[Family of Peter Mark Roget, compiler of the ?Thesaurus?.] Offprint paper by William de la Rive titled ?Pens?es Genevoises. [...] Fragments etraits des Papiers de Fran?ois Roget, Professeur a l?Academie de Gen?ve.? With signature of J. L. Roget.
William de la Rive [Fran?ois Roget, Professeur a l?Academie de Gen?ve; John Lewis Roget, son of Peter Mark Roget, compiler of the ?Thesaurus?]
Publication details:
[Geneva, Switzerland.] Tir? de la Biblioth?que Universelle. Decembre 1860. Avec autorisation de la Direction.?
SKU: 24374
Information regarding the family of P. M. Roget are to be found in his entry in the Oxford DNB, and in Joshua Kendall?s 2008 biography of Roget, ?The Man Who Made Lists?. The present item is from the Roget family archive (other items from which are also offered for sale.) The full title is ?Pens?es Genevoises. Aper?us sur l?Ame, la Vie et la Soci?t?. Fragments etraits des Papiers de Fran?ois Roget, Professeur a l?Academie de Gen?ve.? 30pp, 8vo. Stitched. In plain blue paper wraps, carrying ownership inscription of ?John L. Roget. / Octr. 1885.? In fair condition, lightly worn and a little dogeared. One minor manuscript correction. Scarce, no copies traced on WorldCat, JISC or BnF.