
[Milton Sills [Milton George Gustavus Sills], American actor, star of stage and screen, Hollywood matinee idol.] Autograph Inscription Signed.

Milton Sills [Milton George Gustavus Sills] (1882-1930), American actor, star of stage and screen, Hollywood matinee idol
Publication details: 
No date or place.

On a 12 x 6.5 cm piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly discoloured and spotted, with traces of paper from mount on reverse. Central vertical crease. A neat, tight inscription, clearly in response to a request for an autograph, reading, ‘Sincerely / Milton Sills’. Image on request.

[Charlie Chaplin [Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin], English comedian, star of the silent screen.] Autograph Signature to matt bromide print of portrait by Witzel of Los Angeles of Chaplin playing his violin.

Charlie Chaplin [Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin] (1899-1977), English comedian, star of the silent screen; Albert Witzel (1879-1929), Los Angeles photographer
Publication details: 
Photograph by [Albert] Witzel of L[os] A[ngeles]. [Said to have been taken on 1 May 1928.]

The present image is not in the National Portrait Gallery, but the licencing rights are held by Getty Images, by whom it is dated to 1 May 1928. 24 x 18.5 cm bromide print, on 25 x 18.5 cm matt.In fair condition, discoloured and with light creasing at extremities. Chaplin's genuine signature is at bottom right: 'Yours Truly / Charlie Chaplin'. Wittzel's monogram (featuring 'WITZEL' and 'L A') is printed at bottom left. An excellent and unusual artistic image of a figure of world renown.

[Ivor Novello, popular Welsh composer, actor, playwright and movie star.] Autograph Signature for autograph hunter.

Ivor Novello [born David Ivor Davies] (1893-1951), Welsh composer, actor, playwright and movie star, one of the most popular British entertainers of the first half of the twentieth century
Publication details: 
Without place or date (circa 1943?).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 17.5 x 11 cm leaf of pink paper, extracted from an autograph album. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. In a large sprawling hand: ‘All good wishes / Ivor Novello’. On the reverse: ‘The “Cock-lodger” July 1943 / Don. Dobson / (Dobbie)’.

[Leatrice Joy, Hollywood star of the silent movie era.] Printed circular, in the form of a Typed Letter, with facsimile signature, responding to fan mail.

Leatrice Joy [Leatrice Johanna Zeidler] (1893-1985), Hollywood star of the silent movie era
Publication details: 
No date. From Hollywood, California. On her letterhead.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rust stain from paperclip to one margin. The letterhead consists of a stylized vertical arrangement of the letters in the name ‘JOY’ at top left. The ‘signature’ is an extremely good facsimile in black ink.

[Lilian Gish, greatest Hollywood actress of the silent era.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Miss Murchison’, on a visit to England, praising ‘the courage and uncomplaining patience’ of its ‘brave’ people during the ‘long and dreadful’ years of war.

Lillian Gish (1883-1993), greatest Hollywood actress of the silent era, ‘The First Lady of American Cinema’
Publication details: 
6 August 1946; on letterhead of the Savoy Hotel, London.

2pp, 12mo. Twenty-one lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed ‘Lilian Gish’. Begins: ‘Dear Miss Murchison, | I was so touched by your very sweet letter which was handed to me by the BBC just before we went on the air. / It is heartwarming to come back to England after these long and dreadful years and find that our film friends have not forgotten us.

[Marie Lohr, Australian film and stage actress.] Autograph Card Signed ('Marie Löhr') to 'Miss Johnson'

Marie Lohr [Marie Löhr] (1890-1875), Australian film and stage actress
Publication details: 
Bexhill-on-Sea postmark; 27 August 1920.

Postcard with printed stamp. In good condition, on aged paper. Address by her to 'Miss Johnson [identified in pencil as Isa Johnson] | 23 Weltje Road | Hammersmith | London - W'. The card reads: 'My thanks for your letter - I am sorry I did not see you to speak to the other day. I hate leaving here in next few days it has done me such a lot of good.'

[Fredric March, famous Hollywood actor.] Autograph Inscription Signed ('Fredric March') to 'Michael'.

Fredric March [born Ernest Frederick McIntyre Bickel] (1897-1975), Hollywood actor
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of 11 x 12.5 cm leaf of pink paper, with rounded outer edges, detached from an autograph album. In fair condition, lighty aged and a little grubby. Reads: 'To | Michael | sincerely | Fredric March'.

[ Printed cinema programme, illustrated with photographs. ] G. B. Samuelson's Dramatic Spectacle | The Game of Life By Lauri Wylie & G. B. Samuelson.

The Samuelson Film Manufacturing Co., Ltd., London [ Lauri Wylie (1880-1951) and G. B. Samuelson (1889-1947); Isleworth Studios; West End Cinema, Coventry Street, London ]
Publication details: 
World's Rights Owned and Controlled by The Samuelson Film Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 28 Denmark Street, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. [ 1922 ]

8pp., 4to. Stapled in coloured wraps. A frail survival, aged and worn with closed tears. The front cover has the words 'The Game of Life' printed in large gothic type over an illustration of a tapestry. The title page carries the motto: 'The Picture that makes the Dimples to catch the Tears'. There is a long poem of the same title on the second page, and the third page carries the 'Argument' of the film by Walter G. Summers. There is a cast list on the fourth page, and pages five to eight tell 'The Story. There are nine black and white illustrations.

[ Langford Reed, film writer and director. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Langford Reed') to theatrical bookseller Barry Duncan, regarding the sale of 'Spy' cartoons and old plays.

Langford Reed [ Herbert Langford Reed ] (1889-1954), writer and film writer and director, best known for his work on Charlie Chaplin's 'Chase Me Charlie' (1918)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 59 Carlton Hill, St John's Wood, NW8 [ London ]. 7 January 1946.

1p., 4to. On aged and worn paper. In response to Duncan's advertisement in 'The Stage', he asks whether he would be 'interested in the famous cartoons, in colour, which, with the signature of "Spy," used to appear in "Vanity Fair."? I have about seventy in good condition, all published between 1860 and 1885'. He also offers 'several volumes of old plays - some of them over 140 years old, and asks whether Duncan 'might care to drop in and have a look at these "treasures. | But, give me a tinkle on the 'phone first as I am rather a busy Man.'

[ Daniel Frohman, American theatre produced. ] Autograph Letter Signed, inviting General Townshend to 'the Famous Playerrs Ball', where he will met 'some of our leading lights in the picture world', including Elsie Ferguson.

Daniel Frohman (1851-1940), American theatre and film producer and manager [ Elsie Ferguson (1883-1961), American stage and screen actress ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Lyceum Theatre, 43rd Street, New York. Undated, but circa 1921.

2pp., 12mo. On tinted paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter begins: 'Dear Gen. Townshend | Won't you come with me to the Famous Players Ball on Wed. eve? | I am going to ask Miss Balfour. We can all dine here at my office at 7 on that eve - & have time to see later a litttle entertainment prior to the dancing.' He offers to present him to 'some of our leading lights in the picture world especially Elsie Ferguson who is now playng in Arnold Bennetts "Sacred & Profane Love' (which appeared in 1921).

Advance Prospectus

North American Films Corporation; George Munroe.
Publication details: 

Advance Prospectus, four pages, 4to, bifolium, fold marks, small closed tears along folds, sunned, minor staining, good condition. A detailed view of the state and potential of the Motiuon Picyure Industry is give (commercial, entertaining, educational, growth, attraction of stage stars, etc.) but apparently the invention of a fraudster.

Signed Autograph Inscription by the English cinema actor Peter Haddon.

Peter Haddon (1898-1962), English actor, whose career began in 1924 and ended in 1952
Publication details: 
Dated by Haddon 1928.

On leaf removed from autograph album, with one set of rounded corners. In good condition. Reads ' Good Morning - Bill! | With every good wish | Yours Sincerely | Peter Haddon | 1928 -'. Together with a loose newspaper cutting carrying a photographic portrait.

Signed black and white photograph by the Scottish silent movie star John Stuart, who starred in Alfred Hitchcock's first film (and another by the director), and in several Gainsborough Studios features.

John Stuart [John Alfred Louden Croall] (1898-1979), Scottish silent movie actor [Alfred Hitchcock; Gainsborough Studios]
Publication details: 
'Photo by L. Protheroe.' Undated [1930s?].

Black and white studio photograph, postcard format (14 x 9 cm). Laid down on leaf removed from autograph album. Good, on shiny photographic paper, with margin making dimensions of image 12.5 x 8 cm, captioned at foot 'JOHN STUART' and, in smaller type, 'PHOTO BY | L. PROTHEROE'. Stuart's inscription, in bottom right-hand corner, reads 'Best wishes | Sincerely yours | John Stuart'. Stuart's two Hitchcock films were the director's debut 'The Pleasure Gardens' (1925), and 'Number Seventeen' (1932).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jackie & Ann Coogan') by Hollywood actor Jackie Coogan to the variety entertainer Rubye Colleano.

Jackie Coogan (1914-1984), Hollywood actor [Rubye Colleano; Bonar Colleano]
 ALS signed by Hollywood actor Jackie Coogan
Publication details: 
Undated [c. 1947?]. On letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Plymouth.
 ALS signed by Hollywood actor Jackie Coogan

12mo, 2 pp. 19 lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Begins 'Just a line to tell you we miss you like mad & hope you are well & happy. Praises a 'dinner at Mary's'. They hope to call on Colleano when passing through London on 'Sunday Nite'. Ends 'Well honey, keep us in mind & we will see you soon - Our very best to Bonar Jr. [Colleano's son the film actor Bonar Colleano]' Postscript 'Billy sends his best'. Coogan was married to Ann McCormack, his third wife, from 1946 to 1951. From the Colleano Family archive.

Typed Letter Signed by Bruce Long, concerning the William Desmond Taylor murder case, together with the first issue of Long's pamphlet 'Taylorology'.

Bruce Long [William Desmond Taylor (1872-1922); Taylorology]
Bruce Long [William Desmond Taylor (1872-1922); Taylorology]
Publication details: 
Letter: 10 January 1986; Mesa, Arizona. Pamphlet: Number 1, Fall 1985.
Bruce Long [William Desmond Taylor (1872-1922); Taylorology]

Letter: 4to, 1 p. Twenty-six lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with a couple of holes, light staining and indentations. Addressed to 'Jon', whose book, with a 'chapter pertaining to the Taylor case' Long 'would like very much to see'. Long encloses the copy of 'Taylorology', of which he writes, 'Despite my intentions, there was only one issue due to very poor response -- only a dozen subscribers.' He boasts that his 'collected material on this case', 'primarily newspaper clippings', 'weighs over 30 lbs., with more information coming in every week'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Gilbert Parker.') to 'Mr Anderson'.

Sir Gilbert Parker [Sir Horatio Gilbert George Parker] (1862-1932), Canadian novelist and British politician [early cinema]
Publication details: 
5 April 1922; on letterhead of 24 Portman Square, [London] W.1.

4to, 1 p. On aged, worn paper with small area of loss at head (not affecting text). He will be 'pleased to act on the Committee to judge of the stories for filming', and is glad that 'the work will not be onerous'. In a postscript gives the version of his name he wishes given for announcing ('Right Hon. Sir Gilbert Parker Bt.'). According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, no fewer than sixteen of Parker's novels were filmed. As head of British propaganda in America, 1914-1916, Parker had a direct involvement with the medium.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Nunnez'.

Elinor Glyn [born Elinor Sutherland] (1864-1943), English novelist
Publication details: 
15 March [docketed 1936]; on letterhead of 11 Connaught Place, London W.2.

8vo, 2 pp. Very good. She has been recovering from influenza at Brighton. 'I think your Paper is going on Splendidly [last word underlined] & I am so glad! [last two words underlined]'. 'Yes, isnt Margaret Ettinger a charming Creature! She told me you had talked together of me'. Asks for Ettinger's address. 'How's the home? - how's the charming wife? - & when shall we discuss the affairs of the world, the flesh, & the devil?!' She is well, 'all but my knee, which has been behaving like an ungrateful child'.

Ten-line 67-word Post Office Telegraphs radio telegram, taken down by 'Mayhew', to the Daily Graphic newspaper, London.

Mary Pickford [Gladys Louise Smith] (1892-1979) [Douglas Fairbanks [Douglas Elton Ullman] (1883-1939)]
Publication details: 
Received at Lands End from the S.S.Lapland, 20 June 1920.

Written in pencil by 'Mayhew' on an official printed 'Post Office Telegraphs' form, stamped with telegraph number and dated postmark. Good, on aged high-acidity paper, dimensions roughly 14 x 21.5 cm. Neatly laid down on a piece of brown card. Sent on Pickford and Fairbanks' honeymoon voyage to Europe. The couple have 'received so many lovely messages from friends in England' that Pickford's 'Life Long dream of visiting the old country seems to be all [she] had hoped more [sic] and that saying great deal Douglas is ready to jump from the Top mast the minute we sight Southampton'.

Autograph letter signed to Mr [Otto] Haas, dealer in musical autographs?]

Ebenezer Prout
Publication details: 
26 February 1879, 12 Greenwood Road, Dalston.

Musical composer, organist and theorist (1835-1909). Two pages, 8vo, minor defects fold mark (notoiceable fold marks on blank last page, one or two faint spots, white paper, black ink, original, mainly very good condition. In answer to a novel enquiry. "In reply to your letter I write to say that I have today made enquiries about a silent piano, and find that no such instrument as you describe is to be produced ready-made. There is no mechanism by which a silent piano could be made to give a faint sound; and what your customer wants is, I think, impossible.

Autograph Signature

Tom Mix
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed '1925'.

Movie cowboy (1880-1940) whose real name was Thomas Hezekiah Mix. Dimensions approximately 2 inches by 3 inches, with the signature 'Tom Mix,' in blue ink and approximately 1 1/2 inches long. In good condition although the 'om' of 'Tom' slightly smudged, and with a small brown stain above the tip of the 'T'. Mounted on an irregularly-shaped piece of blue card, docketed '93 | Famous Cinema Star | noted particularly for His wonderful riding and His famous horse Tony'.

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