[Sir Norman Moore, physician and medical historian.] Autograph Signature ('Norman Moore | M.D.'), as Warden of the College, St Bartholomew's Hospital, to certificate stating that Bedford Pierce 'preserves a good Moral Character'.

Sir Norman Moore (1847-1922), physician and medical historian; Warden of the College, St Bartholomew's Hospital [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932), psychiatrist]
Publication details: 
St Bartholomew's Hospital, E.C. [London]; 5 October 1888.

For both Moore and Pierce see their entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of blank second leaf. The certificate is written by another party, with Moore signing and dating at the foot: 'Norman Moore | M.D. | Warden of the College | Oct. 5.

[Professor William Bevan Lewis, psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Bevan-Lewis') to Bedford Pierce of the Retreat asylum in York, discussing a course of lectures they are to give together.

William Bevan-Lewis (1847-1929), Professor of Mental Diseases, Leeds; and Medical Superintendent, West Riding Asylum, Wakefield [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932), Consulting Physician, The Retreat, York]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of W. R. Asylum [West Riding Asylum], Wakefield [Yorkshire]; 22 March 1908.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded once. Forty-three lines of text. He begins by expressing pleasure at the prospect of being associated with Pierce 'in the Course of Lectures on Mental Diseases', and at the news that Pierce has 'decided to take up the Systematic Part'. He leaves the choice of day to Pierce, and offers to put him up for the night.

Sir Jonathan Hutchinson (1828-1913), surgeon, Professor of Surgery and Pathology at the Royal College of Surgeons.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jonn. Hutchinson'), recommending Bedford Pierce as Medical Superintendent at the Retreat, York...

Sir Jonathan Hutchinson (1828-1913), surgeon, Professor of Surgery and Pathology at the Royal College of Surgeons, 'the father of oral medicine' [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932), psychiatrist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 15 Cavendish Square, W. [London]; 17 October 1891.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of blank second leaf of bifolium. Without heading or salutation, reads: 'I have pleasure in expressing the high opinion which I entertain of Dr. Bedford Pierce's professional attainments | I feel sure that he is in all respects well qualified for the post of Medical Superintendent of the Retreat. When I heard that the post was to be vacant his was the name which at once occurred to my mind & I have not since thought of any one whom I could more confidently recommend'.

[Charles Arthur Mercier, forensic psychiatrist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to psychiatrist Bedford Pierce, regarding: the 'spook business', Sir Victor Horsley and 'forcible feeding', punctuation, the 'hopeless' case of 'Jackson'.

Charles Arthur Mercier (1851-1919), pioneer in the field of forensic psychiatry and debunker of spiritualism, President of Medico-Psychological Association [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932), psychiatrist]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of The Flower House, Southend, Catford, S.E. [London]. 23 July 1906 and 28 December 1909.

Both letters are signed 'Chas. Mercier'. ONE 23 July 1906. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper adhering to the blank second leaf. The letter, which is written in a playful tone, begins: 'My dear Bedford Pearce [sic] | Blamed if I do? I am not so ignorant of the Canonical Books as to confuse Prov: 26. 4 with 26. 5. Your offence, which cries aloud to heaven, is the omission of a comma! A quotation should follow the original verbatim et literatim [sic] et punctuatim, and a stop is an integral part of the text.

[Professor William Bevan-Lewis, physician and physiologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Bevan-Lewis') thanking psychiatrist Bedford Pierce for his 'eulogistic & cordial tribute', and discussing the Allied victory in the Great War.

William Bevan-Lewis (1847-1929), physician and physiologist, Professor of Mental Diseases and Examiner at the University of Leeds, and Medical Director, West Riding Asylum [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932)]
Publication details: 
'Elsinore', Dyke Road Avenue, Brighton. 12 November 1918.

3pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Fifty-two lines of text. He thanks Pierce for his 'most kind expressions of regard for myself, & your eulogistic & cordial tribute to my poor efforts in the cause of Psychological Medicine'. which he has read in 'the account of the proceedings at the Edinburgh Meeting in July last', in the Journal of Mental Science.

Autograph Letter Signed ('D Egerton') from the actor-manager Daniel Egerton to Pierce Egan, suggesting, on behalf of the managers of Sadler's Wells Theatre, that he write a farce continuation of 'Tom and Jerry', with a 'good part' for Robert Keeley.

Daniel Egerton (1772-1835), English actor-manager of Sadler's Wells [Pierce Egan (1772-1849), author of 'Tom and Jerry'; Robert Keeley (1793-1869), actor-manager; John Fawcett (1768-1837), actor]
Publication details: 
Sadler's Wells; 27 June 1822.

1p., small 4to. Very good: trimmed and neatly laid down on backing. Egerton has had 'some communication with our Managers', and if Egan will 'write a Farce, with a good part for Keeley, in his way, perhaps some sort of continuation of Jerry', he knows it will 'be accepted, & put into training'. He asks to hear from Egan by return, as he wishes to see the managers on the subject 'previous to Mr. Fawcetts leaving Town on Tuesday next, or the matter must rest three months'.

Autograph Signature.

Noel Coward (Sir Noel Pierce Coward, 1899-1973), English actor, playwright and song writer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On leaf of light blue paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, removed from an autograph album. Very good.

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