[Offprint of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London.] Franco-American and Franco-British Relations. (Paper read on June 15th, 1926.)

M. André Siegfried [The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from "Journal of Royal Institute of International Affairs," September 1926.'

14pp., 8vo, paginated 225-238. Stitched pamphlet in grey printed wraps. Somewhat worn and aged, with pin hole passing through the pamphlet at head. Siegried's aim is to 'study as frankly as possible the spirit of Franco-American relations. Then - and this might look bold, as I am speaking to a British audience - I will try to analyse what I think is the spirit of Anglo-American relations.

Typed account, signed 'Anyanga' [J. H. Driberg], of a liaison with a Frenchwoman named Yvonne Beaubouchais in Marseille in 1915, titled 'L'Entente Cordiale'.

'Anyanga'; J. H. Driberg [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), social anthropologist and brother of flamboyant Labour MP Tom Driberg (1905-1976), Baron Bradwell]
Publication details: 
'From J. H. Driberg, 19, Dryden Chambers, W.1.' Undated [1920s?].

8pp., 4to. On eight leaves pinned together. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rust staining from pin. Apparently unpublished. Typed at head of first page: 'From J. H. Driberg, 19, Dryden Chambers, W.1.', above which, in manuscript: 'NL. N. 10 pt Miscellany'. Driberg is clearly the author: 'Anyanga' is a surname common in the area of Kenya in which he was based as a colonial offical. The first paragraph gives an indication of the tone of the piece: 'The War left me with one fragrant memory. Her name was Yvonne Beaubouchais, and the date was 1915.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Paul Blouët') in English to unnamed correspondent.

Max O'Rell' (Paul Blouet, 1848-1903), French humorous writer and journalist, Editor of the Paris 'Figaro'
Publication details: 
20 September 1893; 4 Bentinck Terrace, Regent's Park, London N.W.

One page, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper. Giving details of a proposed lecture. He was to have been in Salford, Manchester, but the dates have been changed. Can only offer two dates. '<?> the two years' <?> has been a huge success & a most interesting journey by which we have all benefited. I remember the Bolton audience with great pleasure. Kindly name the subject you choose. My fee: ten guineas as before.' Accompanied by magazine cutting of photographic portrait captioned 'M. PAUL BLOUET ("MAX O'RELL"), NEW EDITOR OF THE PARIS "FIGARO."

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