[Titus Oates and the Popish Plot, 1678-1681.] Long list in a contemporary hand of tracts relating to the Popish Plot.

[Titus Oates and the Popish Plot, 1678-1681]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [late seventeenth or early eighteenth century].

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On watermarked laid paper, and plainly intended as an index to a volume of bound tracts. Aged and worn, with chipped edges, and a small part of the bottom outer corner of the leaf torn away, resulting in the loss of two numbers from the pagination. The document is headed 'The Contents of the 2. Volume', and is closely written in a clerk's hand. Both pages divided into two columns.

[ Charles L. Woodward, New York bookseller. ] Printed catalogue: 'Bibliotheca Bloodandthunder | No. 3. | Trials and kindred Literature, for sale by Charles L. Woodward, Dealer in Rare Books and Pamphlets relating to America, 78 Nassau St., New York'.

Charles L. Woodward, New York bookseller [ Bibliotheca Bloodandthunder ]
Publication details: 
Charles L. Woodward, 78 Nassau Street, New York. Undated [ late nineteenth century ].

18pp., 8vo. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and brittle paper. 404 items in double column. First page headed 'IX. LXXX. XVII.' An interesting collection of Americana. First entry: 'ABBOT, LIEUT. JOEL. Naval Court Martial. Scandalous Conduct. Printed from Official Record on file in Navy Department. 8vo, pp. 152. Washington, 1822. 75 [cents] | Another, Reported by F. W. Waldo, to which is added an Appendix, containing Sundry Documents in Relation to Management of Affairs on Boston Station. 8vo, pp. 237, boards, uncut. Boston, 1822. 1 00 [i.e. one dollar]'. Last entry: 'ZANE, SARAH.

[ Printed pamphlets. ] Numbers 8, 9 and 10 of the 'Transactions of the Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors.' With nine plates.

Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors [ Rev. W. F. Creeny, President ]
Publication details: 
[ Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors. ] Number 8 by 'Denne, Printer, Margate' and dated September 1890. Number 9 'Printed for the Society at "Keble's Gazette" Office, Margate' in March 1891.

The three numbers are bound together without covers, the whole being disbound. Number 8 is 31pp., 8vo, with four plates; Number 9 is 32pp., 8vo (slightly smaller than No.8), with two plates; No. 10 is 32pp., 8vo (same size as No.8), with three plates. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Ownership stamp of Charles Cotton at head of first page of first number ('Ex Libris Carol. Cotton'). Contributions to the three numbers by R. H. Russell, Thomas Wareing of Birmingham, Rev. J. Conway Walter, E. M. Beloe, A. Oliver, H. D. Cole, Rev. E. S. Dewick, R. A. S. Macalister, H. K.

[Two printed items.] 'Regulations for The Organisation of Detachments of The British Red Cross Society' (January 1939) and 'Dress Regulations for British Red Cross Detachments and the Society's Voluntary Detachments' (May 1939).

[The British Red Cross Society, regulations and dress regulations, 1939]
Publication details: 
Both items by The British Red Cross Society, London. The 'Regulations' ('Form D'): 14 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.1. January 1939). The 'Dress Regulations' ('Form D(7)'). May 1939.

Two stapled pamphlets. Both in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Both items are scarce, with no copies of either listed on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. ONE ('Regulations'). 52pp., 8vo. Fold-out at rear: 'Chart shewing the organisation of the British Red Cross Society and its connection with (a) the International Red Cross, and (b) His Majesty's Government departments'. Table of contents at front, listing numerous topics from 'Definitions' to 'Air Raid Precautions Reserve'. Addendum (1p., 8vo) headed 'FORM D. January, 1939 | Amendments No. 1', loosely inserted.

[Three printed Home Office pamphlets.] 'Education in Reformatory and Industrial Schools', 'Disposal of Reformatory and Industrial School Boys to Farm Service in England and Wales' and 'Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Working of Financial Scheme'

[S. W. Harris, Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall; Arthur H. Norris, Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools]
Publication details: 
All London. ONE: Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Jas. Truscott & Son, Ltd., Suffolk Lane, EC. 1919. TWO: Printed by His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1920. THREE: Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall. 1925.

All three with shelfmarks, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. ONE: Arthur H. Norris, 'Home Office. Education in Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Circular letter of H.M. Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools, to the Managers and Staff of the Schools.' 1919. [2] + 8pp., 8vo. Stitched. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. London. The only copy on COPAC at the London Schooll of Economics. TWO: Arthur H. Norris, 'Home Office. Disposal of Reformatory and Industrial School Boys to Farm Service in England and Wales. Circular letter to H.M.

[Printed handbill] Metropolitian Borough of St. Pancras. Celebration in St. Pancras of the Coronation of their Majesties the King and Queen. [King George V and Queen Mary.]

C. H. F. Barrett [Town Clerk, Metropolitan Borough of St. Pancras, London] [King George V and Queen Mary]
Celebration in St. Pancras of the Coronation of their Majesties
Publication details: 
London: 1911.
Celebration in St. Pancras of the Coronation of their Majesties

4to, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Specifically addressed to the 'District Committee for Ward 6. Comprising the Oakley Square and Ossulston Districts'. Summoning the recipient to the town hall, to deal with an 'Agenda' of six numbered points. Facsimile of the signature of Barrett, who is styled 'Honorary Secretary to the Central Executive Committee.' No copy on COPAC or in the British Library.

Extracts from two Letters from Dr. George Hoggan, on Vivisection.

Dr. George Hoggan (1837-1891) [London Anti-Vivisection Society, R. Sydney Glover, Secretary]
Publication details: 
Undated [1880s?]. 'London Anti-Vivisection Society, 180, Brompton Road, S.W.'

12mo, 4 pp. Unbound bifolium pamphlet. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Divided into two sections: 'Experimental Physiology' ('From the Morning Post') and 'Anaesthetics and the Lower Animals' ('From "The Spectator."). Note at end of pamphlet reads 'London Anti-Vivisection Society, 180, Brompton Road, S.W. Price 1/2d., per post 1d., 12 copies 5d.; 1/6 for 50; 2/6 per 100 post free; to be had of Mr. R. SYDNEY GLOVER, Secretary, of whom also may be had (free) a Form of Petition to Parliament against Vivisection.

Regulations for the Entry and Examination of Naval Cadets.

Examination of Naval Cadets, Admiralty, 1865 [Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Admiralty, 6th February, 1865. [Printed by 'W. Woodward, The Hard, Portsea.']

Printed on one side of a piece of grey paper, 22.5 x 16 cm. Text clear and complete. In fair condition: lightly-aged and with remains of stub adhering to the blank reverse, on which a clean closed tear has been unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Nine regulations are listed, from 'I. No Person will be nominated to a Cadetship in the Royal Navy, who shall be under 12 or above 14 years of age at the time of his first Examination.' to 'IX. After having completed twelve months' instruction, exclusive of vacations, in the Training Ship, a Cadet will have to undergo the final examination.

Autograph Letter Signed to C. H. Grinling with presentation copy of his pamphlet 'Spiritual evolution in South Africa'.

Theodore Johannes Haarhoff
Publication details: 
Letter dated 2 November 1946, on University of Witwatersrand letterhead; pamphlet printed in Johannesburg and undated (but inscribed by recipient 'C H. G. | Dec. 4. 1946').

THE PAMPHLET: 8vo, 21 pages, in original blue printed wraps. Somewhat dusty and bumped in one corner but in good condition overall. Inscribed on title-page 'With the good wishes of the author'. THE LETTER: 1 page, 8vo. Grubby and with jagged closed tear to one edge not affecting text. He thanks him for the note '& the enclosures with their prophetic words. How slow the material world is to react to the vision of its seers!' He hopes his 'little essay' will be of interest. He concludes 'Patrick Duncan was the only Milner man I knew & he, of course, has passed over.

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