[Sir Frank Stockdale: agriculture in Britain's African colonies, 1929-37.] Four official Autograph Journals by Colonial Office Agricultural Advisor Sir Frank Stockdale, describing in detail tours in Crown Colonies in East and West Africa and Cyprus.

Sir Frank Stockdale [Sir Frank Arthur Stockdale] (1883-1949), distinguished agronomist and mycologist, Colonial Office Agricultural Advisor
Publication details: 
Written between 1929 and 1937. Entries relating to England, East and West Africa, Cyprus, Sudan and Egypt. [Uganda, Kenya, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Ghana, Gambia.]

Stockdale’s entry in the Oxford DNB provides an excellent commentary on the present four items: ‘An assumption that colonial economies should continue to be dominated by the export of cash crops, and a faith in Western scientific agriculture led in 1929 to the establishment of the colonial agricultural service with a colonial advisory council of agriculture and animal health, and a full-time agricultural adviser, a position to which Stockdale was appointed.

[Donovan Maule, English actor and theatre director.] Autograph Letter Signed to W. Macqueen-Pope, describing difficulties in establishing ‘the first professional theatre’ in Kenya, and discussing MP’s book on the Haymarket. With carbon of reply.

Donovan Maule (1899-1982), British actor and theatre director, husband of actress Mollie Shiells [Donovan Maule Theatre, Nairobi, Kenya; W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Maule’s letter: 10 September 1949; from ‘Kenya Colony, / British East Africa’, on letterhead of The Donovan Maule Players, Nairobi. Carbon of Macqueen-Pope’s reply: 15 September 1949; 359 Strand, WC2 [London].

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Pinned together. ONE: DM to MP. Signed ‘Mollie and Donovan Maule. / (Mollie Shiells)’, but the husband is clearly the author. 1p, 4to. Folded twice for postage. He thanks him for his ‘inspiring book’ on the Haymarket Theatre. ‘My wife and I (both ex-Haymarket artists) feel inseminated ith fresh optimism and jope while battling with the municipal authorities and Kenya Government to establish the first professional theatre ever known here.

[Sir Frederick Lugard [Lord Lugard], Governor of Hong Kong, Governor-General of Nigeria.] Typed Letter Signed (‘Lugard’) to ‘Dickinson’ (Lord Dickinson), regarding ‘Kenya settlers’ and a matter of ‘British honour’.

Sir Frederick Lugard [Frederick John Dealtry Lugard, 1st Baron Lugard; Lord Lugard] (1858-1945), soldier, explorer, Governor of Hong Kong, first Governor-General of Nigeria [Sir Willoughby Dickinson]
Publication details: 
5 January 1933. On letterhead of Little Parkhurst, Abinger Common, near Dorking, Surrey.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Lord Dickinson [Sir Willoughby Dickinson] (1859-1943), was a Liberal and then Labour politician and early advocate of the League of Nations.1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with short nick to one edge. Folded twice. He thanks him for the morning’s note, and is ‘adopting your suggestion to put down a Motion in the Lords’. He hopes that Dickinson will ‘add the weight of your name and influence in a letter to the Times’. He would like ‘the League of Nations Union would take the matter up’.

[Jomo Kenyatta, first President of Kenya, interviewed by John Freeman for BBC TV series 'Face to Face'.] Producer Hugh Burnett's copy of the typescript of the interview.

Jomo Kenyatta (c.1897-1978), First President of Kenya [John Freeman (1915-2014), Labour MP and broadcaster; Hugh Burnett (1924-2011), producer; BBC TV series 'Face to Face']
Publication details: 
Undated transcript of a BBC TV interview broadcast on 26 November 1961.

JJohn Freeman's interview with Jomo Kenyatta was broadcast on 26 November 1961 in the BBC TV series 'Face to Face'. The present duplicated typescript of the interview is from the papers of the programme's producer Hugh Burnett, and is edited for publication in the book 'Face to Face | Edited and introduced by Hugh Burnett' (London: Jonathan Cape, 1964). 1p., foolscap 8vo. Headed 'JOMO KENYATTA', otherwise consisting entirely of the transcript, with no other details.

['Mau Mau terrorism' in Kenya, and the UK Foreign Office.] Typewritten Foreign Office briefing document titled: '(a) The political and economic effect of MAU MAU in KENYA.'

'Mau Mau terrorism' in Kenya, and the British Foreign Office [Kikuyu tribe; Jomo Kenyatta; Sir Philip Mitchell; Sir Evelyn Baring]
Publication details: 
[United Kingdom Foreign Office, Whitehall, London. Circa 1953.]

The Mau Mau uprising began in 1952, and the atrocities committed by the rebels were matched by those of the British, whose Attorney General in Kenya, Eric Griffith-Jones, wrote to Governor Baring in 1957 that the colony's detention camps for Mau Mau suspects were 'distressingly reminiscent of conditions in Nazi Germany or Communist Russia'.

[General Sir Kenneth Anderson, commander of British First Army during Operation Torch.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Kenneth Anderson'), discussing Kenya, the 'severe crisis' in Britain, conscription. With ANS from recipient Brigadier H. H. Dempsey

General Sir Kenneth Anderson [General Sir Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson, KCB, MC] (1891-1959), commander of British First Army during Operation Torch [Brigadier Harry Hamilton Dempsey CBE (1895-1973)]
Publication details: 
Dun Eaglais, Kippen, Stirlingshire [Scotland]. 14 February 1947. Dempsey's note dated 10 August 1960.

Dempsey's obituary in The Times, explains how 'In April, 1945, he was appointed Brigadier I/C Administration, East Africa Command', holding the position into the following year, and retiring in December 1947 on account of ill health. For a full account of Dempsey's military career, see his entry in Catholic Who's Who, vol.35 (1952). In an eight-line Autograph Note Signed at the end of Anderson's letter, Dempsey states that Anderson 'had been my personal & immediate superior as G.O.C. in C., East Africa Command, when I was his Brigadier I/C Administration.

[ Sir Charles Dundas and the British East Africa Protectorate. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles Dundas') to his sister Hilda [ Whitaker ], sending news regarding his posting.

Sir Charles Dundas [ Sir Charles Cecil Farquharson Dundas ] (1884-1956), colonial administrator, Governor of the Bahamas, 1933-1940, and of Uganda, 1940-1943
Publication details: 
'Kilim' [ Kilimanjaro, British East Africa Protectorate. ] 6 February 1909.

Dundas and his sister Hilda Guilhermina Whitaker were children of the 6th Viscount Melville. See his entry in Who Was Who, and his obituary in The Times, 11 February 1956. The present item was written during his first posting, as Assistant District Commissioner in the British East Africa Protectorate, 1908-1914. He would go on to publish a book on the region, titled 'Kilimanjaro and its People' (1924). 7pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He has 'just returned from a trip to an uninhabitated [sic] place in search of people who do not exist.

Autograph Letter Signed to (Charles Edward) Fagan.

Arthur Donaldson Smith
Publication details: 
25 January 1895; Barre.

American physician and explorer of Africa (1866-1939). The recipient was Assistant Secretary at the Natural History Museum, London. One page, 12mo. Good, on slightly discoloured paper, and with remains of stub still neatly attached to one edge. A significant letter, sent on the eve of Donaldson Smith's most notable expedition. 'Just a line in haste to tell you I & Dodson [a taxidermist engaged for the expedition] are ready to start for Rudolph Gillitt [another taxidermist] having left for England after hearing of his father's death.

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr [Albert] Gunther.

Arthur Donaldson Smith
Publication details: 
24 January 1895; Barre.

American physician and explorer of Africa (1866-1939). The recipient (1830-1914) was Keeper of the Zoological Department at the British Museum, 1875-95, and Vice-President of the Royal Society, 1875-6. Two pages, 12mo. Very good, on slightly discoloured paper with a little light spotting. Traces of previous mount adhering to one edge. He is sending some 'spirit-specimens' from his collection and has written to Sir William Flower 'as to the disposition of the entire collection'.

Autograph Letter Signed to (Charles Edward) Fagan.

Arthur Donaldson Smith
Publication details: 
25 January 1895; Barre.

American physician and explorer of Africa (1866-1939). The recipient was Assistant Secretary at the Natural History Museum, London. One page, 12mo. Good, on slightly discoloured paper, and with remains of stub still neatly attached to one edge. A significant letter, sent on the eve of Donaldson Smith's most notable expedition. 'Just a line in haste to tell you I & Dodson [a taxidermist engaged for the expedition] are ready to start for Rudolph Gillitt [another taxidermist] having left for England after hearing of his father's death.

[Polo in Kenya; mimeograph or similar] The Rules of Polo revised to date with Regulations for Governing Handicap as adopted by the Hurlingham Club. || Price - one shilling. WITH: manuscript discussion of polo strokes

[Polo; G.B. Rimington, District Commissioner, Kenya]
Publication details: 
No place or date [1930s?]

Ten pages, sm. folio, green paper covers, with title label as above, stapled (sl. rusty), covers slightly marked. contents foxed but clear. From the regulation height of ponies to handicapping. WITH: Manuscript, 5pp., 8vo, stapled to inside cover of the Rules, printed heading "MEMO || From Capt. G.B. Rimington, M.C. | Box 1884, NAIROBI", commencing "If No. 1 gets ball at roll[?] in No 2 to Back | If No 2 or 3 get ball No 1 goes to back [..., concluding] No. 3|| Must be well mounted. He is half back assisiting his forward in attack & helping his back in defence".

[Captain G. P. Rimington, Hon. Representative, Royal Life Saving Society, Nairobi, Kenya.] Sixteen documents relating to his post, including five Typed Letters Signed from Chief Secretary Alwyn E. Briscoe, certificate, diploma, printed supplement.

[Captain G. P. Rimington, Hon. Representative, The Royal Life Saving Society, Nairobi, Kenya; Alwyn E. Briscoe, Chief Secretary; lifeguard; swimming]
Publication details: 
Most documents from The Royal Life Saving Society, Desborough House, 14 Devonshire Street, Portland Place, London. Between 1950 and 1963.

The documents include a printed 'Certificate of Thanks' from the RLSS, with facsimile signature of Earl Mountbatten of Burma, made out to 'Captain G. P. Rimington | Nyeri', and dated 1963; 1p., foolscap 8vo. Also present are five Typed Letters Signed from Alwyn E. Biscoe, Chief Secretary, to Rimington in Kenya. All on RLSS London letterhead, 2 May and 21 July 1950, and 16 February, 4 May and 19 June 1951. All 1p., 4to. The first two discussing 'the appointment of Mr. Tattersall as Hon. Representative for the Kisumu district' and Rimington's resignation as 'Hon.

Unsigned Typed Letter, with manuscript corrections, [from the ethnologist Brenda Zara Seligman] to J. H. Driberg, concerning his 'Didinga notes', and with references to 'Sligs' [her husband C. G. Seligman] and 'Edward' [E. E. Evans-Pritchard].

Brenda Zara Seligman (1883–1965) ethnologist and wife of Charles Gabriel Seligman (1873-1940)] [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946); Sir Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard (1902-1973), social anthropologist]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 16 October 1925.

6pp., 4to. Paginated 1-7, with page 6 missing, and a strip at the bottom of page 5 torn away, resulting in the loss of five lines of text. The letter ends 'Our garden is coming along too slowly. | All best salaams,'. It lacks a signature, but comes from the Driberg papers, and it is presumably Driberg who removed what was probably part of the text which dealt with personal matters.

Typed account, signed 'Anyanga' [J. H. Driberg], of a liaison with a Frenchwoman named Yvonne Beaubouchais in Marseille in 1915, titled 'L'Entente Cordiale'.

'Anyanga'; J. H. Driberg [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), social anthropologist and brother of flamboyant Labour MP Tom Driberg (1905-1976), Baron Bradwell]
Publication details: 
'From J. H. Driberg, 19, Dryden Chambers, W.1.' Undated [1920s?].

8pp., 4to. On eight leaves pinned together. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rust staining from pin. Apparently unpublished. Typed at head of first page: 'From J. H. Driberg, 19, Dryden Chambers, W.1.', above which, in manuscript: 'NL. N. 10 pt Miscellany'. Driberg is clearly the author: 'Anyanga' is a surname common in the area of Kenya in which he was based as a colonial offical. The first paragraph gives an indication of the tone of the piece: 'The War left me with one fragrant memory. Her name was Yvonne Beaubouchais, and the date was 1915.

Kenya Colony. Camera Studies No. 1. ['By kind permission of Mr. Martin Johnson and Mr. A. Blayney Percival.']

Martin Johnson; A. Blayney Percival [The East African Standard, Nairobi, Kenya Colony]
Kenya Colony. Camera Studies No. 1.
Publication details: 
[1920s?] 'Published, printed, and engraved by the East African Standard, Limited, Nairobi, Kenya Colony.
Kenya Colony. Camera Studies No. 1.

4to, 27 pp. Stitched with red thread. In original buff wraps, printed in red and black, with photograph of a Masai woman tipped in on front cover. Fair: slightly dog-eared, in worn wraps, with ownership inscription on front wrap. Printed on twenty-six leaves of art paper. Consisting of a covering page of text and 24 pp of captioned black-and-white photographs, two to each page, with two pages of advertisements at rear. Photographs of wildlife and members of the Meru, Masai, Wakamba, Samburu, Turkana, Waikikuyu tribes. Printed on rectos only, except for last page.

Unsigned Colonial Office duplicate copy of typed surrender between the British Trusts Association Limited, the Magadi Soda Company Limited, and His Most Gracious Majesty King George the Fifth.

Publication details: 

Folio bifoliate. 3 pages. In good condition, though somewhat grubby and with minor loss to one corner and some fraying to extremities. Supplemental document (to indenture of 16 May 1919) by which the Magadi Soda Company surrenders to the Crown the hereditaments and premises comprised in a lease to land at Kilindini on the Island of Mombasa in the Mombasa District of the Seyidie Province of the East Africa Protectorate. Neat Colonial Office accession stamp at foot of recto of first leaf, with 'DUPLICATE' stamped at head of same leaf.

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