[William Blanchard Jerrold, journalist and author.] Autograph Letter Signed, inviting Charles Manby of the Institute of Civil Engineers to work with him to erect a statue to Sir John Rennie, with cutting of letter by Jerrold on the subject.

William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-1884), journalist and author [Charles Manby, Secretary of the Institute of Civil Engineers; Sir John Rennie, engineer who built London Bridge]
Publication details: 
10 January 1853; Lyndhurst Square, Peckham.

Jerrold, Manby and Rennie all have entries in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with trace of tape from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Jerrold has tipped in a newspaper cutting of a letter by him to the editor of the Daily News at the head of the first page, proposing ?A STATUE TO SIR JOHN RENNIE?.

[Blanchard Jerrold, journalist and author.] Signature and autograph paraphrase of passage from his ‘Life of Napoleon III - Vol 2.’, written out for an album.

Blanchard Jerrold [William Blanchard Jerrold] (1826-1884), journalist and author
Publication details: 
No place or date, but after the book’s publication in 1874.

Part of leaf from autograph album, cut into an irregular shape. In fair condition, on lightly aged and discoloured paper, with film of dried glue from mount on blank reverse. The passage, which curiously enough does not correspondend with the printed text, reads (with three mistakes scored through): ‘Life of Napoleon III - Vol 2. / The Government, it is true, endeavoured to prevail upon Queen Hortense to request him to give his word that he would remain in America for ten years; but she replied that Prince Louis was master of his own actions & she would not endeavour to influence them.

[Edward Laman Blanchard, playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. L. Blanchard') to 'C. Osborne', explaining his plans for the Era Almanack, while regretfully declining his offer of literary assistance.

E. L. Blanchard [Edward Litt Laman Blanchard] (1820-1889), playwright and author, for 37 years writer of the Drury Lane pantomimes
Publication details: 
London Road, Rosherville, Kent. 27 August 1867.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. 'My dear Sir | The Era Almanack will entirely consist of Theatrical information and general literature is not contemplated in the plan. Otherwise I need hardly say I should have been most happy to have availed myself of your aid.' The Era Almanack ran from 1868 to 1919, and was one of the more reliable theatrical annuals.

[Edward Capern, 'the Postman Poet' and 'Devonshire Burns'.] Autograph Letter Signed to the poet William Kingston Sawyer, thanking him for a photograph and book of his verses ('Ten Miles from Town').

Edward Capern (1819-1894), 'the Postman Poet' and 'Devonshire Burns' [William Kingston Sawyer (1828-1882); Edward Litt Leman Blanchard (1820-1889); Bryan Waller Procter (1787-1874)]
Publication details: 
Rock Villa Harborne, Birmingham. 27 August 1869.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. Addressed to 'My Dr Sawyer'. He begins by thanking him for the photograph: 'Whenever I look on it - and I shall do so often - I shall be reminded of the fourth gentle poet who did all he could to make a few pleasant hours for a humble brother <?> during his short sojourn in the great metropolitan maze of this England of ours'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Blanchard Jerrold') from the playwright and journalist William Blanchard Jerrold to the autograph hunter John T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing the availability of his works.

William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-1884), journalist and playwright, son of the playwright Douglas Jerrold (1803-1857) [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Reform Club, Pall Mall, SW. 14 March 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly aged paper. In worn stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed by Jerrold to 'J. T Baron Esq | 18 Griffin Street | Wilton | Blackburn'. The letter begins: 'Messrs Bradbury Agnew & Co are the publishers of my "Life of Douglas Jerrold": but, the "Disgrace to the Family" is, I hope, out of print. It was written when I was a boy.' His plays 'Beau Brummel [sic]' and 'Cupid in Waiting' are both available from Lacy's Acting Drama. He concludes by apologising for being unable to give Baron 'Sir Charles Gibbon's address', being unacquainted with him.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. L. Blanchard') from the dramatist Edward Litt Laman Blanchard to Frederick Burgess.

E. L. Blanchard [Edward Litt Laman Blanchard] (1820-1889), English dramatist [Drury Lane; pantomime]
Publication details: 
6 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, WC [London]; 26 July 1878.

3pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Blanchard and his wife 'very seldom go out of a Sunday but should the weather be at all favourable' they will 'make a vigorous effort to avail ourselves of the strong temptation you have so kindly thrown in our way'. They will be 'quite content with an afternoon ramble in your beautiful garden and a chat with dear Mrs. Keeley'. He is sending 'impromptu lines written by my father nearly a Century ago' (not present) that he believes ought to be in Burgess's possession 'as a double ancestral inheritance'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Laman Blanchard') from the dramatist E. L. Blanchard [Edward Litt Laman Blanchard] to 'Carpenter'.

E. L. Blanchard [Edward Litt Laman Blanchard] (1820-1889), English dramatist, writer of numerous pantomimes for the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on aged paper. He writes to decline Carpenter's 'flattering' offer: 'I now find my acceptance of an office in your Society though purely honorary, would be apt to be misinterpreted [...] I have another reason - that I am taking some part in endeavouring to form a great Author's Society of another kind, and it would look rather <?> and impudent to be playing the fiddle in all parts of the orchestra.'

Corrected autograph draft of poem by E. L. Blanchard, entitled 'Phantasmagoria', signed by him 'ELB'.

E. L. Blanchard [Edward Litt Laman Blanchard] (1820-1889), playwright and theatre producer, writer of pantomimes for Drury Lane Theatre over 37 years
Corrected autograph draft of poem by E. L. Blanchard
Publication details: 
Dated by Blanchard to November 1862.
Corrected autograph draft of poem by E. L. Blanchard

12mo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Docketed by Blanchard in top left-hand corner: 'Sent to Sat.

Sur une Collection d'Amulettes Chinoises. Dessins de Mlle Gilberte Zaborowska.

Raphaël Blanchard and Bui Van Quy, authors; Gilberte Zaborowska, illustrator [Chinese metallic medical amulets]
Publication details: 
Extrait de la 'Revue Anthropologique'. Paris: Librarie Félix Alcan. Juillet-Août 1918.

8vo: 42 pp (paginated 131 to 172). Stitched pamphlet. In original printed wraps, with title and illustration. Two photographic illustrations in text and forty-eight numbered illustrations by Zaborowska. Good, on aged paper, with light notes in blue pencil on pp. 144 and 145. Blanchard explains that Quy, a doctor from Hanoi, came to Paris to further his medical studies. He had a position under Blanchard 'au Laboratoire de Parasitologie'.

Copyright publishing agreement for two songs by 'Mr Blanchard' [Thomas Blanchard?], in a secretarial hand, signed by Brewer.

Samuel Brewer, London publisher of sheet music
Publication details: 
27 February 1849; 23 Bishopsgate St. Within [City of London].

4to, 1 p. Bifolium, addressed with postmarks, penny red stamp, and remains of black wax seal, on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr Blanchard, 5 Hackney Terrace, South Hackney'. Text clear and complete. In poor condition, on aged, ruckled and stained paper. Following their 'conversation of Saturday Morning' Brewer agrees 'to purchase the Copyrights of the "City Polka's [sic] & also the Song entitled "Ever the Same" upon the following terms [...]'.

Secretarial Letter Signed ('W. Blanchard Jerrold') to 'Wm. <Raikes?> Esq'.

William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-1884), English journalist and playwright
Publication details: 
30 June 1864; 11 Maddox Street, Regent Street, London.

12mo: 2 pp. Very good. 'The Association for establishing depots of cheap food for the poor' has been formed, 'under the auspices of Lord Brougham, the Earl of Shrewsbury, Sir John Villiers Shelley, and others,' and Jerrold asks whether Raikes would 'permit us to add your name to the list of patrons', a position which 'entails no pecuniary responsibility whatsoever.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Blanchard Jerrold') to 'Hyde Clarke Esq.'

William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-1884), English journalist and playwright [Hyde Clarke (1815-1895), English engineer, philologist and author]
Publication details: 
8 July 1852; 9 Bedford Place, Hastings.

12mo: 1 p. Text clear and entire on creased and slightly grubby paper. Asks Hyde Clark to 'make the preliminary report you suggest, & speak with Mr Crompton'. He feels that 'the thing is to be accomplished; & that there will be honour & profit to all who may concern themselves in the undertaking'. Asks to hear from Hyde Clarke 'in a few days'. The subject of the letter is unclear.

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