[ Queensland Bureau of Industry, Brisbane, Australia. ] 'Specimen Issue' of printed 'Review of Economic Progress'
5pp., 4to., with the last page a double-page fold-out on card, mainly comprising a table. Unbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Stamp of the Leplay House Library in the top right-hand corner. 'SPECIMEN ISSUE' printed in the top left-hand corner of the first page. The full article is titled 'International Comparisons of the Purchasing Power of Money', with headings: 'Sources of Data on Prices', 'Other Sources', 'Re-Calculation of Purchasing Power of the £ in I.U., 1938', 'International Comparisions of the Purchasing Power of Money, 1946-47'. Full-page table on p.3: 'International Comparisions of the Purchasing Power of Money, 1929'. Small table at foot of p.4: 'Re-Calculation of Purchasing Power of the £ in I.U., 1938'. Large table covering most of the fold-out p.5: 'International Comparisions of the Purchasing Power of Money, 1946-47'.