[George IV and Home Secretary and future Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel.] Autograph Signatures of the King ('George R.') and Peel ('R Peel') to 'Warrant for the removal of John Raddon to the Criminal Lunatic Asylum in St Georges Fields'.

George IV (1762-1830), King of Great Britain; Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), Prime Minister and creator of the British police force
George IV
Publication details: 
'Given at Our Court at Carlton House the Fifth day of February 1824, in the Fifth Year of Our Reign.'
George IV

2pp, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to one edge. Folded twice. Large heavily-smudged signature of the king ('George R.') at head of first page, which has the royal seal under paper in the left-hand margin. Signed at end of document ('By His Majesty's Command') by the Home Secretary and future Prime Minister: 'R Peel'.

[George IV as Prince Regent, and former Prime Minister Lord Sidmouth as Home Secretary.] Warrant Signed by 'George P R.' and 'Sidmouth', directing that Matthias Maher be removed from the Lunatic Asylum in St George's Fields to Newgate Prison.

George IV as Prince Regent; Lord Sidmouth [Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth] (1757-1844), Prime Minister; William Erasmus Hardy of Newgate Prison; Matthias Maher [Transportation; Australia]
George IV as Prince Regent
Publication details: 
'Given at Our Court at Carlton House the Thirty first day of July 1819, in the Fifty ninth Year of Our Reign.'
George IV as Prince Regent

This document, signed by George IV as Prince Regent, and by the former Prime Minister Lord Sidmouth as Home Secretary, relates to Matthias Maher (1798-1865), a Royal Navy officer who was twice tried at the Old Bailey on a charge of forgery. On the first occasion, 6 May 1818, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity; and removed to the criminal asylum in St George's Fields. Maher was found sound of mind – as the present document reveals by Sir George Leman Tuthill (1772–1835) and Edward Wright (c.1788-1859), the latter to die of disgrace in Australia.

[St Thomas Lunatic Asylum near Exeter, founded in 1795.] Printed bill, filled out in manuscript, for sum due by ‘Mr. Penny’ for ‘Board and Maintenance’, with Signed Autograph Note of receipt by treasurer John Mackintosh, and note on annual accounts.

St Thomas Lunatic Asylum, near Exeter, founded in 1795 [John Mackintosh, Treasurer; James Penny, Exeter bookseller; William Seacombe]
Publication details: 
‘Lunatic Asylum, near Exeter.’ Made out for the period between 6 May and 1 July 1811. Slug: ‘Trewmans, Printers, Exeter.’

An interesting piece of Exeter ephemera. See ‘Besley’s Exeter Directory for 1835’: ‘LUNATIC ASYLUM, St. Thomas. Founded in 1795. The expenses are defrayed by the board of patients whose friends can afford to pay for their maintenance, and by benefactions, legacies, &c.’ (In the entry ‘John Mackintosh’ is still listed as treasurer.) 1p, landscape 12mo. Addressed by Mackintosh on reverse to ‘Mr. James Penny / Bookseller / Fore St. / Exeter’. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper, with slight staining and damage from breaking open wafer.

[Harewood; Corsellis; Lunatic Asylum] Autograph Letter Signed Harewood to Dr. Corsellis [Director of the West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum, Wakefield], asking for details of the history of someone discharged

Henry Lascelles, 2nd Earl of Harewood (1767 -1841), slave plantation and other land owner, chiefly inheritee art collector, and Member of Parliament.
Publication details: 
Harewood House, Leeds, 7 Nov. 1835.

Two pages, 12mo, small closed tear on fold, edges dusted, some staining not affecting text, remnant of page on which formerly laid down or tipped on verso, not affecting text. Text: I understand that a Person named Thomas Parker from the neighbourhood of Pateley Bridge has been for some time in confinement in the Wakefield Asylum, and that He has lately been discharged.

[ George Rose; Royal Navy ] Autograph Note Signed G Rose (docketed Mr Rose's Note to Mr Baynes in a contemporary hand)

George Rose [ (1744–1818), politician, sometime Treasurer of The Navy, friend of Horatio Nelson.
Publication details: 
Old [Postern?] Yard, 25 July 1811.

One page, cr. 8vo, grubby, fold marks, but text clear, as follows: I am very sorry it will not be in my power to be present at the quarterly General Board of the Royal Naval Asylum, as an Appointment has for some Time past been made for a Court of the Trinity Corporation to swear me in as an Elder Brother , on that day.

[John Conolly, physician to Middlesex Asylum, Hanwell.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'J. Conolly') to W. F. Cleveland, regarding his consultation arrangements, the death of a relative, and obtaining the services of 'the attendant, Mrs. Hazell'

John Conolly (1794-1866), psychiatrist and author, resident physician to the Middlesex County Asylum at Hanwell [William Frederick Cleveland, physician]
Publication details: 
ONE: On letterhead of Hanwell, London, W.; 15 January 1861. TWO: Hanwell, W.; 31 January 1861.

For information on the recipient the physician William Frederick Cleveland (1823-1898), see his obituary, BMJ, 3 December 1898. ONE: 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. He begins by stating that he 'constantly' sees 'patients in London for the ordinary Consultation Fee of 2 Gs.' Because of the 'lamented death of a relative at a distance', Conolly is 'unable to name an earlier time for having the pleasure to meet you than Monday next, the 21st., at 3 o'Clock'. TWO: 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper, with mourning border.

[Sir Thomas Clouston, Scottish asylum physician and psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. S Clouston') regarding a donation to an unfortunate woman, and his family holiday on Orkney

Sir Thomas Clouston [Sir Thomas Smith Clouston] (1840-1915), Scottish asylum physician and psychiatrist
Publication details: 
ONE: On letterhead of 26 Heriot Row, Edinburgh; 6 June 1910. TWO: On letterhead of Holodyke, Dounby, Orkney; 29 September 1910.

Both in good condition, lightly aged, and each with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf. Both addressed to 'My dear Pierce'. (Pierce had worked under Clouston at the Royal Edinburgh Asylum, before taking up his post at the York Retreat asylum in 1892.) Clouston's hand is markedly disordered hand, and difficult of decipherment. ONE: 2pp, 12mo. He is enclosing a cheque for three guineas 'for [Maher's?] Fund'.

[Samuel Tuke of the York Retreat, asylum reformer.] Autograph Letter in the third person to the medical publisher John Churchill, instructing him to send a copy of his book to German psychiatrist Maximilian Jacobi.

Samuel Tuke (1784-1857), Quaker minister, asylum reformer at the York Retreat [John Churchill (1801-1875), London medical publisher; Carl Wigand Maximilian Jacobi, German psychiatrist]
Publication details: 
York; 14 September 1841.

2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to one edge. Begins: 'Samuel Tuke having been disappointed of an opportunity of sending by a private hand a parcel to his friend Dr Max. Jacobi will be much obliged to J. Churchill to send to him four copies of the translation of his work'.

[Professor William Bevan Lewis, psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Bevan-Lewis') to Bedford Pierce of the Retreat asylum in York, discussing a course of lectures they are to give together.

William Bevan-Lewis (1847-1929), Professor of Mental Diseases, Leeds; and Medical Superintendent, West Riding Asylum, Wakefield [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932), Consulting Physician, The Retreat, York]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of W. R. Asylum [West Riding Asylum], Wakefield [Yorkshire]; 22 March 1908.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded once. Forty-three lines of text. He begins by expressing pleasure at the prospect of being associated with Pierce 'in the Course of Lectures on Mental Diseases', and at the news that Pierce has 'decided to take up the Systematic Part'. He leaves the choice of day to Pierce, and offers to put him up for the night.

[Samuel Tuke, Quaker minister, asylum reformer and philanthropist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml. Tuke'), regarding the editorship of the 'Annual Monitor', to an unnamed 'Friend' (the magazine's printer?).

Samuel Tuke (1784-1857), Quaker minister, asylum reformer and philanthropist [The York Retreat, asylum where 'moral treatment' was employed; William Alexander (1768-1841), editor, The Annual Monitor]
Publication details: 
York; 5 April 1860.

The present letter concerns the editorship of the Annual Monitor, a Quaker magazine subtitled 'Obituary of the members of the Society of Friends in Great Britain and Ireland', published between 1812 and 1919. The founding editor was William Alexander (1768-1841), and following Alexander's death 'the Editors' referred to in the letter included Sarah Backhouse and the letter's author Samuel Tuke. The recipient would appear to be the magazine's printer. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper adhering to blank second leaf of bifolium. Folded twice.

Sir Jonathan Hutchinson (1828-1913), surgeon, Professor of Surgery and Pathology at the Royal College of Surgeons.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jonn. Hutchinson'), recommending Bedford Pierce as Medical Superintendent at the Retreat, York...

Sir Jonathan Hutchinson (1828-1913), surgeon, Professor of Surgery and Pathology at the Royal College of Surgeons, 'the father of oral medicine' [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932), psychiatrist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 15 Cavendish Square, W. [London]; 17 October 1891.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of blank second leaf of bifolium. Without heading or salutation, reads: 'I have pleasure in expressing the high opinion which I entertain of Dr. Bedford Pierce's professional attainments | I feel sure that he is in all respects well qualified for the post of Medical Superintendent of the Retreat. When I heard that the post was to be vacant his was the name which at once occurred to my mind & I have not since thought of any one whom I could more confidently recommend'.

[Professor William Bevan-Lewis, physician and physiologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Bevan-Lewis') thanking psychiatrist Bedford Pierce for his 'eulogistic & cordial tribute', and discussing the Allied victory in the Great War.

William Bevan-Lewis (1847-1929), physician and physiologist, Professor of Mental Diseases and Examiner at the University of Leeds, and Medical Director, West Riding Asylum [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932)]
Publication details: 
'Elsinore', Dyke Road Avenue, Brighton. 12 November 1918.

3pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Fifty-two lines of text. He thanks Pierce for his 'most kind expressions of regard for myself, & your eulogistic & cordial tribute to my poor efforts in the cause of Psychological Medicine'. which he has read in 'the account of the proceedings at the Edinburgh Meeting in July last', in the Journal of Mental Science.

[William Conolly, joint licensee with his brother John Conolly of Hayes Park Private Lunatic Asylum, Uxbridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Will Conolly') to 'George Rogers Esqr MD', reporting the arrival of patient 'Mr George Helyar'.

William Brice Conolly, MD, joint licensee of Hayes Park Private Lunatic Asylum, Uxbridge, with his brother John Conolly (1794-1866), later resident physician to the Middlesex County Asylum at Hanwell
Publication details: 
'Hayes Park nr Uxbridge | Decr. 19. 1851'.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and browned paper, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the reverse. Folded twice. The letter reads: 'Mr George Helyar arrived here last night accompanied by your attendant from whom I received your letter and a purse containing £11 – 12 – Mr Helyar has slept well and appears comfortable this morning, and I hope will go on well with us - | When his Clothes arrive I will inform you - | I also received the Order, & Certificates from the attendant for which pray accept my thanks -'.

[Sir Robert Peel, Prime Minister, as Home Secretary.] Autograph List of appointments by him of Lunacy Commissioners (following on from the 1828 Madhouse Act), with Autograph Note by him on the matter.

Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), Tory Prime Minister and creator of the Metropolitan Police ('Peelers') [Metropolitan Lunacy Commission; 1828 Madhouse Act]
Publication details: 
[Home Office, Whitehall; 1828.]

In August 1828, following the passing of the 1828 Madhouse Act, the Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel established a commission to oversee London's madhouses, consisting of five physicians, six Middlesex JPs, and ten other honorary (i.e. unpaid) commissioners. The present document by Peel casts interesting light on the process of appointment. It is on both sides of 18 x 23 cm piece of paper, evidently used as envelope for 'the Instrument' mentioned in Peel's note. Aged, and with tear and hole caused by breaking open of seal. Folded twice.

[Sir Thomas Clouston, Scottish asylum physician and psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. S Clouston') regarding a donation to an unfortunate woman, and his family holiday on Orkney

Sir Thomas Clouston [Sir Thomas Smith Clouston] (1840-1915), Scottish asylum physician and psychiatrist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Holodyke, Dounby, Orkney. 29 September 1910.

2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank second leaf. Folded once. Written in a markedly disordered hand, difficult of decipherment. The recipient is not named.

[Forbes Winslow, nineteenth-century physician and psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Winslow'), postponing a conversation as a result of a tiring visit to a patient in Northamptonshire.

Forbes Winslow [Forbes Benignus Winslow] (1810-1874), nineteenth-century physician, psychiatrist, author and authority on lunacy
Publication details: 
Bushey, Hertfordshire. 'Sat.' [no date]

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with evidence of mount on reverse of second leaf, which is endorsed 'Dr. Forbes Winslow'. Two central folds, one vertical and one horizontal. The male recipient is unnamed. He is 'quite unfit to go up to London to-day', 'owing to the fatigue I underwent yesterday travelling a long distance into Northamptonshire to see a patient'.

[Forbes Winslow, nineteenth-century physician and psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Winslow'), urging Sir John Philipart to 'make an effort to come among yr old friends & shake them again by the hands'.

Forbes Winslow [Forbes Benignus Winslow] (1810-1874), nineteenth-century physician, psychiatrist, author and authority on lunacy [Sir John Philippart (1784?–1874), author and editor]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 23 Cavendish Square [London]. 28 November [no year].

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge of reverse of second leaf, and two central folds, one vertical and one horizontal. He invites Philipart to 'do us the pleasure of meeting Dr & Mrs Bennett on Wednesday next at dinner at 6.40 for 7 o Cl'. He is 'most anxious', as they are 'both going down the hill [last four words underlined] to renew an old & much valued friendship & to re introduce you to some of my grown up children'.

[ Victorian pamphlet printed in Alnwick. ] Pauper Lunatic Asylum for the County of Northumberland. Reports and Accounts for 1872.

[ Pauper Lunatic Asylum for the County of Northumberland; John Davison, Alnwick printer ]
Publication details: 
Printed by Order of the Court of Quarter Sessions. (Asylum opened March 16th, 1859.). Alnwick: Printed by John Davison, Pant, Corn Market. [ 1872 or 1873 ]

[31]pp., 4to. In grey wraps with title reprinted on cover. In poor condition, heavily creased, in creased, worn and damaged wraps. Contains eleven items, mostly statistical tables: 'Order of Sessions to print Reports and Accounts', 'The Committee of Visitors', 'Report of Visitors to Quarter Sessions', 'Confirmation of Report', 'Superintendent's Annual Report', 'Statistical Tables', 'Accounts of Receipts and Payments', 'General Statement of the Receipts and Payments', 'Summary of the Cost per head per week', 'Farm and Garden (Stock)' and 'Farm and Garden Account'.

[ William Perfect, physician ] Promissory Note [probably autograph] Signed "Wm Perfect" (an ornate signature)

William Perfect (1731-1809), physician, pioneer of inoculation and mental health treatment
Publication details: 
[Head] Malling, 12 Feb. 1781; [Tail] Town Malling 11 Feb.1781.

Piece of paper, 18 x 10 cm, bottom edge irregularly cut, good condition. Text: Sir | Three days after Sight be pleased to pay Mr Richard Grover or Order this Sum of Eleven Pounds four Shillings for Value received by Bill for Mr Archd Duff from Sr | Yr humble servant | Wm Perfect." Followed by (possibly in different hand) "James Gordon Esq: Bury Couret | St Mary Axe London. | No. 14. On verso, signature of Richard Grover and "witness for Mr Leach | J Williams." Pencil note aded "Wine Merchant", but "The Tradesman" of 1808 records a Richard Grover, Grocer, in Town Malling.

[ Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (later King of Hanover) and the Royal Naval Asylum, Greenwich. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ernest Augustus') to Rev. William Morgan, giving instructions regarding the appointment of matrons to the institution.

Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland 1799-1851, and King of Hanover 1837-1851, son of King George III and uncle of Queen Victoria [ Rev. William Morgan, Chaplain of the Royal Naval Asylum, Greenwich ]
Publication details: 
St James's Palace [ London ]. 1 January 1808.

The Duke was the head of the Committee in charge of the Royal Naval Asylum, which had been founded as the British National Endeavour in 1798, for the orphans of military and naval personnel killed in action. It had moved from Paddington to the Queen's House, Greenwich, in October 1807, having received a large amount of public support (including that of Lord Nelson), and was responsible for upwards of 1000 boys and girls. 3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On aged paper, with damp damage resulting in some loss (including a little text). Repaired with archival tape.

[Hester Catherine Browne, Dowager Lady Sligo.] Autograph Letter in the third person soliciting the votes of 'Mr. Shewell [...] for Henry Jennings at the Election for the Idiot Asylum in April, 1854'.

Hester Catherine Browne [nee de Burgh] (1800-1878), Marchioness of Sligo [Lady Sligo], wife of Howe Peter Browne (1788-1845), 2nd Marquess of Sligo [Shewell; Idiot Asylum]
Publication details: 
Portumna Castle, County Galway, Ireland. 12 December 1853.

1p., 12mo. Good, on aged paper. The letter reads: 'The Dowr. Lady Sligo presents her Compliments to Mr. Shewell, & begs earnestly to solicit his Votes for Henry Jennings at the Election for the Idiot Asylum in April, 1854 - | Lady Sligo can recommend Henry Jennings as a member of a very poor & industrious family -'.

Manuscript Accounts Day Book of Perks & Llewellyn, Dispensing & Family Chemist, High Street, Hitchin [interior now housed in Hitchin Museum], giving names and addresses of purchasers, with products and prices.

Perks & Llewellyn, Dispensing & Family Chemist, High Street, Hitchin [interior now in Hitchin Museum]
Publication details: 
17 September 1904 to 22 November 1905.

366pp., narrow folio (16 x 40 cm). 43 lines to the page. In original vellum binding, with covers ruled in blue. On front cover printed label of 'PERKS & LLEWELLYN, | Dispensing & Family Chemist, | HIGH STREET, HITCHIN.' Marbled edges and endpapers. First leaf with 5 cm closed tear. Written out in black ink, in two or three different hands, with the granting of credit recorded in red. Containing a mass of information about local history, product and price. Early entries are stamped with date, later entries have date written out.

[Printed document.] North-Riding of Yorkshire. To wit. Orders made at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, holden at Northallerton, in and for the said Riding. [Including House of Correction and North and East-Ridings' Pauper Lunatic Asylum.]

Thomas Lawrence Yeoman, Clerk of the Peace for the North-Riding of Yorkshire [William Mauleverer; William Lockwood; J. V. B. Johnstone; Metcalfe, Printer, Northallerton]
 North-Riding of Yorkshire.
Publication details: 
Epiphany Sessions, 6 January 1852.
 North-Riding of Yorkshire.

Folio, 4 pp. Bifolium. On laid paper. The drophead title (of which the start is quoted above) runs to 14 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Printed in double column. Yeoman signs in type at the end of the document, which contains three reports, each signed in type by the chairman of the committee which produced it: Mauleverer for the Visiting Justices; Lockwood for the Finance Committee; and Johnstone for the Committee of Visitors of the Noth and East-Ridings' Lunatic Asylum.

Lithographed document entitled 'Estimate For the Erection of Proposed New Isolation Hospital at Leavesden Asylum, near Watford, Herts, for the Managers of the Metropolitan Asylum District.'

Captain C. E. Dance, R.E.R., Surveyor to the Board [Metropolitan Asylums Board; Leavesden Asylum]
Publication details: 
September 1902. Rich & Co. Electrographers & Lithographers, 12 Furnival St. E.C.

Unbound and stapled. Sixty-four pages. Dimensions of leaf roughly thirteen inches by eight wide. Lithographed facsimile handwriting throughout. Aged and with some wear to extremities, but text clear and entire. 'Clerk of Writ Copy' in red ink manuscript at head of first page. An interesting and informative document, compiled on behalf of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, giving in detail the specifications for builders tendering for the contract for the erection of the new hospital.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. S. Clouston') to 'A. Atkinson'.

Sir Thomas Smith Clouston (1840-1915), physician-superintendant of the Royal Edinburgh Asylum, and editor of the 'Journal of Mental Science'
Publication details: 
17 October 1904; on letterhead of Tipperlinn House, Morningside Place, Edinburgh [Scotland].

12mo: 1 p. On lightly spotted and creased paper. Quintessential doctor's handwriting. He is sorry he cannot be present 'to hear Dr 's paper', and that he cannot find time to write a paper himself. 'The subject is an interesting & important one, & is part of a still larger one <...?> physiologically considered'.

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