[Joan Barry, British film actress who worked with Alfred Hitchcock in the early days of the ‘talkies’.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph.

Joan Barry [born Ina Florence Marshman Bell] (1903-1989), British film actress, who worked with Alfred Hitchcock and was mother of the Duchess of Bedford
Publication details: 
No date or place (1920s or early 1930s).

Sepia portrait on 10 x 15 cm photographic print, on card. In good condition, lightly aged. Good bold inscription across foot: ‘Best wishes / Joan Barry’. A soft-toned head-and-shoulders portrait of a Marcel-waved Barry, staring dreamily to the left, with pursed made-up lits, in a sleeveless white gown with pearls and bracelet, left hand to chin and right hand supporting left elbow. Scan on application.

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