[Lord Fitzroy Somerset, later Lord Raglan.] Secretarial Letter, Signed by him, regarding the application to purchase a commission by Captain Thomas Monck Wilson, 59th Foot, on behalf of his son Charles.

Lord Fitzroy Somerset, latterly Lord Raglan [Field Marshal FitzRoy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan], Private Secretary to the Duke of Wellington, commander of British troops in the Crimean War
Publication details: 
'Horse Guards [Whitehall, London] / 1st August 1846'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper with nicks and small closed tears to extremities. Addressed to ‘Thos. M. Wilson Esqre / the Captain 59 foot’, and signed ‘Fitzroy Somerset’. The document is in a secretarial hand, only the signature being in Somerset’s autograph.

[ Lord Raglan, British commander during the Crimean War. ] Autograph Signature ('Fitzroy Somerset') as frank on front of envelope addressed by him to Lt-Col. Richard Jones of the Royal Horse Artillery.

Lord Raglan [ FitzRoy Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan; Lord FitzRoy Somerset ] (1788-1855), British army officer, commander during the Crimean War
Publication details: 
'Dover December twenty six 1845'.

On one side of 7.5 x 12 cm piece of paper cut from front panel of envelope. Postmarked 'Shooters Hill | Penny Post'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Laid out in the customary fashion, all in his hand, and reading: 'Dover December twenty six | 1845 | Lt. Colonel Richd Jones | R Horse Artillery | Woolwich | Kent | Fitzroy Somerset'.

[ Commander Augustus Jacob, RN. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Augustus Jacob') to his brother 'Gay', one written from Balaclava Harbour during the Crimean War, the second describing an action he was involved in with cossacks and field guns.

Commander Augustus Jacob (1839-1893), RN [ The Crimean War; FitzRoy Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan ]
Publication details: 
First letter [from Balaclava Harbour in the Crimea ] on board HMS Leopard, 12 December 1854. Second letter on board HMS Excellent, 7 December 1859.

Jacob was one of the ten children (seven sons) of Archdeacon Philip Jacob (1803-1884). Both items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 'HMS Leopard | Dec 12th. 1854'. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. To 'My dearest Brother'. The fifteen-year-old Jacob has a shaky grasp of spelling and punctuation.

[Fitzroy Somerset, Lord Raglan.] Secretarial Letter, signed 'Fitzroy Somerset', informing 'Ensign Bickerstaff' [Robert Bickerstaff] that he may purchase a lieutenancy in the 64th Foot Regiment.

Field Marshal Fitzroy Somerset [FitzRoy James Henry Somerset], 1st Baron Raglan [Lord Raglan] (1788-1855), British commander in Crimean War [Lt-Col. Robert Bickerstaff (d.1894), 6th Dragoon Guards]
Publication details: 
Horse Guards [London]. 18 November 1846.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Raglan signs and addresses Bickerstaff at the foot of the letter, otherwise it is in a secretarial hand. It reads: 'Horse Guards | 18 November 1846 | Sir, | I am directed by The Commander in Chief [the Duke of Wellington] to acquaint you, that, on your lodging the Sum of £250 - in the hands of Messrs. Cox & Co of Craigs Court His Grace will submit your name to Her Majesty for the purchase of a Lieutenancy in the 64th Foot - | I have the honor to be, | Sir, | Your humble Servant, | Fitzroy Somerset | Ensign Bickerstaff | 64th Foot'.

[Lieutenant-Colonel John Vandeleur, 10th Royal Hussars.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Military Secretary FitzRoy Somerset [Raglan]l, re. an application from one of his adjutants named Gladstone. Docketed with Autograph Note on subject by Somerset.

Colonel John Vandeleur (c.1793-1864) of the 10th Hussars, Aide de Camp to General Sir John Ormsby Vandeleur (1763-1849) in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo [Lord Fitzroy Somerset (1788-1855)]
Publication details: 
Dorchester. 17 May 1839.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Green date stamp of the Commander in Chief's Office. Docketed on reverse of second leaf with barely legible note by Somerset (he had had to learn to write with his left hand after losing his right arm at Waterloo), beginning 'Inform Messrs Cox of the intention'. Vandeleur considers that it 'would be a very great Indulgence to Mr. Gladstone to allow him the indulgence he asks provided it can be done without inconvenience to the Service'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Raglan') from Fitzroy Richard Somerset, 4th Baron Raglan [Lord Raglan] to fellow anthropologist J. H. Driberg, regarding a proposed stay at Trinity College, Cambridge.

FitzRoy Richard Somerset (1885-1964), 4th Baron Raglan [Lord Raglan], President, Royal Anthropological Society [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University,1934-42
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Cefntilla Court, Usk, Monmouthshire. 11 October 1938.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Having been 'very comfortable' at Trinity College, Cambridge, as a guest of Bernard Thomas, Raglan thinks it will be 'very pleasant' to stay there again. He gives details of his proposed itinerary, makes suggestions regarding his motor-car, and accepts an invitation to 'dine in Hall'.

Secretarial Letter Signed ('FitzRoy Somerset') from Lord FitzRoy Somerset [later 1st Baron Raglan] to Lieutenant [Christopher Bernard] Martin, 60th Regiment of Foot.

FitzRoy Somerset (1788-1855), 1st Baron Raglan [Lord FitzRoy Somerset; Lord Raglan; General Rowland Hill (1772-1842), 1st Viscount Hill of Almaraz; 60th Regiment of Foot (King's Royal Rifle Corps)]
Secretarial Letter Signed ('FitzRoy Somerset') from Lord FitzRoy Somerset
Publication details: 
29 September 1832; Horse Guards [Whitehall, London].
Secretarial Letter Signed ('FitzRoy Somerset') from Lord FitzRoy Somerset

Folio, 1 p. On bifolium. Docketed on reverse of second leaf. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Martin having written to him on 16 September, 'renewing [his] application to be permitted to retire with the Rank and Half pay of Captain', Somerset is 'directed by the General Commanding in Chief [Rowland Hill, 1st Viscount Hill]' to acquaint Martin 'that His Lordship can only repeat the Substance of the communication which I was desired to address to Mr. Daly on the 4th. Instant on the same subject, viz - that it is wholly out of Lord Hill's power to comply with your request'.

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