[Comte de Montalembert.] Three items, in French, relating to Charles Forbes René, Comte de Montalembert: Lithographed funeral announcement and notice, and a page of autograph.

Charles Forbes René, Comte de Montalembert (1810-1870) of the Académie française, liberal Catholic French historian and publicist
Publication details: 
Funeral announcement and notice: Paris, 1870. Announcement: ‘Administration spéciale des Funerailles, 70, rue des Saints Pères, Henri de Borniol, Directeur.’ The other item undated.

The three items in good condition, lightly aged. Each folded. ONE: Lithographed copperplate funeral announcement. 1p, 4to. Black bordered. At foot: ‘Administration spéciale des Funerailles, 70, rue des Saints Pères, Henri de Borniol, Directeur.’ Headed ‘M’. Begins: ‘Vous êtes prié d’assister aux Convoi, Service et Enterrement, de Monsieur Charles-Rene-Forbes Conte de Montalembert, ancien Pair de France, Membre de l’Académie Française, décédé le 13 Mars 1870, muni des Sacraments de l’Eglise, en sa demeure, rue du Bac, No.

[Stanhope Forbes, RA, English painter of the Newlyn School, Cornwall.] Autograph Signature with compliments.

Stanhope Forbes [Stanhope Alexander Forbes] (1857-1947), RA, English painter of the Newlyn School, Cornwall
Publication details: 
5 March 1935. On embossed letterhead of Higher Faugan, Newlyn, Cornwall.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once for postage. Clearly responding to a request for an autograph. Boldly written, with the merest smudging to the surname: 'with compliments / of Stanhope A. Forbes / 5th March 1935'.

[Stanhope Forbes, RA, English painter of the Newlyn School, Cornwall.] Autograph Letter Signed thanking the recipient for complimenting his work and providing a signature.

Stanhope Forbes [Stanhope Alexander Forbes] (1857-1947), RA, English painter of the Newlyn School, Cornwall
Publication details: 
17 September 1937. On embossed letterhead of Higher Faugan, Newlyn, Cornwall.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once for postage. The male recipient is not named, and the letter is signed ‘Stanhope A. Forbes’, with slight smudging to the ‘o’ of ‘Forbes’. As he is obliged to him for his letter ‘& the kind things you are good enough to say about my work’, he is happy ‘to accede to your request to append my signature’.

[Martin Nadaud, French revolutionary in exile as Wimbledon teacher ‘Henri Geo. Martin’.] Autograph Letter Signed, as ‘Martin’, in French, telling ‘Mons Delabussière’ to seek assistance from his ‘bon ami’ the Christian Socialist J. M. Ludlow.

Martin Nadaud (1815-1898), French revolutionary who spent 18 years in exile in England after 1848, under the name ‘Henri Geo. Martin’ [John Malcolm Forbes Ludlow (1821-1911), Christian Socialist]
Publication details: 
‘18bre [sic] 1855’ [Wimbledon, London].

An interesting letter, indicating the networks of sympathisers who assisted those fleeing to England in the years following the revolutions of 1848. In the July 1895 edition of the Atlantic, the subject of this letter, the Christian Socialist J. M. Ludlow, in reviewing Nadaud’s memoirs, described him as ‘a friend of my own, of many years’ standing’. The present item was written in the seventh of the eighteen years of Nadaud’s English exile, part of which was spent as a teacher in Wimbledon under the name ‘Henri Geo. Nadaud’. The identity of the recipient is not known. 4pp, 16mo.

[Edwin Long, RA, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Sir Roger’, with regard to the relative merits of Stanhope Forbes and John Bagnold Burgess for receiving a commission.

Edwin Long [Edwin Longsden Long] (1829-1891), RA, English painter [Stanhope Forbes (1857-1947); John Bagnold Burgess (1829-1897)]
Publication details: 
12 November 1890; on letterhead of Kelston, Netherhall Gardens, N.W. [London.]

See the entries for Long, Forbes and Burgess in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of tape from mount along one edge. Signed ‘Edwin Long’. Begins: ‘Dear Sir Richard / I have just had a chat about your kind enquiry with my friend Burgess, who knows everybody’. While Burgess ‘says Stanhope Forbes is the best man coming on & that he has painted some very good portraits’, from what Long himself remembers of his work, it seems ‘very black’. He concludes: ‘Why not give it to Burgess? he is painting capitally just now & I know he would be very pleased.’

[Rudyard Kipling: rare pamphlet, later titled 'The Claims of Art', with enclosure by A. Forbes Sieveking.] Speech of Mr. Rudyard Kipling, as Chairman at the Annual Dinner of the Artists' General Benevolent Institution, on May the Ninth, 1907.

Rudyard Kipling; A. Forbes Sieveking [Artists' General Benevolent Institution, London]
Publication details: 
Pamphlet without publication details. Enclosure by Sieveking dated from 12 Seymour Street, Portman Square, W. [London.] June 1907.

Pamphlet: 4pp, 8vo. Bifolium of thick wove paper. In red wraps, with title printed in black on front cover, with words: 'Printed by permission.' The full phrase is printed at the end of the article on p.4. Drophead title on p.1 same as title on cover. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The bifolium of text was formerly glued into the wraps, but the glue has become brittle, and the wraps and contents are now detached from one another. There was a report of the meeting, and of Kipling's speech, in The Times, 10 May 1907; and the speech was later collected in 'A Book of Words' (1928).

[Forbes Winslow, nineteenth-century physician and psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Winslow'), postponing a conversation as a result of a tiring visit to a patient in Northamptonshire.

Forbes Winslow [Forbes Benignus Winslow] (1810-1874), nineteenth-century physician, psychiatrist, author and authority on lunacy
Publication details: 
Bushey, Hertfordshire. 'Sat.' [no date]

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with evidence of mount on reverse of second leaf, which is endorsed 'Dr. Forbes Winslow'. Two central folds, one vertical and one horizontal. The male recipient is unnamed. He is 'quite unfit to go up to London to-day', 'owing to the fatigue I underwent yesterday travelling a long distance into Northamptonshire to see a patient'.

[Forbes Winslow, nineteenth-century physician and psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Winslow'), urging Sir John Philipart to 'make an effort to come among yr old friends & shake them again by the hands'.

Forbes Winslow [Forbes Benignus Winslow] (1810-1874), nineteenth-century physician, psychiatrist, author and authority on lunacy [Sir John Philippart (1784?–1874), author and editor]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 23 Cavendish Square [London]. 28 November [no year].

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge of reverse of second leaf, and two central folds, one vertical and one horizontal. He invites Philipart to 'do us the pleasure of meeting Dr & Mrs Bennett on Wednesday next at dinner at 6.40 for 7 o Cl'. He is 'most anxious', as they are 'both going down the hill [last four words underlined] to renew an old & much valued friendship & to re introduce you to some of my grown up children'.

[Mansion House Banquet, 1888, featuring the Coldstream Guards Band.] Printed 'Plan of Tables' titled: 'Mansion House Banquet to the Executive Council of the British Section, Paris Exhibition, 1889. The Right Honourable Polydore de Keyser Lord Mayor.'

Mansion House Banquet, 1888; Coldstream Guards Band; Paris Exhibition, 1889; Polydore de Keyser; W. G. Forbes
Publication details: 
Jas. Truscott & Son, London. Mansion House, London.] Banquet on 31 July 1888.

On a piece of paper, folded three times into a packet. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The plan covers the whole of one side, with the names of around 150 invitees (including George Augustus Sala, Henry Trueman Wood, A. M. Broadley, Prince Iskandar Ali of Moorshedabad and the Mayor of Colchester) printed in black ink on a seating diagram in brownish-red. Dead centre at the top table is the Lord Mayor of London, flanked by the French ambassador and 'M. Georges Berger (Director-General of the Paris Exhibition). To the right of the ambassador are Sir Lyon Playfair and Sir Lothian Bell.

[ Daisy Gill and Stanhope Forbes, Newlyn School artists. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rosalie Gill') from Gill to Forbes ('My dear Stan'), sending her condolences on the death of his father.

Rosalie Gill [ known as Daisy Gill ] (d.1898) and Stanhope Forbes [ Stanhope Alexander Forbes ] (1857-1947), RA, English artists of the Newlyn School, Cornwall
Publication details: 
53 Avenue d'Iéna, Paris. No date [ c. December 1888 ].

According to one source: 'Known as Daisy, American-born Rosalie Gill arrived in St Ives in 1887. She spent much time in Newlyn, where she enjoyed the theatrical productions of the Newlyn artists, contributing an oil painting to the West Cornwall Art Union exhibition in Penzance in September that year. She eventually returned to St Ives in 1890, and exhibited a St Ives title at the 1893 Chicago World Columbian Exposition. She died in Paris in 1898.' 2pp., 12mo. Oddly laid out on one side of a folded 4to leaf. In good condition, lightly aged and creased.

[ Percy Craft and Stanhope Forbes, Newlyn School artists. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Percy R. Craft') from Craft to Forbes, sending condolences on the death of his father.

Percy Craft [ Percy Robert Craft; Percy R. Craft ] (1856-1934) and Stanhope Forbes [ Stanhope Alexander Forbes ] (1857-1947), RA, English artists of the Newlyn School, Cornwall
Publication details: 
Pyne Villa, St Ives, Cornwall. 7 December 1888.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Craft and his wife have 'just heard with surprise of the great loss' Forbes has 'so suddenly sustained', and send their 'sincere sympathy for you in so sudden a bereavement'. They extend their condolences to Forbes's mother, and Craft explains that his wife has not written to her personally, as she did not wish 'to add to the burden that unfortunately she is now compelled to bear'. From the Forbes papers, from which other Newlyn items are offered separately.

[ Henry Detmold and Stanhope Forbes, Newlyn School artists. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Ed Detmold.') from Detmold to Forbes's mother, expressing condolences on her husband's death.

Henry Detmold [ Henry Edward Detmold ] (1854-1924), England artist of German extraction, founder member of the Newlyn School in Cornwall [ Stanhope Forbes [ Stanhope Alexander Forbes ] (), RA, painter
Publication details: 
Arlington House, Tunbridge Wells. 11 December [ 1888 ].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition. Addressed to 'Dear Mrs Forbes', and expressing his 'sincerest sympathy' in her 'present affliction'. Her sorrow will be 'shared by all who knew your late husband & appreciated his genial disposition'. From the Forbes papers, from which other Newlyn items are offered separately.

[ Arthur Alfred Burrington and Stanhope Forbes, Newlyn School artists. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Arthur Burrington') from Burrington to Forbes, sending his condolences on his father's death.

Arthur Burrington [ Arthur Alfred Burrington ] (1856-1924) and Stanhope Forbes [ Stanhope Alexander Forbes ] (1857-1947), RA, English artists of the Newlyn School, Cornwall
Publication details: 
Bridgwater [ Somerset ]. 7 December 1888.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter begins: 'My dear Forbes | It is impossible to tell you how shocked and grieved I was at receiving such sad news this morning. | It came to me as the greatest surprise and I can hardly realize that it is true that this terrible blow has come upon you all.' He had wanted to write to Forbes's mother, but could only 'say again what I have already said'. He continues: 'My thoughts go back to Newlyn and I think of the many pleasant hours I spent with your Mother and Father and I can hardly believe that one is gone.

[ Blandford Fletcher and Stanhope Forbes, Newlyn School artists. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Blandford Fletcher') from Fletcher to Forbes, on the occasion of his father's death, discussing the low state of his fortunes and health.

Blandford Fletcher [ William Teulon Blandford Fletcher ] (1858-1936) and Stanhope Forbes [ Stanhope Alexander Forbes ] (1857-1947), RA, English artists of the Newlyn School, Cornwall
Publication details: 
The Mill, Steventon, Berkshire. 9 December 1888.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. A splendid long letter in a close hand, revealing and informative, written a year after Fletcher had completed his masterpiece 'Evicted', painted at Steventon, and the first painting acquired by Queensland Art Gallery in 1895. Addressed to 'My dear Forbes', the letter begins: 'Your letter reached me yesterday having been sent on from home to the above address | Yes! Indeed you have my deepest sympathy.

[ Stanhope Forbes, RA, Irish-born Cornish painter, 'Father of the Newlyn School'. ] Seven Autograph Letters Signed ('Stan') to his mother following the death of his father, describing life in Newlyn, his wife, dealings with the artist Norman Garstin.

Stanhope Forbes [ Stanhope Alexander Forbes ] (1857-1947), RA, Irish-born Cornish painter, 'Father of the Newlyn School' [ Norman Garstin ]
Publication details: 
Five from Bellevue, Newlyn, the other two without place. One dated 1 January 1889 and another 2 January 1889; the others without year.

For information about Forbes, see Elizabeth Knowles's 2017 biography. A total of 27pp., on seven 12mo bifoliums, each with a mourning border. The collection in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Seven letters, six of them addressed to 'Dearest Mother' and the other to 'My dearest Mother'. The seven letters are all written around the end of 1888 and beginning of 1889, and reflect Forbes's concern at his mother's low spirits following the death of his father. There are two letters from 30 December [1888].

[ Vera Stacey Wainwright, West Country painter and poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vera (Wainwright)') to Ida Forbes-Robertson ('Dear Idzie'), with reference to Gaugin's drawing of her father Eric Forbes-Robertson.

Vera Wainwright [ Vera Stacey Wainwright ] (1893-1967), West Country painter and poet, friend of Austin Osman Spare [ Ida Forbes-Robertson, daughter Eric Forbes-Robertson (1865-1935), artist ]
Publication details: 
Crows Nest, Darite, Liskeard, Cornwall. 18 September 1947.

2pp., landscape 8vo. In envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed to 'Miss I. Forbes-Robertson | 30a. Collingham Place | Earls Court | S.W.5.' In good condition, lightly aged. The first part of the letter concerns a lost or stolen letter and cheque. 'Of course I shall pay you - but it is s. sweet of you to suggest the present'. She repeats information she gave in the letter about which artists' materials she would like: 'Paper for water-colour is becoming scarce too but I have some at the moment'.

[ Eric Forbes-Robertson, artist. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Eric') to his daughter Ida ('Idzie'), written while serving with the Royal Artillery during the First World War.

Eric Forbes-Robertson (1865-1935), artist and brother of the Shakespearian actor Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson [ his daughter Ida ('Idzie') Forbes-Robertson ] [ Royal Artillery ]
Publication details: 
The first two on Royal Artillery letterheads of the 'R. A. MESS, | SHOEBURYNESS.' 19 October and 19 November 1916. The third on letterhead of the Prince of Wales' Hospital for Convalescent Officers, Marylebone [ London ]. 7 March 1917.

The three items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: 19 October 1916. 2pp., 8vo. In envelope with postmark and stamp, addressed by him to his daughter at 48 Hogarth Road, South Kensington. Referring to his wife the Polish artist Janina Flamm, he regrets that he cannot 'come home for dear Janias birthday' as he cannot get leave. He is enclosing 2s 6d each for her and her brother 'Phip' [Philippe Forbes-Robertson] and sister 'Cecilia' to get presents for their mother. He sends best wishes to his brothers Leonard and Johnston.

[ Printed cinema programme, illustrated with photographs. ] G. B. Samuelson's Dramatic Spectacle | The Game of Life By Lauri Wylie & G. B. Samuelson.

The Samuelson Film Manufacturing Co., Ltd., London [ Lauri Wylie (1880-1951) and G. B. Samuelson (1889-1947); Isleworth Studios; West End Cinema, Coventry Street, London ]
Publication details: 
World's Rights Owned and Controlled by The Samuelson Film Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 28 Denmark Street, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. [ 1922 ]

8pp., 4to. Stapled in coloured wraps. A frail survival, aged and worn with closed tears. The front cover has the words 'The Game of Life' printed in large gothic type over an illustration of a tapestry. The title page carries the motto: 'The Picture that makes the Dimples to catch the Tears'. There is a long poem of the same title on the second page, and the third page carries the 'Argument' of the film by Walter G. Summers. There is a cast list on the fourth page, and pages five to eight tell 'The Story. There are nine black and white illustrations.

[ The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, London. ] Printed handbill advertisement for a ball, listing the Patronesses, Lady Stewards and Stewards.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, founded in London in 1875 [ Eric Forbes-Robertson (1865-1935), artist and actor, brother of Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson (1853-1937) ]
Publication details: 
The ball to be 'held in St. Martin's Town Hall, Trafalgar Square, in aid of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, on Friday, the 1st day of February, 1895.'

2pp., small 4to. Printed in black and red ink on the rectos of the two leaves of a bifolium. The heading and the words 'Tickets 15s. each' at the foot of the page in gothic type, the rest in roman. The names of 23 'Patronesses' given in two columns on the first page, beginning with 'The Countess of Ancaster' and ending with 'Mrs. Alfred Scott-Gatty'. The names of 24 'Steward' in a column on the second page, beginning with 'Harold Bompas, Esq.' and ending with 'Roland Vaughan Williams, Esq.' At foot of second page: 'Tickets can be procured from the Hon. Mrs.

[ Esperanto magazine. ] Four numbers of 'La Vagabondo', the organ of Caroline Oxenford's 'Esperantista Vagabonda Klubo'.

Caroline Oxenford (1865-1919) of Hove, Sussex, editor of the Esperanto magazine 'La Vagabondo', organ of 'La Esperantista Vagabonda Klubo' [ Eric Forbes-Robertson (1865-1935), artist and actor ]
Publication details: 
La Esperantista Vagabonda Klubo, 1 Wilbury Avenue, Hove, Sussex. Three from '2-a Serio': 'Nro. 8' ('Marto, 1912'), 'Nro. 10 ('Julio-Augusto, 1912') and 'Nro. 11' ('Septembro-Oktobro, 1912'). One from 'Serio 4': 'Nro. 1' ('Jan.-Februaro 1914').

'La Vagabondo' (The Tramp) was the organ of 'La Esperantista Vagabonda Klubo', founded and edited by the artist Caroline Oxenford. Having previously been named 'La Vagabonda Monatajo' (January to March 1908) and 'La Vagabondisto' (April to July 1908), it became 'La Vagabondo' from September 1908. The First World War put an end to both club and magazine. The four issues are in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Uniform in design, and each 12pp., 4to. (although the last number is slightly taller), in printed wraps carrying advertisements. The three numbers from '2-a Serio' (all by 'W. G.

[ Norman Forbes-Robertson on his 'sensitive hearted friend' W. S. Gilbert of Gilbert & Sullivan. ] Carbon typescript of 'Laughter Loving Friends. | On the Stage | Sir William Gilbert. | by | Norman Forbes.'

'Norman Forbes' [ Norman Forbes-Robertson (1858-1932), actor and brother of Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson [ W. S. Gilbert [ William Schwenck Gilbert ] (1836-1911), librettist; Gilbert and Sullivan ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

9pp., 4to. In good condition, on nine leaves of lightly-aged paper. With three deletions in pencil. A stalwart of the Garrick Club, Forbes-Robertson was a friend of Dame Ellen Terry, Oscar Wilde and Sir Edward Elgar, and organised Sir Henry Irving's funeral with Bram Stoker. There is no indication that this paper was ever published.

[ Bryan Forbes, film director. ] Autograph Card Signed to Ken Sephton, regarding a letter and its 'nostalgic reference'.

Bryan Forbes [ John Theobald Clarke ] (1926-2013), English film director
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

In blue ink on one side of a 10 x 16 cm piece of white card with Forbes's name printed at the head. In very good condition. He thanks him for the 'kind and interesting letter': 'I particularly liked your nostalgic reference to snak where I had many a meal "on the slate"!'

[ Printed correspondence on 'East India Affairs'. ] Letters of Mr. John Hutchinson, Descriptive of the Perilous Situation of the Rajah and the Company's Settlements in the Travancore Country.'

[ John Hutchinson; East India Company; Rajah of Travancore; Lieut. Col. James Hartley; James Hutchinson; John Forbes; Bury Hutchinson ]
Publication details: 
John Mceson, Printer, St. Helen's Place, London. [ Circa 1795. ]
Upon request

2pp., folio. In a bifolium with title and printer's slug lengthwise on reverse of second leaf, the whole intended to be folded into a packet. First page headed: 'Travancore, 1790, 1794, & 1795. | Letters from Mr. John Hutchinson to the Rajah of Travancore, to Mr. Page, to the Chief of Tellicherry, to the Governor of Bombay, to Lieut. Col. James Hartley, to Mr. James Hutchinson, to Mr. John Forbes, and to Mr. Bury Hutchinson.' Transcripts of eight letters, dating from between 1786 and 1795. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[ Charles Forbes René de Montalembert, Comte de Montalembert. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'le Cte de Montalembert'), in French, to an unnamed recipient

Charles Forbes René de Montalembert (1810-1870), Comte de Montalembert [ Abraham Hayward; John Wilson Croker ]
Publication details: 
Paris. 26 April and 25 May 1856.

Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: He thanks him for offering to translate his book ('The Political Future of England'), but considers his knowledge of English law too shaky to permit him to give any encouragement. He suggests that the recipient come to an arrangement with 'Mr. Abraham Hayward, Queen's Counsel, 1 King's Bench Walk, Temple', who is acting for de Montalembert in the matter.

[Edith Emerson, dau. Emerson; autograph-collecting ] Autograph Letter Signed "Edith Emerson Forbes", to a "Mr. Thorndike".

Edith Emerson Forbes, daughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Publication details: 
[ Printed heading ] Milton Hall, 28 June 1899.

Four pages, 12mo, in large readable hand, bifolium, fold marks, otherwise good condition. "I return the papers you were so kind to lend me and let me keep to show to my travellrs.

[John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley.] Secretarial Letter, signed by him ('Wodehouse'), informing the geologist David Forbes of Lord John Russell's opinion on the appointment of 'a British Chargé d'Affaires or Consular Officer in Bolivia'.

John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley [Lord Wodehouse] (1826-1902), British Liberal politician [David Forbes (1828-1876), geologist; Lord John Russell, Liberal Prime Minister; Sir Roderick Murchison]
Publication details: 
Foreign Office [Whitehall, London.] 30 November 1860.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. With envelope addressed to 'David Forbes Esq | care of | Sir R. Murchison Bart | 16 Belgrave Square | SW.' and franked 'Wodehouse'. Wodehouse occupied the position of Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs between 1859 and 1861. The letter reads: 'Sir, | With reference to your letter of the 20th.

Manuscript receipt, signed ('Arch Forbes') by the war correspondent Archibald Forbes, for £50 from the London publishers Henry S. King & Co., for the right to publish an edition of 1000 copies of his 'Soldiering and Scribbling'.

Archibald Forbes (1838-1900), British war correspondent, born in Scotland [Henry S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 27 June 1872.

1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, on aged paper. Signed by Forbes over a purple one penny Inland Revenue stamp. Reads: '£50 : 0 : 0 | 27th. June 1872. | Received of Messrs: Henry S. King & Co. of 65 Cornhill London, the sum of Fifty Pounds in payment for the right to publish an edition of 1000 copies of "Soldiering and Scribbling" | [signed] Arch Forbes'. The book was published by the firm in the same year as the receipt.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ellenborough') from Lord Ellenborough to John Forbes Royle, commending his 'Essay on the Productive Resource of India'.

Edward Law (1790-1871), 1st Earl of Ellenborough, Tory politician and Governor-General of India between 1842 and 1844 [John Forbes Royle (1799-1858), English botanist, born in India]
Publication details: 
Grosvenor Place, London. 1 January 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. He begins: 'I have just received your work on the productive resources of India for which I beg to offer you my best thanks.' The subject has always been to him 'one of the deepest interest', and he rejoices that 'a gentleman of your knowledge has directed his attention to it'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the 'actor-dramatist and film adapter' Forbes Dawson to the naval writer 'Bartimeus' [Captain Sir Lewis Anselmo da Costa Ricci], describing his credentials for adapting stories for film.

Forbes Dawson (b.1866), English 'actor-dramatist and film adapter' ['Bartimeus' [Captain Sir Lewis Anselmo da Costa Ricci [in 1941 altered to Ritchie] (1886-1967)]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 15 Merton Hall Gardens, SW20. 14 August 1934.

1p., 4to. On aged paper. Printed in block capitals at head of letter: 'Experienced actor-dramatist and film adapter. Author of plays and films produced in England and America. Expert in "Dramatic Construction" gained in years of practical experience on the stage, and in films. Adapts stories to the talking films, the bigger the story with opportunities of being developed on a large scale, the better.' Addressed to 'Commander L. A. da Costa Ricci | Naval & Military Club, | 94 Piccadilly | W'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('D Forbes') from the orientalist Duncan Forbes to J. D. R. Robinson of the Asiatic Society, concerning his translation of the 'Bagh-o-Bahar', and the mental state of 'Anderson'.

Duncan Forbes (1798-1868), Scottish orientalist and linguist, translator of Mir Amman's Urdu 'Bagh-o-Bahar, or Tales of the Four Darweshes'
Publication details: 
No place; 'Wednesday' [no date].

3 pp, 12mo. 41 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with a couple of closed tears. He is sending 'the trans. of the Baghobahan together with the Original', and trusts that Robinson will keep his promise 'and not detain it long'. Considers it fair that Robinson's friend 'should pay the carriage thereof from & to London'. 'The younger Stewart is to send me up a book of mine in about a week - the best way will be to send the Bagh along with it as it will be the same expence'. Suggest sending another book with 'the Bagh to Haileybury', rather than to Portman Square.

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