[Sir Louis Blom-Cooper, barrister and campaigner for law reform.] Autograph Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, explaining his reservations with regards to writing a review.

Sir Louis Blom-Cooper (1926-2018), barrister and campaigner for law reform, a founder of Amnesty International who played a prominent part in the Hanratty murder case [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
17 January 1975; on letterhead of Goldsmith Building, Temple, EC4 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Dosse was the proprietor of Hansom Books, publishers of ‘Books and Bookmen’ and six other arts magazines. 1 p, 8vo. In good condition, folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Mr. Dossé’ (Dosse did not spell his name with an accent) and signed ‘Louis Blom-Cooper’ (the hyphen, if hyphen it is, consisting of a tiny dot). He is flattered by the request that he ‘contribute occasionally to Books & Bookmen’, and ‘in principle’ he is ‘very willing to review appropriate books’, having written ‘one or two reviews way back in the 1950s’.

[Joseph Jekyll, Regency politician and wit.] Autograph Letter Signed to George Agar-Ellis, on missing the 'Academy Dinner' by dining with the king; and manuscript copy of pun-laden account of ‘Bazaar in Mr Penn’s Garden for Charing Cross Hospital’.

Joseph Jekyll (1754-1837), Welsh lawyer, Whig politician and wit, Master in Chancery and Solicitor-General to the Prince of Wales [George James Welbore Agar-Ellis, 1st Baron Dover]
Publication details: 
Letter written on 'Sunday Morning'

The first item is fairly witty, while the second exhibits the sort of ‘excruciating puns’ for which Jekyll is, according to his entry in the Oxford DNB, largely remembered. See also Agar-Ellis’s entry in the same work. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Letter of ‘Sunday Morning’ to ‘Dear Ellis’. 2pp, 12mo. Signed ‘Joseph Jekyll’. Folded twice. Minuted by recipient at head of first page: ‘May 1825 / Jekyll’.

[ Samuel Brandram, Victorian reciter from Shakespeare. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml Brandram') to Luther Munday, Secretary of the Old Lyric Club, describing his poor health and recent operation.

Samuel Brandram (1824-1892), barrister noted for his public recitations from Shakespeare, co-foumder of the Oxford Dramatic Society [ Luther Munday (1857-1922), Secretary of the Old Lyric Club ]
Publication details: 
Richmond. 5 August 1888.

According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, Brandram - founder with Frank Talfourd of the Oxford Dramatic Society - 'was remembered as the most distinguished Shakespearian reciter of the period, influencing the productions of William Poel, and through his popular recitations familiarized middle-class families with Shakespeare'. 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, with unobtrusive repair of closed tear with archival tape.

[ Arthur Joseph Munby, diarist and poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. J. Munby') to the bookseller Bertram Dobell, regarding two lost postal orders.

A. J. Munby [ Arthur Joseph Munby ] (1828-1910), diarist, poet and barrister obsessed with women in service [ Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), bookseller and literary scholar ]
Publication details: 
Ripley, Sussex. 23 September 1894.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter concerns two missing postal orders, regarding which Munby reports that he has made enquiries with 'the Ripley postmaster'. He discusses the question, giving the numbers of the postal orders, and writes: 'The postmaster tells me that, as the Orders were crossed, the G. P. O. will (unless by any chance the Orders have been cashed) repay the £1. 4.

[ Lincoln's Inn, 1858. ] Material relating to the calling to the bar of Richard Harington (later 11th Baronet), including bill and receipt from 'The Honorable Society', 'Copy of Order', notices, correspondence from the robe maker and wig maker

Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington, 11th Baronet (1835–1911) [ Michael Doyle, Steward, Lincoln's Inn; Joseph Ede, robe maker; Burton Ravenscroft and J. R. Metherell, wig makers; ]
Publication details: 
Lincoln's Inn [ London ]. 1858.

10 items. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. All but the last in manuscript. ONE: 'Copy of Order on Call to the Bar', Lincoln's Inn, 'Dated Michas Term 1858.' 1p., 8vo. Signed at foot 'Ml Doyle | Steward.' Reads: 'At a Special Council there held the Sixteenth day of November, in the Twenty second year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, and in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight.

[ Edward Marjoribanks, biographer of Sir Edward Marshall Hall. ] Fine piece of calligraphy, on vellum, from the Marshall Hall papers: Marjoribanks's poem on Hall, 'A Great Advocate'

Edward Marjoribanks (1900-1932), barrister and Conservative MP, biographer of the distinguished advocate Sir Edward Marshall Hall (1858-1927)
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [ London, 1927, 1928 or 1929. ]

On one side of a 20 x 15 cm piece of vellum. Main text in black ink. Sonnet titled 'A Great Advocate', with author's name 'Edward Marjoribanks' at foot. From the papers of Sir Edward Marshall Hall, and presumably produced for his widow, possibly by the author. (Hall's widow is said to have claimed that on reading this poem he appeared to her in a vision - the Halls were keen spiritualists - directing that Marjoribanks write his biography. The book was published in 1929.) Title, capitals of octave and sestet, and author's name in red ink. In very good condition.

[ Pamphlet. ] Socialism: Past, Present, Future.

William M. Thompson of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law
Publication details: 
'London: Published by William Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, E.C. Where may be had Books and Pamphlets on Social and Political Questions.' Undated [ circa 1890 ].

31 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, on aged paper, with some leaves separating. The fourth and last chapter is a piece of futurology, titled 'The Battle of London; Or, The Last Great Struggle Between the Classes and the Masses.' It begins: 'It was in the year 2000 that the masses took possession of London. For twenty years before they had been preparing.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Rise of English Democracy.

William M. Thompson of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law
Publication details: 
'London: Published by William Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, E.C. Where may be had Books and Pamphlets on Social and Political Questions.' Undated [ circa 1890 ].

24pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damage at margin of title leaf. He concludes by reviewing the events of the previous four years: 'From one end of the country to the other the workers have been in a state of ferment. Great and numerous strikes have taken place. For the first time a National Strike Federation has been attempted, and with gratifying evidences of success. Our relations with the workers abroad have become closer and more cordial. Slowly and painfully the son of man has been marching to victory.

[ John Fonblanque, author and whig politician. ] Autograph Memorandum, signed 'John: Fonblanque', regarding 'distinguishing Barons by Tenure from Barons by Writ'.

John Fonblanque [ John Anthony de Grenier Fonblanque ] (1759-1837), English author, whig politician and barrister
Publication details: 
Temple [ London ]. 7 March 1830.

2pp., 12mo. 55 lines of closely-written text, with a few minor emendations. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with 'John Fonblanque' in another hand at foot of first page. The document begins: 'I have been considering whether the Distinction that we notices this morning in the Description of the Heir sometimes as Lord & sometimes not may not fornish another Criticism for distinguishing Barons by Tenure from Barons by Writ'. He proceeds to argue the point learnedly.

[ Walter Sydney Sichel, historical biographer. ] Autograph Signature ('Walter S Sichel') on part of letter.

Walter S. Sichel [ Walter Sydney Sichel ] (1855-1933), English historical biographer biographer
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of 7 x 11 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a letter. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'It would be very good of you to append this short notice of a deserving measure. | Please forgive me trespassing on yr. time & good nature and believe me | Faithfully your's | Walter S Sichel'. For more information about Sichel, see his entry in Who Was Who.

Manuscript Fee Book of E. G. M. Carmichael, Worcestershire barrister and 29th Chief of the Clan Carmichael, covering over fifty years [1895-1947].

Evelyn George Massey Carmichael (1871-1959), 29th Chief of the Clan Carmichael, barrister at law of the Inner Temple and Worcestershire cricketer [Harrow; Oriel College, Oxford]
Publication details: 
In 'Partridge & Cooper's Improved Fee Book.' Entries dated from 1 January 1895 to June 1947.

4to, 168 pp. Text clear and complete, in a number of different hands. Internally tight, on lightly-aged paper. In loose buff calf half-binding, with the front of the green cloth boards stamped in gilt with 'FEE BOOK [in scroll] | E. G. M. CARMICHAEL'. Every opening in a spread of seven columns across the two pages: Date, Solicitor, Name of Cause or Matter, Description, Fee, When paid, Remarks. Giving a rounded picture of the activities of a well-connected provincial solicitor. (Represented Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin - another Worcestershire man, M.P.

[John William Mellor, Recorder of Grantham.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno. Mellor') to fellow-barrister Samuel Danks Waddy, regarding a 'Slave circular', 'a new opportunity for Grantham', the Cust family, and the North-Eastern Circuit.

John William Mellor (1835-1911), English barrister, both Recorder of Grantham and Liberal Member of Parliament for that place [Samuel Danks Waddy (1830-1902), barrister and Liberal M.P.]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 16 Sussex Square, Hyde Park, W. [London] 4 February 1876.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly worn and aged, with minor trace of mount on second leaf. Waddy's letter 'fortifies' his own opinions, and he would 'certainly not neglect a new opportunity for Grantham which is manifestly attended with real uncertainty owing to the local influence of the Custs'. He feels that rather than being 'given up', Grantham should be 'seriously attended to'. He next endorses the North-Eastern circuit: 'each place is good!

[John Bell of Lincoln's Inn.] Part of document giving his legal opinion in a cause, written out by a clerk, and signed and dated by him.

John Bell (1764-1836) of Lincoln's Inn, English barrister
Publication details: 
Lincoln's Inn. 14 March 1828.

Bell's entry in the Oxford DNB records that 'In conversation with the prince regent (later George IV), Lord Chancellor Eldon was said to have described Bell as the best lawyer then at the equity bar, though he could "neither read, write, walk, nor talk": Bell was lame, spoke with a broad Westmorland accent, the effect of which was heightened by a confirmed stammer, and wrote in a hand never more than barely legible.

Autograph Manuscript Signed ('Montague Smith') by Edward Montague Smith [later Sir Edward Montague Smith], Member of Parliament for Truro, giving his legal opinion on a property dispute for Thomas B. Knight of Lime Street, London, and Cox of Honiton.

Sir Montague Smith [Sir Montague Edward Smith, PC, QC] (1806-1891), British barrister and judge, one of the last Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, and Conservative MP for Truro, 1859-1865
Publication details: 
Temple [Inns of Court, London]. 9 December 1862.

1p., 4to (31 x 32 cm). 26 lines, signed at end 'Montague Smith | Temple | 9 Dec 1862'. In fair condition, on lighly-aged paper, with minor damp damage to one edge. Docketed on reverse '1862 | Case for the Opinion of Mr. Montague Smith', with 'Took 3 Gu[ine]as' (Smith's fee) and initials in another hand. At foot, in a third hand: 'Thomas B. Knight | 34 Lime Street | City. E.6.', and beneath this, in a fourth 'Cox | Honiton'.

Autograph Letter Signed "Saml Romilly" to unnamed correspondent [Hans Francis Hastings. See note below, re. claim to peerage].

Sir Samuel Romilly, law reformer and advocate (1757-1818).
Publication details: 
Tanhurst nr Dorking, 5 Oct. 1817.

Three pages, 12mo. Good only: some staining but text clear and complete. He's been away and so has only just received his correspondent's letter. He continues: "It is impossible for me to give you any information as to the probable amount of the Expence of presenting your claim to the Earldom of Huntingdon before the House of Lords. As however the pedigree is a very long one & the attendance of many witnesses with the original parish Registers will be necessary I apprehend that it must be very considerable.

[Broadsheet; list] Counsel on the Oxford Circuit

[Oxford Legal Circuit, c.1938]
Publication details: 
Undated but C.F. Lloyd was Clerk c.1838 re." The British Imperial Calendar and Civil Service List"" (1938).

Broadsheet, c. 42 x 52cm, fold marks, punch-holes (minor textual loss), some foxing in margins, 3 " closed tear (no textual loss), three columns of names inc. R. Stafford Cripps, six women, total more than 50 names, plus officers (e.g. Clerk of Assize, C.F. Lloyd).

Autograph Letter Signed from Jeremy Bentham's amanuensis Richard Doane to the French revolutionary Marc-Antoine Jullien at Paris, conveying information about Bentham, the Earl of Shelburne and E. Dumont; with list of works sent to Jullien by Bentham.

Richard Doane (1805-1848), barrister and amanuensis and editor of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832); Marc-Antoine Jullien (1775-1848), protégé of Robespierre; Pierre Étienne Louis Dumont (1759-1829)]
Publication details: 
Queen's Square Place, Westminster; 14 November 1825.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip from mount adhering to margin of verso of second leaf, which is addressed to 'Mr. M. A. Jullien de Paris.' Printed slip from nineteenth-centrury catalogue describing the item laid down on first leaf. Doane begins 'My dear Sir, | Through the medium of M. George (whom I have had the pleasure of seeing since I wrote you last) I send de la part de M. Bentham the following works'. A list of thirteen items follows, from 'Christomathia 2 vols' to 'European Magazine for April 1823'. 'Those which are marked thus * Mr. B. wd.

A Handbook for High Bailiffs & Bailiffs of County Courts

Joseph Craven of the Middle Temple, and of the North-Eastern Circuit Barrister-at-Law.
A Handbook  for High Bailiffs
Publication details: 
London, 1887
A Handbook  for High Bailiffs

pp.xviii, 102, red cloth gt, minor rubbing, staining of endpapers, mainly good condition+ COPAC lists copies at Oxford and the NLS.

4 Autograph Letters Signed to his barrister, Richard Williams of Lincoln's Inn Field.

Lieutenant General Sir Charles Hastings
Publication details: 
22 April 1802, 24 November 1803, 26 December 1803, and 'Wednesday'; all from Harley Street.

English soldier, father of Frank Abney Hastings (1794-1828; DNB). The condition of these items is not good: the paper being discoloured, brittle and flaking. A series of intemperate communications. Letter 1 is one page, 8vo, of a bifoliate addressed and docketed on the reverse of the second leaf. It reads: 'I have taken a copy of the enclosed, which I send you, that you may get it written fairly, and signed. I shall be easier when it is done'. Letter 2 is 1 page, 8vo, with the remains of the second leaf of the bifoliate docketed.

Autograph letter signed to J. F. Ellis,

John Leycester Adolphus
Publication details: 
10 December [no year], no place.

Barrister and author (1795-1862). One page, 12mo. "Dear Ellis, / Doe v.

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