[Regency royal imposter: ?Princess Olive of Cumberland?, title claimed by Olivia Serres.] Manuscript ?Copy Letter to the King from the Princess Olive?, a lengthy appeal to William IV, complaining of 'desertion and neglect', ending with a petition.

Regency royal imposter: ?Princess Olive of Cumberland?, title claimed by Olivia Serres (1772-1834) [King William IV; Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland]
Publication details: 
Petition dated from London, February 1833.

Despite a recent book by Miles Macnair supporting Serre's claims, the case for her imposture is overwhelming, as her entry in the Oxford DNB demonstrates. See also the various reports of the matter (for example Ryves v. Duke of Wellington, Law Times, 31 October 1846). 23pp., foolscap 8vo. On six loose bifoliums of laid paper with 1833 Britannia watermark of Gilling & Alllford. Good, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded into the customary packet, and docketed on reverse of last leaf 'Copy Letter to the King from the Princess Olive'.

[Richard Cumberland, dramatist.] Autograph Letter Signed to George IV’s mistress the Countess of Jersey, expressing pleasure that she is pleased with his composition, and thanking her for her regret at his loss.

Richard Cumberland (1732-1811), dramatist [Frances Villiers [née Twysden], Countess of Jersey (1753-1821), mistress of King George IV]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry, and hers, in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of her relation Lady Theresa Lewis. 2pp, 8vo. On the first leaf of a bifolium, the recto of the second leaf being addressed by him to ‘Countess of Jersey / &c &c &c’. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Written in high eighteenth-century style.

[John Cumberland, London theatrical publisher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Cumberland') to Charles Thompson, declining to take on his unpublished play, and discussing the question of copyright.

John Cumberland (1787-1866), London theatrical publisher [Charles Thompson; Cumberland's British Theatre]
Publication details: 
27 October 1834. 'No. 2 Cumberland Terrace | Camden New Town' [London].

1p, 8vo. Aged and worn. Four folds. Panel from envelope attached to reverse, with postmark and address to 'Chas. Thompson Esqr. | 34 Bedford Street | Covent Gard.' He has 'already so many unpublished Plays' in which he has 'the right of Representation', that he must 'decline making any further purchases at present'. But even if he were 'inclined to make further purchases, it would most certainly be in Copyright and not in rights to print - which I suppose is what you mean by the term Printing Copyright'. He is however still 'much obliged to you for the offer'.

[John Cumberland, London theatrical publisher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Cumberland') to Charles Thompson, declining to take on his unpublished play, and discussing the question of copyright.

John Cumberland (1787-1866), London theatrical publisher [Charles Thompson; Cumberland's British Theatre]
Publication details: 
27 October 1834. 'No. 2 Cumberland Terrace | Camden New Town' [London].

1p, 8vo. Aged and worn. Four folds. Panel from envelope attached to reverse, with postmark and address to 'Chas. Thompson Esqr. | 34 Bedford Street | Covent Gard.' He has 'already so many unpublished Plays' in which he has 'the right of Representation', that he must 'decline making any further purchases at present'. But even if he were 'inclined to make further purchases, it would most certainly be in Copyright and not in rights to print - which I suppose is what you mean by the term Printing Copyright'. He is however still 'much obliged to you for the offer'.

[Norman Nicholson, Cumbrian poet, to the playwright Christopher Fry.] Typed Letter Signed ('Norman Nicholson') on his wife's death and his approaching seventieth birthday: 'I may be able to finish a poem – my first for three years!'

Norman Nicholson [Norman Cornthwaite Nicholson] (1914-1987), poet of Millom, Cumbria [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
14 St George's Terrace, Millom, Cumbria. 4 January 1984.

1p, landscape 12mo. In good condition, folded twice. With envelope addressed to Fry at his East Dean address. Fry has written at the head of the cover of the envelope: 'From Norman Nicholson'. After thanking Fry for his 'good wishes at Christmas', Nicholson continues: 'I, too, am sorry that we have not met, which – unless you are ever in Cumberland – seems less likely than ever, as I am much less mobile since the death of my wife.' He presumes Fry has learnt of his bereavement from Edward Lowbury, 'for I know that you were a friend of his father-in-law's'.

[Olivia Serres; artist and impostor] Subscription of Autograph Letter Signed to "Your Royal Highness" [George IV?].

[ Olivia Serres (1772–1834), known as Olive, was a British painter and writer, born at Warwick. Also known as an English impostor, who claimed the title of Princess Olive of Cumberland.
Publication details: 
No place or date present.

Subscription of Autograph Letter, 18 x 7cm, on backing of part of an album page, good conditipon. Text: "request I presumed to make - of being allowed the Honor of styling Myself - Landscape Painter [phrase undelined] to your Royal Highness [underlined] | most respetfully I remain | Sir Your Royal Highness | obed[ient] ser[van]t | Olivia Wilmot Serres".

[ Duke of Cumberland, "Keeper and Lieutenant of Windsor Forest"] Surviving top half of Document countersigned by William Windham, an Order for the Payment of a payment to the Duke of Cumberland

[William, Duke of Cumberland (1721-1765); William Windham (c. 1706 – 1789), landowner and politician, Comptroller of the Duke of Cumberland's Household ]
Publication details: 
7 July 1760

Surviving top half of an Order, 20 x 18cm, small closed tears, grubby, fold marks, text clear and complete as far as it goes. The recto contains the terms of the Order (cash for distribution by William, Duke of Cumberland to staff in Windsor Forest [Windsor Royal Park. The verso is signed by Cumberland's Comptroller, "July 22 1760 | Reced the within contents \ [signed] Wm Windham | Witness [signed] Peter Couture [Steward in the Duke's "establishment"].

[ Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (later King of Hanover) and the Royal Naval Asylum, Greenwich. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ernest Augustus') to Rev. William Morgan, giving instructions regarding the appointment of matrons to the institution.

Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland 1799-1851, and King of Hanover 1837-1851, son of King George III and uncle of Queen Victoria [ Rev. William Morgan, Chaplain of the Royal Naval Asylum, Greenwich ]
Publication details: 
St James's Palace [ London ]. 1 January 1808.

The Duke was the head of the Committee in charge of the Royal Naval Asylum, which had been founded as the British National Endeavour in 1798, for the orphans of military and naval personnel killed in action. It had moved from Paddington to the Queen's House, Greenwich, in October 1807, having received a large amount of public support (including that of Lord Nelson), and was responsible for upwards of 1000 boys and girls. 3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On aged paper, with damp damage resulting in some loss (including a little text). Repaired with archival tape.

[Manuscript form from the American Civil War, listing sixty-five men.] 'Abstract of Expenditures, on Account of the Quartermaster's Department by A J MacKay Lt Col & Chief Q M 14 A Corps, In the Field in the Month ending on the 31st of July 1863.'

Andrew Jackson MacKay (1827-1901), Brevet Brigadier General in the Union Army during the American Civil War, Chief Quartermaster for the Army of the Cumberland
Andrew Jackson MacKay (1827-1901), Brevet Brigadier General in the Union Army
Publication details: 
31 July 1863. 'No. 13. Abstract B.'
Andrew Jackson MacKay (1827-1901), Brevet Brigadier General in the Union Army

Folio, 3 pp. A printed form on three leaves, held together by the original pink ribbon. Docketed on the reverse of two of the leaves (with the army said to be 'At M

Offprint of article in the 'Penrith Observer' by A. W. Rumney, concerning his ancestor Thomas Rumney, Mellfell, Watermillock, titled 'Old Time Local Life. A Cumberland Farmer's Out-goings A Hundred Years Ago.'

A. W. Rumney [Thomas Rumney, Mellfell, Watermillock; Cumberland farming in the Georgian period; Miss Emma Clark Abraham (1850-1934) of Liverpool and Swarthmoor Hall, Ulverston; T. F. Hofland]
Cumberland farming in the Georgian period
Publication details: 
From the Penrith Observer, 14, 21 and 28 November and 5 December 1911.
Cumberland farming in the Georgian period

Five columns of text, each 51 cm long, on one side of piece of paper, 42 x 57 cm. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. An autograph note on the reverse by Miss E. C. Abraham of Swarthmoor Hall, Ulverston, states that the item was sent to her its author A. W. Rumney, whose presentation inscription ('With best wishes for Xmas | AWR') is at the head of the article. The first column discusses the accounts which cover the remaining four columns, dating from 'the year of Waterloo' 1815. The entry 'Sept. 2, Pd. for Mrs. Hofland's packages per wagon ... ... ...

Printed handbill proposing the establishment of the Blamire Memorial. With five Autograph Letters Signed (by the peers Cleveland, Devonshire, Feversham, Lonsdale, Spencer) to Howard on the same subject.

Philip Henry Howard (1801-1883), M.P. for Carlisle [William Blamire (1790-1862) of Thackwood Nook, Whig M.P. for Cumberland; Blamire Memorial; Cleveland; Devonshire; Feversham; Lonsdale; Spencer]
Publication details: 
All six items dating from 1862.

An interesting collection, with some revealing comments within the correspondence. All six items are laid down on a folio leaf of pink paper removed from an autograph album. All clear and complete, in good condition on aged paper, with the Feversham letter somewhat grubby. The handbill (12mo, 1 p), on behalf of the Committee for the Blamire Memorial, and in the names of Henry Londsdale and Henry Dobinson, is headed 'BLAMIRE MEMORIAL', and dated 'Carlisle, Oct. 7th, 1862.' It reports the resolutions of a meeting held on 4 October 1862.

[Ironmonger's stock] Signed Manuscript Catalogue of the 'Sale by Auction of the Stock in Trade of Ironmongers materials, Casting Apparatus, Steam Engine & other Effects of Mr. J. Sagar Sold under Bill of Sale to Mr. Stubbs, Botchergate, Carlisle.'

William Browne, Auctioneer; John Sagar, Ironmonger, Botchergate, Carlisle, Cumberland [Stubbs; Nineteenth Century Sale Catalogue]
Publication details: 
23 January 1856. [Hudson Scott, Stationer and Account Book Manufacturer, Carlisle.]

Landscape 8vo: 10 pp. On the first six leaves of a twenty leaf stitched account book, on blue ruled blue paper, in original buff wraps. Printed label on front cover reading 'SALE BOOK. | Sold by HUDSON SCOTT, | Stationer and Account Book Manufacturer, Carlisle.' Manuscript title on front cover reads 'Sale a/c of J. Sagar under Bill of Sale to Mr. Stubbs 1856.' and 'Effects of John Sagar, Ironmonger Botchergate under Bill of Sale to Mr. Stubbs. - Jany. 23. 1856.-' Internally clean, in grubby wraps. Description of sale, on first page, signed 'William Browne | Auctioneer'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Jonathan Mawson Denwood (born c.1853?; died c.1931?), English writer in the dialect of his native Cumbria
Publication details: 
72 Kirkgate, Cockermouth; 8 August 1931.

One page, quarto. Good, on lightly aged paper. Some offsetting and smudging from Denwood's folding of letter. Reads '72 Kirkgate | Cockermouth | Aug 8 - 1931 | Jonathan. Mawson. Denwood | Dear Sir, | I send you autograph. I cannot write further At the moment I can scarcely hold a pen.'

Anno Vicesimo Octavo Georgii III. Regis. CAP. LXIII. An Act for charging several Estates in the Counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, and Durham, settled upon the late Charles Radcliffe deceased, for Life, with Remainder to his First and other Sons

[Act of Parliament; Charles Radcliffe; Anthony James, Earl of Newburgh; Northumberland; Cumberland; Durham]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Charles Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1788.

Folio: sixteen leaves on laid paper. Unbound and stabbed, with two staples (now rusted) added subsequently. Good, with first leaf lightly discoloured. Title-leaf, and text on next fifteen paginated 1131-1159.

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