[John Roget [Jean Roget], Geneva-born pastor in London, father of Peter Mark Roget (of the ‘Thesaurus’) and brother-in-law of Sir Samuel Romilly.] Autograph Notebook in French, with apparently-original compositions and extracts from other authors.

John Roget [Jean Roget] (1751-1783), Geneva-born pastor of two French protestant churches in London, father of Thesaurus compiler Peter Mark Roget and brother-in-law of Sir Samuel Romilly (1757-1818)
Publication details: 
Undated, but probably started after 1773, and in part written after his arrival in London from Geneva in 1775.

See the entries in the Oxford DNB for his brother-in-law Sir Samuel Romilly and his son Peter Mark Roget, as well as Joshua Kendall’s 2008 biography of the latter, ‘The Man Who Made Lists’. From the Roget family papers, and certainly of later date than the two schoolboy commonplace books by Jean Roget offered separately. Roget is not named as the author, but the handwriting is his, and the spine bears the remains of a blue paper label with the words ‘MSS of the Rev. J. Ro[get]’ on it the same nineteenth-century hand (P. M. Roget's?) as the two commonplace books.

[John Roget [Jean Roget], Geneva-born protestant pastor in London, father of Thesaurus compiler Peter Mark Roget and brother-in-law of Sir Samuel Romilly.] Two childhood Autograph Commonplace Books (‘Livres d'Extraits’ and ‘Fruits de mes Lectures’).

John Roget [Jean Roget] (1751-1783), Geneva-born pastor of two French protestant churches in London, father of Thesaurus compiler Peter Mark Roget and brother-in-law of Sir Samuel Romilly (1757-1818)
Publication details: 
1766-1767 [Geneva]. Vol. 1: 27 June to 16 December 1766. Vol.2: Begun 17 December 1766.

See the entries in the Oxford DNB for his brother-in-law Sir Samuel Romilly and his son Peter Mark Roget, as well as Joshua Kendall’s 2008 biography of the latter, ‘The Man Who Made Lists’. The two items were commenced while Roget was a fifteen-year-old schoolboy in Geneva, and nine years before his 1775 emigration to London. The two volumes of the same dimensions, but not uniform. Vol.1: 179pp, small 4to. Vol.2: 146pp, small 4to. Both tight and internally in good condition, lightly aged, in worn card wraps, each with a different stencilled design on the covers.

[Family of Peter Mark Roget, compiler of the ?Thesaurus?.] Offprint paper by William de la Rive titled ?Pens?es Genevoises. [...] Fragments etraits des Papiers de Fran?ois Roget, Professeur a l?Academie de Gen?ve.? With signature of J. L. Roget.

William de la Rive [Fran?ois Roget, Professeur a l?Academie de Gen?ve; John Lewis Roget, son of Peter Mark Roget, compiler of the ?Thesaurus?]
Publication details: 
[Geneva, Switzerland.] Tir? de la Biblioth?que Universelle. Decembre 1860. Avec autorisation de la Direction.?

Information regarding the family of P. M. Roget are to be found in his entry in the Oxford DNB, and in Joshua Kendall?s 2008 biography of Roget, ?The Man Who Made Lists?. The present item is from the Roget family archive (other items from which are also offered for sale.) The full title is ?Pens?es Genevoises. Aper?us sur l?Ame, la Vie et la Soci?t?. Fragments etraits des Papiers de Fran?ois Roget, Professeur a l?Academie de Gen?ve.? 30pp, 8vo. Stitched. In plain blue paper wraps, carrying ownership inscription of ?John L. Roget. / Octr. 1885.? In fair condition, lightly worn and a little dogeared.

[Jean Louis Rieu, Commissioner in Sind.] Autograph Letter Signed, providing a reference for ‘Mr. Bhojraj M. Bhambhani’, son of his acquaintance ‘Mr. Mansing Ramsing’, Honorary Magistrate and ‘most loyal subject’.

Jean Louis Rieu (1872-1964), Commissioner in Sind between 1920 and 1925 [The Raj; British India; Bhojraj M. Bhambhani, son of Mansing Ramsing, and grandson of Diwan Ramsing]
Publication details: 
1 July 1922; on his letterhead as the Commissioner in Sind, Government House, Karachi.

Rieu was the son of Charles Pierre Henri Rieu (1820-1902) of Geneva, Keeper of Oriental Manuscripts at the British Museum, and elder brother of Emile Victor Rieu (1887-1972), both of whom have DNB entries. In 1947 he had privately printed (as’J. L. R.’) a ‘Chronicle of the Rieu Family now settled in England’. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice. Signed ‘J. L Rieu / Commissioner in Sind’. An nice sidelight on the workings of the Raj. He has been asked for a letter by ‘Mr. Mansing Ramsing’, on behalf of his son ‘Mr. Bhojraj M.

[Sir Charles Blagden, physician and scientist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Blagden') to Louis Odier, Genevan physician, regarding the sojourn in England of Jean-François Berger, and the changes in Geneva.

Sir Charles Blagden [Sir Charles Brian Blagden] (1748-1820), physician and scientist, Royal Society secretary [Louis Odier (1748-1817) and Jean-François Berger (1779-1833), physicians of Geneva]
Publication details: 
No place. 13 February 1810.

3pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the reverse of second leaf, which is addressed 'À Monsieur | Monsieur L. Odier | Docteur et Professeur en Médecine | à Genève.' He begins by expressing the 'great pleasure' he has felt in again seeing Odier's handwriting, and learning that he and his family are in good health.

[Presentation copy of offprint.] De l'Action du Magnétisme sur les Gaz traversées par des Décharges Électriques par MM. A. de la Rive et E. Sarasin

Auguste Arthur de la Rive (1801-1873), Professor of Physics at the Geneva Academy, Swiss physicist and pioneer in the field of electricity [Édouard Sarasin (1843-1917), Swiss physicist]
Publication details: 
'Communiqué à la Société de Physique et d'Histoire naturelle de Genève dans sa séance du 6 avril 1871.' ['Tiré des Archives des Sciences de la Bibliothèque Universelle. Mai 1871. Avec autorisation de la Direction.']

22pp., 8vo. Stitched and in brown printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, in chipped and damaged wraps with shelfmark. Unopened. In manuscript at head of front wrap: 'de la part des auteurs'. Scarce: no copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and only three copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Presentation copy of offprint.] Nouvelles Recherches sur les Propriétés des Courants Électriques Discontinus, et dirigés alternativement en sens contraires, par M. A. de la Rive, Professeur de Physique a l'Academie de Geneve.

Auguste Arthur de la Rive (1801-1873), Professor of Physics at the Geneva Academy, and pioneer in the field of electricity
Publication details: 
'(Extrait des Archives de l'Electricité, Supplément à la Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève.)' [1841.]

80pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. All but the first few leaves unopened. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with traces of the original blue wraps adhering at spine. In manuscript at head of title-page: 'hommage de l'auteur'. At the time of his death de la Rive's work was deemed by one obituarist ' indispensable for the scientific student of electricity', and the phrase was repeated in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Scarce: no copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and of the seven copies on OCLC WorldCat, five in Swiss libraries.

[Offprint.] Des Mouvements Vibratoires que déterminent dans les Corps, et essentiellement dans le fer, la transmission des courants électriques et leur action extérieure. Par Mr. le Professeur de la Rive.

Auguste Arthur de la Rive (1801-1873), Professor of Physics at the Geneva Academy, and pioneer in the field of electricity
Publication details: 
'(Extrait des Archives de l'Electricité, Supplément à la Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève.)'

35pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. All but the first few leaves unopened. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with traces of the original blue wraps adhering at spine. At the time of his death de la Rive's work was deemed by one obituarist ' indispensable for the scientific student of electricity', and the phrase was repeated in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Scarce: no copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and of the nine copies on OCLC WorldCat, eight in Swiss libraries.

Signed Typescript ('Austen Chamberlain'), an address of thanks for his re-election as Rector of the University of Glasgow.

Sir Austen Chamberlain [Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain] (1863-1937), English politician, Rector of the University of Glasgow
Publication details: 
Geneva, Sept. 14. 1926.'

On one side of a foolscap (32.5 x 20 cm) page. Eighteen lines. On aged and foxed paper with chipping at head and foot. Chamberlain was Rector between 1925 and 1928.

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