[ Henry Gally Knight of Firbeck Hall, MP and poetaster lampooned by Lord Byron. ] Autograph Letter to 'Mr Radley' in the third person

Henry Gally Knight (1786-1846) of Firbeck Hall, Rotherham, MP, traveller and writer lampooned by Lord Byron
Publication details: 
'Lathorn House | Sept 20. 1839'.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Tipped in onto paper mount. Reads: 'Mr Gally Knight requests Mr Radley to let him have a Room for a few Hours on Monday Morning - He & Mrs Knight purpose to be at Liverpool about twelve oclock & will go to Manchester by the 1/2 p 2 Train. - They wish to have some Luncheon between one & two oclock.' Scott's Ivanhoe is set near to Firbeck Hall, and Knight may have been his source of local information.

[Charles Sanderson, Sheffield steel manufacturer.] Autograph Letter Signed from John Purdie to G. P. Nicholson of Wath, criticising Sanderson over his bankruptcy and 'the Sale of the new Steam Engine'. With receipt to Sanderson from Ralph Forster.

John Purdie, Edinburgh Merchant [G. P. Nicholson, solicitor and naturalist, Wath-upon-Dearn, Yorkshire; Charles Sanderson (1803-1873) of Sharrow Vale, Sheffield, steel manufacturer]
Publication details: 
Purdie's letter: Edinburgh; 6 August 1845. Forster's receipt: Whitehaven; 17 April 1845.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Purdie's letter: 4pp., 4to. Closely and neatly written on a bifolium, with the last page cross-written over the third. Addressed, with postmarks and red wax seal, to 'G. P. Nicholson Esqre. | Wath | nr Rotherham'.

Autograph Note Signed and poem by the Congregational minister James Bennett of Rotherham, with manuscript poem ('Psalm 149.3, Let the Saints sing about upon their beds') by James Gray of Nailsworth, titled 'Elijah's Interview with God'

James Bennett (1774-1862) of Rotherham, Congregational minister; James Gray of Nailsworth
Publication details: 
Bennett's note dated from Rotherham, 26 November 1829. Gray's poem dated from Nailsworth. 19 January 1828.

On a 4to leaf removed from an album, with Bennett's piece on one side of the leaf, and Gray's on the other. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with a short closed tear to the fore-edge. Bennett's note reads: 'Dearest Brethren, ye know how that a good while ago, God made desire among us, that the Gentiles, from my mouth, should hear the word of the Gospel & believe. And God, who knoweth the hearts, bore them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us: put no difference between us & them, purifying their hearts, by faith'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Congregational minister James Bennett to an unnamed male recipient.

James Bennett (1774-1862), evangelical Congregational minister and author [Rotherham, Yorkshire]
Publication details: 
Rotherham, Yorkshire. 26 October 1818.

1p., 4to. In poor condition, on aged, stained paper, with wear and loss to corners. Boldly signed 'James Bennett'. According to his entry in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Bennett lived in Rotherham, 'where he was tutor in the college and pastor of the church at Masborough', between 1813 and 1828. He is delighted that the recipient is 'devising means for the revival of religion' in his town: 'It is, however, not in my power to be with you.' Nevertheless he hopes he will 'persevere & obtain effectual help'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Abstract of the Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1887 to 1896; General Rles and Special Rules [...] Messrs. John Brown & Co.'s (Limited) Aldwarke Main Collieries, Swallowwood Seam, Rotherham. [With 'Bye-Laws'.]

[Messrs. John Brown & Co.'s (Limited) Aldwarke Main Collieries, Swallowwood Seam, Rotherham; Committee for Yorkshire; coal mining; Victorian coal industry]
Publication details: 
No. 046. Jenkinson, Marshall & Co., Stationers, Printers, Paper & Twine Merchants, &c., Surrey Street and Tudor Street, Sheffield. Dated 9 August 1888, and amended in manuscript to 7 February 1902.

The 'Abstract' and 'Bye-Laws' total 45pp., 12mo, attached in one unbound pamphlet. Complete, but aged and dusty: an item that certainly saw duty in its colliery. The 'Abstract' is 41pp., 12mo, paginated 1-40; with a single page headed 'Timbering in Mines. | Special Rules' on a leaf tipped in after p.38. The title-page is headed 'Published under the direction of the Committee for Yorkshire.', and the full title includes: '[...] General Rules and Special Rules to be observed by the Owners, Agents, Managers, Under-Managers, Under-Viewers, Enginewrights, Deputies, and Work-people of Messrs.

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