[Hamo Thornycroft [Sir William Hamo Thornycroft, RA.], sculptor of the statue of Oliver Cromwell outside Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Mrs Allingham? [Helen Allingham, watercolourist and illustrator], regarding ?cards for RA?.

Sir Hamo Thornycroft [Sir William Hamo Thornycroft, RA] (1850-1925), sculptor of statue of Oliver Cromwell outside Parliament [Helen Allingham (n?e Paterson; 1848-1926); Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo]
Hamo Thornycroft
Publication details: 
?22 Ja? [no year]. On letterhead of ?One-Oak, / 10, Redington Road, / Hampstead. N.W.? [London]
Hamo Thornycroft

See the entries on Thornycroft and Allingham in the Oxford DNB. The letterhead is also of interest: 'One-Oak' is a notable example of the work of the Arts and Crafts architect A. H. Mackmurdo. 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with traces of mount adhering to blank reverse. Folded twice. Initial ?H? of signature slightly smidged. Reads: ?Dear Mrs Allingham / I have only [?] got your note. / I enclose two cards for RA. Hoping to see you there / Yours very sincerely / Hamo Thornycroft?. See Image.

[ Charles Croke, Gresham Professor of Rhetoric. ] Autograph Signature ('Ch: Croke:') and seal to receipt of one thousand pounds from his brother, against Cannon Court Farm, Chilton, Bucks. Witnessed by John Weekes and signed by Nathaniel Hoban.

Charles Croke (d.1657), clergyman and third Gresham Professor of Rhetoric, schoolmaster and cleric, son of Sir John Croke (1553-1620), Speaker of the House of Commons [ Court of Chancery, London ]
Publication details: 
[ Court of Chancery, London. ] 10 January 1643.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on an aged and worn bifolium. The document, in a Chancery hand, has been written out by the witness John Weekes. It reads: 'Received the Tenth day of January Anno dni 1643. of my brother John Croke the Sume of one thousand pounds of lawfull money of England wch. sume of one thousand pounds was given me by my ffather Sr. John Croke late of Chilton in the Contie of Bucks Knight, and for the true paymt.

The Government of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, & Ireland, And the Dominion thereto belonging [continued below]

[ Oliver Cromwell ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed, by William du-Gard, and Henry Hills, Printers to His Highness the Lord Protector. MDCLIII (1653).

[title continued] "As it was publickly declared at Westminster the 16. day of December 1653 . . . OLIVER LORD PROTECTOR of the said Common-wealth, took a Solemn Oath for observing the same." Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), G1456F ; Thomason, E.1063[5] Signatures: E2 F-L² chi¹. Issued separately and possibly also as part of a through-paged set. The last leaf bears "The oath taken by His Highness Oliver Cromwel, Lord Protector" signed (printed): O. Cromwell.

[ Sidney Morgan, English film director ] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow film-director Percy Nash, regarding the British Association of Film Directors and the 'great fight to obtain The Quota'.

Sidney Morgan (1874-1946), English film director, who acted for Alfred Hitchcock [ [ Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), film director and dramatist; Cinematograph Films Act of 1927 ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Association of Film Directors, The Players Club, Denman Street, London. 30 May 1927.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Nash is named on the letterhead as the Association's president, and Morgan as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. The letter begins: Dear Percy / | For various reasons we did not get a largely attended meeting on Friday, but the better feeling between members seems still to grow.' Nash's 'protracted illness' has clearly necessitated his stepping down as president, and '[a]fter considerable discussion it was decided to ask Pearson & Elvey [i.e. George Pearson (1875-1973) and Maurice Elvey (1887-1967)] to be President & Vice with myself to continue'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Killing no Murder, Briefly Discours'd, In Three Questions, fit for Publick View, To Deter and Prevent Tyrants from Usurping Supreme Power. [...]. Now Reprinted, and Address'd to the French King.

'Writ by Col. Titus, under the Name of William Allen, and Dedicated to Oliver Cromwel.' [ Louis XIV of France, 'the Sun King' ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed, and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1708.

Full title: 'Killing no Murder, Briefly Discours'd, In Three Questions, fit for Publick View, To Deter and Prevent Tyrants from Usurping Supreme Power. Writ by Col. Titus, under the Name of William Allen, and Dedicated to Oliver Cromwel. Now Reprinted, and Address'd to the French King.' 28pp., small 4to. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight damage to last few leaves, affecting text. The original version was published in 1657, and advocated the assassination of Oliver Cromwell. Six copies on COPAC. Now scarce.

[Booklet] Extracts from Constitutional Documents and other sources illustrative of the reigns of the Early Stuarts (1603-1660)

[The Early Stuarts]
Publication details: 
"Printed for Private Circulation", Durham: Charles Thwaites, Printer and Stationer, 10, Market Place, 1902

37 leaves, paginated on rectos (from 3.), versos (blank) headed "Notes", 8vo, beige printed wraps, spotted, fold mark at middle, back sl. grubby, spine worn at top and bottom, contents good. Shelf-mark apparentlyin manuscript top of front wrap. Also addition ot date spane "?1642". No other copy recorded on COPAC or WorldCat.

[Contemporary MS copy; electoral problems] "Mandamus from Oliver Cromwell to Major Haynes"

[Oliver Cromwell, Protector] Oliver P.
Publication details: 
Whitehall, 4 December 1655

One page, 13 x 19cm,small chip at base losing the "o" of "for", mainly good condition. Text printed in Strutt's "The History and Descryption of Colchester", pp.9-10 [Googlebook "Major Haynes Colchester"], and other material relating to the history of Colchester (Thomas Cromwell etc), with minor variants ("uncapable" for "unable", "directions" for "direction", "Mayor" for "mayor"). "Oliver P | There having been of late several complaints from the Antient Aldermen [...] Colchester [...] Given at Whitehall ye 4th December 1655. For Major Haynes."

Manuscript Interrogatories in a law suit over Colonel Nicholas Shuttleworth's alleged abuse of Richard Greene, with claims that he has beaten him, cheated his estate and taken his wife as mistress. With transcript and letter by William Beamont.

William Beamont (c.1797-1889) of Orford Hall, antiquary and first Mayor of Warrington [Sir Nicholas Shuttleworth; Richard Greene [Grene]; Richard Green of St Martin's in the Fields]
Publication details: 
1653. Beamont's letter and transcript both 15 March 1878, the letter on letterhead of Orford Hall, Warrington.

1p., 4to. On a piece of watermarked laid paper. Aged, and with chipping and loss along the fold lines, which have been repaired on the reverse with (nineteenth-century?) tape. The words 'Cromwells Protector' in a later hand at the head of the reverse, which is otherwise blank. Accompanied by a autograph transcript (3pp., foolscap 8vo) by Beamont, 'Copied from the original Mar. 15, 1878', and an Autograph Letter (2pp., 12mo) from him to 'Miss Blackburne', on letterhead of Orford Hall, Warrington, also dated 15 March 1878. Beamont begins his letter: 'I return your paper with a transcript.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edw. Foss') from Edward Foss, author of 'The Judges of England', regarding the prosecutor of King Charles I, John Cook [Cooke], Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth. With page of extracts on Cook by the recipient.

Edward Foss (1787-1870), legal writer and biographer, under-sheriff of London, 1827-1828 [John Cook [John Cooke] (c.1608-1660, Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth, prosecutor of King Charles I]
Publication details: 
Churchill House, Dover [Kent]. 15 December 1863.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium, with Foss's letter (33 lines) on both sides of the first leaf, and the page of extracts by the recipient (38 lines) on the recto of the second leaf. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with one corner of the first leaf cut away. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Sir', without any indication of the recipient's identity.

[Pamphlet] His Majesties Declaration to All His loving Subjects, December 26, 1662.

[Charles II]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty

14pp., fol,disbound, staining and foxing, mainly outer leaves, front page partly detached, some chipping not affecting text. He outlines his proposed measures to mend the country.

Anonymous Manuscript, apparently unpublished, docketed: 'Copie of a Letter to Sr Philip Warwick [secretary to King Charles I] assisting at the Treatie at the Isle of Wight Oct: 17th 1648', written a few months before the king's trial and execution.

[Sir Philip Warwick (1609-1683), secretary to King Charles I; Isle of Wight, 1648; English Civil War]
Sir Philip Warwick (1609-1683), secretary to King Charles I
Publication details: 
[Seventeenth-century. Docketed date of copied document 17 October 1648.]
Sir Philip Warwick (1609-1683), secretary to King Charles I

Folio, 3 pp. Bifolium. Printed on laid, watermarked paper. Around thirty-four lines to the page. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with loss to one corner (not affecting text). Reverse of second leaf docketed, and with thin strip from mount adhering at fold. Written in a neat seventeenth-century hand, with a number of emendations (including a deletion of three lines) suggesting that this copy was made by the anonymous author himself.

The Declaration Of his Highnesse Prince Charles, To All His Majesties loving Subjects, concerning the grounds and ends of His present Engagement upon the Fleet in the Downs. With His Highnesse Letter to The Lord Major, Aldermen, [...].

King Charles II of Great Britain [The Downs Mutiny, 1648; King Charles I; the English Civil War; Oliver Cromwell; Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
London: ['Printed in the Yeare, 1648.']

Title continues: '[...] Aldermen, and Common Councell of the City of London.' 4to: 8 pp, paginated [ii] + 6. Trimmed (leaf dimensions roughly 165 x 135 mm) causing loss of the last line of text (the publication details beneath the word 'LONDON') on the title. Stitched as issued. Unbound. In poor condition, on aged, spotted and creased paper, with chipping to extremities and with the lower part of the last leaf torn away causing loss of around a dozen lines of text. A few lines in a contemporary hand on the first couple of leaves.

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