[Carlisle; Byron] Autograph Letter Signed "Carlisle" to unnamed correspondent (""My dear :Lord").
One page, 4to, bifolium, damp-stained, one leaf partly stuck to second blank leaf, text clear and complete. "Under the present state of politics I am not to suspect you have any altered sentiment respecting our sapient Rulers, & that I do any thing injurious to your feelings when I propose to you to continue yr support to yr old friend by renewing your proxy. I should have submitted my name instead of Ld [Sd's?] but I am too uncertain an attender to be intrusted with your vote. | The sanguine amongst us believe we shall actually outvote the Ministers on the address, but I am grown too old to be very sanguine upon anything, but least of all upon political speculations. But I do believe we shall lead them a weary life.." Postscript: "My love to Caroline - I have been asked if yr Brother ment to give his aid.- I cd make no answer." Note: "In 1798, Carlisle was appointed guardian to Lord Byron who later lampooned him in English Bards and Scotch Reviewers." (Wikipedia) He also was sent "on a Commission sent out by Frederick North, Lord North to attempt a reconciliation with the Thirteen Colonies during the American War of Independence" and became Viceroy of Ireland. Letters in his hand are apparently scarce.