. 'If I could make it worth my while to deliver them at some of the leading provincial towns, I might possibly arrange to do so. Therefore any information you could give me on the subject, I should be only too happy to have'.

Les Merveilles de l'Exposition de 1889

Various Authors.
Publication details: 
Paris, [1889].

"Histoire - Construction - Inauguration - Description detaillee des palais, des Annexes et des parcs - Les Chefs d'Oeuvre de l'art de tous les Pays - Les Machines - Les Arts Indystriels - Les Produits Manufactures - Les Exposition Speciales - La Tour Eiffel Ouvrage Redige par des Ecrivains Speciaux et des Ingenieurs. 1083pp., folding paltes and illustrated throughout, thick 4to, hf. leather with raised bands, worn, marbled boards worn, pages yellowed at edge, hinge strain at front (recasing or reback would be desirable, contents otherwise good. COPAC records one copy only

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